Thursday, 31 December 2009

2010 - Decade of the Teens


Happy new year and decade to you all, there is much to fantasize about in the new year and the new decade, only by looking back do we appreciate the paths we've taken and the changes it has made. Since 2001 that infamous year will forever be remembered with that of the indiscriminate loss of life as a result of the destruction of the world trade center. What followed those traumatic events was indiscernible until the hunt for Osama bin Laden began. After two illegal invasions of sovereign states and millions of innocent deaths later Osama remains elusive as ever. If we had to choose a phrase that would signify the decade it would be the "war on terror", since 2001 to the present it has remained undefined as its brothers and sisters "illegal combatants" and "insurgents" litter the sexed up intelligence dossiers. As we say goodbye to the noughties (00's) the virulent tendency of the "war on terror" has and will evidently maligned the decades to come.

More extreme weather with hotter shorter summers and longer wetter colder winters with the odd freak tornado too. Expect the root causes of issues that plague this world to be ignored, and only a lackadaisical attempts to provide solutions to the symptoms. Since labour came to power in 1997 they have demonstrated this by their incompetence and sequacious remedies offered by these self-centred tortfeasors. Public acrimony will increase meanwhile these unscrupulous and desultory politicians will subdue dissenting voices with the enactment of draconian legislation. ever increasing acrimony. Détente atmosphere will continue to ensue talks between the eurocrats, anglo-american camarillas and Syrian, Iranian and eventually Chinese administrations. Efforts to fractionalise these states will persist even more as to bring them under the heel of western corporation dominion which is controlled by the royal clans and their illegitimate minions (civil servants) due to extramarital affairs. Eventually the impetus by the western media will emerge triumphantly (with its subversive tools of propaganda and insinuation at the behest of the corporations) as it persistently ebb away these unified states into smaller independent bite sized chunks susceptible enough to be consumed by the western corporate objectives. In this drive to survive the royal clans become evermore dependent upon their corporations to satisfy their avaricious needs, and they look to the east for new age of consumerism to energise their ailing economies.

Dissidents from China, Syria and Iran will toil in troubling their ancestral homes with the assistance and assurance from their adopted western barbarian horde masters. In servitude and ingratiation they begin their new lives as did those siren voices of Iraqi dissidents before them that unequivocally brought the dove of peace to pieces. Amongst the rocks of corruption and seduction the symbolic peace was shattered into a thousand pieces and will never be at peace for generations. Then the corpirate ships will embark on another endeavor and bring back plundered wealth at the behest of the national interest. Automation of a nation using robotation, and the clones and human programmed drones robotise warfare and increase human despair. Weaponising space for the benefit of a selective race and continuation of the iniquitous and covetous nature which the western autocrats have revelled in for generations. Calls for a meritocracy and proportional representation from the public and independents are neglected by the infected and rejected megalomaniacal parliamentarian horde pursuing aggrandizement.

Year 2000 Events
  • The Dow Jones Industrial Average closes at 11,722.98 (at the peak of dotcom boom)
  • The final original Peanuts comic strip is published, following the death of its creator, Charles Schulz.
  • George W. Bush and Al Gore emerge victorious in the Republican and Democratic caucuses and primaries of the United States presidential election.
  • The 2000 al-Qaeda Summit of several high-level al-Qaeda members (including 2 9/11 American Airlines hijackers) is held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
  • Pope John Paul II apologises for the wrongdoings by members of the Roman Catholic Church throughout the ages.
  • Vladimir Putin is elected President of Russia.
  • The billionth living person in India is born.
  • The Tate Modern Gallery opens in London.
  • Israel withdraws IDF forces from southern Lebanon after 22 years.
  • Bashar al-Assad is confirmed as Syria's leader in a national referendum.
  • Israel's prime minister Ehud Barak and PLO head Yasser Arafat meet at Camp David, but fail to reach an agreement.
  • A powerful solar flare, later named the Bastille Day event, causes a geomagnetic storm on Earth.
  • G-8 Nations hold their 26th Annual Summit; issues include AIDS, the 'digital divide', and halving world poverty by 2015.
  • Air France Flight 4590, a Concorde aircraft, crashes into a hotel in Gonesse just after takeoff from Paris, killing all 109 aboard and 4 in the hotel.
  • Venezuela's president Hugo Chávez is reelected with 59% of the vote.
  • The Republican National Convention in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania nominates George W. Bush for U.S. President and Dick Cheney for Vice President.
  • The Democratic National Convention in Los Angeles nominates U.S. Vice President Al Gore for President and Senator Joe Lieberman for Vice President.
  • The last wholly Swedish-owned arms manufacturer, Bofors, is sold to American arms manufacturer United Defense.
  • The UK fuel protests take place, with refineries blockaded, and supply to the country's network of petrol stations halted.
  • Israeli opposition leader Ariel Sharon visits the Temple Mount, protected by a several-hundred-strong Israeli police force. Palestinian riots erupt, leading to a full-fledged armed uprising (called the Al-Aqsa Intifada by sympathizers and the Oslo War by opponents).
  • In Aden, Yemen, the USS Cole is badly damaged by two Al-Qaeda suicide bombers, who place a small boat laden with explosives alongside the United States Navy destroyer, killing 17 crew members and wounding at least 39.
  • Fifteen Arab leaders convene in Cairo, Egypt, for their first summit in 4 years; the Libyan delegation walks out, angry over signs the summit will stop short of calling for breaking ties with Israel.
  • Madeleine Albright holds talks with North Korean dictator Kim Jong Il.
  • This is the final date during which there is no human presence in space; on October 31, Soyuz TM-31 launches, carrying the first resident crew to the International Space Station. The ISS has been continuously crewed since.
  • Iraq disarmament crisis: Iraq rejects new U.N. Security Council weapons inspections proposals.
  • Widespread flooding occurs throughout England and Wales after days of heavy rain.
  • United States presidential election, 2000: Republican candidate Texas Governor George W. Bush defeats Democratic Vice President Al Gore in the closest election in history, but the final outcome is not known for over a month because of disputed votes in Florida.
  • Hillary Rodham Clinton is elected to the United States Senate, becoming the first First Lady of the United States to win public office.
  • Bill Clinton becomes the first sitting U.S. President to visit Vietnam.
  • Bush v. Gore: The U.S. Supreme Court stops the Florida presidential recount, effectively giving the state, and the Presidency, to George W. Bush.
  • The third and final reactor at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant is shut down and the station is shut down completely.
  • Christmas Eve 2000 Indonesia bombings: 18 people are killed in multiple Islamist bomb attacks on churches across Indonesia.
  • U.S. retail giant Montgomery Ward announces it is going out of business after 128 years.
  • The Millennium Dome closes its doors one year to the day of its opening.
2010 and Beyond

