Israel & Palestine Under Foreign Dominion
Decades of inhuman collective punishment by the minority of fanatical generals in the Israeli military upon the innocent majority of Palestinians within the occupied territories has perpetuated the chaotic status quo. Dehumanising men, women and children has provided a constant source of fuel for minority of fanatics to regurgitate the hate that has consumed the peoples of this tainted region. Insidious policies enforced in the occupied territories and practices experimented on both the majority of innocent and law abiding Palestinians and Israelis are being adopted in the west.
Possible the largest prison in the world Israel, Gaza and the West Bank as if both peoples are causing suffering to one another because they both fail to recognise their self inflicted afflictions. Cycles of hate and ignorance continue fuel the sufferings until they learn the lessons of their futile actions. This experiment lasting half a century aim is to determine the limitations and diverse subjugations the human can adapt and accept. People are subjecting themselves to all these malefic conditions despite the UN purporting to be the bastion of human rights and impartiality has only provided a derisory apathetic glance at the escalating calamity. Besides when the UN manages to submit a resolution especially those against the actions of the persistent, counterproductive and interventionism of the UK and US result in the veto (get out of jail card).

emblematic of the fanatic
Both peoples are being spiritually, physically, emotionally and psychologically stripped, their layers peeled before their very eyes until they realise like the banana the goodness is in the inside. Remove these barriers that have for so long prevented either side from seeing eye to eye and being subjected to external influences with hidden agendas. Striped of their basic human rights and dignity these detrimental methods are being experimented upon both peoples to perfect it for western implementation. Over the years this systematic approach has seen one of the most authoritarian occupying regimes (Saudi Arabia continue to propagate its fanatical ideology which is their raison d'ĂȘtre. Without the fanatical masses and bigoted Wahabi sect they would lose their grip on power and the resources in the region, especially if democracy was practiced or the people arose for change. Unfortunately the likelihood of democracy is highly unlikely in Saudi because of the bigoted and decadent bedouins wish to remain playing the same game as the best customers of the west. Now we have the Saudi regime the most destabilising ideology that, thankfully resonating less and less with the aspirations of the ever increasing youth in the region. What do these bigoted dinosaurs do ? They use the specter of terrorism by defaming these protesting youths as potential terrorists and incarcerating them for voicing their legitimate grievances, UN ignores them yet those of Syria are listened to the hypocrisy is malevolent.
Big Bucks
Those with everything to lose cannot survive without instigating a reaction with the inhumane treatment of the majority and claiming it wants peace. Returning to Israel the fanatics in such established positions set preconditions of security first whilst land grabbing with high walls as barriers which is a method of demarcation. Guinea pigs that what the peoples of the region are especially the Palestinians, this status quo will continue until the world recognises this inhumane and unjust apartheid system by the occupying forces that uses its military to placate, quell and prevent any justifiable peaceful protests or moderates from engaging in peaceful initiatives
Billions of dollars in military aid with veto (get out of jail card) support from the United States government and military industrial complex that has a vested interest in the region because its in the business of manufacturing and exporting arms. Providing boosts to economies in the west and resources for research and development to counteract the developing armies of China and Iran. So these conflict will remain a conflict for as long as we have other nations developing arms and technologies that we in the west deem as a threat economically, politically and physcially to our strategic and geopolitical aspirations that we have for the region, especially for us to remain the true and only worthy custodians of the planet.
Supplanting the indigenous peoples with economic and political fanatical zealots migrants from the desolate wastes of Siberia in Russia to this once ataraxic state. Occupying territories in violation of the UN despite the U.S vetoing any sanctions or resolutions in spite of wide support from the international community the veto is a mock of the institution that purports to be the epitome world democracy and unity, farce indeed.
