Pry Minister

Other News Headlines
- German soldier arrested for alleged terror plans
- Sgt Alexander Blackman released from prison TONIGHT
If it bleeds it leads, more sales, more profit for the robber baron. The psyop continues to ensnare useful idiots and trolling bigots.
Rather unfortunate name for a tour
Historical Reminder
"Why of course the people don't want war. Why should some poor slob on a farm want to risk his life in a war when the best he can get out of it is to come back to his farm in one piece? Naturally the common people don't want war neither in Russia, nor in England, nor for that matter in Germany. That is understood.
But, after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders.
That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the peacemakers for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country."
Hermann Goering (1893-1946) Commander-in-Chief of the Luftwaffe, President of the Reichstag, Prime Minister of Prussia and, as Hitler's designated successor, the second man in the Third Reich
Date: April 18, 1946
Nuremberg Diary (Farrar, Straus & Co 1947), by Gustave Gilbert (an Allied appointed psychologist), who visited daily with Goering and his cronies in their cells, afterwards making notes and ultimately writing the book about these conversations.
See Video above of Cameron and Sarkozy Victory parade, in Libya celebrating the demise of Gaddaffi and an ominous message from David.
Manchester incident, was this another Operation Gladio ? or was it Blowback (coined by the CIA).Many are oblivious to the parallels. If you have an objective mind, you'll know the answer.
Too many coincidences in the Manchester incident
1) May 2016 ; Police chief says Trafford Centre terror drill was a success, but we have learned lessons ✔
3) Public alerted the police about the behaviour of the "terrorist". Police and Intelligence services were aware of him, and did nothing, wilful ignorance or incompetence ? no accountability....lessons must be learned..but they never do. ✔
4) Notice the Manchester incident coincided with Trump's visit to Israel, compelling him to speak about the "War on Terror". ✔
Bum, scum, patsy? or another radicalised twat thanks to Cameron's regime change in Libya.
5) Theresa May's lacklustre performance in the UK electoral polls, under pressure due to Corbyn making significant gains. ✔
Do i look convincing, i'm trying to be a chavy
6) Elections were halted, neutralising Corbyn's momentum, giving Theresa breathing room, and centre stage ("in control, doing something, more sound bites"). ✔
7) Newly elected Andy Burnham (Labour), Manchester Mayor, campaigned to re-evaluate the counter-productive and controversial 'Prevent' strategy. ✔
8) George Galloway (Independent) campaigning for the Manchester Gorton seat. ✔
9) In the same month, both NATO and G7 summits were scheduled. ✔
10) NATO has just announced its joining the international coalition against ISIS. ✔
One must milk the event for all one can, being a Germanic barbarian of olde, ....Mrs Saxe-Coburg-Gotha.
11) Cressida Dick the person that issued the order to kill the innocent civilian Charles de Menezes (7/7), is now head of the MET (Feb 2017).
See video that show's how the police deliberately defamed Charles and evaded justice.
Phone hacking scandal, members of the police selling stories and hacking for the news of the world, sun. What a Dick, seems incompetence follows her.
No accountability just wilful ignorance. From Charles de Menezes to failing to act on intel given, why bother with Prevent when the police are incapable of preventing known radicals from initiating acts of terror ?
No amount of funny handshakes and nods will help Dick, evade the class action lawsuit by the victims families. Against the intelligence services and police for their criminal negligence and gross incompetence.......i smell a public inquiry!
The Tiberius team believes that organised crime corruption infiltrated:
- The Metropolitan Police Service
- The City of London Police The Nation Crime Squad
- The National Criminal Intelligence Service
- Her Majesty's Customs and Excise
- The Crown Prosecution Service
- The Prison Service
- The Jury System
- The Legal Profession
Watch the Video above of how and why organised crime infiltrated government institutions.
12) On Thursday, the same week to bury bad news, U.S. military investigation acknowledged it used a 500-pound (227-kg) bomb to kill "two ISIS snipers" on the roof of an apartment . ✔
Scum rises to the top, birds of a feather shit together,
In March within the Iraqi city of Mosul, when U.S. air strike killed hundreds of civilians. Local officials and eyewitnesses have said as many as 240 people may have died in the strike.
