Thursday, 29 October 2009

Midweek Cheek No. 7 - Apple of My All Seeing Eye


Ignore the all seeing eye on the back of the dollar bill and the various conspiracy theories that surround it for now. Have you thought about the evolution of the notion "all seeing eye" ? It has evolved from an idealogical esoteric aspect into an practical exoteric intrusive form. Paradoxically the device grants the user more freedom to express themselves in a variety of ways. Eye phone aptly named has surpassed Orwells vision of 1984 totalitarian society oblivious to their psychical and psychological panopticon. Both Google and the eye phone are seen as a double-edged sword because they are so liberating and yet most of our actions revolves around these tools. In today's political climate (may continue for generations) emancipation of the individual is like a distant mountain peak, and the road littered with political obstacles of anguish. Whatever wrangling between the governments, legislators and corporations are usually resolved with inducements. Such enticements are to the betterment of belligerent elite to remain in possession of succession, and what is implied can't be denied, albeit contrived.

Eye phone just how the visonary George Orwell predicted, enslaved by tools well made.

Eye Phone and Eye Pod

Through the months and years ahead these gadgets will continue to play important roles in our daily lives. Longterm usage of such devices generates an unhealthy dependency in which simple tasks of communication, commerce and access to information becomes more centralised. To mitigate such dependencies we should continue to use other mediums such as computers, mobiles, pay phones and letters (currently declining). Could a time arise where the eye phone or eye pod become so functional and intrinsic in western societies that any discussions of their potential perniciousness is ridiculed ? Over the last decade technology has continued to advance biannually with new innovations, and the eye phone has resulted in a paradigmatic affect. Today people buy, share and discuss the latest "app" (application) some transform the eye phone into a baby monitor to a barcode scanner (enabling the user to compare the store price with online retailers). Furthermore the scope of the eye phone is truly infinite because people are developing applications daily. Exclusivity is the key because there are competitor clones available, but they fail to capitalise on the application side. Programmers become millionaires in weeks by developing a useful application for the eye phone at a reasonable price. With a world of programmers apple has truly found its ambrosia, it is this which is the lifeblood of the phone. As long as programmers create original and useful applications then people will buy them. It also helps when the corporation enjoys a large slice from each application sold, not bad for little work.

We see and hear you, for we fear you, control the proles by giving them roles.


No need to employ thousands of programmers you can just relax and make them come and sell you their wares. Is this a vision of the future people working from home providing services to those in demand ? If there isn't already a union for eye phone programmers then i think there should be, a community of unity will prevent corporate impunity. What can we expect from Apple in the years to come ? All seeing eye devices embedded into clothing and then the body, are we ready to become enslaved by tools well made ?

Sunday, 25 October 2009

Honesty Best Policy in Iraq - Poland


All we hear from the British and American administrations are excuses for the illegal invasion into Iraq, that has brought about many conflicts directly and indirectly. Statements that we're their to look for weapons of mass destruction (WMD), remove Saddam Hussein the ever present danger to the region, give the people the democracy they've demanded, promote democracy in the middle east, counteract alqadea, remove terrorism in Iraq. Excuses excuses they've outlived their uses and now the eurocentrics and American neo-fascists have reduced the region to a hornets nest. In comparison to these hypocritical and spurious politicians one has admitted their real intentions for deploying troops in Iraq, Poland.

I'm sorry Kaczynski, Mr Cimoszewicz shouldn't have told the truth.

The Truth, the Whole Truth and Nothing but the Truth

Polish Foreign Minister, Wlodzimierz Cimoszewicz said, "We have never hidden our desire for Polish oil companies to finally have access to sources of commodities," Mr Cimoszewicz told the Polish PAP news agency. Finally a politician that's not economical with the truth, now we hear the truth and yes it hurts but it is best said instead of having your soldiers die for a lie. When it comes to Iraq the people their have never experienced truth from the previous viceroy of the U.K/U.S petrochemical corporations stooge Saddam. Now they know the truth and respect those that don't mislead them with false deed, in order to service the selfish greed.

God dammm Cimoszewicz, you could've said anything but the truth.

Naturally politicians speak with a forked tongue that's understandble being a manipulative goat of course. The only time a politician is on the level is with another for the camarilla enjoys installing juntas, here and their and everywhere theres a natural interest. Mr Sikorski Polish defence minister commented about his troops on patrol duty "Some were in Iraq, but they could only be inside the base. Others could leave the base but had to be back for the night. Others could stay out for the night, but not beyond 50 kilometers. So manager, you know, running a war on that basis is a complete nightmare.


