Dichotomy between the rising populations in the developing/underdeveloped worlds and the aging populations in the western developed nations is the crux. So what do the world leaders do?
- Engineer a financial apocalypse "Great Depression 3" in 2013/14.
- Initiate quantitative easing (QE 1,2, 3 etc) increasing the amount of money in circulation
- Currency is devalued and loses its buying power
- Inflation rises and the cost of living increases, food, bills, services etc.
- Interest rates kept low and savers begin to eat into them due to point 4.
- Depleting savings, increasing inflation, lack of job opportunities, increased tuition fees, lost generation of school leavers and university graduates, frozen state benefits, increasing cost of living, curtailed public services health care, increase in hospital infections and cost of medicine, profligate civil servants and managers, nurses and carers chasing targets instead of focusing on the duty of care, increase cost of education, policing increase public anxieties.
- Flu jabs, MRSA, poor health care, postcode lottery relating to drugs and medical procedures performed by hospitals i.e. poorer areas most likely to have restrictions applied unlike those in more affluent areas that are to be exempt from any restrictions.
- One man once said bankers are capitalists when they're winning and socialists when they're losing i.e. nationalising the banks is a socialistic/communistic act.
- Business is business to these people so leaders and business people think the current world population is untenable and needs reducing drastically.
- How they can do this is by disease, conflict or better still make the "walking dead" kill themselves by increasing the cost of living, reduce the health care services and allow the electricity and gas corporations to maintain exorbitant profits.
- Pensioners see little increase in their pensions to counteract the rising cost of living so they live a pitiful subsistence level. Despite having their gas terminated and on an electric token meter the winters takes many frail and elderly people every year.
- Working most of their life these people were used and abused by the government and the corporations and now they're outlived their usefulness, paying into pensions that are empty when they need them most and being burdened with fear, inflation and AUSTERITY!
- What is being done is state euthanasia killing off the elderly with MRSA, inflation, increasing cost of living, quantitative easing, reducing of public services, health care restrictions, postcode lottery etc.
- Youth of today are straddled with the consequences of the bankers and elite gambling addictions, keeping them shackled with tens of thousands of pounds like a ball and chain evidently thats the capitalists game.
- Low income families that assume the state rewards a fertile family the more they breed is counteracted by the consequences that affect every man woman and child resulting from the Great Depression 2, giving with one hand and taking with the other.
- New world reserve currency? maybe but that's decades into the future but if you engage in a system that is designed to sustain the rich and maintain the poor then choose your role rich or poor.
- Power of the individual is choice you can choose to be part of a system that even when the rich were to lose everything they still didn't because they were To Big To Fail. Using a socialistic/communistic strategy they nationalised the banks and they escaped bankruptcy.
- No don't expect the wealthy families, elites, bankers, politicians, corporate executives to be joining you in the dole queue at your local employment center. They made a few mistakes and now we and our children's children will have to suffer the consequences.
- Hey they say we need them because only they can help us out of this Great Depression 2 not the sheeple the dipsomaniacs, ignoramuses, bigots, selfish and arrogant just like the elite but they have a prestige lineage.
- So choice is it if everyone that is experiencing the injustices of this hybrid incestuous union of capitalism/communism then you get neither benefits of either of them, you've been sold a new version of slavery, go back to your field and work for yee serf the landlord demands his share of produce and rates.
- Disengage from the system don't go to work don't pay taxes until the inequity is removed and the tens of thousands of pounds of debt on every man woman and child is reimbursed in public services, education, health care, policing and benefits.
- Why are we in these foreign wars? because we are bankrupt we need money and those wars produce jobs they pay taxes, they control lucrative resources and those corporations pay taxes oil, gas and the money flows just like the gas and oil.
- We don't manufacture prestigious products such as vehicles like the Germans which developed nations of China and India are buying no we just want good customers like the gulf states, they don't haggle just sign a blank cheque irrespective of the cost unlike the prudent Chinese and Indians.
- So here it is you can shut up and keep taking it up the ass like your forefathers or like the great Ghandi engage is peaceful protests and disengage yourself from a corrupt and insidious system that is unjust and only perpetuates the increasing inequalities and social deprivation within all societies worldwide (real change comes from within and like the great Michael Jackson said "I'm starting with the man in the mirror"). You don't need to relinquish your power to a politicians or Obama manipulating your hopes and fears as they steer your aspirations into an abyss.

Crimes against Sanity
Propaganda, it's allure is overpowering for state television broadcasters and they rarely deviate from its noxious aroma. Nevertheless with the intelligence services monitoring or working in the media sector its understandable why many of these news agencies tow the party line under the guise of "national interests" or "public service".
Under such environments one can beat the system by dedicating time and energy in watching these state "propagandists" such as BBC, Sky News, CNN, Russia Today, Press TV, France 24, NHK, ITV, Euronews, Aljizzera Eng, CCTV et al, and only then making your own opinion based on how particular topics have and are covered by these public service broadcasters.
Don't believe everything you hear or read as its most likely to prod you into a specific mental state as expected by sensationalistic, salacious and nationalistic stories aimed to ferment public fervour and scapegoat minorities as to divert public attention to the real issues of the day and how it affects their daily lives and that of future generations by irresponsible decisions by politicians.
Unfortunately nowadays people don't have the time, energy or inclination to invest in philosophically taking a step back and looking at their lives. Busy working, raising a family and partaking in futile pastimes is enough to distract and place current and pending problems for future apathetic generations. The elite know this you absolve yourself of any responsibility as your follow the herd of those generations before you while the loves lick their lips. Emerging technologies and communication systems has proved problematic for these state TV broadcasters and news agencies for now we ourselves can create and dictate the news with a simple mobile phone.

