He spoke for the British-Venetian oligarchs, at a point in history when they imagined they could exterminate the Renaissance idea of man—and the threat of the nation-state, that dreaded engine of creativity, designed to safeguard life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Labour, traitor, depredator, socialism for the rich Gordon Brown bailed out the banks and subsidised risk averse speculators bonuses!
Mandeville describes the “successful” model for the Empire:

Vast numbers thronged the fruitful Hive;
Yet those vast Numbers made ’em thrive;
Millions endeavouring to supply
Each Other’s Lust and Vanity. . . .
Thus every Part was full of Vice,
Yet the whole Mass a Paradise
Flatter’d in Peace, and fear’d in Wars
They were th’ Esteem of Foreigners. . . .
Such were the Blessings of that State;
Their Crimes conspired to make ’em Great;
And Virtue, who from Politicks
Had learn’d a thousand Cunning Tricks,
Was, by their happy Influence,
Made Friends with Vice: And ever since
The Worst of all the Multitude
Did Something for the common Good.

Elite schools to rule the fools.

With a quid pro quo for the status quo, Operation Gladio, that's NATO.
But, Mandeville warns, if “the knaves” turn honest and virtuous, and act like human beings instead of beasts, then the game is up, and society (meaning oligarchical society, hence the need for Operation Gladio, blackops) is destroyed. Economic ruin follows , because the only source of wealth is stealing (hence engineered Great Depression, bank bailouts and fait accompli austerity policies). Profit can only be derived from pandering and extortion (foreign wars stealing gold, and natural resources, privatising domestic and foreign public services, indebtedness, servitude).

Zero-hours contracts for those of no value = Zero, he's loving it, serfdom is a psyops.
And can be increased only by maximizing the rate of human degradation (zero hours contracts, serfdom is here). Even the broader circulation of currency depends on rising rates of crime (crack, heroin, meth, ecstasy et al).

In his summary of The Fable of the Bees, Mandeville argues that to have a frugal and honest society, the best policy is to preserve men in their native simplicity (cuts to public services, health and education privatised), strive not to increase their numbers (depopulation, war, agenda21, birth control, landed gentry unwilling to relinquish land for people to thrive); let them never be acquainted with strangers (terror threats to aviation, keep ppl in fear, never leaving their homes) or superfluities (reducing the size and quantity of foodstuffs, but the price remains the same).
Operation Gladio Documentaries - one of which created by the late great Alan Francovich, they had to silence him, NATO the status qui the root of all terror in the world. Alan forewarned us of the state(s) and its desperate attempts to protect the status quo. By whatever means necessary.

But remove and keep from them everything that might raise their desires (history taught objectively, imperialism, fractional reserve lending, private investors behind central banks, facts about the news, governments conspiring throughout history opposing the will of the ppl, how they engineer consent using the strategy of tension, ppls of the world united via the Internet, knowledge, peace, prosperity) or improve their understanding (Internet restrictions, surveillance, protests demand state approval, designated free speech zones).

Undoubtedly the late great documentary investigative film maker Alan Francovich - Truthseeker, foresaw domestic false flag terrorism conducted by the intelligence services of the old world order = NATO member states.
While man advances in knowledge and his manners are polished, we must expect to see, at the same time, his desires enlarged (ipod, iphone, viral videos, trending, soap operas, video games, films, gossip etc, libertarian narcissism, consumed society), his appetites refined (starbucks, latest sneakers, fashion, hairstyles, gear), and his vices increased (cocaine, crack, meth, booze, whoring etc).
