Regan, Bush, Trump, Hilary, Bernie etc all Fascist Crony Capitalist Imperialist Interventionists Ideologues.
Thanks to the U.S and U.K, the Saudi state has consistently exported its Wahabi, Salafi, Tikfiri clerics. Sponsoring and indoctrinating hundreds of thousands of imams, to be sent to Asia, Africa and Europe. Rubber stamped by civil servants in the foreign office, MOD, DOD, DOS. You see, poisoning the hearts and minds of people takes considerable amounts of resources; notably time, money and effort.
Incorrigibly the western aligned sheikdoms of the middle east; are persistently and consistently deliberate. Meticulously and methodically prompted by the west, into partaking in a psyop upon the peoples of the region. All to safeguard their seats in power, the wests mainstay. Their task is to ensure the most insidious practices of Wahabbisim and its poisonous offshoots seep into their hearts and minds of generations, worldwide. Many are oblivious to the insidious, especially the invidious. Hijacking the migrant workers cultures. As it inculcates the vulnerable, naive and those susceptible to fears, prejudices and illusions.
Introducing austere garbs, dogmatic etiquettes and suppressed mindsets. From Saudia Arabia and its gulf neighbours, as many poverty stricken Asians are ensnared in its Orwellian clan think wahabi/salafi/takfiri web. Trapped for seeking employment and having to leave their homelands for the sun baked barren wastes of the desert. Treated as subhuman by the indigenous inhabitants, akin to the relationship between feudal lords and their serfs toiling the land for a pitiful existence.
Forced to escape hardship and poverty at home they travel to Saudia Arabia seeking work, oblivious to the insidious working practices and its consequences (unless you're white or of considerable status). Indefatigably they work for decades in the stifling heat, subjected daily to derision from the righteous zealotry police. Whom sole purpose; is to ensure you adhere to the 5aday you better pray or pay at your nearest mosque. If found on the street during prayer time, then you'll suffer opprobriums by the overbearing and overweening bearded automatons. All this depends preliminary upon your social status, nationality and ethnicity. If you're not white or Saudi, then you're at the mercy of these votaries and coteries.
Meanwhile those attending those Saudi mosques are subjected to something akin to Chinese water torture psyop techniques but with sermons that burrow their way into the subconscious minds of ignorant, bumpkins and the unhinged villagers, In this nightmarish and oppressive medieval crony capitalist western imperialist interventionist sheikdom called Saudia Arabia and its Gulf surrogates.
Slowly, these economic migrants with their distinct cultures, begin to erode and a mutation takes place. Reason and objectivity wanes and links to their ancestral homeland is substituted with fervour for pilgrimage to the Saturnian cube. As the vocal fanatical irrational voices take centre stage. Oil too contaminates the soil and so does the Saudi/Gulf doctrine pollutes its foreign workers. Submerging them, as they sacrifice their time, energy in developing these former barren wastelands into desert air conditioned malls. All items imported to these hives in the desert, not even a needle is manufactured in these dune encircled dens of the most haughtiest torpidity. Sectarian sermons from the Saudi state sponsored satellite stations conducted uniformly by Wahabbi, Salafi, Tikfiri indoctrinated imams and their uniform minds. These poverty stricken migrants save what little they can, sacrificing their hearts and minds to the psyop agents of the U.S/U.K imperialist interventionist called Saudi clerics.
Fascist crony capitalist and western imperialist interventionist salesman - Tony Blair
This was all planned decades ago by the western imperialist interventionist policy makers in their civil servant offices. Back to the migrant workers in Saudi, for decades they've saved and taken money back with them to their motherlands in Asia, Africa and the Middle East. With it, some have taken those seeds of sectarianism and division to Pakistan, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Nigeria, Egypt, North Africa, Europe, America, U.K, Iraq, Jordan, Turkey, Syria, Yemen, Somalia etc. All this has emanated from the warring clans of the deserts of Saudia Arabia. Empowered, protected and enthroned by the monarchs of Europe, that pander to the tyrannical regimes of the Arabian peninsula.