Obama managed to annoy the Polish government with his comments and actions, he renege on the missile defense system. It's aim was to provide an early warning to the United States on any missile threats from Russia. Proposed contracts would have provided hundreds of millions to help develop and maintain the system. After what seemed like years of planning and arduous negotiations between several eastern European states, now result in nothing. Skeptics like myself think Poland, Georgia, Czech Republic et al were deceived into accepting the hollow gestures as proof of commitment. Now the U.S without castigation has continued it's policy of deception with Russia, unfortunately for the states the scorpion has no friends.

Never play games with a scorpion.

United states has asked Russia to support it's aims to offset any potential threat from Iranian intercontinental ballistic missiles. You couldn't make this up or could you ? Threat was once the "commies" or "reds" and now its the "mad mullahs" or "shia clerics" from Iran. Iran doesn't have the capability or facilities to target Europe let alone the United States. Once again another bad guy to spend trillions of tax payers dollars and decades of time for the military industrial complex. Unfortunately the United States will remain in Iraq for generations for proof of this look at the U.S bases in Japan and Germany, there is no exit strategy. After contemplating the actions of the past few months i can only surmise that Poland was punished. Such punitiveness administered by the United States was because of outburst by Wlodzimierz Cimoszewicz, such actions don't go without punishment. Poland needed to be taught a lesson and that lesson being, never to speak the truth.

Source: Poland seeks Iraqi oil stake [BBC News, 3rd July 2003] click here.

Saturday, 24 October 2009

Royal Fail - Modernisation Nationalisation


Champagne flowing and rolled up £50 notes tainted with cocaine sprawled around the lavish apartment and excessive risky behaviour either with whores or the nations money, such proclivities is the ingrained within every U.K broker. Then we have the postman working arduously in all types of weather delivering our goodies and important mail. Which of these characters does the government "support to the hilt" .... the bankers, why ? Because the government claim is that we can't afford the banks to go down due to the unforeseen calamitous repercussions it would cause. Besides these talented individuals that played roulette with our pensions, shares and investments would be headhunted by foreign corporations.

Loads a Money

Furthermore they may leave the U.K for Germany, Hong Kong or the Middle East, what bunkum, do you really think these nations would accept these gambling vampires of wealth ? No, so whatever farcical fallacious government is peddling especially those highlighted earlier does not justify the decisions they made. With spin doctors and public relation whores you'll get bored with watching and listening to these corporate whores waffle on in the rhetorical and apathetic tones, before you've ascertain any truth.

Nationalise the banks modernise the royal mail, say the government and so they'll allow the mail to fail. It's progress and who are we to stop it, however if the royal mail needs modernisation to take it into a new chapter then why did we help the banks ? Progressive aims are pursued in relation to the royal mail, however regressive methods were used to save the banks. Yes the praised capitalist western economies that reward winners and condemn losers to bankruptcy and length jail sentences has failed. New marrying of capitalism and communism where the corporations are saved by the people they've been abusing for generations.

Meanwhile the rich continue to have their wealth stored in offshore banks and remain in their opulent homes, acres of land and shares. The rest of us working class citizens of the state and consumers of products from these corporate families like sheep and the shepherd. Poor and rich people received their winter fuel payments the poor received the minimum wage yet during the boom the rich became even richer and the poor well they remained in their poor housing, education, health and sink estates, plenty to celebrate. Now the poor have to suffer even more with the tightening of the economic belt and the government restricting government spending, meanwhile the nationalised banks enjoy their Christmas bonuses. Cheer up it could be worse a chip in the middle of your forehead and swine flue epidemic besides you have a job you're lucky say cheese you're on CCTV (say the government and corporations).


Unfortunately without legislation and effective regulation to curtail the avaricious stockbrokers then we'll continue to experience severe booms and busts. Capitalism can't survive without a boom and a bust, they're cycles albeit unnatural however provable. Economists claim you can't predict a boom or bust but you can either delay one or the other. Trying to delay a boom or bust indefinitely is impossible under capitalism, however the longer the period of delay the end result will create a huge boom or a bust. Something about this particular bust seems to be engineered prematurely as if intentionally instigated in order to bring about specific outcomes.