peace, prosperity through unity of humanity unlike the fallacious and corporate tool used and abused the UN.
Media agencies recognise this and feel the need to mold the situation to suit their own agendas of control and dominance, despite their futile attempts people and speaking even more to one another and traveling too, seeking real experiences and bringing down physical and psychological barriers. Hence the need to create a climate of fear to subdue any attempts of people speaking and traveling with others. Broadcasters want you to watch the world from the comfort of your cell and enjoy the hundreds of channels of nonsense whilst you pay the ever increasing spiritual, emotional, mental, physical and financial debt irrespective of culpability.
Past and current events will impact adversely in our lives as long as we carry on regardless of the consequences of actions by our elected leaders, and until we recognise this we are doomed to be hypnotised and dehumanised by them all, for we have forsaken ourselves and our children in partaking in a farce where we perpetuate the omnipresent inequities.
Some say this second great western depression is merely indicative of the migration of economic and political power in the world from the west to the east. The rest is merely a distraction to conceal this very shift in the capitalist system which follows money and the money is in the BRIC countries and not where it should be in the U.S or western Europe. So the bankers and stockbrokers don't want to visit gamblers anonymous for help, the doctor has failed to diagnose the problem and provide emergency regulatory solutions. No he has prescribed that the people should foot the bill and carry on regardless otherwise he'd never pay the doctors fees despite them now being subsidised by the western populations.
Instead of assisting the developing regions of the world to develop we have maintained the iniquitous realities of the new order of marriage between capitalism/communism. No we don't help these nations to develop their infrastructure, roads, bridges, power stations, solar, wind, tide green energies, rail networks, hospitals, schools no none of that. We need the disparity between the rich and poor, west and east to remain otherwise our standards of living would reach parity with those of the east and we'd lose our position in the world thus bring into question of the VETO. Rather the status quo remain and conflicts in these regions continue because i want my cheap Ipod and fuel and good pension when i retire.
It's not about politics, democracy, right or wrong, left or right, it's all about business. Trade with us otherwise you are against us and we will use subversion and media propaganda to destroy you from within with espionage just like we did to USSR. They the elite want to reduce the worlds population by increasing the cost of feed so the plebs don't breed. But they need the plebs to do their dirty work the foreign wars over natural resources because if they didn't then the Chinese, Russians or the natives will control them and we don't want that.

time to head back to the beginning where it all began, the big bang it's our future following the ancient visionary emissaries!
We need their resources because how will the plebs that sacrifice themselves everyday in every way for us in work or war paying taxes, delivering our goods and services and protecting our national interests abroad. Otherwise they'd be no money for state benefits, no cheap holidays, no cheap petrol, no low taxes, food prices would increase, council tax would increase, rent increase and everything that uses petrol directly or indirectly would INCREASE. Therefore we need to maintain our WAY OF LIFE and the only way to do this is by more wars, more exploitation of lucrative natural resources, oil, gas, diamonds, gold and other precious stones and minerals because we are a PETROECONOMY it sustains our way of life and we are addicted to it.
Globalisation and outsourcing of labor to undeveloped nations that have little if any adequate regulatory policies, procedures to safeguard child labor, exploitation, slave labor enforced by criminals and employees to ensnare them in a life of misery paying off the increasing debt paid on their behalf by these loan sharks. All this so we in the west can obtain cheap products and western corporations that have absolved themselves any responsibility to sustain blue chip stock market gains and corporate managers projections for the next quarter, would you wish this life for your daughter? The elite need you more than you need them as things remain the same, what a shame.

Pirates of the Arabbean, Thieves of Baghdad and Damascus sponsored by the military industrial complex, foreign orifice, department of war, BP, Shell, Exxon Mobile, Total and financial institutions with thanks to BBC, NBC, France 24, Fox News, Bloomberg, New Labour, Conservatives, Liberal Democrats, Republicans, Democrats, Socialists, Green Party and finally but not least of all the gutter press Sun, Daily Mirror, FT, Guardian and Daily Sport.
Instead of developing new technologies or green economies like the innovative Japanese (that have little if any natural resources and use their ingenuity to create revolutionary products or services that aid humanity) we prefer the lethargic approach, maybe tomorrow i will change but today its easy to sit on your backside and play stockbroker. Now is the time for humanity to unite, borders removed, nationalistic ideologies seen for what they are divisional, one race, one planet time for us to work towards the stars and stop bickering over insignificance of this current pitiful human existence of sustainable consumption.
Public Service Providers
Health, Education, Employment, Economy, Accountability, Impartiality (Politicians, Managers, Regulators, Media, Chancellor) all are GUILTY on all four counts.
- Extreme deviation from the standard of care
- Dereliction of duty
- Gross negligence and incompetence
- Gross misconduct
Leaders, elites, bankers need nationalism, tribalism, classism etc to divide and rule the masses, for the pleb has an aptitude for servitude. They recognise and understand that most people don't want to hear the truth, the realities of life, the meaning no the prole just wants a role even life on the dole. Imagine a world in which humanity shared an ideal a vision to navigate space and work together human unity. No conflict, competition or division no pressures for corporate next quarter projections and unethical investments for retirement pensions, no arms trade or national interests, just one interest that of the earth. For the proles are like many of the walking dead, ignorant of their true potential or essence that which unites us all. Keep them physically, spiritually, mentally and emotionally segregated and agitated. It was ever thus and the infinite cycles continue through the ages our microcosmic perspective consumes every moment of our daily lives, until we look up to the night skies and contemplate the macrocosmic realities that mirror our infinite opportunities.
You can't escape the celestial order.......

Not only have we littered our world with poisons, rubbish, toxins, chemicals and nuclear radiation but we've done the same to the space outside. Time for new technology to mitigate these irresponsible acts before the earth makes her presence felt begins another renewal.
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