Wednesday, 25 November 2009

Full of Baloney Phoney Tony


Most people assumed the incoming labour party in 1997 was the antithesis of the conservatives, and rectify the inequality, sleaze that epitomised the Tories. Scandals and revelations of illicit behaviour had brought down John Major's attempts of re-election, besides people demanded change (another illusion). Instead something that resembled traditional values people received something more right than left. Labour was so far right in its policies and legislation that it prevented the opposition from being oppositional. Embarrassed and castrated tories realised that they'd be out for some considerable time. Nevertheless the megalomaniac Tony Blair and his flair with teeth that glare oh what despair, grinning like a Cheshire cat all the way to the bank. Curses to the profiteers and their purses, with overt displays of venality and amorality which epitomises the disposition of politicians today for all they do is bray.

Grinning then and now with his job far from done.

Phoney Tony managed to sell all manner of pernicious legislations, policies and government initiatives like a pimp smooth talking his way. Tarnished conservative were powerless and recognising new labour agenda was unlike their own for they continued many of the previous administrations strategies. Two illegal war invasions and hundreds of invasive and draconian legislations passed, largest and longest recession ever and so called education education errrmmm education, a morally bankrupt society (many more to be discussed later). Questions began to surface after the premature and unfortunate demise of John Smith leader of the real labour party, and further mystifying deaths of Robin Cook and David Kelly. Now the labour party is trying to reconcile the public into believing that they've changed their ways, too little too late. Champagne socialist labourites have undermined public trust in governance, brought the house of parliament in disrepute, illegally invaded two sovereign states Afghanistan and Iraq (indefinite wars) , expenses fiasco etc, and such actions are worthy of locus standi. Ambiguity and lack of transparency seems to be the common thread in politics today, as sound bites and spin is taken as fact by the complicit media. During the labour incumbency the BBC (blair and bush corporation) has only once shown real independence during the WMD dossier scandal. Unfortunately it resulted in the premature demise of David Kelly U.N weapons inspector (directly or indirectly by Andrew Gilligan), and since the BBC were blackmailed by the labour party over renewal of its charter, no wonder they didnt bite the hand that feeds them (don't expect transparency here especially by the board of directors another enjoy the troff little fat piggies).

It never did and neither will the CONservatives.