Conspiracies are abound although many can be found all around the ground yet only one is true if i only knew, I'd tell you. I'll reiterate once again the government is demanding reform within the royal mail but ignores it within the speculation markets and their toxic debts. Current economic regression is due to recession, which the politicians nerve to preserve the reserves of the healthy wealthy, and the wealthy shout "we deserve to preserve our reserves".

Thursday, 22 October 2009

Daily Wail - Jan Moir Finally Muzzled


Once again the Daily "right wing wailing" Mail instigator of strife attack dog reporters have bitten more than can chew. It's about time this narcissistic paper was brought down from their pedestal of temerity, thanks to Jan Moir. Indisputably this paper relishes in its jingoistic behaviour and the continued sniping at vulnerable minorities, be they black, asian, eastern European, asylum seekers, immigrants and now homosexuals. What on earth does the private sexual preferences of individuals have to do with "national interests" ? In my mind this is another example of diverting the publics attention to real issues that affect our daily lives and those of generations to come. The unfortunate demise of Stephen Gately is shocking due to his age and my thoughts are with his family and loved ones.

Jan Moir one of numerous attack dogs within the daily wail arsenal.

Ironically named "black shirts" Oswald Mosley.

Attack Dogs

Daily mail is renowned for its schizophrenic approach to issues and especially the contemptible and presumptuous Jan Moir. When you work for an outfit that's soul purpose is to manipulate the ignoramuses of the nation like hemmed cattle, so they focus their misdirected energies at illusions. Numerous seminal moments have defined this right wing agenda to permeate the neglected poverty stricken sink estates nationwide. It's bolshie reporting defines it's pernicious aims, the consolidation and motivation of vocal moronic imbeciles into the hands of the BNP. Visit the online daily mail website on a regular basis and you'll find the meticulous methods used, large photos and bold headlines with incendiary articles by the dilettantish reporters in order to appease the impudent bigoted cheerleaders.

Nazi salute for their fuhrer Oswald.

Jan will become muzzled for the next few weeks or so and until the next minority issue is lambasted across the media. However on this occasion the sanctimonious Jan has exceeded the bounds of decency with her contemptuousness. Jan needs to be sacrificed at the altar of probity figuratively speaking, otherwise the crapaper will continue to receive resentment. Because of this dystopia these derisive adultescents are candour about their prejudicial and farcical opinions, which says much about the politicians, bankers and nobles. Dieu et mon droit "God and my right" another elitist phrase used to sanctify the unsanctified, in other words the divine white might has the right to fight. Flies will always thrive and survive on faecal and rotting matter, which this paper recognises and demonstrates on a daily basis, like attracts like.

Nazi saluting Oswald Mosley revived in the BNP.


Never forget the daily mail supporters of Oswald Mosley and his British Union of Fascists, history does and will repeat itself like rhythmic cycles of time. All you need do is visit their online paper is see how many BNP supporters comments are permitted, meanwhile dissenters are blocked. The paper supported these fascists then and they're supporting the BNP racist fascists now. Profligacy and rapacity of the politicians, bankers and families of covetous corporations are members of the elites with their titles, lands and accumulated wealth. Improbity is their unity and in time the wails of the mail will be to no avail and they will fail. Politicians today are inept and because of the blending of these two parties into a super corporate socialist order, they'll continue to create a vacuum for the BNP to fill. Until it's supporters cease drinking the intoxicating ale, even though they hail no one will bail, and they bust like a nail of rust.

Thursday, 15 October 2009

Alcohol, Tobacco and Drugs


With the bankers now subsidised by everyman woman and child in the United Kingdom, you'd think the pestilent nature of alcohol, tobacco and illicit drugs were reviewed. Current legislation attempts to provide an illusionary veil over the matter, meanwhile relishing in the tax revenue generated. Who really knows what the government actually does with these proceeds of sin, maybe they're invested in black projects ? I don't know, however i do know these abhorrent and insidious tools degrade the health of society year by year, furthermore it strains the NHS.

Profiteering miscreants from these trades enjoy the privileges of titles and seats in the lords. Connivance between the government and these corporations is undeniably apparent, purveyors of social erosion.