So what can we expect in this new decade ? More war, more terrorism, more unscrupulous stock brokers, bankers and supercilious politicians as partners in crimes of robbery due to jobbery. Without doubt we can enjoy new technological advancements in health, entertainment and surveillance, expect more PCSO's on with cameras, and gadgets that monitor and burden you with punitive fines. Increases in food prices, VAT, council tax, services, products, higher interest rates and even more stealth taxes and punitive fines. Emergence of the green taxes will herald a new era in CONservatism, as they conserve their wealthy reserves, for they deserve what they serve. Unfortunately the escalation in saber rattling rhetoric from the west against China and Iran can only signify more incursions into Syria, Iran and China. Drip drip effect and after another decade has come and gone the youth of yesterday will have become conditioned into accepting and cooperating in another illegal war. More insinuation of a nation is the statecraft which the hidden hands and the foreign orifice use in the endless war of wealth by stealth. Media supporting fallacious claims and alleged claims presented as fact to the naive and gullible plebs in order to corral the herd into specific predetermined objectives and delivering the desired results.

Plebeians need to be kept busy at all costs for if no conflict exist to occupy their insignificant minds they will eventually turn on the elite and cause their defeat. More harsh and draconian legislation will emerge creating psychological cells within cells people confined to their homes, and restrictions on flying becomes ever more pernicious. Governments need scapegoats and will undoubtedly victimise and demonise minorities by allowing the gutter press to target these vulnerable groups in order to deflect the valid public grievances. Indeed politicians and journalists will never address the real issues that matter to people on a daily basis, because if they did it would demand real investigate and real effort in delivering viable solutions. Instead we are given delusions that only promote confusions in which the proles fight amongst themselves behind the coat tails of the avaricious and malicious elites.

It's nonsensical to despise someone over their race, class or privileged in life however its understandable to highlight those complicit in perpetuating the injustices and inequalities. Western society is based on capitalism and as petro-economies with royal clans that have existed for centuries they demand the status quo remains. Age of rulers is an archaic and malevolent ideology for they believe their existence was ordained by the celestial order of the universe, apparently the universe has ordained us all some more than others. Nevertheless the imbalance in society requires real and swift change not scheduled within the timetables and agendas of the camarilla their associates and their hidden hands. If their is such a plan some divine plan in which the world is being directed by the hidden hands to endure pains and great tribulations like a child then please explain this to the world. To demand the actions of state are just and right isn't suffice especially for those innocents that continually die daily, indeed people die everyday from diseases, lack of water and famine however the fallacious claims by western governments and their charities fail to address these issues.


World problems is not necessarily the fault of western states however they are key players in the world and with the emergence of China you can expect more audacious and blatant methods will be used. Bedouin tenants in the gulf states of the middle east remain loyal to their masters in the west for delivering them from the evils of the scorched and desolate sand dunes. Like a man left to die in the desert the westerner arrives with a bottle of water, for a price and so the parched Bedouin will commit to anything for he values the materialistic and illusive reality of this dimension. Like a whore the gulf states respond to their masters demands by positioning themselves in all sorts of positions that promote their masters wealth and health. Only one wish for the teens is that of some miraculous event that finally elevates mankind into a new age of enlightenment without the corporate materialistic parasitic ethos. Irrespective of the countless traumatised men, women and children in the west, east, soldiers and innocent civilians the "war on terror" initiated by the CIA decades ago during its "war on communism".