Quotes to Remember
  • Tony Blair
  • 1st October 1996, party conference speech.
    • "Ask me my three main priorities for government, and I tell you: education, education, education." (Failing schools as a result of teachers chasing targets and league tables with over crowded class sizes proving impractical for decent quality of education in state schools).
  • 20 September 1996, speech to CBI conference.
    • "We have no plans to increase tax at all." (Don't worry rich we shan't tax you only the plebs with stealth taxes, fines and punitive charges).
  • 1996 Party conference speech
    • "Seventeen years of hurt. Never stopped us dreaming. Labour's coming home." (thanks to the assassination of John Smith another wet operation conducted by the hidden hand).
  • 7 April 1996, Daily Telegraph
    • "I can't stand politicians who wear God on their sleeves." (GW Bush and then he used the same excuses after Iraq invasion and then converted to catholicism, hypocrite)
  • 2 March 4, Daily Telegraph
    • "My project will be complete when the Labour Party learns to love Peter Mandelson."
  • 15 July 1994, BBC Radio 4 Today
    • "I believe a referendum is right so that people can decide what is the best electoral system for the country." (not a whisper of proportional representation when in office, typical promise the world in opposition never commit as incumbent).
  • 30 November 1995, Speech at the Victoria and Albert Museum
    • "We are on the side of ordinary people against privilege, against vested interests of the public or private sector..."
  • 17 April 1995, election campaign soundbite
    • "We have 14 days to save the NHS." (Typical blackmail tactic such a fallacy and now almost 15 years on and the NHS is becoming more and more privatised, goodbye quality hello cost cutting).
  • 2 May 1997, Blair's first speech in Downing Street
    • "It will be a government that seeks to restore trust in politics in this country." (Trust they must have a perverse meaning of the word, can you see trust ? From sleaze to spin)
  • 7 May, addressing Labour MPs at Church House
    • "We are not the master now. The people are the masters. We are the servants of the people. We will never forget that. (Know thy place pleb).
  • 22 April 1999, speech to the Economic Club of Chicago, defining the Third Way
    • "We are all tough on crime, tough on the causes of crime. The debate between 'liberals' and 'hardliners' is over." (Increased serious crimes under labour children stabbing children, police officers chasing targets and statistics in league tables, PCSO's phoney imitation)
  • 6 July 1999, talking about public sector reform during a speech to venture capitalists.
    • "I bear the scars on my back after two years in government." (not like the maimed soldiers and the pain endured daily of families of dead soldiers)
  • 17 July 2000, leaked Blair memo
    • "On the family, we need two or three eye-catching initiatives that are entirely conventional in terms of their attitude to the family... We need more. I should be personally associated with as much of this as possible."(The more they spin they win and the more they grin).
  • 13 May 2001, The Observer, talking about what could have been done better in his first term as PM.
    • "I think the 75p pension (increase), in retrospect we applied the rules, but it was a mistake." (Yeah it should have been 10p, he said mockingly).
  • 11 September 2001, speaking after the US terror attacks
    • "As for those that carried out these attacks, there are no adequate words of condemnation. Their barbarism will stand as their shame for all eternity." (Unlike our indefinite barbarism by killing, maiming hundreds of thousands more and sectioning generations to psychoses, for we are white and have the right to fight all in sight)
  • 2 October 2001, Labour conference speech
    • "The kaleidoscope has been shaken. The pieces are in flux. Soon they will settle again. Before they do, let us re-order this world around us." (Ends justify the means, in this case lets use the tools of chaos and order to reorder Iraq, Afghanistan and soon Iran, time is of the essence for this corporation will aid in the depredation).
  • 2 October 2002, Labour conference speech
    • "The state of Africa is a scar on the conscience of the world." (we enjoy tearing and exploiting it, besides their populations need to be managed and god has blessed us and not them, the voices of labour and conservative agree)
  • 24 September 2002, foreword to UK Government dossier on Iraqi weapons of mass destruction
    • "The document discloses that his military planning allows for some of the WMD to be ready within 45 minutes of an order to use them." (Sex it up and use whatever means to justify whatever ends).
  • 8 November 2002, speaking in Downing Street about Iraq.
    • "Conflict is not inevitable, but disarmament is."
  • 18, April 2003, The Sun, on telling his children he could lose his job over the Iraq war.
    • "I did sit down with them at one point and I explained that this was going to be extremely difficult and it was possible that the thing could go against me." (what a load of baloney spin as if he really did this, nevertheless this doesn't exonerate him in the eyes of God and the public from the sins he committed for the catholic mafia in the Vatican)
  • 18 March 2003, addressing MPs before crunch vote on Iraq war
    • "This is not the time to falter. This is the time for this House to give a lead." (Spoken like a true totalitarian even Hitler and Saddam would've been impressed).
  • 21 March 2003, broadcast to the nation after the start of the war
    • "I know that this course of action has produced deep divisions of opinion in our country."
  • 28 August 2003, speaking at the Hutton inquiry on the need to say a suspected source for the BBC's Iraq weapons story had come forward
    • "I take full responsibility for decisions. I stand by them. I believe they were the right decisions." (Yes mein furher, ya vol !)
  • 30 September 2003, Labour conference speech
    • "I can only go one way, I've not got a reverse gear." (Climb that greasy corporate pole you sleazy spinning whore)
  • 28 January 2003, Commons debate on the Hutton report
    • "The allegation that I or anyone else lied to this House or deliberately misled the country by falsifying intelligence on WMD is itself the real lie."
  • Mr Major told BBC1's Breakfast with Frost programme that Tony Blair had used the word "trust" 20 times during his manifesto launch. (we now know he meant mistrust, beware the snake oil salesmen, Blair and Cameron they aim to be misrule and cruel).
    • "Well, in the three days since then they've had three years to prepare the manifesto for the Labour Party and in three days it's begun to fall apart .
    • "After all they've said about privatisation, you now see stories that they're going to privatise."
  • But Gordon Brown, the shadow Chancellor, told BBC Radio 4's The World this Weekend that the policy had been contained in the manifesto.
    • "We will then make a decision about whether assets are best kept in the public sector - property, land and buildings - but if they are of no further use to the public sector, we will take the decision to use our assets properly and we will take the decision to get rid of assets that are of no further use to us," Mr Brown said. (no further use to us, so their children are less likely to use the playing fields in state schools because they're in public schools rubbing shoulders with the elites and becoming the next shepherd to control the sheep in generations to come, now children can't play anymore because the playing fields are bought by property developers creating more unfordable housing, where are the new councils houses Tony and Gordon ?).
  • BBC reporter, That policy of "rooting out waste and inefficiency" was indeed included in the manifesto - but it was restricted to assets, and not services.
  • In a speech in the City today, Mr Blair will go much further and speak of the privatisation of services.
    • "We will ensure that self-financing commercial organisations within the public sector - the Post Office is a prime example - are given greater commercial freedom to make the most of opportunities."(Beginning of the end for the subsidised mail which has resulted in a completely fail thanks to labours favor of commercial exploitation).
    • "Where there is no overriding reason for preferring the public provision of goods and services - particularly where those services operate in a competitive market - then the presumption should be that economic activity is best left to the private sector, with market forces being encouraged to operate." (why not privatise the BBC ?, i forgot labour has coerced them to tow the party propaganda line every time for continued government subsidy, another drain and strain on the public purse).
  • Tony Blair writes in today's edition of the Sun newspaper:
    • "As far as commercial activity is concerned, it is best left to the private sector" (even though Tony sold his soul to the private sector he's even willing to sell his ass for some cash).
    • "That does not mean, as one headline ludicrously claimed yesterday, that 'we'll privatise everything'. It does mean, however, that we have no dogmatic objection to services being run in the private sector." (MRSA and CDIFF labours euthanasia program is rife in hospitals, explain that to the thousands that die prematurely every year Tony).
  • Mr Heseltine said last night:
    • "Faced with difficult questions on privatisation, Blair promised everything, despite commitments to the contrary".
    • "If he could have, he would have privatised the kitchen sink. But where was privatisation in the manifesto ?" (only because they were doing what you've would have done, besides this shows their is not distinction between labour and conservative parties).
  • Earlier, on Sky News Sunday with Adam Boulton, Mr Heseltine said:
    • "I've spent my political life fighting the Labour Party over privatisation. Now they suddenly say because they've got their economic policy into a thundering mess with a pounds 12bn black hole, they say, 'Well, we'd better have a bit of privatisation'."
  • Tony Blair: I have a dream for Britain speech:
    • "We want to raise a family with decent pay and prospects; a home that is affordable and secure; schools of quality for our children; to be able to walk on the street at night without fear; to know that if we are ill we will be treated on the basis of need, not wealth; and we want security and dignity when we grow old ... These are the fundamentals that matter to the people of Britain." and "These aspirations, the basis of the British dream that our children can do better than us, are under threat." (so much for affordable and decent homes with no new council homes being built, the streets are filled with even more fear, old people spirited away by the rampant pestilent viruses in hospitals nationwide because of Blair's privatisation aspirations, and Blair was correct when he said that these fundamentals is what matters to the people of Britain however he neglected the people and chose to support the corporations and the plutocrats in time for the CONservatives to preserve their reserves because they deserve to be served unlike the plebs).
  • Tony Blair;
    • "The same process of change we have brought to our party, we will bring to the country."
    • "Labour is neither old Left nor New Right," (yeah right to the Tories delight Gordon and Tony a are blight in a judicious plight).
    • "We offer a new way that leads from the centre but is profoundly radical in the changes it promises." (so radical that its identical to the conservative party).
    • "The answer is not to go back," (Because it's a hijack by Tony and Gordon and when we've finished it we'll be the final straw that broke the camels back).
    • "There were great achievements of previous Labour Governments - not least the National Health Service. But we have changed the Labour Party because it needed to change."
    • Because it is based on the fundamental principle that the individual does best within a strong and unified society where we acknowledge that success depends not just on the striving of the individual, but on working together".(greed is good, time to snuggle up to the private sector just what the Tories would do, its not labour because the Tories have used subversion and installed their agent provocateurs Tony and Gordon).
    • In an interview with today's Daily Mirror, Mr Blair; "None of our proposals involves raising people's taxes" (raising stealth taxes in the guise of punitive penalties, hidden costs and additional charges, all of this from sleaze to spin what a metamorphosis, besides the banking debacle has burdened future generations with higher taxes so the self interested venal instigators continue ascending their chosen apexes).
    • "I want people to understand that a Labour Party that represents ordinary people in this country is not getting into power so that it can bung their taxes up." (another example of labours dereliction of duty managed by Tony and Gordon the public sector demolition crew with their swag and sycophantic behaviour to Margaret Thatcher).
  • David Blunkett comments regarding privatising the education system said;
    • " a future Labour government would set no target and no limits for the involvement of the private sector in helping to run schools". (spoken like a true blue, at least his children can now enjoy private tuition, if the NHS cleaning services are to go by then expect MRSA, CDIFF and swine flu to plague the classrooms).
  • David Miliband comments about academies;
    • "Think about it – the Eton Academy, the Winchester Academy. It has a certain ring to it.'' (illusionary ring delivers imaginary things, another illusion to delude and confuse the sheep into believing a "no frills" education system can emulate the elite Oxbridge pinnacles of excellence, besides surely this an attempt in adopting the private sector where education is paid for twice from taxes and then admission).
  • Tony Blair comments on academies;
    • “The logic of changing to the specialist schools, of starting city academies, of giving greater freedom to schools in who they hire, what they pay, how they run their school day, is very clear." (expect overpaid salaries for management including their fees and charges at the tax payers expense).
  • Tony Blair comments on terrorism;
    • "And I'm under no illusion about this. This is not a fight that Britain could stay out of, even if we wanted to. It involves all of us and all people who believe in the same values of freedom and tolerance and respect for other people and a peaceful way of life. For all those reasons, it's important that we're involved." (Thanks to draconian legislation we are all potential terrorists in the eyes of the plutocrats).
    • "And once again, we're reminded of the evil these terrorists pose to innocent people everywhere and to our way of life. Once again we must affirm that in the face of this terrorism there must be no holding back, no compromise, no hesitation in confronting this menace, in attacking it wherever and whenever we can, and in defeating it utterly." (chasing illusions and delusions is prosperous and adventurous albeit tenebrous).
    • "There may be some who believe that we, the United States and our allies have somehow brought this upon ourselves. Let us be very clear. America did not attack al-Qaeda on September the 11th, al-Qaeda attacked America, and in doing so attacked not just America but the way of life of all people who believe in tolerance and freedom, justice and peace." (nearly all of the terrorists were of Saudi origin, why didn't we attack Saudi Arabia ? Oh they're our buddies and tenants, besides they're already in our pocket and Afghanistan has geopolitical benefits).
    • We must confront the issue of Iraq and WMD because to fail to do so would make the world a very dangerous place in the future, with countries free to flout the will of the United Nations. (just like we flouted the U.N security council and ignored the requests from weapons inspectors for more time as to determine case of Saddams possession of WMD's).
    • "On Iraq, the choice is Saddam's. No-one wants a military confrontation with Iraq. But Iraq must be disarmed of WMD. By going down the UN route, the international community has given Saddam the chance for peaceful disarmament. If he does not seize it, he will have to be disarmed by force. (not that Tony and his ilk that have beaten the drums of war managed to allow the common man and woman as lambs to the slaughter for his erroneous convictions).
    • "Faced with his continual defiance of the UN, and knowing as we do the risk to the region and the world, we will be failing in our duty to make the world a safer place if we allow him to continue to develop WMD unhindered. Uniquely, he has used them before. He has to be stopped before he does so again. And to rogue states developing and trading in WMD, and terrorist groups, who would acquire and use them if they could, the message must go out; they can not and will not be allowed to. (We know he has WMD's because in the great words of Bill Hicks "we found the receipt").
    • Blair told the Australian Broadcasting Corporation from London; "Saddam Hussein's regime is a regime that is deeply repressive to its people and is a real danger to the region," (He was our stooge until he started thinking for himself and we had to revoke the tenancy agreement, for we are the landlords of the region, and in the great words of truthseeker Mike Dicken LBC radio giant "We have stirred up a hornets nest by invading Iraq").

