From time to time we hear news about inquiries into the existing national DNA database, new databases and missing state databases. On the one hand we have the state and its propensity in losing sensitive information within databases, and the other corporations willing to alleviate the state for fee. Today most people use the Internet for commerce, communication, work, entertainment etc, and monitoring of such information undermines our freedoms. Recent railroaded legislation will permit civil servants to monitor every clock of your mouse online and such information is stored for years without you knowledge. So much for freedom and democracy with such draconian laws you'd think we were living in east Berlin during the infamous reign of the stais. However people everyday monitor themselves by documenting every facet of their daily lives on Bebo, Myspace, Facebook, Flickr, Youtube and now Twitter. State surveillance of citizens Internet actions and navigations clearly impinges insidiously upon their freedoms, and even more so when coupled with data from social networking sites. Centralising of such senstive data whether accessible to civil servants or agency staff employed by the private sector is extremely hazardous to the integrity of society.

Governments claims of "if you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear" unfortunately their reasonings for such a totalitarian vision is ambiguous, and the scope of such a scheme is invidious. Corporations are in possession of these databases and yielding such immense power that would embarrass even Joseph Goebels, nevertheless they provide immense opportunities. Information trading is the another new economy with the trade of peoples personal data such as addresses, emails, online habits and activities between corporations for marketing purposes. Unfortunately the private sector has the bed ready and is awaiting the government to jump in with it and enjoy the benefits of your daily labour.
Elusive Databases
- 168,000 patient details were lost by eight NHS trusts (City and Hackney, Bolton Royal Hospital, Sutton and Merton, Mid-Essex Care Trust, Norfolk and Norwich, Gloucester Partnership Foundation Trust, Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells and East and North Hertfordshire), resulted from missing laptops, memory sticks and computers discarded in skips.
- 25,000,000 (25 million) child benefit claimants details of all families in the U.K with a child under 16 stored on two compact discs were lost. Details included name, address, date of birth, national insurance number and bank details (equivalent to 41% of U.K population, total U.K population 61 million 2008).
- 3,000,000 (3 million) learner driver details were lost after being sent to the United States.
- Thousands of medical records contained within computers were left in skips and apparently stolen (so much for the data protection act).

Another brick in the wall or a chip installed.
Relaxing government regulations has brought us the FSA fiasco which resulted in the worst recession ever experienced in the history of the U.K. If that is anything to go by then what on earth can we expect from news about the government relaxing regulations even further as to allow departments to share sensitive data between each other. Frivolous disregard of highly sensitive information traversing between these offices via laptops, disc drives and memory sticks can only prove disastrous.
Uses and Excuses
Wise words from the manic street preachers "If you tolerate this, then your children will be next", clearly a sign of our times. Nevertheless policies and procedures have failed to address the misdemeanors by these underpaid, overworked and victimised administrators. Meanwhile the government continues its cost effective measures and makes thousands of job cuts amongst frontline staff. Burdening the remaining administration with supererogation in an attempt to reduce public expenses will only result in strikes of indignation. Another attempt by the government to assuage and placate the prole on the dole due to the inefficiencies of the incumbencies that resulted in failing economies and nationwide redundancies. Public sector administrators working in these sensitive environments are seen as mules by the government, and saddled with extra responsibilities, duties and pursuing targets (ticking boxes).

Isn't technology amazing no more tapes, we have servers and disc drives to record you lives.
Meanwhile unscrupulous insurance companies could (conspiracy alert) willingly conspire (with low paid administrators in the public sector) in obtaining access to unauthorised sensitive data, thus creating a new clandestine economy. Trading of sensitive information will become too tempting because of the potential rewards gained by the possessor, and information is power for now is the hour. Administrators in public and private institutions are the keepers and they shouldn't be undermined. Dilemma is the same albeit less severe in private sector although people would say that we have no control over what they do with their mines of consumer data (which is true). Everything has a price according to the capitalistic philosophy of supply and demand, imagine what the likes of Tesco or Google behemoths in their own rights think about the governing centralised databases. Lucrative expedient enterprises such as the administering of national databases by corporations will open a pandora's box. Labour has already shown from past experiences that it will privatise the public sector in its aim to reclaim fortune and fame. In doing so attempt to mitigate the continued consequences that were a result of the illegal Afghan and Iraq wars.
Invasive Legislation
- Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act (Ripa) 2000 (Aptly named ripa as in Jack "the ripper" just as he did during the Victorian era causing widespread panic, fear and hysteria).
- National DNA Database

