The Ne'er-do-well Villein
Along with Eyephone the blackberry has fallen into line with this "new age of austerity for the plebiscitary" another means to justify whatever ends. Steve Job (R.I.P) was a shrewd business man and his followers the slaves of technology have deified him ever since the Mac's birth. With such apotheosis inventors are the new prophets despite their cravings for market share and profits. Inequities are mixed with trivialities especially if you indulge in profligacy like some decadent prince or member of the aristocracy. While they play you'll work all night and day for food and stay. Continued supererogation of the proles within the nation despite the stagflation and incestuous association between the bankers and politicians. Now the grieving plebs cry in despair who will create our future gadgets, as they fall down the winding lair.

Throughout the 13 incestuous years of Labours relationship with bankers, media and the elite has demonstrated consistent complicity in duplicity. Superciliously the incumbent Conservatives interventionism aspirations and sophistry of statecraft will only strengthen these incestuous ties, don't believe your lying eyes (eloquent phrase used by the late great Richard Pryor RIP).
How despicable are the pathetic excuse for an opposition the Labour party and it's cabinet are. This so called opposition were the same cretins licking Tony Blair's and Gordon Brown's boots, clapping, nodding and cheering everything he said and done. Now they would lead us to believe that the are a new CHANGE a HOPE, get the F*** outta here Ya Bull*hitting Bastards. Furthermore whats even more contemptible are the witless claque of naive comatose unions and voters. They really think we have a Labour party that favors the working class, have they missed the last 13 years of New Labour i.e. Conservative Lite?
Why isn't Milliband, Balls and the rest of those cronies barristers, economists and political science graduates that have never worked an honest days pay still reeving benefits from the public purse? Yes they are on the ultimate gravy train, its the dole but gold class, they are redundant, they failed the working class and now they claim they are worthy of the title "Opposition". They should be in the dole queue like the millions of others looking for a job. If we needed a new party then the 13 years of New Labour and at least a decade of CONserve tactics of austerity to preserve their reserves for the posterity of inequity. You can't win because the game was fixed centuries ago so if you engage in the game you have only yourselves to blame.
Government, Police and Corporate Digital Media/Social Network Media Quotes
"The discussions looked at how law enforcement and the networks can build on the existing relationships and cooperation to prevent the networks being used for criminal behaviour," said a ministry spokeswoman.
The Canadian firm that makes BlackBerry, Research in Motion, described the meeting as "positive and productive."
"We were pleased to consult on the use of social media to engage and communicate during times of emergency," said a company statement.
Police have said they were overwhelmed by "unprecedented levels of violence and criminality" that erupted on the streets of Manchester and Salford.
BBC Reporter "Afterwards the producer described mobs attacking shops. The strange part was that for long periods no police were to be seen. The rioters had the streets to themselves".
A Facebook spokeswoman welcomed the fact the talks focused on keeping "people safe rather than about imposing new restrictions on internet services."
David Lammy, a Labour MP from Tottenham, urged a shutdown, saying criminals were using the service to outwit police. The messenger service remained up and running throughout the unrest, however.
Signed letter responding to government intentions by Amnesty International, Access, the Open Rights Group, Liberty and Privacy International, warning that detailed consultations and consideration must be taken before actions of shutting down specific systems, regional mobile towers etc.
When the decade long (2007 to 2017) "new age of austerity for the plebiscitary" has brought about the current prole to heel and future generations to kneel. Then that presiding generation will have no memory of the decade that has stifled any prosperity for the majority, only the elite in their games of deceit will have new slaves to engage in the old game.
Consider the following;
- The areas in which these riots originated (deprived areas)
- Small minority of nefarious groups looted, burned, trashed and were violent.
- Police, community wardens and fire crew were ordered not to intervene.
- Media the specialist in propaganda and fermenting hysteria targeting the proletaria.
- Consecutive days of 24hr news coverage, loops and mobile phone footage uploaded to Youtube to exacerbate the anxieties of vulnerable people nationwide.
- Police stating they were overwhelmed or most officers and heads were on holiday, how convenient only the secret services would of known about this vital information.
- Finally the exoneration of the police dereliction of duty after they assumed their roles of responsibility within the areas of abject poverty.
- News agencies, gutter press archived masses of video footage, pictures and audio to be accessed by a click of a mouse to thwart any future legitimate demonstrations.
- Upcoming Olympics would inevitably cause protests nationwide especially when the world's attention would be focused on the torch ceremonial journey through key cities.
- In addition to the current depressive austerity measures (as a result of 13 years of Labour will prevent any future legitimacy as a result of their profligacy) and the riots provided a much needed pretext in the pacification and obfuscation of protests within the nation (South London and Soweto, same grievances poverty is poverty).
So much for transparency and accountability just another meeting behind closed doors without being minuted it's that deja vu feeling again. Corporations have always worked hand in glove with governments because of their literally kinship, a descendant or relation several times removed or a bastard whom some fortunate person was left holding the baby decades ago by a debauched yah.
Nevertheless the government has sufficient existing powers so why the need for more control? governments want and need more power especially during these times when the legitimate grievances of the people are drowned out by the spurious claims and scaremongering of politicians to hinder any future justifiable protests. Politicians are skilled in rhetorical paralogism they weave to deceive, and one would be forgiven for thinking that the riots were manipulated to serve a particular agenda.
During those troubled times the police failed abysmally a clear dereliction of duty to which accounts to gross negligence, because the emasculation of police officers were told NOT TO INTERVENE (citizens interviewed on TV). They watched as rioters burned vehicles, looted businesses and on two documented occasions trashed and burned police vehicles in full view of the police!
More austerity to pay for police inactivity
All of this as news cameras were filming these scenes and citizens demanded the police to intervene and were told in a tersely manner "no", "ordered not to" or ignored.
Again no accountability, reprimand for the mismanagement, injuries and deaths of innocent people during organised chaos. Whenever dramatic events such as the riots occur people need to see the government response. Aftermath from the riots has resulted in people giving away more of their liberties, they yield just like their forefathers serfs on the field. Winners are the elites, politicians, secret services, bankers and telecommunications corporations, the losers yes we the people more big brother using fear and times of austere.
Agreements were made and Blackberry has without doubt carried out the demands of the secret services in regards to the database systems. Recent blackberry messaging issues have lead people to believe that this is connected to those secret post riot meetings held between the government, secret services and media corporation executives. Another act to consolidate all media under the control of government resembling a malignant bacteria, hypocritically accusing China, Iran, Chile, North Korea of being authoritarian regimes. Another two generations lost in the Universities of Crime the prisons every time.
With the newly configured (hacked, tracked and backed) blackberry database servers we now have two independent systems. One for the plebs and the other for the elites, security services, one is decrypted and exploited the other is strengthened and lengthened. They want the pacify any opposition to their imposition of austerity or quell any discussion about such decision. Who knows what lies beneath but state espionage and corporate surveillance are good indicators of a more austere and bleak future for the plebs in this world, always sacrificed everyday in every way.
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