Oblivious to the insidious, victim of states wilful ignorance.
But several residents of the al-Jadida neighbourhood told The Associated Press on Friday there were no IS fighters or explosives inside the house struck by the U.S. bomb.
"A sniper wanted to get on top of the house. He got up and then immediately came down," said Manhal Samir, who was in a house next door at the time.
"Within minutes" of the fighter leaving the strike hit, Samir said.
"There were no explosives in the house, only families," said Ahmed Abdul Karim, who was sheltering in his own home nearby and whose brother was killed in the U.S. strike.
"There were children in the basement and in the garden is where the women were."
13) In the UK 16-year-olds can’t legally play Call of Duty but they can join the army. by RACHEL TAYLOR, Independent article on Thursday 18th May 2017, four days prior to the Manchester incident on the 22nd May 2017 ✔
14) Tip of the iceberg, MOD/DOD desperately trying to prevent the atrocities committed by psychopathic soldiers on the rampage. These death squads aka terrorists, not dissimilar to ISIS, terrorising innocent civilians.Criminals are criminals, identity politics only serves the special interests of the recklessly irresponsible and privileged few.
Cpl Jeremy Morlock Staff Sgt David Bram war criminals and American soldiers Afghanistan
Below is an extract from a detailed article by Mark Boal March 27, 2011 in Rolling Stone.
The poppy plants were still low to the ground at that time of year. The two soldiers, Cpl. Jeremy Morlock and Pfc. Andrew Holmes, saw a young farmer who was working by himself among the spiky shoots. Off in the distance, a few other soldiers stood sentry. But the farmer was the only Afghan in sight. With no one around to witness, the timing was right. And just like that, they picked him for execution.
The Kill Team: How U.S. Soldiers in Afghanistan Murdered Innocent Civilians - Source -
Soldiers committing crimes in war, are war crimes, irrespective of what nation you represent, because these terrorists are creating terrorists in Afghanistan and Iraq,. Leaving countless families mourning the cold bloodied murder of their loved ones. War crimes go unpunished, and all under the watchful eye of U.S commanders, generals.
By their criminal acts of terrorism they're enabling terrorism, the military has conditioned these automatons into performing actions, not thinking objectively or critically. Dehumanising Afghani's and Iraqi's as the "enemy", and "savages", only to legitimise their bloodlust, murder, and psychopathy.
Irony, of their actions guarantees blowback (term coined by the CIA), with Afghani's seeking revenge after exhausting all legal means of redress. Pursuing justice at the local, regional, national level, and finding no resolution, only lies, that only further demonstrates the hypocrisy and double standards of the so called "civilised" and "impartial" Western governmental institutions. Even after earnestly seeking help from the U.S military, no accountability or transparency, just another whitewash conducted its own internal investigations.
Which inevitably leads to more I.E.D's and suicide bombers, swelling the ranks of the Taliban, thus further de-legitimising the Afghan government. Coalition of unreformed tribal war lords, drug barons, bandits and cronies. Consequently more American/British soldiers being killed because of the wilful ignorance of the soldiers, commanders, generals and administrators. How many soldiers were indirectly killed by the actions of their fellow Americans ? creating more terrorists aka drone fodder so the military industrial complex can perfect its drone pogrom making programs, on Afghani's and Iraqi's.
Would you be silent if your innocent child was killed and fingers cut off, to be used as souvenirs, trophies, sick American Exceptionalism, NATO imperialism, United States of Selective Amnesia.
15) High Court trial into RBS’s £12bn rights issue at the height of the financial crisis has now been adjourned until June 7. 14-week High Court battle, which had been due to commence on Monday, and had already been delayed twice. ✔
Divide and misrule, uniting the ignorant, the bigoted and the idiot. Irrationally (emotionally) triggered, thanks to state psyops to delude the naive and the fool.
Dead behind the eyes androgynous automaton, Cressida Dick programmed to obey the fascist diktats of the globalists, creating the Orwellian state.
