Most likely the first of many space conflicts initiated in 2021 "Drone Wars" may last a quarter of a century or more. Either virtually generated or realistic a threat from beyond this earthly realm is paradoxically unpredictable yet scrupulously exploitable. Reasoning for such hypothesis is due to decades of hollywood propaganda in the subsequent decades. Brainwashing the citizens of the world with synchronised broadcasting of portentous hollywood blockbusters such as "Independence Day", "Armageddon" and Terminator 2 three films that are played incessantly. One of many Pavlovian methods used to access the subconscious of the masses and deposit seeds that will generate the required responses to real or artificial triggers.
Optimistic Reasoning
- Military nations of the world and citizens of the earth begin a prolonged conflict against the "malevolent cosmic invaders"
- Consensus between the populations of the world to fight this common threat is achieved.
- As a result of the conflict androids are deployed (being expendable and efficient) to combat the alien threat which results a reduction in loss of life.
- Cleanse the earth of detrimental practices (nuclear) with assistance from our celestial brethren and new purification technologies come to light and computing technologies with hackers uniting to fight the aliens with Ai.
- Zealots, bigots, ignorant, avaricious, egotistical, elite, nobility, selfish, deluded dogma finally recognise the errors of their ways and either transform or perish.
- Celestial brethren intervention brings the conflict to an abrupt conclusion.
- Awaken the masses to the truth (soul, humanity, celestial friends etc)
- End world focused on cupidity, capitalism, communism etc.
- Begin a new age in harmony with one another, our planet and celestial brethren.
- Age of "Star Trek" begins humanity working together for the betterment of all in creating a new world, industries and society based on freedom, equity, peace and love "one race, one face and one place".
- Military nations of the world begin a prolonged conflict between the peoples of the earth and "malevolent cosmic invaders".
- Sub rosa plot between the nobility, elite, secret services, military industrial complex, national military, police authorities, security services, agencies.
- Consensus between these agencies to form a unified world force to use the alien threat as a ruse to corral, pacify, subjugate, cull the populations of the world to accept the new paradigm fighting a threat which doesn't exist. As a result of the conflict and the deployment of androids (military industrial complex drones and androids) and cyborgs purporting to defend the earth are actually used against the peoples of the world evidently reduce the population of the world significantly.
- Citizens of the world to work in servitude in the so called "fight for planet earth" as faceless numbered drone consumed by the bureaucracy of the war living in fear, pacified with state drugs, genetics, cloning, cybernetics etc thus reducing the population of the world significantly.
- Using false flag operations i.e hackers, Ai assisted andriods, drones, aliens, holograms, cyborgs by accusing this fictitious threat as the cause of sabotage to earths nuclear plants that destabilise and radiate the environment with hazardous toxins, nuclear fallout.
- Exploit the zealots, bigots, ignorant, avaricious, egotistical, elite, nobility, selfish, deluded to become vehement and unwilling to change thus creating minor conflicts between these fanatical factions.
- Visually generated threats i.e. holographic or actual cloned
entities or use drones encased in UFO shaped aircraft's to emulate their navigation with on board lasers to manipulate mankind's fear of the unknown new threat, created to prolong the conflict to their agenda.
- Subdue the masses by forcing them to live in fear for generations therefore returning them to a neolithic mental state, hunter gather, fight or flight.
- Two realities exist the virtual which the masses of the people are deluded and chasing illusions consumed by fear the other being the military industrial complex, elites, nobility continue failing in their duty to the people.
- Age of war and fear begins an endless conflict.
Someone eloquently said "I believe in America...but America doesn't believe in me". Returning to the aforementioned "Drone Wars" commencing in 2021 identified by the accelerated development of these automated weapons of mass destruction.
Solar Artifical Intelligence Drones (SAID's)
SAID Classes (Drones Encased Within UFO Shell)
SAID-C (Conventional/Chemical)
SAID-L (Laser)
SAID-N (Nuclear)
SAID-S (Surveillance)
Apart from the "S" class drones all others are used in warfare potentially against developing and developed nations to ensure states national interest i.e oil, gas, minerals, metals, feudal states and justify occupations in foreign lands. Such logic stems from the imperialist attitudes of "If we don't the Russians, French or Chinese will".
S class drones encased within UFO shells are to be used in subverting democracy and freedoms under the guise of protecting citizens from terrorism or criminal behaviour. Remote controlled from command centres underground these UFO drones is the elites final solution is a deliberate depopulation method. Risk with using these AI automated drones using solar energy to fly for years in the skies can only lead to more problems for mankind's future. We have yet to evolve from bone wielding ape to drones no wonder other intelligent lifeforms are giving earth a miss, who can blame them. With each state developing these sophisticated systems and countermeasures including hacking, jamming, etc, the human race is suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome, compassion fatigue as a result of the continue escalation in conflicts, by these cycles of more war, protectionism, imperialism because of the influential minority fear losing their age old grip on power and control over societies through the centuries.
Because they feel we the people are unworthy and contemptible animals that deserve to be cajoled into the pen or pit until we ourselves realise this wicked game and stop participating in the thing which is destroying us and safeguarding them and their pernicious practices for we are their sacrifices.
Nobody knows for sure and never will for we aren't meant to know the future but we are responsible for the present. The powers in the hands of those influential people that yield the sword and shield know change is needed. Like the tsunami humanity especially now is yearning for a new vision one that is fair and just for all, not to the influential and privileged few. For the people to carry on regardless of the austerity measures imposed on them and assisted by the previous government "Labour" is unacceptable especially in a democracy (more like plutocracy). On a lighter note holy wood lead you to believe we're on the verge of being invaded by legions of cloned zombie cyborg aliens carrying viruses and toxins.
So where do we go from here ? New change dump the capitalist system that supports that has evidently supported the corrupt and incompetent few now we have to pay their due. If they won't and it looks as if that's the case then the world should have a referendum "Capitalism world of rich and poor, boom and bust, rat race, lost generations, race to the bottom of the poverty pit or Star Trek future based on equity, love, peace and justice for all.
Or we can say forget that and keep breeding, leave it to the next generation, selfish thinking, divide and rule, carry on in the rat race and crying at our place in life etc. You can engage in that which enrage or disengage and refrain from this capitalist game, don't be a cog sinking in a bog.Which is it to be a star trek or threat for one will set us free the other we will cease to be?
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