Once again the Daily "right wing wailing" Mail instigator of strife attack dog reporters have bitten more than can chew. It's about time this narcissistic paper was brought down from their pedestal of temerity, thanks to Jan Moir. Indisputably this paper relishes in its jingoistic behaviour and the continued sniping at vulnerable minorities, be they black, asian, eastern European, asylum seekers, immigrants and now homosexuals. What on earth does the private sexual preferences of individuals have to do with "national interests" ? In my mind this is another example of diverting the publics attention to real issues that affect our daily lives and those of generations to come. The unfortunate demise of Stephen Gately is shocking due to his age and my thoughts are with his family and loved ones.

Jan Moir one of numerous attack dogs within the daily wail arsenal.

Ironically named "black shirts" Oswald Mosley.
Attack Dogs
Daily mail is renowned for its schizophrenic approach to issues and especially the contemptible and presumptuous Jan Moir. When you work for an outfit that's soul purpose is to manipulate the ignoramuses of the nation like hemmed cattle, so they focus their misdirected energies at illusions. Numerous seminal moments have defined this right wing agenda to permeate the neglected poverty stricken sink estates nationwide. It's bolshie reporting defines it's pernicious aims, the consolidation and motivation of vocal moronic imbeciles into the hands of the BNP. Visit the online daily mail website on a regular basis and you'll find the meticulous methods used, large photos and bold headlines with incendiary articles by the dilettantish reporters in order to appease the impudent bigoted cheerleaders.

Nazi salute for their fuhrer Oswald.
Jan will become muzzled for the next few weeks or so and until the next minority issue is lambasted across the media. However on this occasion the sanctimonious Jan has exceeded the bounds of decency with her contemptuousness. Jan needs to be sacrificed at the altar of probity figuratively speaking, otherwise the crapaper will continue to receive resentment. Because of this dystopia these derisive adultescents are candour about their prejudicial and farcical opinions, which says much about the politicians, bankers and nobles. Dieu et mon droit "God and my right" another elitist phrase used to sanctify the unsanctified, in other words the divine white might has the right to fight. Flies will always thrive and survive on faecal and rotting matter, which this paper recognises and demonstrates on a daily basis, like attracts like.

Nazi saluting Oswald Mosley revived in the BNP.
Never forget the daily mail supporters of Oswald Mosley and his British Union of Fascists, history does and will repeat itself like rhythmic cycles of time. All you need do is visit their online paper is see how many BNP supporters comments are permitted, meanwhile dissenters are blocked. The paper supported these fascists then and they're supporting the BNP racist fascists now. Profligacy and rapacity of the politicians, bankers and families of covetous corporations are members of the elites with their titles, lands and accumulated wealth. Improbity is their unity and in time the wails of the mail will be to no avail and they will fail. Politicians today are inept and because of the blending of these two parties into a super corporate socialist order, they'll continue to create a vacuum for the BNP to fill. Until it's supporters cease drinking the intoxicating ale, even though they hail no one will bail, and they bust like a nail of rust.
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