Her paramilitary goons are for hire to the highest bidder. Whichever corporation or political party (CONservatives), that need a boost in the election by false flagging their way to victory.
What can we expect from the incompetent and corrupt Cressida Dick ? more false flags and deliberate cockups as part of a psyops to use known crazies as patsies to lay blame on minorities (scapegoats) for failed austerity policies and bailed out banksters utopia lifestyle.
The wilful ignorance of the security services and the establishment. As Theresa May false flags her way to victory, with a 'strategy of tension' psyops upon the populous.
Welcome to the militarised police state, safeguarding the way of life of the CCCP, cabal of crony capitalists and plutocrats. Conservatives have been in power since 2010, that's 7 years.
9 years of austerity, trickle down economics, quantitative easing, socialism for the rich, the bailed out banksters. Neo-liberal economics, reganomics, thatcherism.
Fait accompli, namely austerity. No referendum, just a diktat from big banks, fat cats and plutocrats. Food banks and zero-hours contracts (hire a serf)
Theresa May and her 'nasty party', the CONservatives have managed to false flag her way back to downing street, by hook and crook.
Mother of Mr Burns - Two tonnes of war paint caked on, and the PR dept have reminded me time and time again to fake sincerity..immeasurably
Conservatives coalition government with terrorists, its the largest party in Northern Ireland, is pro-union and supports Brexit. Unwilling to work with Labour in any coalition.
See article below
So, who are the DUP? by Adam Ramsay 9 June 2017 - opendemocracy
Theresa May's new partners in government have strong historical links with Loyalist paramilitary groups. Specifically, the terrorist group Ulster Resistance was founded by a collection of people who went on to be prominent DUP politicians. Peter Robinson, for example, who was DUP leader and Northern Ireland’s first minister until last year, was an active member of Ulster Resistance. The group’s activities included collaborating with other terrorist groups including the Ulster Volunteer Force, to smuggle arms into the UK, such as RPG rocket launchers.
Thanks to ISIS (Mi6, CIA, Mossad Psyop) Greater Israel's globalist plan is a false flag away.
They used their role in government in Northern Ireland to set up a subsidy scheme for biofuels, which gave those who bought into it more money than they had to pay out. The Northern Irish exchequer ended up paying out around half a billion pounds to those who knew about the scheme, leading to a scandal known as ‘cash for ash’, and a major investigation into whether DUP staff and supporters personally benefitted.
Wahabi Salafi Trolls and Psyop Practitioners, KSA.
Accepted a donation of £435,000 to pay for campaign materials across the UK. Under pressure, they admitted that the cash came from a shady group called the Constitutional Research Council, which is chaired by Scottish Tory Richard Cook. openDemocracy research showed that Cook founded a company in 2013 with the former head of the Saudi intelligence service, and a man who admitted to us that he was involved in a notorious incident in which hundreds of Kalashnikovs were flown to Hindu terrorists in West Bengal in 1995.
The DUP told us that the Constitutional Research Council’s chair’s surprising links with Saudi intelligence “aren’t a problem for us”.
More Info
Democratic Unionist Party
Was led by the late Rev Ian Paisley, the DUP is a strong supporter of maintaining the link between Northern Ireland and the rest of the United Kingdom. DUP has its paramilitary wing (terrorists), they being the following;
- Ulster Defence Association/Ulster Freedom Fighters
- Ulster Volunteer Force
- Loyalist Volunteer Force
- Red Hand Defenders
- Orange Volunteers
Mr Paisley had previously been leader of the Protestant Unionist Party.
The party is more vociferous than the UUP in its defence of the union and regards any concessions to nationalists or the Republic as treachery. It is also strongly anti-Catholic in the religious sense, with the late Mr Paisley denouncing the Pope regularly.
It was opposed to the Good Friday Agreement.
Brief History
Amid a growing home rule campaign, the Ulster Unionist leader, Sir Edward Carson, sets up the original Ulster Volunteer Force as a bulwark against Dublin's domination of the Protestant-majority 'six counties' in the north of Ireland. Carson is still regarded by many as the founder of the state of Northern Ireland.