During the cold war it was U.S and U.K foreign policy to secure national interests in the middle east by anointing and supporting dictatorships, despots, military regimes and overthrew democratically elected governments. Now the transition from the "war on communism" to "war on terror" will sustain the status quo and the military industrial complex in the foreseeable future. Irrespective of the mounting surveillance cameras, stasi wardens, increased punitive fines, charges and draconian legislation and restrictions on our freedoms to enjoy tourist venues and the privileges of travel. Politicians and lords in their lavished lairds will continue to say these words "we won't allow the terrorist to change our way of life", since September 11th 2001 they have persistently changed our way of life to suit the terrorist not the freedoms and rights those who died in the process of establishing them. May the almighty Semo Sancus plague the houses of those politicians, civil servants and whomsoever that perpetrates mala fides against the people. Unquestionably the western way of life has changed detrimentally over the last decade and will continue to do so as long as constituents support and permit these pernicious politicians to do so in their name without shame. People don't want to hear the truth that is why politicians feed them manure, as from 2010 to 2020 it will be the age of the phage.

Internet emerged as a useful tool nowadays its become a vital tool in commerce, education and entertainment. Broadband bandwidth at during 2000 was of dial up speeds 56kbps now we enjoy 50 to 100mbps, we can expect at least a ten fold increase when 2020 arrives. Household devices will incorporate more wireless and Internet functionality making our worlds ever smaller and as a double edged sword the diverse and sensitive information will become accessible to authorities by legislations. Demise of paper money and the introduction of bio-electronic commerce embedded within the bodies of people will raise more privacy and ethically questions. Although with the current coercing of its people to accept a chosen reality of which its the vision of the chosen few will give power to the few over the many in monitoring every aspect of our lives.

As in ancient Greece our soldiers are treated like the peltasts with no adequate armour they were used as cannon fodder just like today in Iraq and Afghanistan. They will determine by legislation and commerce whether we exist as a free man or slave to the machine subdued into accepting the continuum of the status quo. Could this emerge as the vision within the new world order where world currencies and legislation is consolidated into one order within the world ? It's no wonder why the elite fear the sheeple for they will turn against each other at any moment, even if the fellow man is trying to help them they will bite and kick them, killing the messenger and perverting the message, epitomization of Jesus Christ.

Wednesday, 30 December 2009

Bucks for Guts - Organ Trafficking


Hospitals are in dire need of organ donation and no more so with the ever increasing organ donor waiting list that take up many beds. Imagine the psychological and emotional torture which these recipients endure on a daily basis the routine of medicines, appointments and procedures undertaken. Though this is more than enough for one to contend with there is the family that also suffers in being powerless to relieve their tormented loved ones. Coupled with the fact that the likelihood of obtaining a compatible organ that wouldn't be rejected by the body makes it circumstances fraught with despondency and melancholy. However once the patient has undergone a successful organ donation he/she is then probably subjected to undertaking a daily consumption of drugs. Uniquely designed to allow the recipients body to accept the organ as part of body, thus preventing rejection and organ failure.

Dirty cash......... dirty cash........... dirty cash i want you, dirty cash i need you.

Nowadays the influential, elite and especially the nobility prevent potential bodily frailties by ordering organs on the black market. Organ-trafficking may sound horrifyingly repugnant however buying organs is seen as no different to purchasing a product. Albeit the product is an organ and depriving another human of his organ to further the longevity of the nobility seems in their eyes, natural. Within this capitalist society unlike the hybrid form in China where the state enjoys a bounty of organs on an annual basis as a result of the deaths from prisoners. Western societies can't use such methods well not just yet because of the many hypocritical notions that already exist. Besides why allow such heinous practices to be seen and known by the public with private sector and dubious staff, middle men and consultants the trade can thrive.

Tanks commence operation "release the beasts" from the Basra jail.

Conflict The Tidings It Brings

Consider the advantages and disadvantages that result from conflicts which eventually become wars that engulf neighbouring states. Indeed this approach serves many needs especially those related to geopolitics, national interests and elements of statecraft. All derived from one the malevolent desires of an opportunist few that revel in jobbery and the robbery of sovereign state resources. Such is the proclivities of the camarilla throughout western societies, down the generations the atrophies have infected the dynasties. Not only do wars generate wealth by developing weapons of stealth, thus improving the instigators health but another by product is depopulation of a nation. Depending upon the duration of conflict that results in a war and then eventually becomes a way of life for the people(s) and region(s) consumed by the lord of war, it's all relative ask an civilian in a war torn region or citizen of the instigator.

Captured SAS hidden hand operatives (real insurgency) dressed in Arab garb with an arsenal of weapons in the vehicle they failed to stop at a checkpoint and killed an Iraqi policeman and wounded another.