Out the way you pleb scum we are the security guards of the elite.

Facts Then and Now
  • In 1997 the youth employment figure was 250,000 and as of November 2009 they are now 943,000, this is expected to rise as the U.K economy continues to shrink for the six consecutive quarter, the first time since records began in the 1950s.

Graph illustrating all police recorded crime between 1981 and 2008, click for detailed view (don't be mislead with the serious crime subset and British crime survey lines, only relevance is the all police recorded crime).

Legacies of Labour

1) Privatizing NHS
2) Privatizing Education
3) Privatizing Air Traffic Control
4) Privatizing Student Loans
5) Iraq Illegal Invasion
6) Afghanistan Illegal Invasion
7) Sold the nations gold reserves
8) Deregulated the Finance Sector and others
9) Foot and Mouth Farce (virus escaped from a lab within the private sector)
10) Bailed out the bankers to the tune of 1trillion thats 16k tax each for all to pay
12) Nationalised commercial banks with the tax payer having large stake in but no say
13) These stakes will again be sold cheap back to the private sector promoting monopoly
14) Increased fuel prices
15) Increased Gas prices
16) Increased Electricity prices
17) Selling of school playing fields
18) Council selling off derelict and unused land to private housing firms that build at a time of their choosing and specifications without any providing the people of the area with what they need.
19) Closing down youth clubs
20) Increased traffic wardens
21) Increased litter wardens
22) Office in disrepute and devalued peoples opinion of governance with the fallacious and inequitable quango reports and inquiries..
23) Brazilian Murder
24) Ian Tomlinson Murder
25) Draconian legislation, Anti Terror, Ripa,
no protesting outside parliament, protesting is a privilege not a right anymore so submit your protest applications, held without right to legal council access or told why you are being held by enforcement, extradition memorandum of understanding
26) Imagine with the CONservatives get in what they will do !!
27) NHS not saving people due to cost of drugs even though they paid into the system all their lives and probably never used the service until this point
28) Increased CCTV on our high streets the surveillance society Big Brother
29) No more police officers just decoys police community safety officers to fool the public that policing is increased but the obvious physical attributes of these sloths is only too evident, and received jeers and mocks from the crowd because of their ineffectiveness.
30) People told to spy on each other in this stasi philosophy echo Nazi communist and Nazi pernicious philosophies.
31) Doctors, schools, hospitals all told to chase targets for electioneering purposes as time is wasted on paperwork instead of dealing with patients.
32) Doctors administering pills like candy because of the persistant pharmacetulca industry representative offering inducements to government and others
33) Dentists on the national service are below average as others migrate to the private sector to satisfy their avaricious appetites.
34) Lack of real electoral reform in providing proportional representation and do away with this outmoded and unjust first past the post system.
35) Many more you'll remind me of them, no doubt.


Abnegation of our freedoms for security has undermined the cohesive society Britain was renowned globally. Is this part of the hidden hand agenda to subvert societies and institutions in order to create fear and chaos ? In doing so, do they aim to consolidate control over nations and cultures towards a specific goal ? Who knows, what is evidently true is that we won't be hearing any abject apologies from Tony, Bush or Gordon in the years and decades ahead. Interminable "war on terror" will continue it's amoral strategy in pursuing illusions and delusions. Perpetuating fear in our towns, cities and communities and exploiting vulnerable minorities as to deflect genuine public concerns of governance, equality, employment, health care, education, food prices, fuel prices and public order.

Come on we need more cannon fodder and don't be churlish.

There were adequate regulation (albeit lacking real enforcement) that may have raised alarms bells sooner and thus mitigate the catastrophe. Despite this the labour crew being inexperienced and lacking real vision and change adopted the conservative demands for deregulation. Finance sector was deregulated and the safeguards and overseers enjoyed money for nothing and their chicks for free. Unrestrained stock brokers were given free rein and these egomaniacs full of bravado began their gambling at their high stakes desks. Bailing out the banks at the tax payers expense didn't surprise many sceptics because labour was determined to reaffirm it's "new" labour status.

Be a good chap and lay down your life.

Undoubtedly David Canrun will run away from every challenging public concern and support his Oxbridge crew in their business ventures. All this at the expense of the prole for labour has demonstrated that people are naive and will accept illusions and fallacies as their realties. Other expectations of the conservatives is more deregulations, more private sector control of public services, more stealth taxes, more fines, charges and hidden penalities, hight vat, high council taxes, more new punitive green fines and taxes, more for the rich less for the poor. We can expect new legislation supporting corporations and continued stock broker gambling methods as share holders and tax haven rats are continually reassured and insured by the tax payer.

