Happy new year and decade to you all, there is much to fantasize about in the new year and the new decade, only by looking back do we appreciate the paths we've taken and the changes it has made. Since 2001 that infamous year will forever be remembered with that of the indiscriminate loss of life as a result of the destruction of the world trade center. What followed those traumatic events was indiscernible until the hunt for Osama bin Laden began. After two illegal invasions of sovereign states and millions of innocent deaths later Osama remains elusive as ever. If we had to choose a phrase that would signify the decade it would be the "war on terror", since 2001 to the present it has remained undefined as its brothers and sisters "illegal combatants" and "insurgents" litter the sexed up intelligence dossiers. As we say goodbye to the noughties (00's) the virulent tendency of the "war on terror" has and will evidently maligned the decades to come.
More extreme weather with hotter shorter summers and longer wetter colder winters with the odd freak tornado too. Expect the root causes of issues that plague this world to be ignored, and only a lackadaisical attempts to provide solutions to the symptoms. Since labour came to power in 1997 they have demonstrated this by their incompetence and sequacious remedies offered by these self-centred tortfeasors. Public acrimony will increase meanwhile these unscrupulous and desultory politicians will subdue dissenting voices with the enactment of draconian legislation. ever increasing acrimony. Détente atmosphere will continue to ensue talks between the eurocrats, anglo-american camarillas and Syrian, Iranian and eventually Chinese administrations. Efforts to fractionalise these states will persist even more as to bring them under the heel of western corporation dominion which is controlled by the royal clans and their illegitimate minions (civil servants) due to extramarital affairs. Eventually the impetus by the western media will emerge triumphantly (with its subversive tools of propaganda and insinuation at the behest of the corporations) as it persistently ebb away these unified states into smaller independent bite sized chunks susceptible enough to be consumed by the western corporate objectives. In this drive to survive the royal clans become evermore dependent upon their corporations to satisfy their avaricious needs, and they look to the east for new age of consumerism to energise their ailing economies.
Dissidents from China, Syria and Iran will toil in troubling their ancestral homes with the assistance and assurance from their adopted western barbarian horde masters. In servitude and ingratiation they begin their new lives as did those siren voices of Iraqi dissidents before them that unequivocally brought the dove of peace to pieces. Amongst the rocks of corruption and seduction the symbolic peace was shattered into a thousand pieces and will never be at peace for generations. Then the corpirate ships will embark on another endeavor and bring back plundered wealth at the behest of the national interest. Automation of a nation using robotation, and the clones and human programmed drones robotise warfare and increase human despair. Weaponising space for the benefit of a selective race and continuation of the iniquitous and covetous nature which the western autocrats have revelled in for generations. Calls for a meritocracy and proportional representation from the public and independents are neglected by the infected and rejected megalomaniacal parliamentarian horde pursuing aggrandizement.
Year 2000 Events
- The Dow Jones Industrial Average closes at 11,722.98 (at the peak of dotcom boom)
- The final original Peanuts comic strip is published, following the death of its creator, Charles Schulz.
- George W. Bush and Al Gore emerge victorious in the Republican and Democratic caucuses and primaries of the United States presidential election.
- The 2000 al-Qaeda Summit of several high-level al-Qaeda members (including 2 9/11 American Airlines hijackers) is held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
- Pope John Paul II apologises for the wrongdoings by members of the Roman Catholic Church throughout the ages.
- Vladimir Putin is elected President of Russia.
- The billionth living person in India is born.
- The Tate Modern Gallery opens in London.
- Israel withdraws IDF forces from southern Lebanon after 22 years.
- Bashar al-Assad is confirmed as Syria's leader in a national referendum.
- Israel's prime minister Ehud Barak and PLO head Yasser Arafat meet at Camp David, but fail to reach an agreement.
- A powerful solar flare, later named the Bastille Day event, causes a geomagnetic storm on Earth.
- G-8 Nations hold their 26th Annual Summit; issues include AIDS, the 'digital divide', and halving world poverty by 2015.
- Air France Flight 4590, a Concorde aircraft, crashes into a hotel in Gonesse just after takeoff from Paris, killing all 109 aboard and 4 in the hotel.