Dissdents from the British Medical Association have lobbied the governments lacklustre approach to issue of alcohol abuse, and its impact on the NHS.
  • 69 - percentage alcohol is cheaper by than it was in 1980.
  • 8,999 - number of people who died from alcohol abuse last year.
  • 3,054 - number of people who died from alcohol abuse in 1984
  • £1.18 - cost of a three lite bottle of value cider (12.6 units) in one supermarket
  • 1.1 million - adults that are alcohol dependent
  • £2.7 billion - estimated annual cost of alcohol misuse to the NHS

UK Cigarette Prices
April 1990 £1.65 (RRP) £1.20 (Tax Burden)
April 2009 £5.85 (RRP) £4.45 (Tax Burden)

Tax Revenue from Tobacco Products
1990-91 £5.6Billion (Duty) £1.1Billion (VAT)
2006-07 £8.1Billion (Duty) £1.9Billion (VAT)


Resurgence of Afghan heroin is back on the streets of Britain thanks to endeavors of the "coalition of the willing", such ill-gotten proceeds and profits reinforce the FTSE. Free opium means free anesthetics, analgesic (pain killers), morphine (ween people off heroin) for legitimate uses in hospitals in peace and wartime. Illegitimate variations from the Afghan opium are deliberately developed, managed, sustained, processed, transported and distributed throughout the U.K. Remember since the liberation of Afghanistan by the "coalition of the willing" opium production has increased by 800%, in spite of the Taliban commended by the U.N for reducing the prevalence of the illicit drug.

Share of expenditure in the illegal drug market in the UK 2003/04 Illicit drug category and Share of expenditure .
  • Crack 28%
  • Heroin 23%
  • Cannabis 20%
  • Powder cocaine 18%
  • Amphetamines 6%
  • Ecstasy 5%
The £4—6.6 billion estimate by Pudney et al. is the most recent and reliable estimate of
the value of the UK illicit drug market.

Source: The illicit drug trade in the United Kingdom (2007, 2nd Edition)


Hypocritical as it may seem the government continues to legitimise these destructive products, while acting righteous within their faith. Debauched corporate executives mobilise themselves resembling a camarilla to pursue their common purpose. Without compunction these insatiable vampiric soldiers of pestilence advance the biocide, and sustain their wealth. Glib politicians and health secretaries promote initiatives to reduce the consequential affects of these products without success. I'm no biocentrist, however i recognise the primary and secondary detrimental effects of such products on society. Insobriety within society is directly proportional to the prosperity of the nobility.

Never mind intemperate proles drink up and get bladdered the country needs the tax, so revive the economy by giving yourself a lobotomy, fritter away your time, health and wealth on booze. Endorsed alcohol, cigarettes and drugs with the royal seal emblazoned upon head of the product resembling a crown (ownership). Fluidity of liquidity is a necessity for longevity and validity of the nobility, so remain in slavery and enjoy your misery.

Saturday, 10 October 2009

Nick "the sick" Griffin


Who is this cantankerous, obnoxious, racist man and his insular approach to life all about ? Actions speak louder than words and this man has continued his diatribe throughout his prepubescent years to the present in an ideology of racism. He's not working class he's a toff a snob because he's father was a Torie. He's doing what all Tories revel and excel in and that's the manipulation of the gullible, disaffected and bigoted minorities of the working class. Purveyor of hate to date and his aim in life is to promote disunity and remove that role and he'll fade away and decay. Moreover another example of a man from a wealthy background having no need to work for his living but make a name in the pursuit of fame (his name will remain in infamy). If the politicians tackled this imbecile during the early days and neutered him then he'd have no foundation to propel his views.

Leader of the bigoted nincompoop party (BNP) and his Hitler doll.

Facts about Nick Griffin
  • The son of former Conservative councillor Edgar Griffin and his wife Jean Griffin.
  • Griffin read Mein Kampf when he was fourteen, but "found all but one chapter extremely boring.
  • He joined the National Front aged 15.
  • As a teenager he had accompanied his father to a National Front meeting.
  • 1978, he was a national organiser for the party.
  • Aged 16 he stayed at the home of National Front organiser Martin Webster. Webster was openly gay and in a four-page leaflet written in 1999 claimed to have had a homosexual relationship with Griffin, then the BNP's publicity director.
  • Griffin has denied any such relationship.
  • worked with white power skinhead band, Skrewdriver
  • Founded the Young National Front Student organisation.
  • 1980 he became a member of the party's governing body, the National Directorate, and in the same year launched Nationalism Today with the aid of Joe Pearce, then editor of the NF youth paper Bulldog.
  • Graduated from Cambridge University.
  • He also became editor of two right-wing magazines owned by Tyndall, Spearhead and The Rune.
  • He was the National Front's candidate for the seat of Croydon North West in 1981 and 1983 before leaving it in 1989.
  • Joined the British National Party (BNP) in 1989, becoming its leader in 1999.
  • Elected as a member of the European Parliament for North West England in the 2009 European Elections.