Yes, i'm phoning in regards to number 21, she's left her bins out on the wrong day and i have proof.
What becomes of the thousands and thousands of CCTV footage being recorded daily by cameras on the high street, banks, post offices, supermarkets, stores, government offices and petrol stations ? Do they miraculously disappear or erased ? Or are they stored as part of an immense video database for years and subject to corporation objectives, maybe they'll be sold to other firms or even TV stations ? Data protection act like most legislation is only useful if it is enforced and adhered to by orgnisations, no matter how many best practices awards adorn their receptions. Collection of specific data whether in the form of video from a CCTV, statistical analysis of consumer purchasing habits or personal patient medial history, occur daily however legislation must be complied and not used as a guide.

Nazi propaganda one of Goebels foreboding posters.
Who watches the watchers ? Once again labours approach is a testament to their lackadaisical manner in dealing with matters of great importance. Every phone call, text message, email and website visit made by citizens are to be held for a year by corporations, and will be available to government bodies. Yes more quangos the faceless incompetent self opinionated and bureacratic imbeciles will be sifting through your history. Now the man on the street way of life is hindered by the spying wardens, nosy neighbours, feckless work-shy and inerbrated pitbull totting yobs on the street. Meanwhile countless CCTV cameras spy on his everymove and fail to prevent or record crime, so what is their purpose ? CCTV is equivalent to the police community support officer (PCSO) just another cardboard policeman showing you an illusion of protection to the vulnerable and instill fear in the criminal. Both of these are mere delusions into mislead the naive into believing everything is fine. Furthermore a man can't protest anymore, unless he gives notices to the authorities that have the power to permit his so called right to protest, well that right has become a privilege and down the slipper slope we slide, oh what a wonderful inegalitarian totalitarian ride. Enemies of the state we've become for things we have not done, but in the fullness of time you may whine for that is now a crime.

Fear is so dear to these hidden hands that plague this land.
Rise of the Quangos
- 653 public bodies will have access to your Internet history and activities
- Police (administrators paid pittance)
- Fire Service (administrators paid pittance)
- Ambulance Service (administrators paid pittance)
- Prison Governors (administrators paid pittance)
- Local councils (administrators paid pittance)
- Financial Services Authority (FSA, the inept prig regulators that brought you the credit crunch aka recession and allowed the bankers to continue their casino gambling culture with our taxes)
- Only 647 organisations given legitimacy, and to think you have privacy in this democracy what a fallacy.
- Never mind we won't allow the terrorists to change our way of life, business as usual.

Testing drones on the front line so you pay those punitive fines.
Surveillance cameras, stasi wardens, rise of fasicst organisations, racisim and extremeism increases, councils spying on bins out on the wrong day, incorrect waste in bins, catchment area investigations, dog fouling, bugging, undercover detectives, snooping neighbours, prying spies, all authorised in this new world of freedom and democracy. Civil servants and administrators using invasive methods to malign law abiding citizens, and they are seen as contemptable and potential enemies of the state. Whatever next ? Will people be referred to as citzien 93842-L2OX3-38VWP ? Visions of the TV series "the prisoner" come to mind, "I am not a number". It's not the first time punitive legislation was railroaded (under the cover of darkness in parliament) to the detriment of the hoi polloi, changing their way of life to the betterment of the terrorist and fascists.

