To destroy ISIS is to destroy their ideology the wahabi/salafi/takfiri Saudi state sponsored extremist interpretation of Islam and its exportation and indoctrination. By democratisation and implementation of independent accountable governing institutions (judicary, executive, legislature, electoral) and parliament elected representatives chosen by the people of the people in
Saudia Arabia, Qatar, Kuwait, Oman, UAE, Bahrain, Yemen. Despite the hard facts the condominiums in the middle east and their dynastic rulers in West, turn a blind eye as long as the lucrative arms deals, training contracts, command centres and naval bases long-term leases are signed. Obscurantist media in the West will inevitably focus on Iran not the cause of 90% of the chaos in the region the sectarian fuelled division and hate exported by the KSA and their partners in the USA, NSA and CIA.

The West's insatiable appetite for war is endemic amongst the elite dynasties that inhabit the region, mutating throughout the ages. Undoubtedly if we diagnose this patient objectively then we'd conclude that such irrational behaviour is due to trauma. It is deeply ingrained within the barbarian hordes DNA, the need to carry out unwarranted acts of aggression and devastation. False belief of self preservation is only guaranteed by foreign intervention and aggression. Otherwise they may feel insignificant and ignored by the other bullies and agitators in the worlds playground so they join forces. Because if the military industrial complex fails to get approval from the parliament for it's justification to do war in Syria under the guise of humanitarian intervention, then their associates will create the conditions and horror with the hidden hand's ISIS, a told you so give us what we want next time to the free peoples of the world.

