Who is this cantankerous, obnoxious, racist man and his insular approach to life all about ? Actions speak louder than words and this man has continued his diatribe throughout his prepubescent years to the present in an ideology of racism. He's not working class he's a toff a snob because he's father was a Torie. He's doing what all Tories revel and excel in and that's the manipulation of the gullible, disaffected and bigoted minorities of the working class. Purveyor of hate to date and his aim in life is to promote disunity and remove that role and he'll fade away and decay. Moreover another example of a man from a wealthy background having no need to work for his living but make a name in the pursuit of fame (his name will remain in infamy). If the politicians tackled this imbecile during the early days and neutered him then he'd have no foundation to propel his views.

Leader of the bigoted nincompoop party (BNP) and his Hitler doll.
Facts about Nick Griffin
- The son of former Conservative councillor Edgar Griffin and his wife Jean Griffin.
- Griffin read Mein Kampf when he was fourteen, but "found all but one chapter extremely boring.
- He joined the National Front aged 15.
- As a teenager he had accompanied his father to a National Front meeting.
- 1978, he was a national organiser for the party.
- Aged 16 he stayed at the home of National Front organiser Martin Webster. Webster was openly gay and in a four-page leaflet written in 1999 claimed to have had a homosexual relationship with Griffin, then the BNP's publicity director.
- Griffin has denied any such relationship.
- worked with white power skinhead band, Skrewdriver
- Founded the Young National Front Student organisation.
- 1980 he became a member of the party's governing body, the National Directorate, and in the same year launched Nationalism Today with the aid of Joe Pearce, then editor of the NF youth paper Bulldog.
- Graduated from Cambridge University.
- He also became editor of two right-wing magazines owned by Tyndall, Spearhead and The Rune.
- He was the National Front's candidate for the seat of Croydon North West in 1981 and 1983 before leaving it in 1989.
- Joined the British National Party (BNP) in 1989, becoming its leader in 1999.
- Elected as a member of the European Parliament for North West England in the 2009 European Elections.

It's funny this dummy wants his mummy.
Additional Information
- In 1998 Griffin was convicted of distributing material likely to incite racial hatred, for which he received a suspended prison sentence.
- Griffin has been criticised for his comments on political and religious matters, Holocaust denial and anti-Semitic articles, although since becoming leader of the BNP he has distanced himself from these opinions.

Nick "the prick" Griffin forgot to remove the semen stains from his suit.
"I am well aware that the orthodox opinion is that six million Jews were gassed and cremated and turned into lampshades. Orthodox opinion also once held that the world is flat. —Nick Griffin"
"The electors of Millwall did not back a post modernist rightist party, but what they perceived to be a strong, disciplined organisation with the ability to back up its slogan "Defend Rights for Whites" with well-directed boots and fists. —Nick Griffin"

Leading the national front march with his conspicuously racist shirt.
Can you really believe a man that has spent most of their life in pursuing an agenda of hate and hostility at minorities ? Do you believe that during all those meetings, protests, support from like minded individuals nationwide are diminished ? Should this man be absolved for all his previous actions, comments and past allegiances ? Judge a man by his actions and not his words and Nick Griffin has acted like a racist fascist, and he still does with support from slick PR gurus.

What a twat Nick is, can blame this prat for being a poor example of a toff.
Nick is repulsively obtuse and unamiable to people of darker skin pigmentation and especially if they're not of the indigenous population. Lets comprehend the racist and illogical arguments from the BNP leader, if they would first take a DNA test. Unfortunately these racist bigots wouldn't commit themselves to such indisputable proof of genetic origin. Would all these jingoistic racist bigots continue their tirade if they realized their true genetic makeup and origin ? I doubt it and the likes of Nick Griffin and his cause will be seen for what it truly is .. hollow. Furthermore hidden hands will continue to motivate these puppets of deception for their own sinister intentions. British is unique to every individual of this great nation, its individualistic and i know what it is to me and the BNP is not it. What will come of Nick Griffin, his racist, jingoistic party and his horde of emasculated naive imbeciles ? Get a real job and start paying some tax.
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