March: Edward Heath's Conservative government imposes direct rule on the province, creating the post of Northern Ireland Secretary, and closes the Unionist-dominated Stormont Parliament in a concession to republicans. The Ulster Unionist Party breaks off formal links with the Conservative Party in protest.
January: The Government sets up a power-sharing executive, in which posts are handed out on a quota basis, in a bid to include Catholics in the decision-making process and end the much-resented Unionist domination.
November: The Anglo-Irish Agreement is signed by Mrs Thatcher and the Irish Taoiseach, Garret FitzGerald, setting up a number of cross-border initiatives. It is opposed by many Ulster unionists. Thousands turn out in Belfast to cheer Reverend Ian Paisley's famous 'No Surrender' speech against the agreement.
IRA declares another ceasefire. UUP leader David Trimble meets Tony Blair in Downing Street. At a news conference afterwards, Mr Trimble announces that the Unionists are unhappy with the talks proposals and will not support the Government on the decommissioning vote. Ian Paisley meets Tony Blair and claims the talks process was 'dead in the water'. First Sinn Fein-Government meeting since the restoration of the IRA ceasefire.
Sinn Fein affirms its commitment to the Mitchell principles of democracy and non violence but the Unionists remain unconvinced. These guidelines are named after the former American senator George Mitchell who chairs the political talks process. The six principles include the total disarmament of all paramilitary organisations and the end of the so-called punishment killings and beatings.
The deadlock is broken as the parties concerned strike a deal opening the way to peace talks.
The Ulster Freedom Fighters (UFF) withdraw from the Combined Loyalist Military Command, the umbrella group for loyalist paramilitary groups.
[quote]The Snooper's Charter passed into law this week – say goodbye to your privacy The fact that you’re on this website is – potentially – state knowledge.
Service providers must now store details of everything you do online for 12 months – and make it accessible to dozens of public authorities. Under the guise of counter-terrorism, the British state has achieved totalitarian-style surveillance powers – the most intrusive system of any democracy in history.
[All this is about industrial espionage, the NATO member states resorting to plundering and usurping the intellectual property of non-western aligned states. Nothing to do with terror by non state actors (patsies) but, identifying or preventing foreign intel agencies from infiltrating corps and government.]
It now has the ability to indiscriminately hack, intercept, record, and monitor the communications and internet use of the entire population. by Silkie Carlo 19/11/16 - The Independent[/quote]
We're living in a banksters paradise, they have their utopia, where's ours ?
Socialism for the rich, trickle down economics. No referendum, remember austerity, that fait accompli, a decade on. Thanks to this Cabal of Crony Capitalists and Plutocrats (CCCP), and their cohorts the bailed out banksters and monarchies.
Long-standing crime families, enriching themselves by visiting countless miseries on the peoples of the world. Beggaring the middle and working classes to safeguard their collective assess.
Trump Cuts State Dept Budget by 28%, Israel’s Share Intact - source
Killing of innocents is a crime, however bigots, idiots, alarmists and ignoramuses use tragedies as a pretext, to spout bile and generalisations.
Sanctions only harm the people, not the regime, for they have ways and means to safeguard their way of life. Using sympathetic nations to act as their agents on the world stage, for the right price.
Indeed, those sanctions were done deliberately to punish the people for not overthrowing their leader. They do it to any nation they deem unworthy, ripe for regime change, outlived their usefulness or ignoring diktats, going off the reservation. Despite the U.S/U.K having trained, armed and legitimised these despots and tyrants.
Why did i bail out the banks ? because i'm NEO Labour, aka CONservative Lite.
Yugoslavia, was once a united state with diversity and unity. Now fragmented, weak and dependent upon foreign support for survival, with their UN votes in NATO's pocket.
Balkanized, into hostile statelets. eventually declaring themselves independence. Serbia 2006, Croatia 1991, Bosnia and Herzegovina 1992, Slovenia 1991, Montenegro 1991, Macedonia in Kosovo 2008.