NSA decepticons, CIA, FBI, MI5, MI6, DOD, MOD powered by facebook and google.
Against the state or its partners ? It's the
terror watch blacklist for you and yes you're on for life. To justify the surveillance society government budgets for their associates in the corporate sector, people with no lives spying on law abiding people expressing their will and freedom, that is always misconstrued and violates ambiguous draconian legislation ostensibly used for corporate espionage and legitimise acquisition of citizens and foreign states investments.
An army in the western world exists to provide a family, belonging, existence, a purpose for its alienated, traumatised, abandoned, neglected, rejected, discriminated, victimised, disillusioned, lost, naive, impressionable deluded vulnerable men and women. Mechanism a cog in the crony capitalist dynasties militaristic authoritarian elitist society.
Thanks to the indoctrination by Hollywood, press and news channels that dehumanise and demonise a faith, people's or states that coincide with the foreign policy objectives and crony military industrial complex aims. War game for the elites, aristocracy and the bastard offspring of the monarchs to wage war using the peons as pawns, for they offer you crumbs now and then...austerity for you not them for they are worthy irrespective of their incompetence and crimes.
Persuading these innocent people to sacrifice themselves on corporate and dynastic alter providing an illusionary peace of mind to the sacrificed, literally the scrap of society rewarded with a piece of scrap metal and ribbon.
Nowadays the targets of such provocation and disproportionate acts of terror are subjected daily over a indefinite period (i.e. Iraq). Such is the new type of war we are all subjected to bombarded every second of the waking day. Isometric warfare a targeted data mined, monitored, life long algorithm barrage we are all the targets of such unwarranted, illegal, disproportionate acts of terror, crimes against humanity, privacy and freedom....LOVE BIG BROTHER.
Tools of the intelligence services, data mining psyop trolling bots used in industrial espionage, blackmail, extortion, rackets restraining freedom are all powered by google, twitter, facebook and youtube.
- ISIL the evolution of the "base" from the made in the KSA/NSA/CIA database "Al Qaeda" the Mujahadeen as promoted by Rambo 3 film with the financial support from the KSA to pay the CIA to train and arm these "freedom fighters" to expel the foreign invader.
- An amalgamation of foreign fighters from the KSA" "Kingdom of Saudi Arabia" and gulf states i.e Qatar, Kuwait, Oman, Bahrain, United Arab Emirates formed many contingents.
- Osama Bin Laden was the CIA/KSA intelligence handler to help coordinate and relay tactics from the US/KSA to the Afghan and gulf Arab fighters.
- UBL* Osama Bin Laden was indoctrinated and conditioned by the KSA state extremist and perverted version of Islam, they are Takfiri, Wahabi, Salafi all are tribal and only found in Saudi Arabia.
- The KSA is training naive, simple minded and deluded with the takfiri, wahabi, salafi Saudi extreme zealotry dogma. Returning clerics supplied with extremist learning materials, poisoned minds infect the innocent and growing young populations in their countries.
- Indoctrinated zealotry zombie clerics spouting intolerance and sectarian division Shia/Sunni.
- Rewind to the 2003 invasion of Iraq (second gulf war) the skirmishes between criminals, bandits, thugs over possessions and vigilantes metering out justice for pre invasion retribution against officers etc, was exploited by the only popular Arab news channel Aljazeera.
- Aljazeera a Qatar based Arabic news channel owned and controlled by the western approved shiekdom needed to create the division between the Iraqi population. It started using the term X amount of Shia were killed, then X amount of Sunni were killed. I remember watching the reaction of the Iraqi's on the news to this terminology and many were baffled for they never heard of this term before and said repeatedly "we are Iraqi's" for there is intersect marriage without issues or question.
- But this poisonous false narrative is precisely was made in the NSA/KSA/CIA psyops programme to infect and control the Iraqi's hearts and minds. Another distraction because the illegitimate iniquitously corrupt western corporation puppets in muppets fascist wahabi, salafi, takfiri Saudi, gulf sheikdoms and their western masters are unwilling to initiate steps for constitutional, political, electoral, social and economic reforms.
- Yet the west may lose power, control and influence if it gambled allowed the will of the people in the region to decide on their own destiny. Because the military industrial complex and western corporations, defence contracts, jobs, politicians, etc want back handers and bail outs, its all a racket i.e protection money the UK/USA want protection money from these corrupt sheikdoms so they dont act on international NGO's reports on human rights, women's rights, poverty, corruption, funding extremism, exporting intolerance, arms, chemicals, drugs, destabilising foreign states etc.
- Despite all of this the West demands Syria to reform in months yet the archaic inhumane barbaric sectarian fascist state beheading tribal vile sheikdom societies of the gulf to escape the attention of the world. Whilst the moderate Iraqi/Syrian societies are destroyed their youthful populations traumatised with sectarian and wahabi/salafi/takfiri Saudi dogma.
- Turkey, Europe, the Gulf and Saudi Arabia have all purged their mental asylums, prisons of criminals, murderers, rapists, bandits after indoctrinated, drugged and told to become a martyr and all your passed sins will be nullified if they do the heinous act of suicide bomber/kidnapping/murdering based sect or religion.
- Understandably some may have troubled beginnings due to neglect, abuse or abandonment especially those of mixed ethnicity. No doubt the small minority are like lost sheep and neither accepted by both ethnic groups. Especially if brought up in single parent households or worse as orphans in the care of the state.
- The state working with others to further their own and others national interests financing these desperados educated by the state throughout their lives in corrupt institutions of care and confinement (prison, mental institutions, rehab clinics, orphanages, etc) sold to the highest bidder like slaves to the worlds intelligence services. Incorporated into the M.I.C military industrial complex psyops programmes to ensure the masses in the West are distracted and lose what little remains of their freedoms and rights. All this because the state fears collapse and instead of changing its loyal servants and dynasties ways of life remain the same yet ours are catapulted like a serf's diseased head (zombie) over the walls of foreign castles in the name of conquest.
- Service sector economies with little if any resources means conquest in this crony capitalist game of drones we are all now subjected to.
The answer is to stay at home and do nothing like Ghandi disengage
yourself from the gears of tyranny and you'll set yourself and future
generations free from this illusionary fiduciary insanity. Until we change the electoral system free from partisan politics, with only independents elected that have lived in the places they wish to represent.
Meanwhile expect more NATO psyop programming stymieing and stultifying attempts to distract you from their brothers and dynasties in spheres of obfuscation politics, obscurantist media, crony capitalism, usury finance, bastardised children of the elite that form the civil service and other institutions, all compound more debt and sorrow on all our heads every day.
Didn't George Bush, Tony Blair, Gordon Brown and the incumbent David Cameron drone (excuse the pun) on about is "We wont change our way of life, keep calm and carry on" ? They are talking about their way of life not ours! Yet after each terror attack we consistently change our way of life (especially the poor never the rich) to the detriment of the law abiding majority.
We have no need for money we all have unique gifts and abilities these should be nurtured not thwarted and thus serfs on zero hours contracts for the exorbitant unsustainable profiteering lords of corporations. Trickle down economics crumbs from the masters table and remember red blue yellow its the same fellow (labour, conservative, liberals) and without any scruple in purple (ukip).
Their are weapons of mass destruction in Iraq the ones brought and used by the coalition of the billing the DEPLETED URANIUM another depopulation tool used by UN agenda 21. Whilst the western corporations and their gulf partners sheikdoms share the spoils of war.
The gulf gets free prime locations depopulated and levelled by the NATO fascist barbarian horde. So expect more humanitarian interventions and the intelligence services along with their staff in the media to deliberately overstate the power and influence of these trained extremists.
Wahabi/salafi/tikfiri Saudi indoctrinated/endorsed/trained/supported extremists in CIA training grounds of Jordan, Turkey and now Qatar exported to non-western aligned despots in the region will be used by the UN as a depopulation tool in reducing the fertility rate of the developing nations and alleviate the chronic shortage of army reservists. So they look to the impoverished alienated ostracised naive deluded conditioned impressionable child soldiers from broken homes and deprived areas. Just drone fodder to supplement the armed services, and patsies in the intelligence services.