Subversive assignation and mindful manipulation of a nation.

No more proportional representation during labours tenure and don't expect the conservatives to change their vociferous opposition to any reform. Expect the same punch and judy, pendulum politics two party fake state democracy labour and conservative. Labour supposedly being representative of the poor, trade unionist and the conservative that conserves the needs of the poor for the misdeeds of the rich. Oliver Cromwell realised this farce and rightly so ended the cycle of deception and succession. Booms following busts, up and down, inflation and depreciation followed by depression and a long recession, thats the cyclical life of a capitalist society. Nevertheless a contained and neutered Saddam had been too successful and he needed to be provoked as to provide a pretext for illegal invasion.

However capitalism is working for the capitalist because the hoi polloi keeps bailing us out.

If the conservatives had their way in schools they privatise every aspect of education, schools extra claims for materials and equipment, coca cola or cheesy strings sponsoring areas physical education ? Vending machines blocking corridors, more cuts in school TV dinners with plenty of genetically modified tripe. After school club fees pupils requiring extra tuition ? Parking meters on school grounds ? More hidden charges, fees and penalties, company shareholders on board of governors (with their conflict of interests and lacking impartiality) is this what we can expect from the Tories ? Any valid issues raised by parents and pupils will be overruled by the company governors and servile staff. Inequality is the reality for the plebs of society, lets face it you've enjoyed a good kicking for generations so whats the difference, submit to a life of docility and servility. Profit chasing schools will have the same impact as the profit chasing cleaning companies responsible for cleaning hospitals.

Go on sacrifice yourself you muppet.

Can you imagine what sinister shenanigans these firms may use in making profit, consider a company intentionally losing a database of pupils personal details. Unsurprisingly the database is then sold to marketing institution that will use the information for future marketing purposes. Policies and procedures including the data protection act will continue to fail, and these avaricious fiends will continue to enjoy their opulent lifestyles. These companies could knowingly purchase schools and over a period of years sell off assets to other firms, and when property prices rise again they may sell the school to another firm at a profit after running it into the ground. That's what happens when you allow the market to decide, so if you swim in the ocean don't be surprised when a shark bites, because you've given it the right to fight for profit. Whichever party wins the next general election you can expect more derisory incentives as to entice plebs until the next election. May 2009 elections should have marked the downfall of the labour party, unfortunately for the plebs it will be 2010 thats 5 years since the last election.

Keep me in my role and wake up and fight you dam prole.

Imagine the annual staff bonuses for teachers, management fees, shareholder bonuses and other hidden fees that will burden the tax payer. What other incentives and enticements that may be on offer by these privatised schools ? Nevertheless both the CONserveraties and labour have initiated public sector expenditure restraints and will continue to do so at the detriment of state education system. They want people to choose private education and astonishing we are paying for a privatised educational system without the quality of such institution. Dumb them down that's the plan for the education system, go private and soon the health service will follow suit, and what remains will be a skeleton (as the private firms crows remove the flesh from its bones). Meanwhile the government continues to take the PISA with yet another quango Programme for International Student Assessment (Pisa).

Goebels has nothing on our propaganda, besides thanks for the tips.

Remember those ominous words uttered by Tony Blair since the 911 terror attacks, we're under the misconception that the term "our way of life" denotes the common man going about his busy unhindered, physically, psychologically and judiciously. However they're referring to the elites way of life so all that oil money continues to flow down the pipes into the U.S/U.K oil corporations the BP's and Exxon's. United Kingdom and the United States economies are dependent on oil for they are petro-economies, and a barrel of oil is tied to the dollar (hence the term petrodollar). Strategy of wealth by stealth and the term "way of life" is a misnomer, and its now seen as hypocritical. Railroaded draconian legislation since the terror attacks have eroded the common mans "way of life" year on year. Now the man on the street is hindered by the spying wardens, feckless and inebriated pitbull totting yobs on the street, while countless CCTV cameras spy on his every move. Don't expect these lidless eyes to prevent crime, because that's not their purpose. Furthermore he can't protest anymore for being in breach of anti terror legislation and being bundled away by security guards like an old gentleman heckling Jack "I'm alright" Straw at the labour party convention despite his frailty and long term membership.

Ignore the worries of the world and drink yourselves into a stupor yee dipsomaniac plebs, Tesco serving the proles besides it's cheaper than wife beater Stella, eh fella ?.

Thirteen years have gone and in that time Labour have failed to reduce the gap between the rich and poor, ironically the gap has increased. If a government inexperienced or not cannot redress the imbalance and injustices within society then neither they or the current parties can either. As the late great Mick Dicken LBC talk show host mentioned repeatedly that there must be a change from the current punch and judy politics and the same players.

Remember back in 1997 when ..... clinton back began his second term in office, divorce became legal in the Republic of Ireland, the Phoenix Lights are seen over Phoenix Arizona, Comet Hale-Bopp makes its closest approach to Earth, Pegasus rocket carries the remains of 24 people into earth orbit in the first space burial, F-22 Raptor makes its first test flight etc.... After expelling eighteen years of consecutive Conservative rule only to substitute sleaze for spin. Yes in 1997 Britain still had its gold reserves, there we wars to fight for national interest, and their sleaze, there were no wars, we still had our gold reserves, the economy was beginning to boom, sterling was good, house prices began, the morale of the nation was at an all time high.

Then Thatchers spawn Brown and Blair began their cruel misrule and made us all look like fools. Cameras everywhere these lidless eyes aimed to prevent crime fails to materialise. Scales of justice have remained even more skewed to prevent them from returning to equilibrium by using legislation and time wasting initiatives that only address the symptoms and not the cause. Would the Conservatives have continued along the same path as Labour ? Who knows but what is certain is Labour have failed and giving them another chance is like bending over in the death row showers and telling someone to help you find the soap.

Alas the stasi police and anal cameras will help us rid the fear of being kidnapped, raped, molested, mugged, littering, acting antisocial, spitting, and other crimes peddled to death by the state to keep you maniac and in panic so you can't think straight and be easily manipulated like sheep for a price. Thanks for building more affordable homes, national morale is at an all time low and only winning the world cup would shock this nation into believing in the possibility of change.

Strategy for the century is dumb the population and cause strife in foreign lands in the full knowledge of creating a brain drain in those regions. Thus robbing those developing nations from ever developing and leaving them to remain in the dark ages of under developed status. The immense public service sector in partnership with the vultures in the private sector, will manage and consume even more public health and wealth all in the guise of modernisation funded by the plebs. Expect their expenditure and expenses, salaries, management fees and incentives to increase while other vital areas are reduced to paid pittance all this with a thumbs up from Gordon and Cameron..... i know where they can stick them.