U.N is impartial... honest!
human rights violations, misinformation, collective punishment, dehumanisation, disproportional retaliation, extra judicial killings, right wing government, migration policy perpetuates fanaticism, preconditions for peace talks, apartheid system, ingredients for hate
Security then peace these are the preconditions of the current Israeli government, consider the following questions;
Mirror, Mirror
What would the unfortunate victims of the holocaust and survivors think of the inhumane treatment they were subjected and mass extermination of the parents, siblings, relatives, friends and grandparents ?
What would they think of the way successive Israeli governments have exploited their fears, hopes and dreams especially the former colonialists the U.K and imperialist intentions of the U.S ?
What would they think of the current military and authoritarian state of Israel controlled by an influential and tyrannical few lost in their own world of hate and fear?
What would they think of the society that propels the ignorant zealot fuelled on fear and having their anxieties manipulated to suit a particular agenda that benefits the few instead of the many?
What would they think of justifying the unjustifiable and sustaining the unsustainable ?
What would they think of how their fellow kinsman were subjected to in those concentration camps, the evil Nazi ideology, ethnic cleansing, physical and psychological deterioration of the human into a unworthy beast imprisoned by their fears and subservient to its abusers ?
What would they think of those experiments conducted on them at the time and what is now being perfected on both the majority of innocent Palestinians Israelis with jets flying low densely populated urban areas creating sonic booms to perpetuate the instilment of fear in its inhabitants irrespective of the moral or ethical justification ?
What would they think of the innocent silent majority being subjected to such conditions daily merely to be seen doing something despite it having counterproductive results and failing to target the vocal minority of fanatics that mirror those in Israel ?
When our so called friends fail to tell us the truth forthwith and claim they're acting prudently by delaying the necessary actions that must be undertaken only to complicate and escalate the situation unnecessarily, who is making the real decisions Israeli military, U.S department of defense, U.K foreign office or the military industrial complex of the west ?
Do we really want to end these cycles of violence, hate and ignorance ?
Lords of War
Shame that these war hawks predilection for chaos thrive on fear, ignorance and conflict within the military state that consumes the nations financial, physical and spiritual resources has perverted the sanctity of all the holy places within the state. One thing is for sure is that the evil Nazi ideology has infiltrated the hearts of a small group of fanatics in Israel and unbeknownst to them has infected the older generations. Now the state is being infected by that same evil and is trying to find ways into the hearts of the youth, thankfully without much success. The hate within these military fanatics has found a new host, the anxieties of security has blinded them to the avenues of peace, and those extermination and self preservation policies of the Nazis has found a new sympathetic host using their fears and tears to seep into their ears. T
These war hawks, with vested interests feel that their purpose in life is to serve the god of war, hate, ignorance at whatever cost because what they deem is right and will fight all in sight for such a plight. Cant these hawks see that they can't resolve hate with hate or conflict with conflict, peace from a mutual respect, justice and unity perspective is the key. Instead of the fanatical religious war hawks that see others as subhuman and themselves as gods favourite holy warriors mirroring those fanatics of Saudi Arabia, both perverting ancient wisdoms, traditions and allegories to justify heinous acts on their fellow man. These war hawks are now at an age which they can't or won't change their tune for they have played the same notes for a very long time now opposed to any positive change to bring about a cessation of hostilities.
Influential people of the region have the most to lose from the status quo for their holiday villas, gated apartheid communities, investments in corporations and properties will disappear if justice reigned instead of fear. As the occupying power they have failed in their obligations to both peoples in the region, what do you expect military hawks aren't politicians even when the politicians themselves are out of uniform. Whenever the U.S or U.K vetoes any UN prohibitions relating to contructing additional settlements in occupied lands the UN demonstrates its biased nature and inability to act independently and justly, again its based in New York. Again this contradictory nature of the Israeli government by its actions that justify its presence and rhetoric are by proxy the intentions of the U.S and U.K for the status quo to remain.
Question the Questioner
Who is being exploited here ?
Is it the Palestinians ?
Is it the Israelis ?
Is it the fanatics on both sides ?
Is it the Israeli military ?
Is it all of the above ?
If so by whom and why ?