Quid pro quo for the status quo, qui bono, Operation Gladio, that's NATO-OTAN
You can't reason with a megalomaniacal psychopathic despot
Indeed the CIA/Mi6 and the Pakistani ISI, all helped create the Mujahadeen. Financed by Saudia Arabia and its Gulf neighbours. Holy warriors that is the english translation of Mujahadeen, were lauded by the western media as they battled to expel the heathenish communists (promulgated by the Saudi state clerics worldwide, broadcasting a call to arms) from Afghanistan during the 80's. Glorified and sanctified by Hollywood in Rambo III. Evidently the Mujahadeen mutated into the Taliban, then Alqaeda and now ISIS.
Jizzing all over the world
Thanks to the U.S and the U.K, Islam as a whole and its multitude of cultures, sects, nationalities are maligned and held responsible for the actions of an unrelenting and parasitically sectarian Saudi fanaticism, and their cohorts, the western cadres and ideologues. These partners in crime are ignored thanks to the think tank skanks. Another cadre beholden to the camarilla's of Europe and America, providing the false narratives and rationale that find their way into sexed up dossiers, justifying war's of aggression. Learned professors and pundits wilfully ignore the elephant in the room, that being Wahabism/Tikfiri/Salafism. He who pays the piper with copious amounts of proceeds from oil revenue, calls the tune. Saudia Arabia under the tutelage of the U.K and U.S get a pass. Because it suits the status quo to blame an entire faith, instead of a nation(s), that are responsibly for this hydra which plagues us all. Providing pretext for western governments to enact legislation that is antithetical to western freedom loving democracies, and republics. Bills that favour tyrants and despots, especially those kleptocrats and plutocratic theocracies of the Gulf. No spotlight is placed on them. Furthermore no one blamed Catholicism for IRA terror, that would be absurd, likewise with Islam.
All this is procrastination, another pathetic ACME scheme to delay the inevitable; democratisation of the middle east. Fear of the west in losing all those lucrative contracts and loyal customers in the region if the will of the people was executed. Hence the bogeymen and CIA/Mi6 trained despots, generals and counter-revolutionaries to thwart real progress. They did it in the 20's, 30's, 40's and 50's, installing fascist regimes to destroy real democracy in the region from taking root.
Civil servants in the west provide the intelligence services and politicians with mendacious alibi's. Feigning ignorance or incompetence, yet never reprimanded or hold those responsible to account for their dereliction of duty. Threshold for a modicum of due diligence escapes the minds of those on steering committees that seek to identify shortcomings. Thus prevent such gross negligence from occurring again, especially when states suffer the calamitous consequences of crony capitalist western imperialist interventionist fascist plotters.
As the NATO member states goads and prods (ISIS and its surrogates) these useful idiots and righteous bigots to non-western aligned states. Like an obnoxious anti-social troll being led by his pitbull as it terrorizes the neighbourhood, allowing it to defecate on pavements (much to the chagrin of law abiding neighbours). NATO will undoubtedly use ISIS and its subsequent grotesque manifestations to run amok, in the region, especially those of the BRICS. For it deems it a threat to the aspirations of western imperialist crony capitalists interventionists. Nevertheless, mistakes aren't mistakes if no one is held accountable for their actions. For its by design, hence the lack of accountability, despite their culpability, oh the profundity.
Hope Change, Future Believe, Make Great Again, Stronger Better,
All a Psyop ya patsies, thank the NATO Nazies.
All a Psyop ya patsies, thank the NATO Nazies.
Oh they feel the Bern alright, another lost, abandoned and frustrated generation.
Just experienced its first fascist crony capitalist erection election right up their collective anuses.
Bernie didnt use lube!
