The perquisite elitists maneuvers of assignation in nepotism illustrates their maladjusted and presumptuous propensities. Gordon brown's dereliction of duty over the misappropriation of the nation's wealth by stealthy wealthy. All this to the embitterment of the indigent, and chagrined Brown in his sumptuous gown continues to frown. Meanwhile the labour haruspices rummage through its bowels and fail to foresee any beneficial auspices. Polarising parties obduracy over Iraq and Afghanistan is lunacy as the nation blunders into another calamity. Their diktats and incontestable impoliticly facile notions of success in a time of much distress, and blessed are the meek for they are weak. Nevermore shall the drums of war, sound again to our disdain, beware the erubescent David Cameron (Can Run) rediffusion in mass confusion before the next military intrusion. As for Brown he will go down as he continues to frown for their is no labour revival only the survival of the rival.
To Wealth and Health
Aristocracy has and will continue to impose their firmly held beliefs of righteousness in the pursuit of avariciousness. Dynasties believe this particular reincarnation is evidence of divine right to rule such is their interpretation of divine providence, and in the eyes of the wise they do despise, deserving contempt and ridicule. Nevertheless unproven a chosen few hide behind the royal prerogative and in their coven have woven threads of discord. Don't be mislead, the rape and pillage was not of treasured finds but of intelligent minds, and that's the raison d'ĂȘtre for conflicts in the east. As was done in Iraq so will be done in Iran, and the mass migration of the intellgensia to satisfy the western appetite for ambrosia. Such idiosunkrasia of the corporate financiers to dominate Asia and the discussions continue in Oxbridge, and again they ignore the consequences. For they chosen to misrule and treating you like fools however cruel, and the failure to bring to justice those accountable for the WMD's pretext is the "coalition of the willing" agitprop. Inbred misdeeds of greed to succeed are the pursuits of the men in suits, misogamy is always chosen over exogamy. Regimented performances of the parties resemble actors on a stage playing their role, blairites, brownites, mandelites, cameronites and johnsonites these conspecific elites.
Clannishness of the ruling elites sanctimoniousness by claiming to have changed their once invariant minds after experiencing an afflatus. There is no unique party anymore only one vision shared by all, and such inosculation of the parties is a trait of oligarchy. Notwithstanding such inspiration they now pursue a life of servitude without having any aptitude in their chosen profession. Under such fallacies they enjoy a life of opulence and decadence at the tax payers expense. Whether a minister of parliament, mandarin quango, or in a branch of the military for generations they've sustained their health and wealth. Elites of today resemble the vassals of yesterday for they no longer just govern land but corporations and propaganda stations. Rulers are insular in particular and not considered irregular for they are consistent in their foibles, which invites vilification. Electorial candidates from whichever party will offer themselves as panacea to the naive and deluded proles. Unlike like previous governments. Constituents are beginning to understand and recognise the decline of ethics, morales and accountability, by a privileged few. Culpability is irrefutable and justice delayed is justice denied.
Snobbism is so entrenched within the high echelons working in the public and private sectors. Both snobbism and rank are directly proportional however the rule is interpreted differently amongst the nobility. Preserved archaic stereotypes of class has remained a thorn to western societies and the law needs to redress the balance. Unfortunately the current system has resembled a sewer that symbolises legitamate injustices being disposed like fecal matter. Nepotistic callowness continues to endure the verbal slings and arrows until tomorrow, while snubbing societies deep sorrow. If the nobility or mandarins were to speak they may say that so we bamboozle, coerce, deceive, manipulate, bribe, proselytise and use whatever means to justify whatever ends to create their future for their people, for like them they were chosen by divine providence, yes it does sound ridiculous but that is what they believe. So what's the use of the privy seal if all this is not for real ? Did you expect the governing elite to sequestrate the bankers over their misdeeds ? Collusion is conspicuous for the actions of the politicians have prepensely reneged on their allegiance to the people of the country. Furthermore the recalcitrant bankers, stock exchange gamblers and their politician co-conspirators enjoy the sense of schadenfreude at our expense. Rejoice rejoice in the spiritus aureatus the fellows bellow in their boardroom and in stark contrast to the publics gloom. The villeins will remain in continued servitude and gratitude in their solitude, until they change their attitude for the aristocracy will always make a mockery of democracy.
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