Yet Another Reincarnated White Doctor Who
"regeneration into a new incarnation, a life process of Time Lords through which the character of the Doctor takes on a new body"
"Time Lords are a fictional ancient extraterrestrial civilisation of a humanoid species known as Gallifreyans"
"Originally they were described as a powerful and wise race from the planet Gallifrey,"
"Time Lords receive their name for their non-linear perception of time, which allows them to see everything that was, is, or could be at the same time"
"culture of custodianship and time-related technologies based on this perception which includes strictly controlled space/time travel machines (known as "TARDISes")" Source wikipedia.
Now were the Time lords white, hence they deliberately choose white humanoids to reincarnate into? Or is it because they are sending a subliminal message that only time lords these special race akin to gods chosen people are white and other inferior? Not even a white female ? or an old white female ? Could it be they may feel tainted or soiled if they reincarnate into a non white pigmented skin tone ? It's outdated and harks back to an apartheid, xenophobic, racist, elitist, imperialist, fascist blonde blue eyed puritan ideology that is unwilling to accept the changes on earth that don't mirror changes in the universe. According to the people living on the planet Gallifrey they have surpassed Hitler's 1000yr reich because on that planet only white ppl reincarnate/regenerate their! So on that planet everything is constant elsewhere their is change, what a delusional and boring dimension to be in, with no diversity.
Inferiority complex comes to mind about Dr Who he doesn't know who he is but the timelords do he is white and is always the right choice. Dr Who should be any human, gender, age, sexual orientation, animal even inanimate objects. The creators implied that Gallifrey is a white planet something every delusional fascist racist dreams of, how boring the diverse universe and spirit realms having to reincarnate again and again on the same white planet.
BBC sticking to its state propaganda machine spouting the same drivel at nausea at the behest of its real paymasters in Whitehall. Entrenched supporters of this archaic psyops practices, the sycophants yes suburbia middle class gated communities civil servants need Dr Who to reassure them and their cannon fodder generations to come that anglo/saxons still have the might and the right to obliterate all thats non white. Military industrial complex the shares and stocks the minions that serve the war machine that enslave and thwart progress in the developing and undeveloped nations in Africa and Asia.
Yes its Dr Who foreign policy training delusional fanatics in Jordan then getting their partners in the Gulf /Saudi and Nato gimp Turkey to arm and transport these drone fodder patsie's to kill themselves and ruin lives of innocents in Syria. You know the indoctrinated in the KSA and initiated by the NSA together they're made in the CIA ISIL/ISIS another Alqaeda helping the western military industrial complex create another revenue stream. Distracting the world and the Arab spring from generating real change especially in the elitist sheikdoms of the gulf and wahabi/salafi/takfiri Saudi tribal extremist sectarian ideology state sponsored terrorism, exporting intolerance dogma and Saudi endorsed brainwashed clerics to the west, Africa, Pakistan and East Asia.
Oh the back lash the defending the indefensible , REINCARNATION is not exclusively WHITE it was like all mystic teachings of the EAST not the barbarous Viking NATO cave dwelling west! FU BBC corporate fascist racist propagandist psyops and your past/present and future incarnations of WHITE DOCTORS !
Yes boys and girls the BBC is so inclusive it has black, and Asians playing other roles but they cant be the DR nooooo , but why asks a child , because TIME LORDS were white and we need to plant seeds in white kids that you and only white kids are powerful and wise race, custodianship and time-related technologies.
You can be an inferior race on a useless planet or an asinine sidekick or useless eater, beast of burden or why not drone fodder in one of our many drone training grounds in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Yemen, Palestine and soon to be Iran. Helping us perfect the drones for our 2020 MOD/DOD/NSA dominate the skies our vision of your future just like the TIME LORDS, seeing the past and future.
Might makes right if you're white its not a disproportionately unconstrained response, or indiscriminate or collective punishment, no its wilful ignorance barbarously traumatising future generations of non-whites living in natural resource rich lands especially those of strategic importance to the way of life of the elite not the cannon fodder serfs. So you see only whites can be custodians of time, wise and powerful i.e. custodians of the Earth and have ultimate power over all. NATO racist fascist policy FU and ur MOD/DOD/NSA data mining military industrial complex, political dynastic families and corrupt corporate cabal doing the bidding of the monarchs in a quid pro quo with organised religion.
Doctor Who 'thunderously racist'
Discriminate! Discriminate!