Eventually released the MI6 operatives were arrested on charges of killing one Iraqi policemen and wounding another. They were also seen throwing grenades and planting bombs, so much for Iraqi sovereignty it doesn't exist, Basra governor Mohammed al-waili wailed and said "barbaric, savage and irresponsible behaviour". Over zealous attempts to release the agents of destruction consisted of 10 tanks, helicopters and many soldiers which attacked the jail. Not only did they manage to subvert any potential emergence of "blitz spirit" (that characterised how in the face of adversity under the guise of Hitlers bombers the British people won, irrespective of Nazi attempts to psychologically and physically bring the British people and its capital to heel) by the Iraqi people, but they managed to intentionally compound what little fractions there were between the many Iraqi sects to precisely destroy any "blitz spirit" from becoming reality. Fragile sovereignty of Iraq was again destroyed in this microcosmic event of what occurred during the illegal invasion of Iraq in 2003 which began world war three. During the operation at least 150 prisoners fled the jail after it was stormed by the British army to save the agents of the hidden hands. In the dead of night do they fight hiding from the Suns light, fighting in darkness is their game that resembles their hearts and minds. Iraqi police found bazookas, mines, grenades, detonators, machine guns and many magazines within the vehicle, promoting peace and democracy or merely maintaining the status quo in Iraq thus justifying their position within the region.

Rubble is what remains of the Basra jail which epitomises the Iraqi sovereignty and its democracy, superficial.

Depopulating a nation is simple enough with pestilence, war and famine however these old tools fail to serve the longterm aspirations of the western camarilla. What they prefer is a sustained longterm psychological conflict within each individual of a state so they are conflict with themselves. Once the tools of subversion and fear delude and elude the scythe of truth they can them work their poison into the hearts and minds it finds. Generations begin to be born in a war torn state not understanding or appreciating the benefits of peace and so the unnatural cycle remains in the realm governed by the lord of war. Conflict persist and the frivolous attempts to relieve the peoples suffering in bringing peace and democracy purported by the self-conceited politicians intentionally fails. Evidently so the persistent and systematic failures by the dilettantish minions within this endeavor justifies a longterm presence in the region.

Some state that it's Iraq's neighbours which are the real culprits and the instigators of the hostilities throughout the country, however this sounds too simplistic and belies the real underlying impression. Imagine you lived in a peaceful neighbourhood and an obnoxious family moved and began demonstrating antisocial behaviour, would you blame the peaceful neigbours along the street or these misfits ? What on earth can be gained by any of the peaceful neighbours in creating hostilities on an already hostile, belligerent and chaotic household ? The peaceful neighbours have much to loose for instability promotes economic insecurity, political and social strife which thrives and besets the antisocial neighbour. It is most likely that if something walks, talks and quacks like a duck then it probably is one so use your common sense and see through the facade propped by government propaganda. This is evidently so with the capture of the SAS agents of strife for they sustain the level of carnage and terror which continues the claims of "war on terror and alqadea" agenda of the west to rework the structures (governments) in the east.

Indeed their are malicious parties with vested interest on the possible outcomes of such enterprises especially if it succeeds or fails. Nevertheless don't underestimate the determination for the status quo within a failed state to remain for it serves the needs of the hidden hands in their plans. Some methods used by these corporatists could be to generate division within specific groups in particular vulnerable minorities in order to escalate violence. Participating in acts of terrorism with the full knowledge of the consequences of such actions will lead to an immeasurable loss of life in this cyclical man made events. Unquestionably the security services are participating in these acts of random bombings, kidnappings and acts of terrorism within these failed states purely to support their national interests and global agendas.

No this isn't candid camera and you really are busted, but i can deliver you a liver for just a palm full of silver!

Once you accept this possiblity the rest is elementary dear Watson, whether in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran or wherever these despicable acts conducted by the secret services is vital in ensuring the safety of the realm. Why do these agencies of good conduct acts of bad ? It's because the ends justify the means, so it seems. What does this have to do with organs ? Where you have conflict you have dead people and where you have dead people you have an abundant supply of organs. Some claim that wars over limited natural resources and geopolitics also provides a priceless commodity human organs. Imagine an influential family for generations have enjoyed an opulent history could be curtailed by an heir inflicted with an deficient organ. Do you think they'd wait years on the NHS donor organ waiting list ? Or would they use their influence to secure an organ at whatever cost by purchasing them from abroad or using the services of dubious organisations known to a few?

The Rabbi and the Organ Trafficker

How could you a man of high religious office plundering new depths of depravity in your wicked ways ?

Dodgy mayors, public officials, rabbis and an organ trafficker it all resembles something out of a Cohen brothers film, however its true. Apparently in this 10 year probe by FBI officials (that resembled an episode from the Sorpranos) in which the despicable "matchmaker" Levy-Izhak Rosenbaum purchased kidneys from people suffering from abject poverty abroad (probably India) by offering them $10k and then sold them to the well connected for an astonishing $160k. Political corruption, money laundering, imitation goods, organ trafficking the list goes on and it involved three mayors, public officials, five rabbis and many other people. Lucrative as it may seem this unethical capitalistic trait of wealth supersede health, another form of depopulation or just the honest truth of how life is valued on earth today. As result of an extravagant and rapacious lifestyle these privileged clans evidently suffer with organ failure.

This way and don't pull that antisemitism crap pal, the Semitic peoples are from a diverse region and ethnicities.