Not to mention the decadent and disillusioned middle class and elites in the West and East including the recently converted, as pawns in this global game of deception and fear shaping hearts and minds. Decadent teenage male Saudi and Gulf nationals feel the need to absolve themselves (you can't forgive yourself but you can if you pay a fee to the Vaticlan) from their drug taking, drinking, whoring, frittering away their lives and money by deluding themselves going on jihad. The sheikdom states dont want these youths replicate what the Egyptian youth attempted to overthrow the security apparatus funded, armed, trained and directed by the CIA/NSA/USA. So better they arm them and send them on their jihady way to despoil and compound the devastation on the people of Syria.
No one to pay because they're dead or now as concubines and eunuchs serving in decadent gulf and Saudi wahabi, salafi and takfiry extremist tribes in all of the Islamic world (thats why nothing came out of that hell place during the enlightenment age of Islam). Gluttonous gulf states under the tutelage of western corporations and military industrial complex serving the failing world reserve currency $ and the erratic coke fanatic fuelled artificially engineered stock market.
So these ignoramuses get to build hotels and private resorts (like
the apartheid zionist fascist with holiday and winter holiday homes illegally built on
Palestinian land Zone B and ), to escape the hell hole heat of the
unforgiving desert to their new palaces and villas in peace whilst the
indigenous people are part of the service sector like serfs happy for a
pitiful existence.

Orphanages a lucrative industry for the intelligence agencies of the world cultivating patsies in ploys to entrap and dupes those in positions of power. Or serving the insatiable appetite of paedophiles in high places of government and religious institutions. Or maybe as delude and lost lambs served at the alter of foreign policy, military industrial complex ergo maintaining the status quo feeding fear and delusion, that forms some of the members of ISIL, convenient and necessary the consistent narrative of the hidden hand (intelligence services) policies around the world those that serve their masters in power.

Meanwhile the illegal settler apartheid fascist winter holiday home estate for dual citizens of the world called Zionist Israel continues the fear and hate death extremist cult society with war and expansionism. Slow holocaust of Palestinians being exterminated by destroying the water, electricity, manufacturing, farming, sewage plants and homes with a blind eye by their benefactors UK/US.
As Palestine is ignored its legitimacy and dignity whilst they are ethically cleansed in a slow genocide by the ever encroaching illegal settlements now being filled by more foreigners from western Europe and the fascist Israeli government continues to build illegally how convenient.
Many people and states benefit from ISIL those despots and fascist states around the region the partners of the western bankrupt fear warmongering states not the people that want real peace and freedom. Apologist the pr department for these ultraconservate societies of the gulf and KSA (doublespeak for extremist culture) can rely on the western mouthpiece foreign service departments to cheer lead for these slaves of empire.

