Friday, 10 February 2012

Ciphering the Babbling Rabble

As the restructuring of the economy begins the need for diversions, escapism and other methods to hypnotise the masses with banal drivel and entertainment is paramount.  For "UK homes are under the hammer of austerity" and will continue to feel its lasting effects long into the future generations which the government will fail. More cuts to public services, education, health care, policing et al is state endorsed euthanasia. Exacerbated by the rapacious energy providers that demand an unsustainable, unjustifiable and unethical increase profits year on year as forecast by avaricious shareholders. Notwithstanding the amount of corporation tax and duty the treasury receives which is vital but for a developed nation such reliance in the long term is a detriment.

Securing our claim to resources that are so abundant and in high demand especially to the development of developing nations, is the old imperial game. Re-branded to obfuscate the current generation and so how do you materialise and sustain these energy projections. By reordering and re-establish the eastern protectorates before the far east or Russia does so. Using the their disaffected and restless young to instigate a putsch and secure our trust for we are bust. Winters are becoming more colder the population more older and the corporations more bolder.

Boozie Floozie

liquor store on the corner
consume our hopes and dreams
fill our nights with screams
what for you there
to create despair

Facile Media

tried by media
feed the hysteria
words distorted
image contorted
media jingoistic
words sensationalistic
reasons simplistic
contemptibly linguistic
public pessimistic

Laugh & Cry

jester and the fool
share the same stool
began philosophical duel
about government misrule
am i not a tool
used like a mule
and sick of gruel
said the laughing fool
and i like to pester
in their minds fester
said the sneering jester
i sense something sinister
eyes the minister
another maladminister
yes a bamboozler
and an embezzler

Capitalist rejected the free market and accepted the communist casket. The corporate pirate is a rapacious rat. Placate the poor with another foreign tour, Vikings (NATO) by sea to plunder and enslave thee. The war of words does smell like turds. We need these fuels to sustain our rule and move our cars, planes and tanks, to heat our homes, cities and state. We are a piece without a name enjoy the game. Orchestrated calls and facile scripted narratives the media fails to be objective or investigative.

If you treat the place you live like shit then don't be surprised the service you get is shit and those that represent you are shit and things only get shitter and you even more bitter.

Feeling  Plucky

they were told
not to hold
or even fold
they act bold
now we sold
take this load
in the cold
we are doled

Bankers Banquet

reforms derisory
deliberately cursory
debt compulsory
speculators profiteering
bankers racketeering
government domineering
poor cantankerous
and rancorous
feeling ominous
new legislation
quell frustration
social manipulation
time austere
agent provacteer
poison youth ear
fear sustained
voices restrained
control regained


the troubles
the heartache
the pain
the game
the quarrels
the injustice
the violence
the lies
with alcohol
with drugs
with sex
with sports
with music
with books
with cinema
with food
think of the purveyors of these pestilent conditions, products and services purported as solution whilst the profiteering elite families assist the brethren in high places.


Economics, imperialism, statecraft, geopolitics, national security, national interest all euphemisms for foreign natural resources gas, oil, diamonds, gold, copper et al precious metals and minerals that we demand as our right to sustain our unknown plight for which we fight.

Eyes Wide Shut

Thursday, 2 February 2012

Pirates of the Arabean

Dirty Oil

Do Not Spoil
Or Even Foil
Flow Of Oil
Else Yee Toil
And Nation Boil
Blood Stained Soil
Keep Thee Loyal

If after all the sacrifices and potential calamities that have afflicted the middle east, there is finally a stronger, coherent, accountable, transparent, consistent, reliable and crucially unified arab league then all was not in vain. Maybe the remaining despots in the region will now recognise the error of their ways. Restructured governments in the region with new institutions that are truly democratic, transparent and accountable to all sectors of society is needed. As for the zealotry dynasties with allegiances to their resource dependent foreign landlords that overlook injustices and crimes committed by them as to safeguard their illegitimate roles.

However on the deliberately tortuous and arduous road to peace or progress depending upon the instigator or instigated (i.e. Gulf head of Arab League yet it has no democratic institutions or government) while these voices call for imminent change in some states yet hypocritically demand patience in their own troubled societies. That all depends on whether your a good customer of the west or east by demonstrating your commitment to democracy,freedom is defined by business not law or ethics.

