Selling off of the prime cuts from RBS, LloydsTSB, HBOS and Northern Rock to the (profitable sections) sold at bargain basement prices to the avaricious competitors. Meanwhile the maledictive toxic portions continue to burden with the poor for generations. Increased taxes by the labour government that claims to possess socialistic values and support the working class has done the opposite. Three terms of labour governance has resulted in the poor even poorer and the rich ever richer, and now the reemergence of the CONservaties and the Eton mafia are likely to succeed in their need for greed.

We're In The Money
Quantative easing aka printing money aka inflation which results in a devalued currency hence the emergence of the strong Euro. People were suckered into thinking their buying another home and spend £20k in refurbishment after selling it and making £40k+ profit. Greed was their misdeed and they fell to their knees begging please to the banks for help. Instead the banks gave them a two fingered salute and gave them an eviction notice, and then the banks asked for help. So what did the politicians do ? They gave the banks a blank cheque and £200 billion to date was given to these avaricious bankers, they wouldn't circulate money instead they sat on it.

It's the three stooges Mervyn "Vermin" King, Alistair "Prankstar" Darling and Gordon "Bordem" Brown.
This premeditation aimed to blackmail the people of the United Kingdom, into rescuing the rapacious elite families wealth stored within these banks. Because of the systematic failings of regulation and monitoring of numerous dubious financial institutions profits, the people are branded like cattle. As do farmers brand their cattle we the people have become branded with the brands of HBOS, Norther Rock, Lloyds TSB and RBS for generations.

We're all one big happy family and you're not invited proles.

Yeah we are family..... i got all my BROTHERS with me !
Now the elites are enjoying a boom while we endure the bust for they are buying all the devalued properties nationwide to embellish their pride. Rest of the people that were mislead by the propaganda television programmes regarding house profiteering. As their tears run down the eviction notices handed to them by bailiffs on behalf of the banks (they later bailed out) smearing the words into gibberish (just like Gordon Brown's lame excuses to save the banks).

Yes a family that eats together stays together.
David Cameron and his etonian ilk are poised to deliver reform like you've never seen before, more stealth taxes, huge reductions in public services and even more draconian legislation. Say goodbye to your bill of rights, the magna carta for tomorrow is the dawn of the fascist public spies (FPS). Community wardens spying, listening and recording your every action and reporting you to the police just like the stasi in East Germany. Files on every person until the pandemic is released and the 80% of proles worldwide are eradicated then the elite we'll be content. Enough paranoia although bleak it's worth taking a peek into what the elite seek.

Oh really you don't say.... i too have a few pennies hidden away.
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