These decadent families do their utmost to ensure the lineage continues unabatedly by changing their faulty parts with that of new ones from impoverished souls from the east. Nothing epitomises the narcissistic capitalist ethos "everything has its price in this supply and demand society" has now become the "disposable society" no matter what destroy your liver and kidneys we'll buy you a new one.Another connection is that the IDF medical teams harvested organs from dead Palestinians in order to supply the global demands for organs. Whether you despise these henious acts you have to realise they exist and will do so until we can clone organs from stem cells from recipients.

Akmal Shaikh and the Foreign Orifice

Foreign office or better known as the foreign orifice for this is the hole which they plunder and thrust back and forth through the ages the foreign states. Now in a amazing act of wizardry the setting up of Peter Moore the kidnapped IT consultant from the U.K whilst working in Baghdad a few years ago, is the MO of the FO. Timing is everything so Peter's release comes as no surprise to trained eyes that realise the lies of spies. While members of the Akmal family initiated their own press conference in heathrow after their fruitless attempts at the Chinese government to review their relatives case failed to deliver. The voices from the Akmal family were being subdued by the timed televised live speech from Peter's family, indeed the BBC killed the story by purposefully colluding with the FO's mandarins. Short lived was the press conference as it was interjected by the FO (foreign office) endorsed and BBC government propagandists and prevented the messages from the Akmal family from being transmitted. To ensure it remains dead and buried like that of the unknown location of Akmal's burial the story was overshadowed with Peter's release and the rest of the BBC news programming was filled with trivial nonsense.

Akmal an unfortunate pawn in the illicit global trade in organs

So indeed the British government didn't really care about Akmal as noted by the Chinese authorities because if they did they would have used the diplomatic tools to do so. Indeed such tools were used in the past away from the TV screens for that is the procedure and not words from office deceivers. Instead they played it out in front of the screen in the full knowledge that Akmal was a dual national with a Pakistani passport. It is stated within the passport that if you are a passport holder of another country then the U.K is not liable to intervene in any overseas affairs regarding your civil circumstances. Akmal was an Asian with a mental disorder and without influence furthermore the Labour government wanted to look tough before the elections by adopting a BNP trait. They didn't want to help the BNP with extra ammunition so they wanted to look as tough as the BNP, besides even the Muslim council of Britain didn't want to get involved in this affair and demonstrate their inept and farcical attempts of establishing cohesion only division.

I can get rid of your children "Just like that".

Notwithstanding the relentless pillories the politicians are subjected by the public and especially the unaccountable and untouchable civil servants both are culpable and contemptible. They allowed him to die and used the occasion to smeared China for being ruthless and unsympathetic nation while they delayed the release of Peter until an opportune moment. Moment had arrived and as the Akmal family began to say their piece Peter was to be released and the media frenzy would gorge themselves on this topic in the days and weeks to come. Meanwhile the Akmal story would be forgotten in the hours and not days ahead, unfortunately the Chinese government wouldn't allow his body to be taken by the family. Now he's buried in a grave unknown to the family and they he'll remain probably missing several organs from being farmed and allocated to influential western recipients hence the reason for his death. He was part of a batch that had a match and became a rich mans catch, and now the family of Akmal that seemed to be out of contact with their loved ones for some considerable time fell victim to the global trade of organ trafficking.


Prime example of how money and influence can ensure hereditary lines during hard times, with this depression recession the lucrative trade will thrive. How many more people as a result of their financial situation will submit to the capitalist ethos and sell their guts for bucks ? Not long now until advertisements from corporations will entice the vulnerable in society by offering them financial inducements ? We in the west will never permit such practices no we'd rather go abroad and allow the foreign folk to plumb the depths of avariciousness. Disposable indeed in this western society for the seductive product that will answer all our needs, another inspection that deserves reflection.

Mentally and physically Scarred for life to satisfy and sustain the longevity of inequity for eternity, this is the world we wish to leave for our children where money and power are the pinnacles of human existence.


What was the British SAS doing in Basra?
SAS - Basra Rescue
Brooklyn man accused of buying, selling kidneys
Whistle-blowing prof played key role in trafficking case
A common greed
FBI Nabs over 40 N.J. Politicians, Rabbis
Alleged Kidney Dealer Described As "Thug"
Basra Jail Raid: 'No Apology, No Help'
TV shows captured soldiers and their 'arsenal'
NATO Newspaper
UK soldiers 'freed from militia'
British Soldiers Storm Iraqi Jail, Citing Torture

Saturday, 26 December 2009

Agents Provocateurs - Remonstration Demonstration

Agents provocateurs inimical regalia demonstrated by their unlawful behaviour intending to discredit legitimate voices.

Children of the elite, gentry or the corporate assisted minions in parliament who knows. What is certain is that they evaded justice which demonstrates some collusion with the intelligence services. Another tool of the hidden hands to continue its plans to ruin these lands.

Despite all those cameras and the extensive evidence documented these agents provocateurs manage to elude the law in the most watched city in the world (square mile is the heart of the nations wealth).

Even Scorsese would have marveled at the well scripted performance supported by the diversionary hysteria media. Another pretext for subduing the justly voices by kettling, infuriating and provoking reactions from peoples dissatisfactions such is the role of these calumniators brothers in arms of the agents provocateurs.