It's funny this dummy wants his mummy.

Additional Information
  • In 1998 Griffin was convicted of distributing material likely to incite racial hatred, for which he received a suspended prison sentence.
  • Griffin has been criticised for his comments on political and religious matters, Holocaust denial and anti-Semitic articles, although since becoming leader of the BNP he has distanced himself from these opinions.

Nick "the prick" Griffin forgot to remove the semen stains from his suit.


"I am well aware that the orthodox opinion is that six million Jews were gassed and cremated and turned into lampshades. Orthodox opinion also once held that the world is flat. —Nick Griffin"

"The electors of Millwall did not back a post modernist rightist party, but what they perceived to be a strong, disciplined organisation with the ability to back up its slogan "Defend Rights for Whites" with well-directed boots and fists. —Nick Griffin"


Leading the national front march with his conspicuously racist shirt.

Can you really believe a man that has spent most of their life in pursuing an agenda of hate and hostility at minorities ? Do you believe that during all those meetings, protests, support from like minded individuals nationwide are diminished ? Should this man be absolved for all his previous actions, comments and past allegiances ? Judge a man by his actions and not his words and Nick Griffin has acted like a racist fascist, and he still does with support from slick PR gurus.

What a twat Nick is, can blame this prat for being a poor example of a toff.


Nick is repulsively obtuse and unamiable to people of darker skin pigmentation and especially if they're not of the indigenous population. Lets comprehend the racist and illogical arguments from the BNP leader, if they would first take a DNA test. Unfortunately these racist bigots wouldn't commit themselves to such indisputable proof of genetic origin. Would all these jingoistic racist bigots continue their tirade if they realized their true genetic makeup and origin ? I doubt it and the likes of Nick Griffin and his cause will be seen for what it truly is .. hollow. Furthermore hidden hands will continue to motivate these puppets of deception for their own sinister intentions. British is unique to every individual of this great nation, its individualistic and i know what it is to me and the BNP is not it. What will come of Nick Griffin, his racist, jingoistic party and his horde of emasculated naive imbeciles ? Get a real job and start paying some tax.

Friday, 9 October 2009

Obama Nobel Peace Prize


Talk about counting your chickens before they've hatched, isn't this slightly premature ? Unless they know something or intend to persuade Obama in not following in the same steps as his predecessor. As incumbent Obama is now expected by those of the Nobel peace prize committee to strive for peace and not use force as a sort of discourse. Only time will tell, besides the award can't be revoked and the prize money received was donated to charity, (yeah right). Nine months on and what are Obama's current achievements ?

Nope it's not hope which is dangled from a rope.

Past Achievements
  • Guantanamo Bay, closing soon estimated January 2010 you must have hope and believe those sweet little lies which we despise.
  • American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, a $787 billion economic stimulus package, more debt for poor and more rich for the rich corporate families, so much for capitalism the rich are saved using communistic values how absurd.
  • Public-Private Investment Program which contains provisions for buying up to $2 trillion in depreciated real estate assets, yeah the toxic debt that even the bankers didn't want to touch with their corporate families monies, no they'd rather the poor majority tax payers become burdened with it for generations.
  • $11.5 trillion had been authorized by the Bush and Obama administrations, with $2.7 trillion actually spent by the end of June 2009, bankers know how to spend especially with other peoples future money.
  • Repealed a Bush-era policy that prevented federal tax dollars from being used to fund research on new lines of embryonic stem cells, first good thing he's done to date.
  • Loans for General Motors and Chrysler Corporation to continue operations while reorganizing, having bailed out the banking families now he's bailing out the car manufacturing elites.
  • U.S. foreign relations with Russia and Europe, using the terms "break" and "reset" to signal major changes from the policies of the preceding administration, so much for the enemy commies now a new elusive illusionary adversary is found Osama Bin Laden and the war on terror, an endless campaign.
  • Announced that he would retain the incumbent Defense Secretary, Robert Gates, in his Cabinet, thats the change he was talking about.
  • Obama said, "Let me say this as plainly as I can: By August 31, 2010, our combat mission in Iraq will end", in double speak that means they'll still remain in Iraq but as a supporting role for the Iraq army, hitherto until we've accumulated enough interest from the Iraqi oil revenue stashed within New York banks.