- Venezuela's president Hugo Chávez is reelected with 59% of the vote.
- The Republican National Convention in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania nominates George W. Bush for U.S. President and Dick Cheney for Vice President.
- The Democratic National Convention in Los Angeles nominates U.S. Vice President Al Gore for President and Senator Joe Lieberman for Vice President.
- The last wholly Swedish-owned arms manufacturer, Bofors, is sold to American arms manufacturer United Defense.
- The UK fuel protests take place, with refineries blockaded, and supply to the country's network of petrol stations halted.
- Israeli opposition leader Ariel Sharon visits the Temple Mount, protected by a several-hundred-strong Israeli police force. Palestinian riots erupt, leading to a full-fledged armed uprising (called the Al-Aqsa Intifada by sympathizers and the Oslo War by opponents).
- In Aden, Yemen, the USS Cole is badly damaged by two Al-Qaeda suicide bombers, who place a small boat laden with explosives alongside the United States Navy destroyer, killing 17 crew members and wounding at least 39.
- Fifteen Arab leaders convene in Cairo, Egypt, for their first summit in 4 years; the Libyan delegation walks out, angry over signs the summit will stop short of calling for breaking ties with Israel.
- Madeleine Albright holds talks with North Korean dictator Kim Jong Il.
- This is the final date during which there is no human presence in space; on October 31, Soyuz TM-31 launches, carrying the first resident crew to the International Space Station. The ISS has been continuously crewed since.
- Iraq disarmament crisis: Iraq rejects new U.N. Security Council weapons inspections proposals.
- Widespread flooding occurs throughout England and Wales after days of heavy rain.
- United States presidential election, 2000: Republican candidate Texas Governor George W. Bush defeats Democratic Vice President Al Gore in the closest election in history, but the final outcome is not known for over a month because of disputed votes in Florida.
- Hillary Rodham Clinton is elected to the United States Senate, becoming the first First Lady of the United States to win public office.
- Bill Clinton becomes the first sitting U.S. President to visit Vietnam.
- Bush v. Gore: The U.S. Supreme Court stops the Florida presidential recount, effectively giving the state, and the Presidency, to George W. Bush.
- The third and final reactor at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant is shut down and the station is shut down completely.
- Christmas Eve 2000 Indonesia bombings: 18 people are killed in multiple Islamist bomb attacks on churches across Indonesia.
- U.S. retail giant Montgomery Ward announces it is going out of business after 128 years.
- The Millennium Dome closes its doors one year to the day of its opening.
So what can we expect in this new decade ? More war, more terrorism, more unscrupulous stock brokers, bankers and supercilious politicians as partners in crimes of robbery due to jobbery. Without doubt we can enjoy new technological advancements in health, entertainment and surveillance, expect more PCSO's on with cameras, and gadgets that monitor and burden you with punitive fines. Increases in food prices, VAT, council tax, services, products, higher interest rates and even more stealth taxes and punitive fines. Emergence of the green taxes will herald a new era in CONservatism, as they conserve their wealthy reserves, for they deserve what they serve. Unfortunately the escalation in saber rattling rhetoric from the west against China and Iran can only signify more incursions into Syria, Iran and China. Drip drip effect and after another decade has come and gone the youth of yesterday will have become conditioned into accepting and cooperating in another illegal war. More insinuation of a nation is the statecraft which the hidden hands and the foreign orifice use in the endless war of wealth by stealth. Media supporting fallacious claims and alleged claims presented as fact to the naive and gullible plebs in order to corral the herd into specific predetermined objectives and delivering the desired results.
Plebeians need to be kept busy at all costs for if no conflict exist to occupy their insignificant minds they will eventually turn on the elite and cause their defeat. More harsh and draconian legislation will emerge creating psychological cells within cells people confined to their homes, and restrictions on flying becomes ever more pernicious. Governments need scapegoats and will undoubtedly victimise and demonise minorities by allowing the gutter press to target these vulnerable groups in order to deflect the valid public grievances. Indeed politicians and journalists will never address the real issues that matter to people on a daily basis, because if they did it would demand real investigate and real effort in delivering viable solutions. Instead we are given delusions that only promote confusions in which the proles fight amongst themselves behind the coat tails of the avaricious and malicious elites.