You can identify an agent provocateur by their attire, dressed in black wearing stereotypical hoods, veils, bandannas and peon clothing to dissociate themselves from their parents associates in the city.

Not one attempt by a citizen to conduct a citizens arrest and bring these malicious hijackers of justice and genuine grievances of the public to justice. Meanwhile the complicit police watched on as these crimes were being committed, apparently it was due to safety....... it seems these sanctimonious cretins contradict themselves by allowing the photographers to work within a environment that was publicly unsafe.

As with sheep one follows the other to the abattoir and so this pleb in his herd mentality demonstrates this futility.

Another pleb carrying out his role, living a life on the dole such an inept prole.

Such is the nexus of brokers, bankers, nobility, gentry and political pygmies. So do the government endorsed media with all its hysteria provide the backdrop for the agents provocateurs to subvert, divert and pervert those valid voices from the public, this is the rubric of this despotic and fascistic corporate elites.

The epitome of all things caring, loving and nurturing the female.

Enjoying another hearty meal for which they deal and steal, they don't feel only bring the prole and bumpkin to heel by making them kneel.

Why conceal ? Please reveal your hideous guise, for people despise those lies and especially your unseen eyes.

Below more insidious demonstrations of vindictive resistance to corporate existence.

Are we to expect these same pernicious methods to be used in future demonstrations ? Indeed this is the new strategy in the war on your heart and mind like a plundered mine it will define the rest of time.

Friday, 25 December 2009

Merry Christmas - In the Vatican it's that Lady in Red Again


People full of cheer with families near to enjoy this festive time of the year, so merry Christmas to everyone here or gone you're not forgotten. This time the previous year a dubious lady in red, not sure if any symbolism is read for she was slightly disturbed in the head of what she did. It can be read a result of mental insanity she surreptitiously alarmed the papacy. Yes, apparently she dived on the pope as he walked down the aisle in St Peter's Basilica in procession during midnight mass. Even more peculiar is that she did the same last year in the same attire, such desire resembles a fire within a burning pyre. Obviously this repetition leads one to assume some association with the current administration to possible revive the ailing Catholic postulation ?

looking bold carrying all that gold how many stories it once foretold by the peoples of old. Once again paedo's are praised with a preconise regardless of being despised in people's eyes.

You'd think Bethlehem the birth of Jesus the Patriarch of Christianity would be of vital import to the Vaticlan. Surprisingly not, for they wish the people of the world to not visit Bethlehelm and see for themselves the subjugation that he would have experienced by the Romans. Today the same afflictions are being experienced by the orthodox Christians and Gnostics living their right now. Checkpoints and zealots of all persuasions especially the M16 trigger happy Russian settlers claiming their birthright, how about we get some facts right take a DNA test and lets see where you truly originate and then justify your claim.

No the Pope would much prefer the deluded and happy clapping evangelists with the gold chain, rings, sharp suited preachers to mock the flock by sending them on pilgrimage to the Vaticlan. Making loads of money in tourism and memorabilia as they watch the sycophants worship an old man in a cloak with a fishhead draped in silk and living in towers of gold, all to see thee for a fee. All this is because the Roman version of Christianity would have you believe that Jesus died in the Vatican and he too worshiped gold and glorified idols. Vaticlan divided the world into two halves one their dominion and the other for the royal clans and hidden hands. Heaven forbid the Vaticlan would ever sell all its stolen gold and feed the poor of the world with the revenue oh no they deal in stocks, shares, land acquisitions, properties and business venture even Jesus world marvel at how the church incorporated has rebranded it's image in 2000 years.

Holy Trinity

In pre-monotheistic days peoples of old worshiped the holy trinity, triune gods Venus, Saturn and the Sun, Mother, Father and Son, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Hence the holy days of the three faiths Islam, Judaism and Christianity all derived from these ancient beliefs albeit rebranded and offering you salvation for a fee, isn't it time we returned to worshiping the planets instead of these myths and fantasies ... i forgot we still do (without the sacrifices mind you). Enslaved by the depraved is the aim of religion which generates much division, awake for goodness sake.

Astrology has a key along with other ancient tools in setting you free, and finding the one which suits you is time consuming but an enjoyable journey, consider Astropyschology developed by Dr. Turi.


Initial nonchalance appearance before her actions of petualance that resulted in disturbance and the repeat performance of vengeance, hence the smell of connivance is of vital importance. Did the Vatican as part of a devious plan permit this deranged fan commit this misdeed again ? Nevertheless what is gained by this act of the defamed has resulted in an increase the herd, and the flock fails to take stock of the things that mock. Amazingly during sequel everyone was composed as if expecting the directing of events to occur as they did the previous year, could this be an annual event with the miscreant being the lady in red ? No matter what, it all looked contrived especially when the lady dived and she's still alive. Maybe she's a child of the elite complete with conceit demand people to fall at their feet ? There is no annoyance with such flamboyance, and the need for vigilance is an irrelevance for they are part of the theatrical performance.

"Oops she did it again" lady in red strikes again, indeed the purported claims from the Vatican in how they dread the lady in red.