Don't expect any retracted statements in the years to come from phoney Tony because that would require a moral compass. You can look forward to more calumnies from the political leaderships and their cronies because they are phonies. Marriage of socialistic and corporatist philosophies into a new totalitarian future, conform, obey and accept the third way for it is here to stay. Thirteen years and the poor remain even poorer and the rich ever richer, meanwhile with each passing year the divide increases. Rich thrive and survive in recessions for they find many lucrative bargains from businesses to properties the choices are endless. Yet the Labour party after 13 years implores the chavs, peons and bumpkins to believe in hope and change with inducements of more tax credits, benefits and one off council tax rebate so they can waste another term. Tow the party line and vote for the same shepherds Labour, Conservative or Liberal, give them a real fright and vote for independents or better still the monster raving looney party !

History will remember Tony as a Tory for they are full of vainglory and allegory.


Sunday, 22 November 2009

Future ist, Capitalist

Harry Ferrari's Variation of the "Pyramid of Capitalist System"

  • We despise you (nobility)
  • We patronise you (gentry)
  • We radicalise you (religions)
  • We victimise you (intelligence services)
  • We chastise you (police)
  • We desensitise you (media)
  • We demoralise you (politicians)
  • We patronise you (councillors)
  • We tribalise you (sports)
  • We de-metabolise you (genetically modified foods)
  • We gluttonise you (additives, preservatives and sweeteners)
  • We parasitise you (banks, insurance and stock investments)
  • We bestialise you (government endorsed debauchery products and services)

Saturday, 21 November 2009

Midweek Cheek No. 9 - "I'm Alright", Said Jack Straw


Inception of such deception is another manifestation of corruption that accompanies power driven individuals. aggrandizement . Impuissant labour party have proven during their incumbency that the status quo shall not only remain but prevail. Such ineffective arbitrariness from the demurring labour leadership is derived from their lackadaisical behaviour towards the rich. Now looking back into the midsts of time can we recognise glaring anomalies in Jack Straw's past. Photographs speak more than words and below are a selection of images that question the claimed left wing identity of the justice secretary.


Without doubt the once left wing Straw household enjoyed socialistic debates and philosophies, however when it came to the real world they were vehement pragmatists. Confusions and illusions seem to have impacted on Jack Straw's early life having realised the maxim "do as we say, not as we do" after being sent to a private school. Brentwood school in Essex has entertained many pupils that have attained prestige, fortune and fame. Notable individuals have pursued particular avenues in life as actors, writers, musicians, sportsmen, statesmen and professors etc. Unfortunately for individuals like Jack, (with limited real world experience) choose to become mischievous lawyers pervading the parliament benches, oh what wretches. Intention of this article is to focus arguments coherently at all times, with digressions being supplementary and unintentionally. Jack's history of sophistry is no mystery, for the images of the past may make readers feel aghast.

Jack has a lineage of "conscientious objectors" (objecting to serve in the armed services, even during wartime) they've demonstrated the tenacious attitude to live and prosper, even though people sacrificed themselves so that he could enjoy the fruits of their labour. If you're not willing to sacrifice yourself for the survival of your family then you're not worthy to remain a citizen. For this is the type of behaviour that permitted the hideous evil nature of the Nazis to systematically ethnically cleanse Germany of the Jews, gypsies, homosexuals and many others. People like these cannot be trusted for they have clearly shown that they're are unwilling to sacrifice today for a better tomorrow. On this occasion the maxim "like father like son" is truly apt, Jack's father avoided military service during the second world war. He too a labour activist that preferred his fellow workers to not only sacrifice themselves during the war effort but in battle so that he would enjoy a long and uneventful life. It didn't help having a mother that was a socialist and pacifist again, "oh, not my Jack", "he isn't going to war, to die for the elite", "besides i don't believe in war". Try and explain that in German to the jerry that about to smash down your door.

While adolescents were more inclined to playing in the streets and reading comics, Jack the lad joined the Labour party at the age of 14. With the obvious encouragement from the "see saw" herd mentality of his parents, "better departmentalise him now". Soon enough his brain became befuddled due to years of tedious and monotonous deliberations regarding criminal litigations. No wonder whenever he tries to speak he can only stutter, murmur and mumble incoherently like a blithering idiot. Without a doubt someone else has continued to pull Jack's strings, and he has maneuvered his way up the greasy pole in from role to role. Contemplating this particular aspect has resulted in startling discover (albeit conspiratorial) that Jack could be non-other than aristocratic love child ? Members of the aristocracy throughout the ages have needed lackeys to do their bidding, and maybe he was the by-product of dalliance ? Naturally these lecherously paradoxical prigs have created many a bastard, and these go on to serve the hidden hands. Jack is allowed to remain on the land because he serves a specific purpose, and (in the minds of the hidden hands) unlike John Smith, David Kelly and Robin Cook (may god rest their righteous souls). Cronyism is rampant throughout governments of the world, and it's this nepotistic connivance that's destroying this world. Yes, another digression however it was necessary and entertaining.

As the chameleon Jack inched his way into the Kinnock faction and as the opposition during those hopeless years, he finally emerged. He changed his allegiances from communist, socialist, center socialist, to the now new labour right like the chameleon blending into whatever environment. From a staunched pacifist to permitting fellow human beings to die for his (hidden hands) beliefs, such humanity is a result of insanity. During the bliar typo blair years he proved his lack of probity as home secretary when he wouldn't approve the extradition of former Chilean dictator general Augusto Pinochet to Spain. The Spanish government wanted Pinochet to face charges of torture and violation of human rights during his tenure in Chile. Personally his illness was merely a ploy to spirit him away from justice what a despicable act, so much for freedom and democracy oh what fallacies. The moment is captured for eternity as the slippery servile eel and all his glibness as he bows before the Queen is something that was foreseen, since he turned nineteen.

Despite acting judiciously he chose to be iniquitous and granted the fascist despot to return home on health grounds. An indication of what justice means to the now justice secretary, and with that Jack was back in his new role for selling his soul. It wasn't the last time he'd welcome a person accountable to crimes against humanity ( and war crimes), he allowed Ariel Sharon to enter the U.K and entertained at the tax payers expense. Sharon is probably sipping on some juice on a secluded island with Arafat on one side and Pope John Paul on the other. Slight digression, if the government actually represented the people and they were held accountable for their actions then this instances such these wouldn't exist. Nevertheless the misrule over the Pinochet debacle illustrated that Jack was nobbled, and unfortunately it belies the lies of democracy.

If that wasn't enough the chameleon Jack dismissed a coup de main attributed to his socialistic and communistic left-wing past. Now thats what i call a real chameleon, unfortunately for Jack there are photographs taken of his colour changes and they're irrefutable evidence to the contrary. As with other creatures of deception Jack has metamorphisised into many a form in order to conform to the requested norm. Performing all of this while urinating on his ancestral beliefs of socialism and pacifism. Jack now reborn as a pragmatic conservative that wishes to become part of the ruling classes. Meanwhile ignoring his earlier memories in vitriolic protests of sedition, for now his children enjoy public school tuition, and his dream has come to fruition.


