Champagne flowing and rolled up £50 notes tainted with cocaine sprawled around the lavish apartment and excessive risky behaviour either with whores or the nations money, such proclivities is the ingrained within every U.K broker. Then we have the postman working arduously in all types of weather delivering our goodies and important mail. Which of these characters does the government "support to the hilt" .... the bankers, why ? Because the government claim is that we can't afford the banks to go down due to the unforeseen calamitous repercussions it would cause. Besides these talented individuals that played roulette with our pensions, shares and investments would be headhunted by foreign corporations.
Loads a Money
Furthermore they may leave the U.K for Germany, Hong Kong or the Middle East, what bunkum, do you really think these nations would accept these gambling vampires of wealth ? No, so whatever farcical fallacious government is peddling especially those highlighted earlier does not justify the decisions they made. With spin doctors and public relation whores you'll get bored with watching and listening to these corporate whores waffle on in the rhetorical and apathetic tones, before you've ascertain any truth.
Nationalise the banks modernise the royal mail, say the government and so they'll allow the mail to fail. It's progress and who are we to stop it, however if the royal mail needs modernisation to take it into a new chapter then why did we help the banks ? Progressive aims are pursued in relation to the royal mail, however regressive methods were used to save the banks. Yes the praised capitalist western economies that reward winners and condemn losers to bankruptcy and length jail sentences has failed. New marrying of capitalism and communism where the corporations are saved by the people they've been abusing for generations.
Meanwhile the rich continue to have their wealth stored in offshore banks and remain in their opulent homes, acres of land and shares. The rest of us working class citizens of the state and consumers of products from these corporate families like sheep and the shepherd. Poor and rich people received their winter fuel payments the poor received the minimum wage yet during the boom the rich became even richer and the poor well they remained in their poor housing, education, health and sink estates, plenty to celebrate. Now the poor have to suffer even more with the tightening of the economic belt and the government restricting government spending, meanwhile the nationalised banks enjoy their Christmas bonuses. Cheer up it could be worse a chip in the middle of your forehead and swine flue epidemic besides you have a job you're lucky say cheese you're on CCTV (say the government and corporations).
Unfortunately without legislation and effective regulation to curtail the avaricious stockbrokers then we'll continue to experience severe booms and busts. Capitalism can't survive without a boom and a bust, they're cycles albeit unnatural however provable. Economists claim you can't predict a boom or bust but you can either delay one or the other. Trying to delay a boom or bust indefinitely is impossible under capitalism, however the longer the period of delay the end result will create a huge boom or a bust. Something about this particular bust seems to be engineered prematurely as if intentionally instigated in order to bring about specific outcomes.
Conspiracies are abound although many can be found all around the ground yet only one is true if i only knew, I'd tell you. I'll reiterate once again the government is demanding reform within the royal mail but ignores it within the speculation markets and their toxic debts. Current economic regression is due to recession, which the politicians nerve to preserve the reserves of the healthy wealthy, and the wealthy shout "we deserve to preserve our reserves".
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