Vatican hands are tainted with corruption, seduction and the perverted shenanigans of pedophile priests that continually hide behind veils and robes of deceit. As the paedo remains in his ex officio while enjoying some vino all is forgiven and for they are absolved, this fails to dissolve the paedo's resolve. Never mind if Jesus was to return today to the holy land he wouldn't be allowed into Bethlehem because he'd be labeled at best a dissident and refused entry because of not having the adequate papers, or at worst stereotyped as a terrorist and shot on site for being outside so defiant in leaving the "refugee camp aka concentration camps" during a curfew (in the most densely populated place in the world). Furthermore what is now the focus of Christianity during this meaningful time of the year is the St Peter's Basilica in Rome, Italy not Bethlehem, such great diversionary tactics. Heaven forbid the deluded flock of ignorant sheep were to realise this perverse travesty of the beleaguered birthplace of his majesty were to be televised or internationalised.

This month is special not only because of its religious connotations that hark back to pagan rituals in ancient times, but that the last day of the month 31st it will be a blue moon. We've heard of the term "once in a blue moon" meaning something rare or special would need to happen for something to occur, well usually a calendar month has one full moon. However the occurrence of two full moons within a month happens every two to three years for in our Gregorian calendar, for they are solar and not lunar. So if someone tells you mockingly "once in a blue moon", you can respond with this fact and then see how they react.

The Vatican

What a sham
It has ran
This unholy Vaticlan
Does all it can
With royal clans
And immoral bands
In foreign lands
Constructs devious plans
By hidden hands
Has ruined man

Harry Ferrari - Circa 25/12/2009

Monday, 21 December 2009

Two to Tango - United States and Iran


Partners dance together on the dance floor sometimes one takes the lead and on other occasions the other assumes the role. As with the tango it takes two to participate in such choreography and so do the United States and Iran in their long running tit for tat strategies. Recognising this pattern is crucial in understanding how the corporations instigate their notions upon nations, with thee aid from their servile political minions. Being an active participant in negotiations regarding the economic and geopolitical implications of a consequence from such agreements will determine the outcome of millions of lives. Obama has purportedly declared on numerous occasions that his administration will "extend a hand of friendship without any preconditions", congratulations Mr president your first lie. That hand of friendship was preloaded with conditions that was designed precisely to antagonise the Iran administration into providing a knee jerk reaction from the impertinent Mr president Ahmadinejad.

Another tool used to delude the fool and continue western misrule.

Mr Ahmadinejad reactions and actions over the years has only placed himself and the nation for which he represents in bad light. Indeed some of his speeches were intentionally mistranslated and misconstrued by specific media agencies in the west. Misleading and deceiving the millions of naive and ignorant citizens of the west isn't difficult a few headlines and sound bites taken out of context and splashed in the gutter press will suffice. Right wing shock jocks will ferment and torment the emotions of the bigot and the racist that pervade the many disaffected sink estates and opulent boroughs in the south of the U.K. Nevertheless the United States has failed to be just in its pathetic attempts to reconcile differences of the past, instead they have remained belligerent. Clearly this is an indication of the U.S foreign policy and it's vision for the middle eastern region, and this geopolitics is whats causing much injustices. However many have suggested that Iran is in the United States cross hairs as it perseveres the oil reserves which claims it deserves for the elite it serves.

Sincere or Unclear Nuclear ?

Iran is a signatory of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NNPT) which is aimed at restricting the proliferation of nuclear weapons that may bring forth unauthorised nuclear conflict, and the potential for extermination of human race. As signatory Iran legally bound to the following, non-proliferation,
disarmament, and the right to peacefully use nuclear technology, now the United States has always seen Iran as a threat to its dominion over the middle east. Unlike its gulf neighbours Iran isn't seen as a friend of the west even though the west helped arm, support, train and approve Saddam in the Iraq/Iran war which began in September 1980 and lasted for 8 years. Not forgetting the Iran–Contra affair as the U.S and her security guard of the middle east Israel both enjoyed great wealth as they supplied both regimes with arms to do harms by stealth.

Self esteem is an attribute which the Persians value and rightly so as a great people that developed and furthered many attributes of civilisation in the past. Since the establishment of the Iranian republic Iran has never interfered or initiated hostilities with anyone let alone its neighbours. Unfortunately the tenants of the middle east have to justify their privileged positions to their western landlords by pursuing the intentions of their masters. To the western corporations Iran is a very bad customer so bad they manufacture, research, develop, construct and generate their own solutions to economic issues. How dare they use their ingenuity, sagacity and intrepidity they should be like their gulf neighbours and enjoy the frivolity, trivialty remaining in servility. Eventually the defiant Iran will emerge as a economic and political powerhouse supporting the Chinese dragon, and it's fast becoming an example to the people of the middle east of how a state can exist without being jaded as a result of its immense natural resources.

Keep pumping away all night and day, keeping justice at bay as we make hay and squander our pay, be that as it may we are here to stay, no matter how much you pray for it is the corporate way.