Ian Tomlinson final moments captured, a victim of police brutality.
Consider the fallacious reasoning given over the years for such draconian legislation and then consider the deaths that weren't prevented by such powers. Deaths of baby "P",and attacks of homophobia, racism, honor killings, and religious hatred etc, this act failed in all of these cases and continues to do so. Did these acts help protect their lives or the life of Ian Tomlinson the innocent bystander at the G20 protest ? He was assaulted by an overzealous riot officer and later died of his injuries as a result of a heart attack, these protective laws failed to protect him and furthermore the perpetrator has alluded justice. What do you expect when you have Jack Straw the conscious objector that will not stop your loved ones dying for his freedom. These invasive and pernicious legislations have demonstrated that they can't help the normal man on the street but they are they to ensure the status quo remains and for you to remain docile. Our enivronments are becoming ever smaller, to the point where the government aspirations are for everyone to stay at home within our own prison cells. Statis officers will leave you alone in your home, but don't venture out for you'll receive a clout and they don't mess about. So enjoy your designer cells and enjoy voting for xfactor predetermined person and support the economy and service sector by ordering takeaways.

Whenever you hear a government minister utter the words "inquiry" or "investigation" what they really mean is we know but we don't want you to know. Because if they actually investigated each incident thoroughly then you would identify the reasons why and how problem arose. This would prevent any repeat, however the consistent failure and breaches in procedure clearly demonstrated that on previous occasions that nothing was learned. Again they repeat the same errors until you finally recognise that these bunch of incompetent impuissant imbeciles are all beneath contempt. They should be removed from their posts and their superiors forthwith, maybe then with a few rolling heads disorder will be quelled. Ineptitude is prevalent in the public sector to experience this just visit your local council house, town hall, government agencies, Whitehall, BBC, quangos and speak with a few councillors. It is unfortunate that these inept few tarnish the good with their bottom feeding parasite need to quench their thirst for power by embellishing their egotistical tendencies in pathetic attempt of aggrandizement.

Visionary Orwell's home encircled by lidless eyes on the streets and the skies.
Remember the old days with reams of files gathering dust in metallic filing cabinets nationwide. You'd think data stored within specific departments working independently from one another would limit the possibility of theft. Besides if there were stringent polices and procedures that were adhered and reviewed annually that would also prevent oversights of sensitive data being transported unencrypted (without the password emblazoned on it).
Surveillance Society
Yes we had the old "neighbourhood watch" schemes but that wasn't invasive enough so now we have the "neighbourhood champion" (unlike the street warden aka community safety officer aka police community support officer aka glorified traffic warden) this new term denotes a sense of stasiesque harking back to east Germany. In doublespeak it sounds typically paradoxical, who has ever heard of a sociopath using telescopic lens and video cameras to protect the community ? If this is what the people can expect in the future then shouldn't our taxes be reduced by 90% ? In the minds of the government nosey neighbours are to be in the vanguard of tackling anti-social behaviour and crime in our communities. Do we really believe this Whitehall spin and guff ? I don't and it really deserves a metaphorical cuff. Housebound snoops are more likely to become victims of crime than others thats obvious and expecting people to turn into spies for the stasi eyes is no surprise. World war two and the German Gestapo would marvel at how we adopted their totalitarian ideology, serve the fuhrer and the state you mother and father suckle her breast of benefits and protection.

Cycle of fear and illusion that result in confusion.
The stasi in soviet controlled east Germany with files on every citizen and every aspect of their lives detailed. Children, adults, neighbours and everyone were snooping on each other as quid pro quo for extra rations by ingratiating themselves. Today there are systems in place that already serve in a similar indirect manner such as crimestoppers and others that deal with specific issues within communities. If its awareness or access to information then this is a world away from promoting espionage in our towns and cities. This will only perpetuate fear and mistrust in communities and be counterproductive to services aimed at relieving public anxieties. Such measures is a detriment to a cohesive and tolerant society, besides we have doctors, school teachers, nurses, front line service sector staff that can assist in these issues when and if they arise.