This strategy was explained to high level military officials a decade earlier in 1982. U.S/U.K and Israel aims were to balkanize the middle east, see extract below, its from a 1982 report titled Oded Yinon Plan.
ISIS fighter receiving medical treatment in an Israeli military hospital, within the Illegally occupied Golan Heights.
See “Greater Israel”: The Zionist Plan for the Middle East, the "Oded Yinon Plan"
I think the Mayor knows it was a false flag, he's visibly shaken, unlike the Dick automaton
Oded Yinon Plan 1982
Translated into English from Hebrew by the late Israel Shahak (Professor of Chemistry, Political Scientist, Civil Rights Activist and Author).
Video above of the late great Israel Shahak
insight into the mind of the Zionist
and the Israeli Junta State
Extracts Below:insight into the mind of the Zionist
and the Israeli Junta State
The idea that all the Arab states should be broken down, by Israel, into small units, occurs again and again in Israeli strategic thinking. For example, Ze’ev Schiff, the military correspondent of Ha’aretz (and probably the most knowledgeable in Israel, on this topic) writes about the “best” that can happen for Israeli interests in Iraq: “The dissolution of Iraq into a Shi’ite state, a Sunni state and the separation of the Kurdish part” (Ha’aretz 6/2/1982). Actually, this aspect of the plan is very old.
Iraq, rich in oil on the one hand and internally torn on the other, is guaranteed as a candidate for Israel’s targets. Its dissolution is even more important for us than that of Syria. Iraq is stronger than Syria. In the short run it is Iraqi power which constitutes the greatest threat to Israel. An Iraqi-Iranian war will tear Iraq apart and cause its downfall at home even before it is able to organize a struggle on a wide front against us.
Fascist Zionism - Perverting the World in its Image.
Every kind of inter-Arab confrontation will assist us in the short run and will shorten the way to the more important aim of breaking up Iraq into denominations as in Syria and in Lebanon. In Iraq, a division into provinces along ethnic/religious lines as in Syria during Ottoman times is possible.
Perverting Europe and ensuring"terrorists" change the way of life of "civilised" nations. Fascist Zionism thanks its imperialist benefactors (Monarchies), for fighting its "enemies", by coercing and blackmailing governments, with the aid of patisies, psyops and financial crisis's. Step closer with the creation of 'Greater Israel'.
Child Soldiers, conditioning, brainwashing
radicalising away their innocence,
pot and kettle..Israel and Hamas.
"Contrary to Netanyahu's plan of one state and two systems, apartheid, the only alternative to two sovereign and democratic states on the 1967 border is one single secular and democratic state with equal rights for everyone, Christians, Muslims and Jews, on all of historic Palestine," state Erekat.
Palestinian chief negotiator and Secretary General of the Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO), Saeb Erekat, speaks during a press conference in the West Bank city of Jericho on February 15, 2017
radicalising away their innocence,
pot and kettle..Israel and Hamas.
"Contrary to Netanyahu's plan of one state and two systems, apartheid, the only alternative to two sovereign and democratic states on the 1967 border is one single secular and democratic state with equal rights for everyone, Christians, Muslims and Jews, on all of historic Palestine," state Erekat.
Palestinian chief negotiator and Secretary General of the Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO), Saeb Erekat, speaks during a press conference in the West Bank city of Jericho on February 15, 2017
So, three (or more) states will exist around the three major cities: Basra, Baghdad and Mosul, and Shi’ite areas in the south will separate from the Sunni and Kurdish north. It is possible that the present Iranian-Iraqi confrontation will deepen this polarization.
Jordan constitutes an immediate strategic target in the short run but not in the long run, for it does not constitute a real threat in the long run after its dissolution, the termination of the lengthy rule of King Hussein and the transfer of power to the Palestinians in the short run.
There is no chance that Jordan will continue to exist in its present structure for a long time, and Israel’s policy, both in war and in peace, ought to be directed at the liquidation of Jordan under the present regime and the transfer of power to the Palestinian majority.