International Space Information Station - ISIS
They're alright.....cuss they're all white (Dr FU)
"regeneration into a new incarnation, a life process of Time Lords through which the character of the Doctor takes on a new body"
"Time Lords are a fictional ancient extraterrestrial civilisation of a humanoid species known as Gallifreyans"
"Originally they were described as a powerful and wise race from the planet Gallifrey,"
"Time Lords receive their name for their non-linear perception of time, which allows them to see everything that was, is, or could be at the same time"
"culture of custodianship and time-related technologies based on this perception which includes strictly controlled space/time travel machines (known as "TARDISes")" Source wikipedia.
Now were the Time lords white, hence they deliberately choose white humanoids to reincarnate into? Or is it because they are sending a subliminal message that only time lords these special race akin to gods chosen people are white and other inferior? Not even a white female ? or an old white female ? Could it be they may feel tainted or soiled if they reincarnate into a non white pigmented skin tone ? It's outdated and harks back to an apartheid, xenophobic, racist, elitist, imperialist, fascist blonde blue eyed puritan ideology that is unwilling to accept the changes on earth that don't mirror changes in the universe. According to the people living on the planet Gallifrey they have surpassed Hitler's 1000yr reich because on that planet only white ppl reincarnate/regenerate their! So on that planet everything is constant elsewhere their is change, what a delusional and boring dimension to be in, with no diversity.
Inferiority complex comes to mind about Dr Who he doesn't know who he is but the timelords do he is white and is always the right choice. Dr Who should be any human, gender, age, sexual orientation, animal even inanimate objects. The creators implied that Gallifrey is a white planet something every delusional fascist racist dreams of, how boring the diverse universe and spirit realms having to reincarnate again and again on the same white planet.
BBC sticking to its state propaganda machine spouting the same drivel at nausea at the behest of its real paymasters in Whitehall. Entrenched supporters of this archaic psyops practices, the sycophants yes suburbia middle class gated communities civil servants need Dr Who to reassure them and their cannon fodder generations to come that anglo/saxons still have the might and the right to obliterate all thats non white. Military industrial complex the shares and stocks the minions that serve the war machine that enslave and thwart progress in the developing and undeveloped nations in Africa and Asia.
Yes its Dr Who foreign policy training delusional fanatics in Jordan then getting their partners in the Gulf /Saudi and Nato gimp Turkey to arm and transport these drone fodder patsie's to kill themselves and ruin lives of innocents in Syria. You know the indoctrinated in the KSA and initiated by the NSA together they're made in the CIA ISIL/ISIS another Alqaeda helping the western military industrial complex create another revenue stream. Distracting the world and the Arab spring from generating real change especially in the elitist sheikdoms of the gulf and wahabi/salafi/takfiri Saudi tribal extremist sectarian ideology state sponsored terrorism, exporting intolerance dogma and Saudi endorsed brainwashed clerics to the west, Africa, Pakistan and East Asia.
Oh the back lash the defending the indefensible , REINCARNATION is not exclusively WHITE it was like all mystic teachings of the EAST not the barbarous Viking NATO cave dwelling west! FU BBC corporate fascist racist propagandist psyops and your past/present and future incarnations of WHITE DOCTORS !
Yes boys and girls the BBC is so inclusive it has black, and Asians playing other roles but they cant be the DR nooooo , but why asks a child , because TIME LORDS were white and we need to plant seeds in white kids that you and only white kids are powerful and wise race, custodianship and time-related technologies.
You can be an inferior race on a useless planet or an asinine sidekick or useless eater, beast of burden or why not drone fodder in one of our many drone training grounds in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Yemen, Palestine and soon to be Iran. Helping us perfect the drones for our 2020 MOD/DOD/NSA dominate the skies our vision of your future just like the TIME LORDS, seeing the past and future.
Laser targeting Iran 2020 Timelords NATO Vision of the Future
Might makes right if you're white its not a disproportionately unconstrained response, or indiscriminate or collective punishment, no its wilful ignorance barbarously traumatising future generations of non-whites living in natural resource rich lands especially those of strategic importance to the way of life of the elite not the cannon fodder serfs. So you see only whites can be custodians of time, wise and powerful i.e. custodians of the Earth and have ultimate power over all. NATO racist fascist policy FU and ur MOD/DOD/NSA data mining military industrial complex, political dynastic families and corrupt corporate cabal doing the bidding of the monarchs in a quid pro quo with organised religion.
Doctor Who 'thunderously racist'
Discriminate! Discriminate!
International Space Information Station - ISIS