Throwing your dummy out of the pram as Abdullah Abdullah did recently is typical of the farcical fledgling deMOCracy in Afghanistan. Indeed corruption is rife and such is life in promoting kalashnikov diplomacy between selective tribal warlords. Supporting a particular tribes is the epitome of previous British empirical methods. Imperialism has a new guise and the mask is called globalism (western corporate fascism), and these two babies (Abdullah and Karzai) fail to power share within a unity government. Because each others desire for absolute power is so ingrained within their egotistical identities.

Malcontented, unsophisticated and indebted.
Elections were null and void in the eyes of the independent observers, however the ends justify the means and Karzai was given a welcoming endorsement by the U.S administration. Yes we can, hope and change was the game plan from Obama and did the world experience these illusionary, vacuous platitudes ? No, it's foreign policy remains the same because thats the game.
Abdullah Abdullah
So much for freedom and democracy, what a mockery all the dead, injured and dying soldiers and all the innocent lives lost and forgotten and all the money and resources wasted in a longterm vision of geopoliticking. placing a spear between the buttocks of the Russian bear and the scalp of the Iranian sphinx. Abdullah like many other viceroys of the west will do the bidding of the corporations until like Saddam, he has outlived his usefulness. Time and time again these despots have no real connection within the country they reside, living in bubbles called green zones.

I guzzle the corporate nipple for my wealth and health.
Viceroys understand that they have no real authority over the majority of people in their fiefdoms. As spokesman of the western corporations they ignore the needs and aspirations of the poor majority, and in doing so ferment the flames of rebellion. Again these valid voices of justice are tarnished by the propagandists of the corporations as terrorists. Terrorists, al qadea the taliban whatever it takes to subdue the dissenting voices of the people, it's not democracy it's corporate fascism. Look at Afghanistan and Iraq the current climate within those nations are indicators of what could be used in the west. Fear, propaganda, hate and illusions are their fate and soon it may become ours.
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