People have qualms about the exploitative banks usury methods that undermine any government efforts of real change. Inharmonious bank practices is to the detriment of civil health, as they watch their wealth being usurped. Citizens are under the misapprehension that the government is their to support and look after them, if this were true most of societies ills wouldn't exist. Any belated response by the labour party during it's final months in office is calculated, and leaves one irritated. Safeguarding the interests of the elite and aristocracy is what provides the government legitimacy. Credit crunch, global recession fallacies are all methods used to hide the real Angloamerican induced financial collapse. Resulting in disorder and then reordering the mental, physical and social spheres by subjugating the middle classes, and any other trying to elevate themselves from poverty. Devaluing their homes and let them moan, such iniquitous burden that will remain for generations. Reducing the quality of their lives like worker bees in hives without a spleen and serving their queen. Moreover further invidious measures introduced that restrict public expenses in order to counterbalance the casino gambling culture undertaken by the bankers and stockbrokers.

Most salient point is trust and Jack is man that can't be trusted, and even the security services have maintained a watchful eye on this alleged spy. Deception of intention is never mentioned in the presence of a impuissant malfeasant, and the duopoly the parties continue to delude. The government failed to expropriate wealth from the elites due to their harum-scarum behaviour, and instead allowed banks to foreclose the needy poor. Credulous nature of Jack, to appease his elite masters and hidden hand controllers signifies the contempt he has towards the unlettered. What Jack fails to understand is that he'll always be considered a socialist pleb, in the eyes of his masters. His supercilious and effusive demeanor towards further demonstrates his credulous nature to his paymasters as a useful serf. Hundreds of pernicious legislation many of which are draconian were railroaded through parliament. Another instance of the peoples acquiescence once again like pawns in a game, and obstinate Jack with another ruse to use and abuse. The obloquy seen prior to the second gulf war and the illegal invasion of Iraq failed to sway Jack. Others stepped down and noted their grievances in parliament such as the admirable Robin Cook, unlike the frivolous and spineless Jack who supported the illegal invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan.

Straw is a man that changes his convictions like man that changes their underpants, in Jack's case thats every two weeks or so. His obfuscatory ramblings is a distraction for he has clearly aligned himself with another faction. The sycophantic display from Jack in order to increase his rank and ennoblement is testament to his values, in deep space nine he'd be considered a worthy changling. Whenever Jack speaks he's always reticent and the defensive barriers go up and he's there in his riot uniform (metaphorically speaking) awaiting the first accusation or question that may pierce his feeble answering attempts. He can't be frank for it may result in him losing a rank, and become another political prank. It's no wonder he's always sanguine its because he's not genuine. Men of Jack's disposition become more transparent with time for the words of the past are seen for what they truly are, platitudes intended to delude and be misconstrued (at a later date and in their favor, at the cost of your labour). Redress the balance throughout every facet of society, not tinkering at the fringes or cosmetic alterations that prove insufficient in the years ahead. The rich continue their course to imperium, meanwhile mandarins pursue subterfugium, and ignore obloquium while feeding you trivium.

Before these politicians wash the sleep from their eyes they should look into the mirror and say "am i doing the best i can, for the people i serve ?". As a sceptical satirical lyricist i very much doubt these manipulative grease pole climbing hypocritical goats really care, because it too much to bear. If there is anyone in the United Kingdom that has proved his unworthiness of office its Jack contumacy, its also ironic given his current role. At least with the CONservatives it's the devil you know as for the internship of the "New Labour" (CONservative Light) people were mislead, and now the mothers continually dread the returning bodies of the dead. Ignoring genuine public concerns regarding extortionate banks, deteriorating public services or invasive and overzealous stasi officers is not a vision of a harmonious and decent society. Disfavour of labour is understandable however as the pendulum swings it will bring another mischievous thing.

  • 70's Jack looking like a typical four eyed twat that epitomised that generation, the unintelligible and unelectable Jack which is inescapable.
  • Uncouth Jack exiting number 10 downing street resembling an apprentice Russian property contractor finishing another building assessment and after having an aperitif of strong vodka.
  • Dancing with the "stars" Duchess of Kent in 1968, was this fate ? Another reason why Jack wanted to distance himself from his communistic ideology ? Or just a pragmatist making the best of the opportunities and selling his soul or ass for cash and many a stash (corporate whores aren't necessarily female, males are worse) ?
  • 36th anniversary of the coup d'etat in Chile that ushered in a 17-year dictatorship under former General Augusto Pinochet.
  • Ariel Sharon wanted for war crimes and other heinous acts against humanity with impunity.
  • Chief Justice what a farce, can you believe this socialist once claimed to hate the fascists has allowed the nefarious dictator Pinochet to depart without sending him to justice, and he claims to be the justice secretary!
  • Augusto Pinochet with a look of ingratitude in his solitude and decrepitude for he served the hidden hand that destroyed that land.

Tuesday, 10 November 2009

Excessive and Elusive Databases


From time to time we hear news about inquiries into the existing national DNA database, new databases and missing state databases. On the one hand we have the state and its propensity in losing sensitive information within databases, and the other corporations willing to alleviate the state for fee. Today most people use the Internet for commerce, communication, work, entertainment etc, and monitoring of such information undermines our freedoms. Recent railroaded legislation will permit civil servants to monitor every clock of your mouse online and such information is stored for years without you knowledge. So much for freedom and democracy with such draconian laws you'd think we were living in east Berlin during the infamous reign of the stais. However people everyday monitor themselves by documenting every facet of their daily lives on Bebo, Myspace, Facebook, Flickr, Youtube and now Twitter. State surveillance of citizens Internet actions and navigations clearly impinges insidiously upon their freedoms, and even more so when coupled with data from social networking sites. Centralising of such senstive data whether accessible to civil servants or agency staff employed by the private sector is extremely hazardous to the integrity of society.

Governments claims of "if you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear" unfortunately their reasonings for such a totalitarian vision is ambiguous, and the scope of such a scheme is invidious. Corporations are in possession of these databases and yielding such immense power that would embarrass even Joseph Goebels, nevertheless they provide immense opportunities. Information trading is the another new economy with the trade of peoples personal data such as addresses, emails, online habits and activities between corporations for marketing purposes. Unfortunately the private sector has the bed ready and is awaiting the government to jump in with it and enjoy the benefits of your daily labour.

Elusive Databases
  • 168,000 patient details were lost by eight NHS trusts (City and Hackney, Bolton Royal Hospital, Sutton and Merton, Mid-Essex Care Trust, Norfolk and Norwich, Gloucester Partnership Foundation Trust, Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells and East and North Hertfordshire), resulted from missing laptops, memory sticks and computers discarded in skips.
  • 25,000,000 (25 million) child benefit claimants details of all families in the U.K with a child under 16 stored on two compact discs were lost. Details included name, address, date of birth, national insurance number and bank details (equivalent to 41% of U.K population, total U.K population 61 million 2008).
  • 3,000,000 (3 million) learner driver details were lost after being sent to the United States.
  • Thousands of medical records contained within computers were left in skips and apparently stolen (so much for the data protection act).

Another brick in the wall or a chip installed.

