Western European states are claiming that multiculturalism has failed (placate the vocal minority right wing voices), are they speaking specifically about its adoption in Germany, U.K, Netherlands, France, Sweden, Norway etc. or do they mean worldwide? Party politicking and opportunists wish to discredit multiculturalism despite cheerleading it on foreign shores.

Lets not forget that this same social engineering strategy was promoted by these western states centuries ago in the form of colonialism another mask of imperialism. Need i remind them of the imposition of imperial migrants to America, South Africa, Rhodesian named after the Diamond thief now Zimbabwe, Australia, New Zealand, Falkland Islands and many other islands etc. We accept multicultural colonialism because those descendants of murderers, rapists, serial killers, pedophiles, fraudsters are encouraged to carry out larceny on a monumental scale. Now they wield the helm of power in government, judiciary, police, civil service, ceo's of companies etc. patronizingly claiming they know whats best for the poor, ignorant indigenous peoples.

Megalomaniacal, Psychopathic, Intransigent, Recalcitrant and Dipsomaniac.
Royal Ponzi scheme aka the commonwealth evades international law and war crimes committed continually being perpetrated to this day. Permitting the plundering of sacred land of its spiritual and natural wealth to benefit lord sitting on this horde abroad, oh what a fraud. These monies feed the ignorant, feckless and pretentious pricks and chicks throughout the west with state benefits in order to appease their bigotry. Meanwhile the indigenous colonised peoples have no comfort in the commonwealth for the wealth isn't common in these lands, which generates much angst.
Is it no wonder that these religious zealots, criminals, racists, fraudsters, schemers, rapists, pedophiles, sadists, psychopaths, serial killers etc were forced by pain of death from their cells in the West and sent as on a voyage, as guinea pigs to colonise and brutalise the inhabitants of these foreign lands. These band of criminally insane formed the backbone of galleons as pirates with an unquenchable thirst for booty for it was their duty. Back to those descendants of these criminals its no wonder even after several generations they fail to recognise the blood of their criminally insane ancestors flows through them....genes.

Authorised pirate flag with the Royal seal of approval.
Be that as it may these bigoted descendants are lairy as the biased media sensationalise debates about immigration. Claiming the migrants from China, Indonesia, India, Africa, Middle East etc are illegal immigrants or economic migrants and should return home including refugees escaping persecution. It baffles the mind such blatant hypocrisy of these whiter than white and holy than thou descendants of pirates making such remarks they should visit the library. I can only imagine what the rightful custodians the Aborigines think and feel when they hear such insular rhetoric from these villeins. At least these non-white people that migrate to Australia are indeed economic migrants, their hands aren't tainted with crimes and they come in peace unlike the ancestors of the white occupiers today.
It's no wonder people in these places are fighting for their dignity, human rights and destiny are now being subjugated and ignored by psychologically killing them again like their ancestors. With draconian legislation used to eliminate dissent by arresting these indigenous peoples preventing them from any justice.

East India Company aka Royal Pirates aka Oil Corporations
Terrorised and colonised with the indigenous peoples disfranchised of any legitimacy or identity as the pirates continue to plunder the national treasury. Apparently multiculturalism is working in these colonised lands because precious metals, minerals and stones are in much demand, for it serves our national interest and the indigenous peoples we divest.

The Jailer and the Sailor
By royal decree
Convicts by sea
They did flee
In imperial game
They did claim
In the dark
They did disembark
the criminal sailor
and the jailer
the murderer
and plunderer
they did meander
claim thy islander
the sanctimonious
killed the indigenous
the innocent natives
are now captives
Oh this Australia
What a failure
now the Aborigine
Must be free

Rightful custodians of the land, the imperialist and colonialist blood soaked hand, Now made claim in fortune and fame, this is the game.
How can these hypocrites have the gall to subjugate these peoples and then prevent immigrants which they claim unworthy of entry to these colonised states. Despite the annual influx of white migrants from the U.K, USA, NZ, Australia, South Africa etc as worthy to settle. What do you expect when these criminal activities are permitted because its foundation was criminal and made by criminals. Justice delayed is justice denied, so much for deMOCracy, when you hear politicians using such emotive supplication, keep in mind those states they champion.
By coalescing the recidivist throughout western nations and religious fanatics this invasion brought with it contagion. Being faithful zealots they would have you believe they brought pax but evidently it was the pox, nevertheless they still claim their tainted tithe.
We populated the land with settlers, and recidivists, then we imposed an apartheid system then imposed deMOCracy for the white minority, meanwhile we ethnically cleansed the majority of Aborigines communities with alcohol, drugs, disease, violence and ghettos. Denying them access to public services by claiming they wish to live in the bush. Eventually we allowed you to vote whilst drowning out your voices with banal pabulum and now the majority of whites in the land. Still we pay lip service whilst desecrating your sacred paths and holy sites, for its the pirate policy and our fellow colonialist give us legitimacy, the UN recognises us but not YOU.
The same faces are in control of the abundant and lucrative natural resources by sending immigrants to settle and ethnically cleanse those places of its indigenous faces that have lived, worked, thrived and died for millennia in harmony with the land.

I'm no racists for we all are here now and have to resolve the causes and not the symptoms of our problems. Ignoring this fact will only condemn current and future generations to unnecessarily deviate and escalate the situation. Manipulated by those with much to lose and little to gain if the people of this world "the family" listened to one another. Earth mirroring society can no longer sustain the unsustainable and justify the unjustifiable, time for society, governance, politics, health, finance, legislature, judiciary, policing and the economy to be restructured, transparent, accountable and worthy for all and not the influential few.
Crown Owns Nothing, Aborigines Are Sovereign