Today the insidious aspects of hip hop is persistently dispensing it's messages of hate, violence and ignorance. Enticing impressionable youths into accepting the illusionary and elusive way of life purported by the self proclaimed gangster rappers. Objectifying women as mere tools to satisfy the sexual frustrations of polygamous males is one of the virtues pursued by the professed musicians. Obviously not all of hip hop finest rappers are tarred with the same pernicious brush of womanising, gang banging, pretentious, debauched, ebullition from these corporation whores.

You ain't black jack.

Obamas emulating their masters, ob1 = obey 1 = Obama the one Sun worship thee.
Climbing the Corporate Pole
For the many professional and talented artists that sing about love and life in it's truest form, unlike the minority of manipulators of human consciousness. Once again hidden hands are at play as they work their way in fermenting discord between vulnerable and marginalised groups in society. Each day the cycle of violence, destitution, disaffection continue due to the failing government initiatives tackling only the peripheries of such issues. In their lackadaisical approach these schemes will fail all the same again and again, as they're part of game. Meanwhile the corporate whore climbs their designated pole for fortune and fame in order to embellish their name. They accept the maxim "If you can't beat them, join them" and like exploited slaves they do the bidding of their belligerent masters.

Masonic how ironic, i guess ignorance is bliss.
Xfactor et al similar soul destroying television intentionally misdirect attention from serious issues, and focus on banality. Soulless celebrity contestants jockey with one another like a claque of vain rats. As they parade in front of mediocre has beens, these selfish attributes are intrinsic to seekers of fame and fortune celebrities and politicians. Life in the goldfish bowl is in not conducive for personal development, unless you prefer a life of vanity and insularity. Competitions such as these are predetermined from the outset and the naive ignoramuses that partake in such frivolity are beneath contempt. Other than generating small fortunes for the likes of Simon Cowell and the channel, it divests any remaining sanity in this reality. Never mind the bailed banks, increase council tax, gas, petrol, diesel, food prices etc, keep text voting you muppets.

We know chequerboard and it's symbolic significance, we're part of the elite now.
Slight digression, it was necessary and now back to the nature at hand. When mentioning the term black aristocracy I'm not talking about those influential slave traders having illegitimate children with their slaves, oh no. Heaven forbid any thought of such occurrences that may produce the likes of Barak Obama, especially with the disappearance of his father, and him becoming the United States first half black president, what providence. Obama family is the new black aristocracy with the likes of Jay-Z, Beyonce, Usher, Rihanna, Busta Rhymes and the infamous Snoop dog (many of which come from privileged backgrounds) not far behind. Hip hop phenomena initially was a medium for disillusioned and disaffected young black men and women within the U.S to express their opinions. They sang about their daily lives and experiences living in the ghettos called the projects. Where debauchery is rife and crime part of daily life as people try to avoid such strife.

God damm i'm gonna tap that.
Police iniquity and brutality was the reality, and the authorities ignored the minorities. Generations neglected and disaffected with time coming to pass as the crass cantankerous and contentious rose. Recognising this the record labels steered the naive but portentous youth from truth to puerile revile bile. Directed at other disaffected young black upcoming rappers, instead of uniting their attention at inequality and justice for all they frittered away a powerful movement. It' may have provided real hope and brought about real change, unfortunately the hip hop genre is more concerned with copulation and aggrandizement.

Huh huh hu they don't get it..... neither do we, ain't ma grill brill ?.
Yes these new blackristocrats will conform to the worshiping of goats in order to continue the manipulation of a nation. So you join a secret society and rub shoulders with opulent nincompoops, a few handshakes later and we're all brothers now. As in Rome power the ultimate aphrodisiac and as a shepard whatever your sphere of influence, you must manipulate the sheep. So do all these self-opinionated imbeciles that continually fail to highlight the real issues in this world. What is certain is that the hidden hand has a demand, and that is "if you play our game, we'll allow you to reign in your chosen domain". There are glimmers of hope and people like Professor Griff is a beacon, only the youths of tomorrow can continue his message.

Professor Griff looking spiff.
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