In his Complete Diaries, Vol. II. p. 711, Theodore Herzl, the founder of Zionism, says that the area of the Jewish State stretches: “From the Brook of Egypt to the Euphrates.”
Rabbi Fischmann, member of the Jewish Agency for Palestine, declared in his testimony to the U.N. Special Committee of Enquiry on 9 July 1947: “The Promised Land extends from the River of Egypt up to the Euphrates, it includes parts of Syria and Lebanon.”
Irony is lost on Zionists. Particularly when it was the Jews, who suffered much injustice during the 'Jewish' "Holocaust", _(one of many carried out over the 20th century)_ would feel justified inflicting mass injustice upon the Palestinians. Who played no part in the atrocities they experienced. Selective amnesia, because history is written by the victors.
Israel the lauded civilised democracy, another example of how an occupying power enforces military law upon a people, in this instance, a one armed stone throwing Palestinian child.
Menachem Begin, Yitzhak Shamir, were Israeli heads of state and terrorists that formed gangs of terror Irgun, Lehi, Haganah, Palmach et al in the 30's and up until the creating of the state. Israeli state was born of Terror, lead by 'Jabotinsky', an agent of the moribund British Empire. Sustaining its neo-coloniailst aspirations in the middle east post WW1.
Fascist Messianic Zionist Trolls, Rabidly Rabbinical, Listening to
that Burning Bush and Real Estate Agent in the Sky, "God's Chosen Ppl",
Predicated on a book of fairy tales written ages ago, now used to flout
international law, because of their obsessively reckless ambition in
creating Greater Israel 'Oded Yinon Plan 1982'
Former Iraqi vets suffering from PTSD, are fast tracked into law enforcement maxed on steroids. Result is private courts sending youths to private prisons for inordinate sentences over misdemeanour's. With corrupt judges receiving inducements for complying with corporate interest groups.
Robocop cyborgs programmed to Kill On Sight KOS, thanks to receiving training from the worlds specialist in state terrorism, Israeli 'standing army factories' (thanks to U.S tax payers). Yes, Israel's hyperrealism is conditioning (providing training) the U.S, U.K and European police to view the public as enemies of the state.
Even becoming heads of state, immune from war crimes committed against Palestinians, British, Egyptians (bombings, hangings, shootings, assassinations, extortion, robbery, intimidation etc), revisionists have whitewashed atrocities committed by Jewish terrorist gangs, they're now celebrated as "freedom fighters".
War , is an attempt (by the establishment) to deprive the revolution of its energy, intrinsically the youth. By distracting the people with a foreign conflict, and thwarting them from upending the current head of state, monarchy, oligarchy, plutocrats, despots, juntas and principalities.
Ink from the permanent marker is still fresh
a better understanding of why the discredited Alex 'J-Street' Drones
intransigence is so entrenched, watch the following video made by TYT
titled >>> Why Alex Jones Is SOOO SORRY About
the 03:53 mark, he proclaims the following "We're under
attack.....everybody's under attack......the elite hate Trump..let me
tell you.. *if he is a psyop, he's the most sophisticated one i've ever
saw*... *and even if he is....he's a revelation of the awakening...* and
they're having to pull this trick try to divert us.... *doesn't
matter..... its part of the awakening*....etc etc. rant continues.
5 Dancing Israeli's Productions and Zio Studios are part of the
Greather Israel Depredation Fund.
You can't reason with evangelical Zionists, fantasists, the unhinged and megalomaniacs.
Furthermore, his wife has apparently filed for a divorce, after news of Jones 'alleged' extra- marital affair came to light. So if he continued to deceive his wife, whilst 'allegedly', cavorting with an aide, how can his viewers trust him ?
relinquished the 9/11 truth crusade, favouring the dogma of unhinged
televangelists. So much for the '9/11 was an inside job', he once coined
with his trademark bullhorn. Alex has become a glorified troll, obtuse
and chauvinistic.
