With the bankers now subsidised by everyman woman and child in the United Kingdom, you'd think the pestilent nature of alcohol, tobacco and illicit drugs were reviewed. Current legislation attempts to provide an illusionary veil over the matter, meanwhile relishing in the tax revenue generated. Who really knows what the government actually does with these proceeds of sin, maybe they're invested in black projects ? I don't know, however i do know these abhorrent and insidious tools degrade the health of society year by year, furthermore it strains the NHS.
Profiteering miscreants from these trades enjoy the privileges of titles and seats in the lords. Connivance between the government and these corporations is undeniably apparent, purveyors of social erosion.
Dissdents from the British Medical Association have lobbied the governments lacklustre approach to issue of alcohol abuse, and its impact on the NHS.
- 69 - percentage alcohol is cheaper by than it was in 1980.
- 8,999 - number of people who died from alcohol abuse last year.
- 3,054 - number of people who died from alcohol abuse in 1984
- £1.18 - cost of a three lite bottle of value cider (12.6 units) in one supermarket
- 1.1 million - adults that are alcohol dependent
- £2.7 billion - estimated annual cost of alcohol misuse to the NHS
UK Cigarette Prices
April 1990 £1.65 (RRP) £1.20 (Tax Burden)
April 2009 £5.85 (RRP) £4.45 (Tax Burden)
Tax Revenue from Tobacco Products
1990-91 £5.6Billion (Duty) £1.1Billion (VAT)
2006-07 £8.1Billion (Duty) £1.9Billion (VAT)
Resurgence of Afghan heroin is back on the streets of Britain thanks to endeavors of the "coalition of the willing", such ill-gotten proceeds and profits reinforce the FTSE. Free opium means free anesthetics, analgesic (pain killers), morphine (ween people off heroin) for legitimate uses in hospitals in peace and wartime. Illegitimate variations from the Afghan opium are deliberately developed, managed, sustained, processed, transported and distributed throughout the U.K. Remember since the liberation of Afghanistan by the "coalition of the willing" opium production has increased by 800%, in spite of the Taliban commended by the U.N for reducing the prevalence of the illicit drug.
Share of expenditure in the illegal drug market in the UK 2003/04 Illicit drug category and Share of expenditure .
- Crack 28%
- Heroin 23%
- Cannabis 20%
- Powder cocaine 18%
- Amphetamines 6%
- Ecstasy 5%
the value of the UK illicit drug market.
Source: The illicit drug trade in the United Kingdom (2007, 2nd Edition)
Hypocritical as it may seem the government continues to legitimise these destructive products, while acting righteous within their faith. Debauched corporate executives mobilise themselves resembling a camarilla to pursue their common purpose. Without compunction these insatiable vampiric soldiers of pestilence advance the biocide, and sustain their wealth. Glib politicians and health secretaries promote initiatives to reduce the consequential affects of these products without success. I'm no biocentrist, however i recognise the primary and secondary detrimental effects of such products on society. Insobriety within society is directly proportional to the prosperity of the nobility.
Never mind intemperate proles drink up and get bladdered the country needs the tax, so revive the economy by giving yourself a lobotomy, fritter away your time, health and wealth on booze. Endorsed alcohol, cigarettes and drugs with the royal seal emblazoned upon head of the product resembling a crown (ownership). Fluidity of liquidity is a necessity for longevity and validity of the nobility, so remain in slavery and enjoy your misery.
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