Ignore the all seeing eye on the back of the dollar bill and the various conspiracy theories that surround it for now. Have you thought about the evolution of the notion "all seeing eye" ? It has evolved from an idealogical esoteric aspect into an practical exoteric intrusive form. Paradoxically the device grants the user more freedom to express themselves in a variety of ways. Eye phone aptly named has surpassed Orwells vision of 1984 totalitarian society oblivious to their psychical and psychological panopticon. Both Google and the eye phone are seen as a double-edged sword because they are so liberating and yet most of our actions revolves around these tools. In today's political climate (may continue for generations) emancipation of the individual is like a distant mountain peak, and the road littered with political obstacles of anguish. Whatever wrangling between the governments, legislators and corporations are usually resolved with inducements. Such enticements are to the betterment of belligerent elite to remain in possession of succession, and what is implied can't be denied, albeit contrived.

Eye phone just how the visonary George Orwell predicted, enslaved by tools well made.
Eye Phone and Eye Pod
Through the months and years ahead these gadgets will continue to play important roles in our daily lives. Longterm usage of such devices generates an unhealthy dependency in which simple tasks of communication, commerce and access to information becomes more centralised. To mitigate such dependencies we should continue to use other mediums such as computers, mobiles, pay phones and letters (currently declining). Could a time arise where the eye phone or eye pod become so functional and intrinsic in western societies that any discussions of their potential perniciousness is ridiculed ? Over the last decade technology has continued to advance biannually with new innovations, and the eye phone has resulted in a paradigmatic affect. Today people buy, share and discuss the latest "app" (application) some transform the eye phone into a baby monitor to a barcode scanner (enabling the user to compare the store price with online retailers). Furthermore the scope of the eye phone is truly infinite because people are developing applications daily. Exclusivity is the key because there are competitor clones available, but they fail to capitalise on the application side. Programmers become millionaires in weeks by developing a useful application for the eye phone at a reasonable price. With a world of programmers apple has truly found its ambrosia, it is this which is the lifeblood of the phone. As long as programmers create original and useful applications then people will buy them. It also helps when the corporation enjoys a large slice from each application sold, not bad for little work.

We see and hear you, for we fear you, control the proles by giving them roles.
No need to employ thousands of programmers you can just relax and make them come and sell you their wares. Is this a vision of the future people working from home providing services to those in demand ? If there isn't already a union for eye phone programmers then i think there should be, a community of unity will prevent corporate impunity. What can we expect from Apple in the years to come ? All seeing eye devices embedded into clothing and then the body, are we ready to become enslaved by tools well made ?