In the warm officers club at Sandhurst with the heat from the central heating resembling Baghdad within the greenzone, laughter is abound. It's poets day today !, (push off early tomorrow saturday) and the heads of public schoolboys and members of the aristocracy are deep within the daily papers. Suddenly they raise their heads in unison as news of another soldiers death is confirmed, after what seems like several seconds they return to the papers.

Nevermind Harry you'll grow into it and lead these cannon fodder sheep into many conflicts.

Someone has to guide these proles in life and give them some purpose, they would've drowned in their own vomit from excess booze, drugs and tobbacco for which we own. Come on chaps you're supposed the lead these sheep as heads of the military branches.
Inculcation and Manipulation of Deprivation
Throughout the sink estates in the United Kingdom you'll find the army with their emblazoned stands of propaganda. Doing their best to entice the naive, gullible, ignorant, impressionable, disillusioned and disaffected youths. Fancy posters and promises of adventures in foreign lands are told to the youths. If you were a youth and a NEET (not in education, employment or training) with the far right groups (BNP) victimising the ethnic minorities and eastern europeans for your inadequacies, then you might be swayed and enlist.

John Major initiated the first gulf war against Iraq, Tony Blair supported the U.S in the second gulf war, Gordon Brown continued his predessors good work and now the next prime minister David Cameron fellow brother will pursue Iran, and yes it's all part of the master plan.
Have you considered why the army enrollment strategy within the U.K targets the sink estate areas ? Did you think why the royal navy or airforce don't enroll within these deprived areas ? The answer is that within deprived areas the army is used to enlist the cannon fodder, because it doesn't take much to point a gun and shoot. As for flying a fighter jet or have a key role on a frigate then you need to be of a higher station. Middle class or of a family with a good standing such as the aristocracy then you're in line for an officers role, and trained at Sandhurst. You see in the establishments eyes only people from good stock can control the proles, and like a shepherd controlling his flock of sheep.

Oh my, did i leave the oven on ?
Until the cannon fodder sheep proles recognise that they're being led to the slaughter and then they'll be used and abused. Again if you're going to sacrifice yourself at least enlist with the navy or air force because you chances of success is increased. Unfortunately as these brave men and women return to the U.K maimed physically and mentally and given pittance for their blood, sweat and tears. Wandering up and down the road with no fixed abode as they're told by young and old "You didn't fight for me", and their beers full of tears.

I do hope it doesn't rain again.
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