Relaxing government regulations has brought us the FSA fiasco which resulted in the worst recession ever experienced in the history of the U.K. If that is anything to go by then what on earth can we expect from news about the government relaxing regulations even further as to allow departments to share sensitive data between each other. Frivolous disregard of highly sensitive information traversing between these offices via laptops, disc drives and memory sticks can only prove disastrous.

Uses and Excuses

Wise words from the manic street preachers "If you tolerate this, then your children will be next", clearly a sign of our times. Nevertheless policies and procedures have failed to address the misdemeanors by these underpaid, overworked and victimised administrators. Meanwhile the government continues its cost effective measures and makes thousands of job cuts amongst frontline staff. Burdening the remaining administration with supererogation in an attempt to reduce public expenses will only result in strikes of indignation. Another attempt by the government to assuage and placate the prole on the dole due to the inefficiencies of the incumbencies that resulted in failing economies and nationwide redundancies. Public sector administrators working in these sensitive environments are seen as mules by the government, and saddled with extra responsibilities, duties and pursuing targets (ticking boxes).

Isn't technology amazing no more tapes, we have servers and disc drives to record you lives.

Meanwhile unscrupulous insurance companies could (conspiracy alert) willingly conspire (with low paid administrators in the public sector) in obtaining access to unauthorised sensitive data, thus creating a new clandestine economy. Trading of sensitive information will become too tempting because of the potential rewards gained by the possessor, and information is power for now is the hour. Administrators in public and private institutions are the keepers and they shouldn't be undermined. Dilemma is the same albeit less severe in private sector although people would say that we have no control over what they do with their mines of consumer data (which is true). Everything has a price according to the capitalistic philosophy of supply and demand, imagine what the likes of Tesco or Google behemoths in their own rights think about the governing centralised databases. Lucrative expedient enterprises such as the administering of national databases by corporations will open a pandora's box. Labour has already shown from past experiences that it will privatise the public sector in its aim to reclaim fortune and fame. In doing so attempt to mitigate the continued consequences that were a result of the illegal Afghan and Iraq wars.

Invasive Legislation
  • Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act (Ripa) 2000 (Aptly named ripa as in Jack "the ripper" just as he did during the Victorian era causing widespread panic, fear and hysteria).
  • National DNA Database
Western society is becoming more centralised with corporations serving its consumers with goods and services from cradle to grave. The issue is who controls this data of consumer activity, online privacy and personal details (address, national insurance, name, medical history and banking) and how can we implement sufficient safeguards. Catalogue of breaches in procedure whether by government staff would support the CONservatives that wish to accelerate privitisation of many public sector departments. While recognising this labour has either knowingly or unknowingly chosen a course that is detrimental to the citizens of the U.K. Nanny state a term which epitomised the labour ethos and are we to expect the transition from the protective nanny to the dominate brother if the CONservatives succeed. From the publics standpoint it is against the intrusive and meddling nanny, indeed there are a small minority that need this smothering protection but not all. Examples in the past of labours determination in enforcing a national ID database in which was initial obligatory and that everyone would finance, after a backlash from the public and human rights organisations it backed down to public pressure. Whatever next a computer chip on your arm in this totalitarian vision of a cashless and soulless society ?

Yes, i'm phoning in regards to number 21, she's left her bins out on the wrong day and i have proof.

What becomes of the thousands and thousands of CCTV footage being recorded daily by cameras on the high street, banks, post offices, supermarkets, stores, government offices and petrol stations ? Do they miraculously disappear or erased ? Or are they stored as part of an immense video database for years and subject to corporation objectives, maybe they'll be sold to other firms or even TV stations ? Data protection act like most legislation is only useful if it is enforced and adhered to by orgnisations, no matter how many best practices awards adorn their receptions. Collection of specific data whether in the form of video from a CCTV, statistical analysis of consumer purchasing habits or personal patient medial history, occur daily however legislation must be complied and not used as a guide.

Nazi propaganda one of Goebels foreboding posters.

Who watches the watchers ? Once again labours approach is a testament to their lackadaisical manner in dealing with matters of great importance. Every phone call, text message, email and website visit made by citizens are to be held for a year by corporations, and will be available to government bodies. Yes more quangos the faceless incompetent self opinionated and bureacratic imbeciles will be sifting through your history. Now the man on the street way of life is hindered by the spying wardens, nosy neighbours, feckless work-shy and inerbrated pitbull totting yobs on the street. Meanwhile countless CCTV cameras spy on his everymove and fail to prevent or record crime, so what is their purpose ? CCTV is equivalent to the police community support officer (PCSO) just another cardboard policeman showing you an illusion of protection to the vulnerable and instill fear in the criminal. Both of these are mere delusions into mislead the naive into believing everything is fine. Furthermore a man can't protest anymore, unless he gives notices to the authorities that have the power to permit his so called right to protest, well that right has become a privilege and down the slipper slope we slide, oh what a wonderful inegalitarian totalitarian ride. Enemies of the state we've become for things we have not done, but in the fullness of time you may whine for that is now a crime.

Fear is so dear to these hidden hands that plague this land.

Rise of the Quangos
  • 653 public bodies will have access to your Internet history and activities
  • Police (administrators paid pittance)
  • Fire Service (administrators paid pittance)
  • Ambulance Service (administrators paid pittance)
  • Prison Governors (administrators paid pittance)
  • Local councils (administrators paid pittance)
  • Financial Services Authority (FSA, the inept prig regulators that brought you the credit crunch aka recession and allowed the bankers to continue their casino gambling culture with our taxes)
  • Only 647 organisations given legitimacy, and to think you have privacy in this democracy what a fallacy.
  • Never mind we won't allow the terrorists to change our way of life, business as usual.

Testing drones on the front line so you pay those punitive fines.

Surveillance cameras, stasi wardens, rise of fasicst organisations, racisim and extremeism increases, councils spying on bins out on the wrong day, incorrect waste in bins, catchment area investigations, dog fouling, bugging, undercover detectives, snooping neighbours, prying spies, all authorised in this new world of freedom and democracy. Civil servants and administrators using invasive methods to malign law abiding citizens, and they are seen as contemptable and potential enemies of the state. Whatever next ? Will people be referred to as citzien 93842-L2OX3-38VWP ? Visions of the TV series "the prisoner" come to mind, "I am not a number". It's not the first time punitive legislation was railroaded (under the cover of darkness in parliament) to the detriment of the hoi polloi, changing their way of life to the betterment of the terrorist and fascists.

Ian Tomlinson final moments captured, a victim of police brutality.

Consider the fallacious reasoning given over the years for such draconian legislation and then consider the deaths that weren't prevented by such powers. Deaths of baby "P",and attacks of homophobia, racism, honor killings, and religious hatred etc, this act failed in all of these cases and continues to do so. Did these acts help protect their lives or the life of Ian Tomlinson the innocent bystander at the G20 protest ? He was assaulted by an overzealous riot officer and later died of his injuries as a result of a heart attack, these protective laws failed to protect him and furthermore the perpetrator has alluded justice. What do you expect when you have Jack Straw the conscious objector that will not stop your loved ones dying for his freedom. These invasive and pernicious legislations have demonstrated that they can't help the normal man on the street but they are they to ensure the status quo remains and for you to remain docile. Our enivronments are becoming ever smaller, to the point where the government aspirations are for everyone to stay at home within our own prison cells. Statis officers will leave you alone in your home, but don't venture out for you'll receive a clout and they don't mess about. So enjoy your designer cells and enjoy voting for xfactor predetermined person and support the economy and service sector by ordering takeaways.

