Laugh or Cry
Comedians are chameleons protecting their emotions and devotions from manipulative actions and situations of others. {Digression}
Servicing the National dBET
Where the money flows somebody knows, for it goes up their nose
Redistribution of Wealth by Stealth
story about a robber
an influential jobber
he was risk averse
and he did curse
to secure a bet
he was let
spin of a wheel
he lost the deal
he began feeling uneasy
and kinda sleazy
thinking it'll be fine
he snorted another line
red figures fill his head
and a sense of dread
markets start to tumble
he begins to mumble
The Ignorant and the Bigot
Manipulating your insecurities
Exploiting your vulnerabilities
Exacerbating your anxieties
The Despised Continue To Rise
Lax financial regulation
Tax struggling population
Max state inflation
Cosseting those in the city
Whom they much pity
Indignation at market manipulation and misappropriation of the nation, city and its rapacity makes no sense to me, yes its true they serve the few, the many are secondary and contrary, especially when it comes to things monetary.
Trust in Boom and Bust
culture of short-selling
scared of rebelling
friends in the city
deny their complicity
politicians play for time
brokers conceal their crime
wasted generation
living in stagnation
they continue to boom
we are always bust
Need for reform from this norm, failure to inform, markets under perform, demanding we conform, see a perfect storm, winters coming no warm, same rhetoric from the platform.
13 years and they still live! they failed to reduce the gap between rich and poor, failed to create affordable housing, failed to improve public services, they gambled recklessly without a care of the consequences for future generations.They provided the perfect conditions for the tories to implement their CONserve policies with austerity increasing poverty. Who are the living dead you ? The bloodied rose of Labour its thorns brings much scorn and generations are scarred, still bleeding as they service the bet. Bendover and take it up the ass like the generations before you are genetically encoded so assume the position, except this time no lube!

We the people have been DELT a wicked hand by the hidden hand, D.E.L.T this abbreviation means Depredator Equivocator Labour Traitor .
What the Labour 3.0 party signifies
Not fit for purpose, discredited, out of touch, gross negligence, dereliction of duty, failing to live up to their obligations, lack of political will, conflict of interest, complicity and duplicity by inactivity, impenitent, effeteness, hypocrites, cavalier, redundant, incompetent, opportunistic, feeble excuses, affront to the working class.
Pretentious prick looking slick make me sick and the credulous cretin speaking latin continues to win. Political elite the same families in the know running the show and their misbegotten policies and the poor remain downtrodden.
Nightmare on Downing St
Those harrowing thirteen yes 13 years of Neo Labour dost thou savour that pestilent flavour. The rejection is a reflection of disaffection, Blue, red or yellow it's the same fellow. Meanwhile our high streets are plagued with anti-social pretentious pricks and provocative chicks, thanks to political dicks playing party tricks.
Peremptory and Unworthy
We are beset with thieves, i shit on thee, and your bloodied fee, curse thee to oblivion thou corporate minion, they cannot evade this tirade.
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