Thanks to the research and development boys in the illegal wars testing drones we can now new revenue streams to fund our incompetent and unjust administrations with fines.
These approaches in producing a generation of informers and snitches is not conducive to the mental well being of a law abiding and freedom loving society. We are fighting terrorist and terrorist supporting states to rid our world from these despotic and pestilent ideologies, now initiated, pursued and adopted by Tony Blair, George Bush and now Gordon Brown and in the fullness of time David Cameron. Excuses retold again and again these politicians persistently state categorically that, we shall not allow these destructive elements change our way of life ! Look back at what we have allowed to be done in our name and evaluate the quality of our lives, and the outlook for many future generations is bleak. These countermeasures instead of reducing or eliminating terror have exacerbated the strained ties between specific communities, and exploited by extreme right factions (looking for escapegoats to punish for the catalogue of problems facing them). This endless struggle of ideologies in which we are both victims and suspects under the gaze of the lidless eye of counter-intelligence. Another cost effective measure undertaken by councils is to reduce their deficits and mitigate the decline of government public sector funding. Self sufficient stasi police generating a revenue for the fiefdoms by issuing penalties as punitive measure in tackling antisocial behaviour.
They use these drones so we can spy on your homes.

Remind me why we're here ? Testing equipment, new products and safeguarding our national interests or installing a new tenant because Saddam's lease was terminated ? I guess i ain't coming home until the people have paid the bankers loans.
List of Council Spying Uses for Anti-terror Powers
- "establishing the identities of those taking fairy lights from a Christmas tree"
- "illegal sale of shellfish"
- "unauthorised Internet access by staff"
- "overcharging by taxi drivers"
- "breaches of planning controls"
- "dog fouling"
- "littering"
- "illegal employment of school-age children"
- "surveillance to establish if a claimant's partner is living at an address"
- "animal licensing"
- "trespassing"
- "changing the identity of cattle"
- "working while off sick"

Revolutionary police community support officers aka Stasi, east German secret police.
Could the nature of all these lost databases be simply explained as being a coincidence ? Or could they actual be the hidden hands of subterfuge determined to gather every aspect of information it can about its citizens ? I don't know, anything is possible meanwhile governments find their scapegoats and blame their underlings for ministerial misgoverning. Imagine an insurance company and its wealth of resources at its disposal were to send in hundreds of private investigators into dental practitioners, doctor surgeries, government staffing agencies and hospitals in order to gather intelligence about patients ? Think of the underhand dealings that would be done from such illicit transactions, and insurance companies would do whatever they could to possess medical records or dental records. This is the crux of the matter because if we are to have detailed aspects of specific areas within our live on separate databases held with several organisations independently, then we must ensure quality assurance is sustained.

Obey to our ever changing and unjust rules or you will suffer.
In time the topic of the "green economy" is to be discussed in detail and this will form the basis of the CONservatives strategy to penalise the middle classes into obeying its green stealth taxes and fines. Paranoid schizophrenic ideology of the stasi lives on, incriminate everyone and trust no one. Such draconian legislation was initial intended for terrorist and criminals now everyone is a susceptible to the capriciousness of sociopathic and self-opinionated public sector workers and civil servants. It should be renamed from the civil service to the servile service for that is their purpose in life, and not to generate strife which is now rife. Such developments are alarming and disheartening, however unsurprising because once a database is lost it is gone forever. If in the wrong hands then their is nothing we can say or do to repair such negligence. Furthermore when breaches arise people must be held accountable otherwise the peoples trust and the safeguards are useless. Deterioration of a nation its people remain in stagnation and the rise of inflation doesn't change the situation, never mind keep calm and carry on.

Stop braying its for your freedom, security and democracy now shut up and conform with this perverse norm, besides even Saddam didn't have it this good.
- Stasi police kept East Germans in fear for 40 years
- Pilotless police drone takes off
- UK's families put on fraud alert
- NHS 'can be trusted' over records
- State to 'spy' on every phone call, email and web search
- Whitehall 'super database' planned
- Action promised on council spying
- Health board lost patient records
- Council defends 'minimal' spying
- Citizen snoopers recruited to spy on Londoners
- Council spying: List of odd uses for anti-terror powers
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