Talk about counting your chickens before they've hatched, isn't this slightly premature ? Unless they know something or intend to persuade Obama in not following in the same steps as his predecessor. As incumbent Obama is now expected by those of the Nobel peace prize committee to strive for peace and not use force as a sort of discourse. Only time will tell, besides the award can't be revoked and the prize money received was donated to charity, (yeah right). Nine months on and what are Obama's current achievements ?

Nope it's not hope which is dangled from a rope.
Past Achievements
- Guantanamo Bay, closing soon estimated January 2010 you must have hope and believe those sweet little lies which we despise.
- American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, a $787 billion economic stimulus package, more debt for poor and more rich for the rich corporate families, so much for capitalism the rich are saved using communistic values how absurd.
- Public-Private Investment Program which contains provisions for buying up to $2 trillion in depreciated real estate assets, yeah the toxic debt that even the bankers didn't want to touch with their corporate families monies, no they'd rather the poor majority tax payers become burdened with it for generations.
- $11.5 trillion had been authorized by the Bush and Obama administrations, with $2.7 trillion actually spent by the end of June 2009, bankers know how to spend especially with other peoples future money.
- Repealed a Bush-era policy that prevented federal tax dollars from being used to fund research on new lines of embryonic stem cells, first good thing he's done to date.
- Loans for General Motors and Chrysler Corporation to continue operations while reorganizing, having bailed out the banking families now he's bailing out the car manufacturing elites.
- U.S. foreign relations with Russia and Europe, using the terms "break" and "reset" to signal major changes from the policies of the preceding administration, so much for the enemy commies now a new elusive illusionary adversary is found Osama Bin Laden and the war on terror, an endless campaign.
- Announced that he would retain the incumbent Defense Secretary, Robert Gates, in his Cabinet, thats the change he was talking about.
- Obama said, "Let me say this as plainly as I can: By August 31, 2010, our combat mission in Iraq will end", in double speak that means they'll still remain in Iraq but as a supporting role for the Iraq army, hitherto until we've accumulated enough interest from the Iraqi oil revenue stashed within New York banks.
What can we expect from Obama in the years to come ? More egregious foreign policy in regards to Iran, Sudan, Afghanistan and Iraq with drones bombing civilian homes in countervailing terror with terror. Obama's professes to be bringer of light except the light he brings emanates from the exhausts of missiles released from the eyes in the skies. People need to ascertain whether a mans words outweigh his actions, in Obama's case spin helps you win. Expect the unexpected with Obama for everything is possible which previously was disallowed, so more wars and support for the corporations while the people wallow in squalor.
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