What can we expect from Obama in the years to come ? More egregious foreign policy in regards to Iran, Sudan, Afghanistan and Iraq with drones bombing civilian homes in countervailing terror with terror. Obama's professes to be bringer of light except the light he brings emanates from the exhausts of missiles released from the eyes in the skies. People need to ascertain whether a mans words outweigh his actions, in Obama's case spin helps you win. Expect the unexpected with Obama for everything is possible which previously was disallowed, so more wars and support for the corporations while the people wallow in squalor.

Friday, 2 October 2009

Afghanistan War - Development of Manipulation

Consider how the U.K managed to convince the population into accepting the deployment of British troops to Afghanistan.

Afghan War Version 1.0
Coalition of the willing are to capture Osama Bin Laden and bring him to justice. They tell the taliban to give him up or face the consequences.

Afghan War Version 1.1
Taliban expel Osama Bin Laden (probably escaped to the mountains between Afghanistan and Pakistan).

Afghan War Version 1.2
Coalition of the willing are to remove the taliban regime (even though not one Afghani was amongst the hijackers in 911).

Afghan War Version 1.3
Coalition of the willing are to destroy all poppy fields in Afghanistan as they're eventually sold on the streets of Europe and the U.K (even though the taliban forbid it's use and the world price of heroin was at its lowest since their reign).

Afghan War Version 1.4
Coalition of the willing are to remove the drug warlords in Afghanistan and promote democracy (even though the evil Dosdum warlord aided the coalition in eliminating elements of the taliban forces and the recapture of Kabul).

Afghan War Version 1.5
Coalition of the willing are to rebuild the Afghanistan infrastructure with roads, power stations, clean water, hospitals, schools etc. (this at best was almost impossible due to the level of corruption in Afghanistan and lack of stability, and at worst it was electioneering and lies).

Afghan War Version 1.6
Coalition of the willing are to prevent taliban forces from returning to power and using Afghanistan as a training camp from which they'd launch terror attacks. (even though at this stage the insurgency is comprised of the local population and they're fighting against foreign invaders as they did against the USSR).

Afghan War Version 1.7
Coalition of the willing are to prevent Alqadea from using Afghanistan as a safe haven from which they'd develop terror training camps, cells and launch terror attacks. (even though the majority of Alqaeda terrorists are from Saudi Arabia we'll not implicate our most valued customer).

Afghan War Version 1.8
After Spain was attacked the liberal government recognised that their role in the Afghan war didn't safeguard them from terror attacks but the opposite. Since their disengagement, Spain has continued to be attacked by ETA separatist terrorists.

Afghan War Version 1.9
Coalition of the willing continue to push through draconian legislation without adequate deliberation time to ensure its effectiveness and safeguard any detrimental effects on a cohesive society.

Afghan War Version 2.0
Coalition of the willing are beginning to recognise the level of corruption within the Afghan government, and the counterproductive methods used by Karzai and his associate tribal warlords.

Afghan War Version 2.1
Coalition of the willing high officials have begun meeting in secret with key players within the toppled taliban regime. Reason being is that Afghanistan is a tribal country with fiefdoms under the authority of warlords. These peoples first allegiance is to the tribe then their faith, so the coalition is willing to sign agreements with the taliban to be included within the political process.

Afghan War Version 2.2
Eight years on since the invasion of Afghanistan to hunt down Osama Bin Laden and bring him to justice. Since this period to date countless innocent Afghan civilians, coalition soldiers, humanitarian workers, politicians, officials have died and continue to do so on daily basis. Poppy field are producing even more heroin than ever before due to the rampant poverty and support from unknown sources. Heroin on the streets of Europe and the U.K is as cheap as a packet of cigarettes or alcohol, did you ever think how it arrives on this island ? Did you ever consider the hidden hands that allow this insidious form of opium has a commercial process, producers, transporters, buyers, distributors and consumers ? Did you ever consider that the reason why we invaded Afghanistan was because the taliban ceased exporting the resin, and therefore reduced supply which increased the demand and prices sky rocketed ? Did you ever consider that the profits of these illicit drugs may be used to support the European economies and stock exchanges ? With news of Benito Mussolini being on the U.K government payroll, nothing surprises me anymore, besides the ends justify the means.