Whenever you hear a government minister utter the words "inquiry" or "investigation" what they really mean is we know but we don't want you to know. Because if they actually investigated each incident thoroughly then you would identify the reasons why and how problem arose. This would prevent any repeat, however the consistent failure and breaches in procedure clearly demonstrated that on previous occasions that nothing was learned. Again they repeat the same errors until you finally recognise that these bunch of incompetent impuissant imbeciles are all beneath contempt. They should be removed from their posts and their superiors forthwith, maybe then with a few rolling heads disorder will be quelled. Ineptitude is prevalent in the public sector to experience this just visit your local council house, town hall, government agencies, Whitehall, BBC, quangos and speak with a few councillors. It is unfortunate that these inept few tarnish the good with their bottom feeding parasite need to quench their thirst for power by embellishing their egotistical tendencies in pathetic attempt of aggrandizement.

Visionary Orwell's home encircled by lidless eyes on the streets and the skies.

Remember the old days with reams of files gathering dust in metallic filing cabinets nationwide. You'd think data stored within specific departments working independently from one another would limit the possibility of theft. Besides if there were stringent polices and procedures that were adhered and reviewed annually that would also prevent oversights of sensitive data being transported unencrypted (without the password emblazoned on it).

Surveillance Society

Yes we had the old "neighbourhood watch" schemes but that wasn't invasive enough so now we have the "neighbourhood champion" (unlike the street warden aka community safety officer aka police community support officer aka glorified traffic warden) this new term denotes a sense of stasiesque harking back to east Germany. In doublespeak it sounds typically paradoxical, who has ever heard of a sociopath using telescopic lens and video cameras to protect the community ? If this is what the people can expect in the future then shouldn't our taxes be reduced by 90% ? In the minds of the government nosey neighbours are to be in the vanguard of tackling anti-social behaviour and crime in our communities. Do we really believe this Whitehall spin and guff ? I don't and it really deserves a metaphorical cuff. Housebound snoops are more likely to become victims of crime than others thats obvious and expecting people to turn into spies for the stasi eyes is no surprise. World war two and the German Gestapo would marvel at how we adopted their totalitarian ideology, serve the fuhrer and the state you mother and father suckle her breast of benefits and protection.

Cycle of fear and illusion that result in confusion.

The stasi in soviet controlled east Germany with files on every citizen and every aspect of their lives detailed. Children, adults, neighbours and everyone were snooping on each other as quid pro quo for extra rations by ingratiating themselves. Today there are systems in place that already serve in a similar indirect manner such as crimestoppers and others that deal with specific issues within communities. If its awareness or access to information then this is a world away from promoting espionage in our towns and cities. This will only perpetuate fear and mistrust in communities and be counterproductive to services aimed at relieving public anxieties. Such measures is a detriment to a cohesive and tolerant society, besides we have doctors, school teachers, nurses, front line service sector staff that can assist in these issues when and if they arise.

Thanks to the research and development boys in the illegal wars testing drones we can now new revenue streams to fund our incompetent and unjust administrations with fines.

These approaches in producing a generation of informers and snitches is not conducive to the mental well being of a law abiding and freedom loving society. We are fighting terrorist and terrorist supporting states to rid our world from these despotic and pestilent ideologies, now initiated, pursued and adopted by Tony Blair, George Bush and now Gordon Brown and in the fullness of time David Cameron. Excuses retold again and again these politicians persistently state categorically that, we shall not allow these destructive elements change our way of life ! Look back at what we have allowed to be done in our name and evaluate the quality of our lives, and the outlook for many future generations is bleak. These countermeasures instead of reducing or eliminating terror have exacerbated the strained ties between specific communities, and exploited by extreme right factions (looking for escapegoats to punish for the catalogue of problems facing them). This endless struggle of ideologies in which we are both victims and suspects under the gaze of the lidless eye of counter-intelligence. Another cost effective measure undertaken by councils is to reduce their deficits and mitigate the decline of government public sector funding. Self sufficient stasi police generating a revenue for the fiefdoms by issuing penalties as punitive measure in tackling antisocial behaviour.

They use these drones so we can spy on your homes.

Remind me why we're here ? Testing equipment, new products and safeguarding our national interests or installing a new tenant because Saddam's lease was terminated ? I guess i ain't coming home until the people have paid the bankers loans.

List of Council Spying Uses for Anti-terror Powers
  • "establishing the identities of those taking fairy lights from a Christmas tree"
  • "illegal sale of shellfish"
  • "unauthorised Internet access by staff"
  • "overcharging by taxi drivers"
  • "breaches of planning controls"
  • "dog fouling"
  • "littering"
  • "illegal employment of school-age children"
  • "surveillance to establish if a claimant's partner is living at an address"
  • "animal licensing"
  • "trespassing"
  • "changing the identity of cattle"
  • "working while off sick"
Bye bye happiness.................. hello bitterness.

Revolutionary police community support officers aka Stasi, east German secret police.


Could the nature of all these lost databases be simply explained as being a coincidence ? Or could they actual be the hidden hands of subterfuge determined to gather every aspect of information it can about its citizens ? I don't know, anything is possible meanwhile governments find their scapegoats and blame their underlings for ministerial misgoverning. Imagine an insurance company and its wealth of resources at its disposal were to send in hundreds of private investigators into dental practitioners, doctor surgeries, government staffing agencies and hospitals in order to gather intelligence about patients ? Think of the underhand dealings that would be done from such illicit transactions, and insurance companies would do whatever they could to possess medical records or dental records. This is the crux of the matter because if we are to have detailed aspects of specific areas within our live on separate databases held with several organisations independently, then we must ensure quality assurance is sustained.

Obey to our ever changing and unjust rules or you will suffer.

In time the topic of the "green economy" is to be discussed in detail and this will form the basis of the CONservatives strategy to penalise the middle classes into obeying its green stealth taxes and fines. Paranoid schizophrenic ideology of the stasi lives on, incriminate everyone and trust no one. Such draconian legislation was initial intended for terrorist and criminals now everyone is a susceptible to the capriciousness of sociopathic and self-opinionated public sector workers and civil servants. It should be renamed from the civil service to the servile service for that is their purpose in life, and not to generate strife which is now rife. Such developments are alarming and disheartening, however unsurprising because once a database is lost it is gone forever. If in the wrong hands then their is nothing we can say or do to repair such negligence. Furthermore when breaches arise people must be held accountable otherwise the peoples trust and the safeguards are useless. Deterioration of a nation its people remain in stagnation and the rise of inflation doesn't change the situation, never mind keep calm and carry on.

Stop braying its for your freedom, security and democracy now shut up and conform with this perverse norm, besides even Saddam didn't have it this good.
