Friday, 16 November 2018

The New Elected Representative - The Amended Politicians Charter

The New Politicians Charter Ver 2.0
  • To reside in the most deprived area within the constituency.
  • High levels of crime, antisocial behavior, poor access to services.
  • This aims to motivate, focus and raise politicians awareness towards their duties.
  • Discourage the feeble minded career motivated politicians.
  • Adhere to targets set by constituents during the election phase.
  • Involved in reducing crime, antisocial behavior, deprivation within constituency.
  • Improving the lives of constituents in regards to health, environment, education etc.
  • Promote good governance by completing targets within specific time frames.
  • Understand and recognise the makeup and issues raised by your constituents.
  • Quarterly evaluations by your constituents during open debates regarding;
  • Quality and level of service, performance targets, progress report etc.
  • Failure to achieve targets will result in a number of penalties (severity of penalties is directly proportional to failed targets).
  • Penalties range from salary reduced, privileges removed, public accountability sessions etc.
  • More to follow;


Time to update the first post i submitted back in 2009 The New Politicians Charter , why? we were 8 weeks away from the elections. Apathy we all feel when we see the usual suspects in party colours and raised slogans by sycophants blind faith or is it vanity.

Unless the system significantly changes then we're all doomed to tyrannical surveillance state that would surpass the fears foretold in book 1984. Our obsession with technology and control will inevitable provide those with influence and resources to become untouchable.

Even today their are those of title and wealth that possess such status due to their corrupting and incestuous relations and influence with other dynasties. So we've seen the MP's expenses revelations, paedophile allegations, convenient coincidence of the police and Whitehall losing evidence detailing such incidents including names, false flags to intimidate and goad naive public into another war, the Chilcot inquiry (incompetent Penfold from Dangermouse) public inquiry about how we went to war in Iraq is a whitewash.

With crystal ball in hand i foresee future governments to be coalitions as people begin to realise, one party with a majority is open to corruption by the hidden hand, bankers and influential lobbyists. This time round we have a newcomer UKIP, has he broken the indistinguishable party leader mould corrupting influence., undermine or command anyone and anything.

Over the past few months the members of parliament expenses farce has raised many questions. Some of these range from disappointment to incredulity, unfortunately genie is out and mocking us with the sound of "nah nah na nah nah". Where were the scrutineers ? where is this moral compass ? where are the whiter than white ? Reform.... reform.... the people say outside parliament meanwhile the chamber reverberates with the sound of hooves. The egocentric and manipulative goats nodding and plotting.

With the rant over it's time for the new politicians charter in all its glory before you. (will amend in future to add more directives, if you have any suggest please comment)

Deep within the bowels of parliament lie some decaying bones beside thousands of rusting moral compasses. Mysteriously all the moral compasses seem to point in a particular direction. They point towards the bones of Guy Fawkes !

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