Free market capitalism especially when it comes to buying superfluous and redundant military arms, crafts and vehicles that gather dust in hangers only used to oppress freedoms and democratic needs of the people. Now the long term deals are signed and trillions of dollars is secured to safeguard the ignorant plebs working 9 to 5 paying that tax, feeding and breeding the next generation to be sent as cannon fodder and fight the next bad man in a foreign land so we can justify our military industry and test new weapons of mass destruction, the cycle is endless and soulless.

For we have no natural resource only prophets in death and destruction that sustain our profits and us in our old age with pensions. Every five to ten years a generation needs a war to keep the torments in their memories to be passed down to their brainwashed and ignorant children that follow like sheep to the slaughter like their father, son and daughter. Reward with a piece of scrap metal to pin on their chest despite missing limbs the warmongering politicians divest, this the oldest game.

Cui Bono ?

Political Families (Breed, Feed, School, Rule Generations)
Media (Advertising, Inbeded Scribes)
Defence Contractors (Homeland Security Budget etc.)
Security Agencies (Blackwater etc)
Military Industrial Complex (Manufacture/Training/Research/Testing/Trade)
Oil Corporations (U.S/UK/Dutch/French/Russian/Saudi etc)
Gas Corporations (Gulf/Russian etc)
Foreign Policy Objectives (G8)
Nato Objectives (Pillaging Vikings aka Corporations Private Militia)

We gain nothing but taxes, servitude and cuts to public services, do you see we are not worthy.


The middle east is used and abused again and again like a whore chained in a cellar to entertain the friends of her fella. What they need is a future not strife or conflict for they like we are fatigued by the violence. Future where they have dignity not pity the same with Africa both continents need adequate infrastructure unfortunately the leaders of the region aren't allowed to use the nations funds to do this work.

Unfortunately interventionists actions in the region that are purported to be "Humanitarian", this new amalgamation of corporate and liberal fascism is deliberately inconsistent and unreliable. As other despotic rulers in the region can take derisory measures for democracy whilst others are exempt or worse take retrograde steps. Corrupt fellows are allowed to reign and sustain their lives with national fortunes divested and invested in a foreign name to preserve their horde they evoke the lord and create discord. Whether its coco, cocaine or black gold you must do as you're told if you wish to grow old.

Wednesday, 11 January 2012

Poetic Injustice 3

Unsettling settlement a detriment to development and affluent consumptions reflect simplistic assumptions. Did you know there are more regulations in brothels than in finance.

For More Tears
So This Financial Racket
Supports A Narrow Bracket
Wears A Dinner Jacket
Yes The Triumvirate
Still Covet The State
Is This Our Fate
This Influential Few
Escaped The Dole Queue
For This Is True
We Suffer Much
Who's Out Of Touch
Escapism And Such
Life In Perspective
Be Not Reflective
Yet Remain Invective

Blah Blah Yah Bleat

Trail To Better Days
Politician, Banker Says
No Regulation
Or Rectification
Only Inflation
Currency Devaluation
Enjoy Stagnation

Sweet Bleat Of Sheep

There Goes The Bleat
Of Yet Another Tweet
Some Smell Defeat
Others Sense Deceit

Not I...

Speculators Malevolent
Bankers Insolvent
Political Inducement
Regulators Indolent

Why War

We Mock The Poor
With Shock And Awe
To Glorify War
Sound The Media Whore
Hollywood Blockbuster
Blood Luster
Reality Filibuster
Now To Condition
For Foreign Sedition
Tis Our Tradition
Reduce The Deficit
Must Be Complicit
And Act Illicit
We Need War
Feed Our Poor
Else Brake Thy Door

Seeds of Misdeeds

Media Distortion
Political Abortion
Social Extortion
Monetary Retortion

Social Banquet [Explicit Version]

Royalty Eat Off You And Me
Elite As Bastards Live In Deceit
Rich Eat Their Interest
Middle Eat Their Savings
Poor Eat Each Other

We Have Contract

Are Ye Friend Or Foe
We Shall Know
If Ye Come Or Go
We Need To Feed
And Ye To Breed
Both To Succeed
Need You To Sign
On The Dotted Line
This Yours Thats Mine

Deluded Brood

Four More Years
For More Tears
And More Fears
On Deaf Ears
Humanity Disappears
No One Hears
Our Doom Nears
Laugh The Peers
And Gentry Jeers
Toast And Cheers
No Scrutineers
Bloodied Buccaneers
Destroyed Careers
Who Profiteers

Plebeian Tragedian

Country they abuse now broke
Protected by a fellows cloak
Social tensions they did stoke
Middle class must now soak
With poor under austere yoke
They do sneer and poke
Both these common folk
Free market democratic joke
The city fuel is coke
Without they cant cope

Rule the Fool Quatrain

Embittered Prole
Tethered Dole
Without Role
Affluent Stole

Insane Fiscal Game

They have no regards
For people losing yards
And consider us dullards
Tears fall like shards
Bankers have safeguards
Concealed behind corporate vizards
Another game of cards ?