It's nonsensical to despise someone over their race, class or privileged in life however its understandable to highlight those complicit in perpetuating the injustices and inequalities. Western society is based on capitalism and as petro-economies with royal clans that have existed for centuries they demand the status quo remains. Age of rulers is an archaic and malevolent ideology for they believe their existence was ordained by the celestial order of the universe, apparently the universe has ordained us all some more than others. Nevertheless the imbalance in society requires real and swift change not scheduled within the timetables and agendas of the camarilla their associates and their hidden hands. If their is such a plan some divine plan in which the world is being directed by the hidden hands to endure pains and great tribulations like a child then please explain this to the world. To demand the actions of state are just and right isn't suffice especially for those innocents that continually die daily, indeed people die everyday from diseases, lack of water and famine however the fallacious claims by western governments and their charities fail to address these issues.
World problems is not necessarily the fault of western states however they are key players in the world and with the emergence of China you can expect more audacious and blatant methods will be used. Bedouin tenants in the gulf states of the middle east remain loyal to their masters in the west for delivering them from the evils of the scorched and desolate sand dunes. Like a man left to die in the desert the westerner arrives with a bottle of water, for a price and so the parched Bedouin will commit to anything for he values the materialistic and illusive reality of this dimension. Like a whore the gulf states respond to their masters demands by positioning themselves in all sorts of positions that promote their masters wealth and health. Only one wish for the teens is that of some miraculous event that finally elevates mankind into a new age of enlightenment without the corporate materialistic parasitic ethos. Irrespective of the countless traumatised men, women and children in the west, east, soldiers and innocent civilians the "war on terror" initiated by the CIA decades ago during its "war on communism".
During the cold war it was U.S and U.K foreign policy to secure national interests in the middle east by anointing and supporting dictatorships, despots, military regimes and overthrew democratically elected governments. Now the transition from the "war on communism" to "war on terror" will sustain the status quo and the military industrial complex in the foreseeable future. Irrespective of the mounting surveillance cameras, stasi wardens, increased punitive fines, charges and draconian legislation and restrictions on our freedoms to enjoy tourist venues and the privileges of travel. Politicians and lords in their lavished lairds will continue to say these words "we won't allow the terrorist to change our way of life", since September 11th 2001 they have persistently changed our way of life to suit the terrorist not the freedoms and rights those who died in the process of establishing them. May the almighty Semo Sancus plague the houses of those politicians, civil servants and whomsoever that perpetrates mala fides against the people. Unquestionably the western way of life has changed detrimentally over the last decade and will continue to do so as long as constituents support and permit these pernicious politicians to do so in their name without shame. People don't want to hear the truth that is why politicians feed them manure, as from 2010 to 2020 it will be the age of the phage.
Internet emerged as a useful tool nowadays its become a vital tool in commerce, education and entertainment. Broadband bandwidth at during 2000 was of dial up speeds 56kbps now we enjoy 50 to 100mbps, we can expect at least a ten fold increase when 2020 arrives. Household devices will incorporate more wireless and Internet functionality making our worlds ever smaller and as a double edged sword the diverse and sensitive information will become accessible to authorities by legislations. Demise of paper money and the introduction of bio-electronic commerce embedded within the bodies of people will raise more privacy and ethically questions. Although with the current coercing of its people to accept a chosen reality of which its the vision of the chosen few will give power to the few over the many in monitoring every aspect of our lives.
As in ancient Greece our soldiers are treated like the peltasts with no adequate armour they were used as cannon fodder just like today in Iraq and Afghanistan. They will determine by legislation and commerce whether we exist as a free man or slave to the machine subdued into accepting the continuum of the status quo. Could this emerge as the vision within the new world order where world currencies and legislation is consolidated into one order within the world ? It's no wonder why the elite fear the sheeple for they will turn against each other at any moment, even if the fellow man is trying to help them they will bite and kick them, killing the messenger and perverting the message, epitomization of Jesus Christ.