Alex Jones of yesterday (that filmed the documentary about Aaron Russo
and other acclaimed titles such as Terror Storm and the Obama Deception)
and that of today's Alex Drones the online-evangelical Zionist sock
puppet and quisling for J-Street.
he can continue to bang his "righteous" fist on the desk, punctuated by
diatribes, to reassure his loyal flock. For he always wanted to be a
poor man's John Hagee.
lost perspective, watching him vacillate between hyperrealism and
reality, is still entertaining. Keep the meltdown going Alex, you reap,
what you sow, back in your Zionist memory hole, quisling troll.
Dancing Israeli's caught 'documenting the event', and that's a quote, See Video below

The same smart people at Goldman Sachs, those recklessly irresponsible privileged few that created the 2008 global depression, foreclosures, due to their repackaging and trading of toxic derivatives, compounding the miseries on the people of the world by speculating against their clients. They win either way, we lose, whilst they get bailed out and the big banks get even bigger,, by buying up the sacrifice competitors! so much for true capita;ism and competition in this oligarchical monopoly of technocrats, plutocrats running the country.
I'm not advocating socialism, i want capitalism as it was pre and post 30's great depression. Not the bailed out banksters crony capitalism. In the 30's brokers leapt to their deaths, today we have millions of ppl dying after being forcible foreclosed and beggared by both "republicans and democrats".
I'm not advocating socialism, i want capitalism as it was pre and post 30's great depression. Not the bailed out banksters crony capitalism. In the 30's brokers leapt to their deaths, today we have millions of ppl dying after being forcible foreclosed and beggared by both "republicans and democrats".
Remember it was the banks failure to separate the speculative, casino crony capitalist investments from the hard working men and women deposits/savings accounts. Deregulation and culture of avarice, has contributed to the Greatest Depression the world has ever seen, that of 2008.
Those speculators, brokers, bankers, investors, bond assurers, and hedge fund managers gambled with savers and depositors money, wilfully and consistently. Now they demand, another spin of the wheel, despite having gambled away, the hopes, dreams and futures of coming generations. Saddling them with debt, life of zero-hours servitude the alternative is to forced destitution. In spite of all this, the mainstream psyop media, explains away austerity, focusing responsibility upon the householders for borrowing too much money, a slight of hand by the PR firms and robber barons, their partners in crime ensconced within the civil service.
These illegitimate offspring of aristocrats, and monarchs, the mandarins and their subordinates, the civil servants within position of power and influence. Including government regulators and state institutions, directors in the bank of England. For they're in this together, having orchestrated the biggest heist in history, convincing the public to accept responsibility for something they didnt do and had no control over. Whilst the gutter press and fascist right wing shock jocks, exploit your prejudices, sensibilities and fears by using minorities as scapegoats.
Media another Zionist propaganda outlet masquerading as
"alternative/alt right" news network. all of their hosts are pro-Israel.
Just like Alex, he who pays the piper, calls the tune,
Those speculators, brokers, bankers, investors, bond assurers, and hedge fund managers gambled with savers and depositors money, wilfully and consistently. Now they demand, another spin of the wheel, despite having gambled away, the hopes, dreams and futures of coming generations. Saddling them with debt, life of zero-hours servitude the alternative is to forced destitution. In spite of all this, the mainstream psyop media, explains away austerity, focusing responsibility upon the householders for borrowing too much money, a slight of hand by the PR firms and robber barons, their partners in crime ensconced within the civil service.
Fake hair and teeth, because superficial cretins support superficial cretins
Go...........GAGA.......over........MAGA.............see you in 4 years.
First Troll POTUS.
These illegitimate offspring of aristocrats, and monarchs, the mandarins and their subordinates, the civil servants within position of power and influence. Including government regulators and state institutions, directors in the bank of England. For they're in this together, having orchestrated the biggest heist in history, convincing the public to accept responsibility for something they didnt do and had no control over. Whilst the gutter press and fascist right wing shock jocks, exploit your prejudices, sensibilities and fears by using minorities as scapegoats.

I'm content because i got my Trump phone.
“I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn’t lose any voters”

"The reason they call it the American Dream is because you have to be asleep to believe it."
George Carlin