Lucre Lex Talionis

Keep wolves at bay
This game we play
We are at war
To provide the poor
Many social services
Our financial services
One is demanding
The other commanding
This blood and treasure
Is our true measure

Bankrolled and Doled

During these difficult times
They ignore financial crimes
Austerity claims to be
The socio-economic key

Futility of Cupidity

This fear and uncertainty
In times of austerity
Provide many wealthy opportunity
For the influential minority
Increasing national inequity

Corporate Christmas Crow

Ho ho ho... Ho ho ho....
Oblahma on the doh
Demanding money mo
He refuse to go
Am i his foe
He think it so
Nobody wants to know
Or reform this show
Poverty he did sow
Corporate impunity does grow
Oblahma vote..hell no

Sunday, 8 January 2012

Poetic Injustice 2

Deed to Feed

We need the fuel to
serve the military school
heat the ignorant fool
in weather so cruel
and feed this mule
we sustain this rule

Dirty Oil

Do Not Spoil
Or Even Foil
Flow Of Oil
Else Yee Toil
And Nation Boil
Blood Stained Soil
Keep Thee Loyal

Cocaine Chocolate

Provoke Consumers Of Coke
Hysteria In The Media
City With Little Pity
Foreign Office Complicit Orifice
Whitehall Seen It All
Parliament It's Defilement
Elite Others To Greet
Cocaine Helps To Sustain
Lies Fund These Spies

Eye See You Too

These Naive Fools
Used As Tools
By Corporate Rules
And Elite Schools

Dope on Hope

Oh Blah Ma
Blah blah blah
Oh Blah Ma
Rah rah rah
Goes Oh Blah Ma
Too Much Dra Ma
This Corp Rat La Ma
He Is New
King Of Autoqueue
Has No Clue

Oh Blah Ma
Blah blah blah
Oh Blah Ma
Rah rah rah
Despite His Indiscretions
He Continues Sessions
And The Depressions
Are You Daft
Increase The Overdraft
That's State Craft

Oh Blah Ma
Blah blah blah
Oh Blah Ma
Rah rah rah

Smooth And Slick
Don't You Think
Economy On The Brink
People Are Sick
The Corporate Whore
Money For War
Knock At The Door
Send The Poor

Oh Blah Ma
Blah blah blah
Oh Blah Ma
Rah rah rah

Seethe Thee Free

Playing Games With Hope
Like It Was Dope
Walk Talk And Mope
Now People Cant Cope
With Life Aslope
All Day I Tope
Hanging From A Rope
Corporate Misanthrope
And The Pope
No Help Just Hope

Profligate Triumvirate

Between The Three
They All Agree
Not To Remedy
Only Austerity
Land Of Free
Pay Their Fee
You And Me
Bailed Out Thee
Elite Three

Maliciously Rapacious

Toxic Load
They Absolved
And Bankrolled
Public Doled
Scrupulously Told
Lies Sold
Young Unenrolled

Eat Cake

They Eat Meals With Cheer
While We Live In Fear
For Yet Another Year
With Help From Austere
Drowned In Cheap Beer

Societies Banquet

Royals Eat From Spoils
Elite Live In Deceit
Rich Eat Their Interest
Middle Eat Their Savings
Poor Eat One Another

Never Enough

Your Sacrifice
Will Not Suffice
Or Entice
The Corporate Lice
Legal Artifice
Caught In Vice
Roll Of Dice

War Poor

Blood And Treasure
Is Their Leisure
Sub Rosa Plot
Quell The Rot
Power Does Wane
Acquire Foreign Claim

Pulmonary Monetary

They Shortselling
People Rebelling
Markets Eratic
Coke Fanatic
All Fear No Love
Austerity From Above
Need Another War
Distract The Poor

Comedic Mask

State Comedian
False Tragedian
Acting Servile
And Puerile
Now Bought
Much Sought
No Dignity
Just Complicity
Bed Made
Truth Betrayed
Tis Jolly
Laughs Prolly
So Mediocre
State Broker

Monday, 2 January 2012

Poetic Injustice


Man has perverted faith and made corporations into gods to be worshipped forever. Products and services are the prophets of capitalism the CORPoration must survive whatever the cost. They are too big to fail because those that have much to lose will join the many in abject poverty. So they must remain alive deified to sustain those they consider more worthy than thou. Those many pernicious political, corporate, land owners, religious institutions and  royal families unlike the minority within their spheres can't influence the tainted majority.