Masked agents of the hidden hand intel agencies especially of ISIL that are formed of the aforementioned criminals, bandits, misfits, insane, mentally unstable and those that are easily influenced by psyops programming over the past decade or more of Aljazeera NATO narrative that found its way into the hearts and minds of the peoples of Iraq (Shia Vs Sunni) claiming deaths by sectarian division on the news daily post 2003. From Vietnam with Agent Orange CIA/NSA/UN depopulation tools to depleted uranium US/UK in Iraq, creating death pervading quagmires that kill the generations to come.
Red, blue, yellow it's the same fellow, and without scruple the one in purple
They belong to the same family and all know their purpose, tis to deprive you and yours to safeguard theirs, LIFE on state benefits corporate puppets the REAL scrounging scourge on society.
Yet these masked criminals feel the need to conceal their identities why ? Maybe they're double agents or criminals paid to perform or merc's that are leading these deluded naive youths to serve the aims of the west because they are always sanguine and win. Because if they wish to die why hide your faces ? just criminals or actors from the gulf and Saudi other regional intelligence services. As the elections draw near expect more opportunistic, electioneering rhetoric from the canvassing redundant bygone imperialist age of political dynasties to false flag their way to victory (
see Goering quote).
Meanwhile despot SISI in Egypt slaughters the youth now in football venues whilst western radio and tv is flooded with psyop agents supporting the NATO fascist narrative of world dominance. Whilst the military industrial complex sells more french fighters to SISI to undoubtedly fight the fictitous enemy always to subdue their people over a band of bandits that somehow have the west and us in fear.... pathetic.
Aljazeera followed the NATO narrative western news readers by repeating the fallacy of Shia Vs Sunni sectarian conflict, civil war post U.S/UK and partners illegal invasion. Another distraction needed besides it helps mould the hearts and minds of the people to unjustly identify Iran as the culprit. As Aljazeera began to bombard its sectarian message in the Arab world mirroring the bombardment and devastation in Iraq as a result of the military industrial complex aka crony capitalism.
Qatar based station owned by the western appointed sheikdom that is home to probably largest air base operated by the U.S, the command centre for the region. Yes this dynasty has its own news channel state family TV was the first Arabic station to broadcast this narrative in the middle east was Aljazeera.
After the western agitprop channels began to indoctrinate their citizens to accept and distract them from the failures of the invasion and serve future conflicts laying the ground work planting poisonous seeds that grew into more sectarian division. Just what the gulf and Saudi kingdoms need a distraction and galvanising public opinion in the east to accept a future conflict with Iran.
Beginning with hizbollah then luring Iran into conflict with the gulf and their western partners in crimes against humanity. Naturally these agitprop sycophants in the media need to play ball for their offspring shan't be enrolled in all those elite schools to rule the fools, or benefit from nepotistic roles to humiliate the proles.
Sexed up dossier regarding the WMD's in Iraq by the security services, mobile chemical factories, 45min warning attack on west by Saddam all to justify their existence and those of their brethren in the military industrial complex, secure the seats of western aligned despots in the east. Iraqi supergun the wilful ignorance by the intelligence services and western corporations to produce the gun during the recession of the 90's in the U.K helped failing manufacturing companies profit.
National debt from 1727 through three wars and finally the first world war at £7,875,000,000 see note below.
Who pays the bill ? the sheeple of course for they place their confidence in money and they deem it the best and only way to reward their labour, banks you love their enslavement.
Now the national debt stands at £1,484,160,700,000, nearly 1.5 trillion, and increasing at a rate of £5170 every second.
In the knowledge of the items never seeing the light of day just securing those illegal contracts and prior to so called completion and shipment they were seized by yet the intel agencies. Corrupt dynastic institutions full of families aligned to the hidden hand, a quid pro quo for the status quo. Sacrificing the ignorant masses to further and sustain their way of life not yours. Psyop's roles director of communications, spin doctors, PR, ex-tabloid redtop gutter press editors and script writers tools to delude the fools.
Like other psyoped lost fools, tools of the intelligence services the Rigby killers and now the jihadi John all were harassed by the hidden hand Mi5/6 to be a patsie. So these deluded wahabi indoctrinated patsies did as they were psyoped to do so be fanatics. Kuwati born gulf decadent lifestyle the instigators of the first gulf war in Iraq Jihadi John realised that the rest of the Arab world see the gulf and KSA as an extension of the west imperialist domination of the region.
But instead of being an advocate for peace and democracy in the region he did exactly what they wanted a nutjob loony toon fanatic. Is the radicalisation of Jihadi John the result of British intelligence overt surveillance and possibly blackmail to co-opt the fool to be used as a tool ? We know how these services act with their games and honey traps etc.
More defence (newspeak for war)spending the warmongering self-interests cries of the armchair generals and elites that demand you sacrifice your lives and the way of life of your families to safeguard their contractual agreements with foreign nations and sustainable growth of arms corporations share price profiteering on death and division. If you want war then sacrifice yourself, time and money and those of your families to the cause that YOU believe in, instead of hiding behind political jargon, foreign policy, duplicity, national interest and ways for you and the nation to reduce the deficit.