Military industrial complex will benefit from testing the latest drones, weapon systems and strategies on these useful idiots. Perfecting its tyrannical hegemony for its citizens, that's if the draconian legislation fails to stymie dissent. You can forgive irrational simpletons for allowing the misrepresentation of Islam to go unchallenged. For Jesus said, forgive them for they know not what they do. They get their talking points from facile and juvenile shock jocks and talking heads. Regurgitating their reductionist and sensationalist false narratives, decontextualised snipes at those daring to contextualise issues. Monosyllabically they'll eventually return to the bosom of the fascist crony capitalist western imperialist interventionist state or its cheerleaders in the mainstream media. Suckling the states teat, for financial sustenance (foreclosure), emotional reassurance (war on terror, fear, psyops, false flags and black ops, Operation Gladio), drip fed daily a good dose of hyperbole and vitriol.
You're free to do as we tell're free to do as we tell you !
We did it again Hitlary, I legitimised the duopoly, Show me the money!
We, Ha ha ha ha, they, bahh bahh baaa, suckers, Sheeple

Thanks sheeple for everything, we couldn't have done it without you !
More wars and bank bailouts, enjoy the psyops, for we're coming
for your GUNS !
5 Tenets of the FMZ
FMZ's (Fascist Messianic Zionism), anyone can be an FMZ, irrespective of your faith, gender, race or political beliefs. As long as you believe the following;
1) God (that real estate agent in the sky) gifted the land called Israel to his chosen people, the Israelites.
2) You believe his chosen people can do no wrong, and their way of life and security trumps any people(s), nations, irrespective of any recognised international laws.
3) No other state, law, consensus can overturn Gods chosen people or what is prophesied in the bible, torah and talmud.
4) That you support Israel in every endeavour that sustains its existence, and use your position of power/influence to defend it from any criticism or challenges that question the status quo.
5) Israel will engage in whatever means to justify its ends, to bring about the Moshiach (see Rebbe and Netanyahu), the end of days.
Above is a definition of an FMZ, its a way of clarification, not obfuscation, as with the ADL and their vociferous slurs, and gesticulating agitations, the relentless defamations.
FMZ is an imperialist idea, created and proselyted by the whore of babylon, Queen of Finance, and her lickspittle lackeys and their dissembling affectations, the evangelical imperialists/crony capitalist globalists of England and the U.S. Which came about with the decline and fall of both empires, the British and Ottoman post WW1. The Sykes & Picot agreement of the colonialist and western imperial interventionists, created the inequalities and tyrannies of autocracies we now see in the middle east today. Overtly and covertly, economically and politically impeding these nations natural progression into democracies and autarkies, because it threatens the western hegemony and parasitic way of life for oil and best customers for western products and services.
FMZ's (Fascist Messianic Zionism), anyone can be an FMZ, irrespective of your faith, gender, race or political beliefs. As long as you believe the following;
1) God (that real estate agent in the sky) gifted the land called Israel to his chosen people, the Israelites.
2) You believe his chosen people can do no wrong, and their way of life and security trumps any people(s), nations, irrespective of any recognised international laws.
3) No other state, law, consensus can overturn Gods chosen people or what is prophesied in the bible, torah and talmud.
4) That you support Israel in every endeavour that sustains its existence, and use your position of power/influence to defend it from any criticism or challenges that question the status quo.
5) Israel will engage in whatever means to justify its ends, to bring about the Moshiach (see Rebbe and Netanyahu), the end of days.
Above is a definition of an FMZ, its a way of clarification, not obfuscation, as with the ADL and their vociferous slurs, and gesticulating agitations, the relentless defamations.
FMZ is an imperialist idea, created and proselyted by the whore of babylon, Queen of Finance, and her lickspittle lackeys and their dissembling affectations, the evangelical imperialists/crony capitalist globalists of England and the U.S. Which came about with the decline and fall of both empires, the British and Ottoman post WW1. The Sykes & Picot agreement of the colonialist and western imperial interventionists, created the inequalities and tyrannies of autocracies we now see in the middle east today. Overtly and covertly, economically and politically impeding these nations natural progression into democracies and autarkies, because it threatens the western hegemony and parasitic way of life for oil and best customers for western products and services.

Bernie endorses Hitlary today, yay !
Thanks sheeple for everything, we couldn't have done it without you !
More wars and bank bailouts, enjoy the psyops, for we're coming
for your GUNS !
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