It Began
The Vatican
Corporate Clan
Ruined Man
Still Command
Hidden Hand
Gold Demand
Stole Land

Corporate God

The Corporate Tribe
Paid Political Bribe
And Media Scribe
Take Their Side
And Help Hide
Their Mala Fides

Used Soul

Reader Of The Tabloid Scum
Ignorant Bigoted Deluded Bum
Feeder Now Acting Dum
Affluent Conceited Secluded Chum

Gamble Shamble

To Take Upon Yourself
A Public Claim
Have You No Shame
In This Duplicitous Game
For Political Fame
And Corporate Name
Both Are To Blame

Moan Groan

Why Treat Us Thus
With Mock And Cuss
They Advise We Do
The Same To You

Who You

Have You Forgot Me
Not I Of Thee
You Shall See
What Is To Be

New Tear

Alcoholic New Years Eve
Lout It Does Deceive
Philharmonic New Years Day
Keep Scum At Bay

Fee Thee

Thou Unkind Be
Hear My Plea
And Spare Thee
This Unjust Fee
Do Thou See

Whine Time

Reimburse The Public Purse
Endure The Media Manure
No Face In Public Place
Punitive Fines And Corporate Crimes
They Lost Thy Wager
We Are In Danger

White Lines Crimes

Taliban Bloke
Supplies Coke
To City Folk
Price They Stoke
Now We Broke
Tis No Joke

Deceived Seed

New Breed We Do Need
Rectify This Misdeed
Sow The Seed
In Time Succeed

Tory Glory

Markets Erratic
Coke Fanatic
Who Does Benefit
From This Deficit
Public Health
Private Wealth

Blame Shame

Burden Is Disproportionate
Others Say Extortionate
They Say Fortunate
Unaccountable and Infallible
Constituent Made Destitute
Intolerable And Uncontrollable

Mean Dream

Begotten Generation Screams
Forgotten Aspiration Dreams
Live Within Your Means
Say Corporate Fiends
Continue Ill-gotten Schemes 

Whimsy Flimflammer Wussy

They Are Always Sanguine
For They Always Win
We The Victim
At Their Whim
They Continue To Sin

Artifice Sacrifice

The Ipod Was Given The Nod
And The Iphone Is Another Drone
The Blackberry Is Secondary
For Such Artifice As These
Bring You To Your Knees
They Care Not For Your Pleas
With Many Surmounting Fees
Daily Many Do Sacrifice
For The Latest Device
Still Does Not Suffice
This Corporate Vice

Living Dead

He Can't Be Schooled
Only To Be Fooled
And Sometimes Ruled

Self Undoing

It's his only solace and brief escape from the torments between his conscious and desires.

Material Slave

Errant Knave
Did So Crave
A Thing Well Made
Of Gold And Jade
His Desire To Obtain
By Ill-gotten Gain
There He Lies
Covered In Flies


Pandering To The Intellectual Few
Expect Us To Reconcile And Continue
The Public Have Gained Nothing But Ingratitude And Servitude

Undercover Brother

By Stealth Decree
They Not See
The Punitive Fee
Passed By Me
Friend To Thee
With Much Glee
Does Please We


If the corporate church sold all its shares, investments, land, property, gold, diamonds, jewels and other items of wealth it would solve all of the worlds problems. In doing so it would demonstrate it being the true faith and free the world of poverty and gain multitude of followers. However the face of organised religion is revealed despite them trying to conceal this truth for they are all based on acquiring your wealth despite your failing health. Like the Mafia its just business emotions, faith and privilege has no bearing on the decisions undertaken.  You pay their fee then your blessed and free to enter those pearly gates otherwise your cursed and doomed to a pitiful fate.

Times past holy places welcomed all races and faces until the concept of money entered our consciousness. Those days may yet return where people can roam and be welcomed in every home without prejudice or fear. Media, corporation and religion this unholy trinity has destroyed the dignity of man, oh what humanity.