Wilful ignorance of the Turkish junta trying to resurrect the ottoman fascist empire and duplicity with the ISIS bandits. Providing them safe passage, logistics, arms, training and medical assistance the hidden hand at play. Again these gulf and KSA ignoramus extremists interpretation and exportation in the indoctrination of Islam to the rest of the world in state sponsored clerics and writings, tribal culture, ideology. They have NO HISTORY only miles of desert upon desert a sea of barren waste thats why these bandits unlike some of the Templars, didnt protect the pilgrims to Mecca only slaughtered them like the bandits thye are for their wares and possessions.
Ergo they destroy the great cultures in the region depriving them of their glorious heritage and culture. For they wish the rest of the Arab world to be a sea of fanatics ignorant of their own past, culture and only subservient to the wahabi, salafi, takfiri Saudi extremist elitist dogma. The only people which these pernicious and insidious police state legislations don't affect are the proponents i.e. our so called elected representatives. Ballooning Orwellian stasi services increased taxes and fear is not FREEDOM.

Ageing western populations and financial services dependent societies means more war in developing regions that force their youths to migrant to the west. Brain drain leaving only ruffians, bandits, criminals and religious fanatics to dominate the region fuelled by arms and finance by the western partners in the region. The intelligentsia are forced to abandon their ancestral homes of Iraq, Egypt and Syria to service the decadent and elitist culturally bankcrupt glutton states of the gulf and KSA, as doctors and professionals.
Pillaging the wealth of the Arab world with their paymasters in the west sharing the spoils of war. Oil and intellect the west covets the oil and the sheikdoms the brains and manpower. Decrepit states and towns in the west notice their youths leaving on mass to cities leaving empty streets that are only occupied by the infirm and elderly desperate for foreign youths to revitalise their economies and care for the elderly.
Meanwhile politician play the game of division like UKIP that in their old age expect the dwindling indigenous next generation to pay for their pensions and take care of them. Traumatised Iraqi veterans are expedited into law enforcement, police, security or mercenaries and it's no wonder their is an alarming trend of excessive apprehension techniques akin to those in Iraqi by the military trained by the fascist zealotry extremist illegal settler fear based Zionist military and Mossad expansionist psyop state sponsored terror.

The western corporations need to see the rise of the fanatical ignoramus so they can justify the despots in the region aligned to the west and their whole war racket, police state in the west. Always hear calls for more money more money more money for war, defence, intelligence services but no money no money no money for schools, hospitals, homes. All the aspects that improve the way of life of all not the few in Whitehall and the dynastic crony capitalist and imperialist fascists. This is because they don't want more schools and hospitals for growing populations no because thats the last thing they want is a alert public.

Besides its not their kids or families that go to these inadequate schools and hospitals riddled with outbreaks and mismanagement, understaffed and overworked. Ask yourself the influx over the past few years of new Arabic satellite
news stations transmitted from fascist Europe and Saudi Gulf states to
the middle east i.e BBC Arabic, SkyNews Arabia, Al Arabiya et al all
launched post illegal invasion of Iraq WWIII.
They continue to
perpetuate the psyops NATO narrative divide and rule, them
and us mentality fear policies crony capitalmilitarism that has fuelled the dynasties existence and shaped the hearts and minds of its peoples. Look around at the amount of war glorification monuments and those of peace , see how new ones are approved amidst a agitprop of fear and threat.
Now Russia is seen as a threat from the perspective of Whitehall and Washington. Ostensibly to legitimise the removal of RT from UK/US and European satellite and terrestrial broadcasters like they did with Press TV. What a meagre existence and how far we
have fallen, yet the end isn't nigh we have the POWER to DISENGAGE else
they'll use your rage to their ends and means to
fulfil their dreams.
Clowns to the left of me,
Jokers to the right, here I am,
The Earth moves around the Sun, the Sun around the Milky Way, and the Milky Way as part of the Local Group, which is moving relative to the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) radiation – the radiation left over from the Big Bang.
Relative to the CMB, the
Local Group is calculated to be moving at a speed of about 600 km/s, which works out to about 2.2 million km/h. Don't allow these mind control agents keep you thinking small, being insular, selfish and in a state of fear. We are indestructible and they wish us to accept their illusion of fear, control and hate, keeping us divide and them united.
- Brighton 90 yr old activist John Catt loses extremism database case
- Nato defence spending falls despite promises to reverse cuts
- Trident question comes to the surface
- Sim card firm links GCHQ and NSA to hack attacks
- UK security services 'failed' over Syria girls
- Spy agency policies breached rights
- US to allow armed drone exports
- Lib Dems demand curbs on 'spying'
- Clegg attacks 'surveillance' UK
- Judge ruled MP probably had called PC a "pleb"