Talpiot the Elusive Bot

Talpiot bots to the rescue, data mining and blackmailing, thanks to artifices compromising internet of things devices.
To safeguard the interests of the bailed out banks, their co-conspirator robber baron proprietors of Breitbart, pro-wall street think tank skanks, political dynasties. All of whom are slavishly subservient to the old world order (OWO) of monarchs and organised religion, the iniquitous status quo, for a quid pro quo.
OWO agents, the Likudniks and their Talpiot bots. Using them to infiltrate and data mine for ulterior motives the 'internet of things' devices ppl have in their homes and businesses. Used as a contingency, insurance and a cudgel to coerce those within influential positions of power to bend them to their will and agenda, blackmail.
Be it Goldman Sachs blackmailing nations with its toxic derivatives and creating great global depressions or corporate, governmental and financial back end surveillance and protection security systems. When nations are subjected to these gangster Stern gang terrorists and their like-minded bedfellows, then you can expect what you see before you on the TV screens, chaos, distraction, entrapment, illegal wars, and witch hunts against any nation or person(s) that oppose their vision of the world imposed upon us all.
Forensically logging and tracking every packet of data transmitted on any Internet accessible network in Europe, Americas, Middle East, Africa with the exception being China.
Even Google have revoked their 'Do No Evil' policy and dived into bed with the U.S military industrial complex. Developing algorithms that are the brains behind autonomous drones which legitimises extra-judicial killing of people (especially innocent bystanders, family members etc).
Likudnik Noahide Law terrorist Stern Gang war criminals. The same bailed out bankster crew, that continues to screw you and yours.
Remember its the same team that engineered the Talpiot pogrom, aka program. Trigger psyop'd sheeple into reacting in an emotive and irrational way. Due to engaging with sophisticated algorithmic bots powered by Talpiot. Which possess the ability to compromise the 'Internet of Things' devices. Hijacking them in an act of brazen terrorism to coerce you and yours to their will, thanks to these artifices with built in back doors.