With the emergence of xray machines in all airports there weren't much dust lingering on the machines as they were hauled up from storage. Conveniently introduced after a deluded and brainwashed Nigerian from a well-to-do background tried to destroy a plane using his explosive pants. Despite his father attempts to alert authorities in the U.S and U.K he managed to travel without being questioned or checked adequately. Again this story has a fetid smell about it something which leads to more questions and few answers.

Let's be frank we're here to protect the bank.
Health Grounds
As a member of the herd they'll try to lure the sheep from the lairage and in a coup de grĂ¢ce end their lives with the aid of the xray machine. Wittingly the government instead of safeguarding our health by carrying out longterm research in such invasive methods they've befuddled the public by focusing on privacy. Privacy is an issue but that is way below of public concern when health is at risk, so what are the health implications of xray scanners ? Quote taken by by Ron Kurtus "Although x-rays have a potential of causing genetic damage and cancer, the chances of being harmed from medical or dental x-rays is extremely small." However if you're a frequent flier risk is no longer small, as the body is subjected to radiation from the Xray some cells in the body (in this case it can be the head a sensitive area, arms , legs, groin, stomach, organs etc.) die prematurely and in some cases their DNA is changed, even worse this abnormal genetic changes within the cell may lead to it becoming cancerous !

Check out the fibula on this radiated chap, no need to ask your GP for a hospital booking, why not do a two for the price of one get your X-rays done at the airport save ££££££ on the NHS and reduce waiting lists !
So for those of you that have already undergone chemotherapy and survived imagine what triggers these insidious devices may bring ? There are many people with dormant cancers and these machines could be the impetus for such cancers to multiply. Even pregnant women and children not to mention what adverse affects they may have on the reproduction organs and fertility. Without doubt these machines should be removed until they have undergone stringent testing to determine whether they pose a risk to human health and to what extent. Meantime the security measures of the past will suffice for if the intelligence from the father of the Nigerian was acted upon then we wouldn't be debating the health ramifications let alone the privacy issues of such machines.

Help us we are sinking..... we're hailing for a bailing ..... besides the other two are in desperate need for some snazzy rolex's.
What happened to the airport surveillance camera footage ? Why wasn't this released ? Could it be detrimental to the airline company(ies) that allowed this person continue on his fatal journey ? He was on a watched list and despite his fathers concern over his sons potential to cause harm to the public and early notification to the authorities, nothing was done. Jepardising the lives of passengers in order to collate further intelligence of malevolent people that are trying to attempt mass murder is a monstrosity. Notwithstanding the disregard for public safety and accountability where no one is held accountable for this catalogue of errors, no investigation. Accepting things as they are would only mean a repeat of the Christmas event unless the aim by the hidden hands was to use the event as part of a means to an end. The end being the international adoption of xray scanning machines in all international airports, guess what that has happened. So we can now understand that if this case was true we would be shown video of the Nigerian in the airport boarding plane and a thorough investigation would've been done.
There are adequate methods to determine an individuals propensity to commit mass murder on a plane, it's simple by using profiling, and the mountainous invasive measures of intelligence, surveillance of phone, Internet, mobile etc. When the time comes for these individuals held under suspicion to attempt boarding a plane they can be simple questioned and then frisked sufficiently without the need to tar society as potential terrorists. This collective punishment is against our civil liberties and human rights and those that died in the past for these values have died in vain for we now suffer their pain. Where were the government overseers and civil servants in their quangos ? Where were the inept peons in the select committees to question these measures ? I'll tell you they were all towing the party line besides it's "national security" and when that term is used you shut the hell up and do as you are told or you'll be seen as unpatriotic and even worse one of them, you're either with us or against us !
Indeed the term "national security" was used to pacify dissident voices in government and liberty groups, another draconian measure railroaded (assisted by the purported swine flu pandemic) at the behest of the hidden hand. Such measures to provide security don't and only perpetuate an atmosphere of fear as to confuse the public like sheep and accepting orders of state that in time becomes their fate only realising when its too late. Body scanning xray machines were lambasted by people from the security sector for not being adequate in preventing the likes of the Christmas event. Nevertheless this shan't deter the plans of the hidden hands to keep the sheep in fear throughout the election year. Could we foresee the introduction of checkpoints at airports, docks, ports and train stations with these xray machines ? Another step towards an authoritarian state is this our fate ?

Now with the revelation of the patently false pandemic flu has proven once again another ploy deployed by the hidden hands. Fear helped confuse and distract the populus from focusing on real issues and it helped people accept the xray machine without much protest, step by step leading the herd.Citizens of the so called free world have the right as stipulated within Article 5 of the human rights act that "No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment". By collectively punishing the public over the actions of a few mad people and using degrading treatment by subjecting them to unnecessary radiation that will have an adverse effect on their health is deplorable. In Article 4 "No one shall be held in slavery or servitude" I'm afraid the bailed out bankers with the support of the politicians that we elected have broken that rule for this is the new role for the prole, pay that tax back jack and your children and theirs too.
Whatever next alien anal probes to see if you have any semtex in that cavity of depravity ? For those with dubious intentions attempting to emulate the Nigerian acting and looking strange then it's the good old plastic glove for you, with a doctor to hold your hand. Facial recognition or racial segregation ? terrorism the new guise of authoritarianism.
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