As long as Iran continues to demonstrate itself as a beacon of independency for the region of the middle east then it will be a threat to the plans of the hidden hands and their demands over these lands. Another threat is if Iran manages to complete these nuclear reactors in providing more productive and cost effective energy for its people then it may provide this service for its neighbours. Western nuclear corporations cannot abide such potential stakes on their claims to keep the servile despotic tenants (presidents, bedouins, dictators and generals) in servile positions by purchasing western goods and services whilst sending tributes of oil and gas to the west. After the war crimes that were and still are being committed since the illegal invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq the intelligentsia have migrated to western nations. Along with the nations oil wealth and it's future health these thinkers, creators and administrators have now subjected their motherland to generations lost in the desolate sands. The same western strategy that has given the world "war on terror " and the innumerable conflits that has resulted from the illegal invasions, is being conducted on Iran.

It's not the nuclear threat far from it the Iranian administration aren't willing to jeopardise their efforts and image since the revolution in becoming a peaceful and powerful independent player in the world. Israel the attack dog of the United States and serving the needs of its master continues to bark over the servile states of the middle east, rendering them silent for they know who holds its leash. Besides these unelected, self opinionated, decadent and jaded western serving tenants remain in their towers of opulence at the expense of the populace. Persian public relations methods need to be improved in order to prevent further mis-communications from being misconstrued and used to delude their intended audiences. Notwithstanding the propaganda from many external sources that continue to present a potential threat to the sovereignty, integrity and the stability of Iran.

Saddam told the truth about his WMD capabilities and that failed to prevent his eviction by the western landlords, so expect a repetition of events with Iran.


These external siren voices originate from none other than the U.S and the U.K as these political asylum seekers have to demonstrate their new allegiance to the state in supporting mischievous methods against their motherland. History is repeating itself for these besetting serfs helped provide the ministries of lies and human cries (western intelligent services) with fallacious material in their complicit efforts of war in Iraq. After the camarilla and their the claque of defectors guaranteed the invasion of Iraq they now wish to adopt the same methods in regards to Iran. Now these defectors are rehoused with a new tenancy agreement in their prominent positions within the restructured Iraq government. Meanwhile the western governments backed by the corporations have already devised way to restructure these nations for Iran's assiduousness is a severe detriment to western scurrilousness.

However many voices from the west claim that Iran has vast untapped oil and gas reserves and that it should consume these natural resources before contemplating new greener technologies. Again the west peruses its paradoxical notions about C02 (fallacy of man made Co2 emission having a significant detrimental effect on the planet) whilst demanding Iran continue in generating more C02 by using more gas and oil. Instead the west should be congratulating Iran in pursuing a more greener and efficient method of generating energy. You can't have it both ways either we support Iran and help it build these nuclear power stations or we close the taps to our prosperity and cease trading in oil. Now you see the real crux of the matter it's this intrinsic relationship between oil and prosperity that determines whether you're a friend or foe. Those in the decadent gulf are no foe for they allow the tributes of oil and gas to flow. People forget that under the terms set within the NNPT agreement Iran is entitled to use nuclear technology for peaceful means. All the western propaganda will not focus on this issue only concentrating on illusions to confuse the public into accepting the military conduct a preemptive attack on Iran.

Whistle-blower Mordechai Vanunu alerts the world to the truth as the inept and biased IAEA continues to ignore Israel nuclear facilities aptly named Demona (even the CIA recognises Israel's stockpile of nuclear weaponry).

We're already in the beginning of world war three since 2003 and commencing another conflict in this chapter with Iran will make the world more unsafe. With many despotic and troubled states throughout the world generals and intelligent services enjoy brandishing the term "terrorist" for it suits their intentions. Subduing dissenting voices and genuine public concerns as merely terrorists, extremists, insurgents and secessionists is propaganda even Goebels would marvel of such rhetorical prowess. The people of the east would like this succession of feasting beasts to cease and to no longer be supported by the Vatican priests. What will come in 2010 the destruction of many men and the falling Yen ? What about those nations that haven't signed the NNPT, India, Israel, Pakistan and North Korea ? Obviously India is an ally and they provide many service to the west, besides we enjoy immense trade, for they have signed many bilateral agreements with Israel regarding spy satellites. Pakistan is another ally our friend in the "war on terror" that has conveniently taken the position once held by the "commies" USSR during the cold war.

History is repeating itself as the likes of Bush, Blair, Obama and now Brown doing their utmost to emulate Roman emperor Antoninus Caracalla in his attempt to imitate Alexander the greats plundering of Persia. Although it's not knowledge these depredators seek it's a fanatical ideology that which emulates the extremists within the east (not to mention the insurmountable profit available in beneath the soil of these lands). Even revelations from Mordechai Vanunu (an Israeli former nuclear technical assistant) to a British newspaper about Israel's nuclear weapons program didn't ring or bring forth the heralds of justice. After serving 18 years in prison including more than 11 years in solitary confinement upon his release in 2004 and now his return to imprisonment at the behest of the Israeli military. If Vanunu was an Iranian defector he'd be supported at every turn and used to browbeat the Persian government into accepting western corporate demands over their lands. However he's not so we'll ignore and keep him in a secluded place, thus reducing this disgrace whilst we maintain our pace as we chase the Iranian race.