All we hear from the British and American administrations are excuses for the illegal invasion into Iraq, that has brought about many conflicts directly and indirectly. Statements that we're their to look for weapons of mass destruction (WMD), remove Saddam Hussein the ever present danger to the region, give the people the democracy they've demanded, promote democracy in the middle east, counteract alqadea, remove terrorism in Iraq. Excuses excuses they've outlived their uses and now the eurocentrics and American neo-fascists have reduced the region to a hornets nest. In comparison to these hypocritical and spurious politicians one has admitted their real intentions for deploying troops in Iraq, Poland.

I'm sorry Kaczynski, Mr Cimoszewicz shouldn't have told the truth.
The Truth, the Whole Truth and Nothing but the Truth
Polish Foreign Minister, Wlodzimierz Cimoszewicz said, "We have never hidden our desire for Polish oil companies to finally have access to sources of commodities," Mr Cimoszewicz told the Polish PAP news agency. Finally a politician that's not economical with the truth, now we hear the truth and yes it hurts but it is best said instead of having your soldiers die for a lie. When it comes to Iraq the people their have never experienced truth from the previous viceroy of the U.K/U.S petrochemical corporations stooge Saddam. Now they know the truth and respect those that don't mislead them with false deed, in order to service the selfish greed.

God dammm Cimoszewicz, you could've said anything but the truth.
Naturally politicians speak with a forked tongue that's understandble being a manipulative goat of course. The only time a politician is on the level is with another for the camarilla enjoys installing juntas, here and their and everywhere theres a natural interest. Mr Sikorski Polish defence minister commented about his troops on patrol duty "Some were in Iraq, but they could only be inside the base. Others could leave the base but had to be back for the night. Others could stay out for the night, but not beyond 50 kilometers. So manager, you know, running a war on that basis is a complete nightmare.
Obama managed to annoy the Polish government with his comments and actions, he renege on the missile defense system. It's aim was to provide an early warning to the United States on any missile threats from Russia. Proposed contracts would have provided hundreds of millions to help develop and maintain the system. After what seemed like years of planning and arduous negotiations between several eastern European states, now result in nothing. Skeptics like myself think Poland, Georgia, Czech Republic et al were deceived into accepting the hollow gestures as proof of commitment. Now the U.S without castigation has continued it's policy of deception with Russia, unfortunately for the states the scorpion has no friends.

Never play games with a scorpion.
United states has asked Russia to support it's aims to offset any potential threat from Iranian intercontinental ballistic missiles. You couldn't make this up or could you ? Threat was once the "commies" or "reds" and now its the "mad mullahs" or "shia clerics" from Iran. Iran doesn't have the capability or facilities to target Europe let alone the United States. Once again another bad guy to spend trillions of tax payers dollars and decades of time for the military industrial complex. Unfortunately the United States will remain in Iraq for generations for proof of this look at the U.S bases in Japan and Germany, there is no exit strategy. After contemplating the actions of the past few months i can only surmise that Poland was punished. Such punitiveness administered by the United States was because of outburst by Wlodzimierz Cimoszewicz, such actions don't go without punishment. Poland needed to be taught a lesson and that lesson being, never to speak the truth.
Source: Poland seeks Iraqi oil stake [BBC News, 3rd July 2003] click here.
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