Who has much to lose if peace is obtained ?
Who will lose control of state(s) especially those with influential resources vital to western oil and military corporations avaricious appetite for oil ?
Who doesn't want foreign superpowers from potentially influencing state(s) in the region especially with development contracts and bilateral agreements instead of the current unilateral western imposed treaties with despots in the region ?
Don't Be Lame, Play the Game
Suppose the middle east obtained peace including Israel, this would mean unity and thus strength with one voice instead of being fragmented and at odds with one another. When morally and economically bankrupt western corporations being to feel the wrath of its citizens that is when you see them meddling in the affairs of foreign states. Claiming to be arbiters or advocates for either side is merely the intentional baby stepping to some mythological roadmap.
Can we really accept these war hawks intentions for peace ? If so they'd be biting the hand which has fed them and the baby hawks for generations. These Dinosaurs were deprived of love at an early age as a consequence of Nazis actions in Germany and eastern Europe, because of this a fear has penetrated their hearts. Infected it beats and continues to circulate and perpetuate hate, so for such tainted hearts it's too late. When you add the foreign influences it again complicates the issues especially when the media fails to be impartial when reporting events of the region.
Now these war hawks are doing that which was done to them and their forefathers by depriving their kinsman and the Palestinians of a lasting peace. Police aren't policing these occupied areas but the military with apache gunships, naval armadas, blockade, AWACS, drones, M1 Abrahams tanks, heavy artillery barrages, watch towers, Berlin styled walls erected on ever encroaching occupied land, checkpoints, correct papers to access services health etc.
What have these war hawk generals, government officials and intelligence service members become ? that which they fear the most, the oppressor, that jack booted hate filled bigot the Nazi.
Now he has the power and control does he use the same virtues of judgement that of Solomon the wise or does he seek to undo what little good remains in the land and inflict pain onto his brother that which was done to him? The need for these tormented souls to fill voids within their hearts, minds and souls with hate, ignorance and conflict gives no solace. They are deluded and lost chasing shadows in the corridors of their deceptive minds, living out their twilight years in pain and sorrow that plagues these lands.
They are not only allow themselves to be exploited but others to exploit them in a mistaken belief that "the ends justify the means" and "might is right". Wasting precious time and lives either to stage some seismic event that may either bring both sides together or forever keep them apart. Once again the peoples of the region are kept divided and misguided by their rulers and outside influencers that wish the status quo to remain whilst they literally reap the rewards. Exploitation of the peoples and depredations of their natural, intellectual, spiritual wealth by stealth, and the inhabitants distracted whilst they enjoy the benefits, years go by with more of the same that's the name of this game.
Too many states, corporations, military industrial complex and geopoliticking goes on because of the national, strategic and corporate interests in the region are vital to their survival. They need a long-term presence at whatever costs even peace in the middle east, they need access to the land, sea and air, they need unfettered access around the region, they need to do whatever it takes it hinder China's expansionism and soft power philosophy with raw power to in some way instill fear in China. Demonstrating what they did in Iraq, Afghanistan is the desperate and diabolic means to which it will secure its dominance in the region. And if it (China) wishes to continue its aspirations in the region then it too will suffer the same fate as that befallen upon the former USSR. All because China is emulating the same tactics as the US to militarise space for supreme dominance of the earth in spite of the space garbage that encircles our earth they wish to include weaponisation systems that will inevitably create future irrevocable catastrophes to which we can barely imagine the apocalyptic consequences to befall the future generations of this planet. Polluted the soil, rivers, oceans and air with radiation and now the ether, time for mother earth (alive and kicking)to remind its temporary custodians that a higher order reside above that of mortal beings, unfortunately some people in power are oblivious to the insidious. Maybe what's needed is some extraterrestrial interference something out of this world Late great Gene Roddenberry was and still is correct, Star Trek is the future the age of capitalism is dying time for a new age without war, division, money, borders, nationality and religious bigotry one race, one face and one place.