Sunspot activity or the lack of it has an effect on the climate throughout the solar system. This is evidently true if the governments of the world care to ask NASA for their research material. Obviously this would undermine the new world orders "chaos and order" strategy by using fear to change gear. Manipulating peoples state of mind is nothing new when propaganda is concerned because thats the aim of the game. As with many other global initiatives they seem righteous on the surface but when they're investigated thoroughly are shown to be shallow. For those hardcore climate change fanatics anyone with an opposing view is defamed with the term "climate change denier", how pathetic and an insult. Remember many of these cheerleaders and imbeciles that protested in London have the full support of the camarilla. Protesters at the event are unsurprisingly from the petit bourgeois and bourgeois sections of society aiding their parents in Whitehall.
We've listened to the pernicious effects of corporate globalisation, nation subsidising elite corporations, protectionism and biased trade agreements against Africa. Meetings, conventions, negotiations and summits over the decades have intentionally failed abysmally. Unless the doctor "West" provides a valid and practical solutions to the ills of patient "Africa" then all the professed listening, sympathy rhetoric is counterproductive and detrimental in the longterm. Justice delayed is justice denied, besides such levity is the precursor for conflicts within African states. Marginalisation of the African poor, lack of basic necessities and diseases coupled with their voices falling on deaf ears may focus these groups in pursuing illegal means. Survival is the key issue here do the people of the west that feel they're predestined to reign supreme of the global in every aspect of the human experience and the Africans to accept their lot in life ?
Nevertheless there is no difference between these bigoted views and those of the white supremacists in America. So the tête-à-tête discussions between Brown and his European counterparts will achieve the same lax conclusions as those held in the past. Consider the amount of the Co2 emissions (term used by the mendacious green propaganda, just another tool to beat the developing nations into not developing and staying as third world states) emitted by such gatherings of world leaders, advisors, civil servants, security and administrators ? Just another example of the hypocrisy as these events fail to serve the needs the intentions of such negotiations, they seem to be a diversion and aid in the confusion. However these distractions seem to generate the necessary reactions from the various factions within society, useful tools within the hidden hands arsenal.
The innocent, naive, ignorant, gullible and foolish are being lead like a donkey with a carrot and stick knowingly by the western camarillas. What could such intentions serve and surely overtime these methods will incontrovertibly embarrass these governments ? Blarney Gordon Brown and his paralogical reasoning in perpetuating the status quo that benefits those in the know will not work in the years ahead. Africa is being told to be quite and enjoy the pitiful humanitarian aid for decades or accept the depopulation of their nations, yet another western agenda. Africans want trade not aid, access to the western markets and the removal of subsidised and protected sectors that benefit their farmers. What happened to capitalism ? The west prefers to use capitalism and nationalism hybrid the result of an infested political system like a sewer the plutocrats mingling with the champagne socialist like rats. More perverse and evil methods are being used to ratify and satisfy the whims of the desultory elite and ignoring the despondent folk as they jeer and joke. Providing African farmers an opportunity and thats all they want the opportunity to sell their produce in the west like those of South America, United States, Australia, New Zealand, Israel etc. Think about the Co2 emissions from products imported from these countries that are further away from the African states.
However the western governments prefer the public to donate to western structured charities so their directors and mandarins can enjoy their £150k salaries and protected pensions will they send the poor African family a goat. Western government don't want to provide Africa an antidote just a prescription for the symptoms and remain poor till the end of time meanwhile the ingurgitation of the west can enjoy the privilege of a daily feast while the stores throw away tonnes of food as waste. Mass production of food in the west and the mass starvation in Africa is balance the west wishes to sustain irrespective of the flagrant waste of resources.
Path to Green Taxation
- Propaganda Version 1
- Eroding Ozone Layer (1980's)
- Propaganda Version 2
- Acid Rain (1990's)
- Propaganda Version 3
- Global Warming (1990's)
- Propaganda Version 4
- Climate Change (2000's)
- Propaganda Version 5
- Green Taxes (2010's)
Biofuel now termed the fuel of the future (claimed by research and development scientists) it may help oil the mechanisms of prosperity thus fueling societies and new economies. However these autotrophic organisms are alive, so should we allow the corporate biocide and genocide of these organisms that may result in a biopiracy to the benefit of the healthy wealthy ? Don't these living organisms have a right to life ? Because they're beneath the human in many ways surely they serve a purpose in the sea and to exploit them in this capitalistic way is some what unethical.
Climate Derange
The underpinning green agenda is supported precariously by the purported research data from the narrow-minded government funded scientists. Climate change is just another farce leading people down another cul-de-sac because it was never intended to be anything with real substance only a diversion as an expedition of exploitation. Using the poor in Africa and Asia to occupy the television news and tabloids with corporate propaganda as subterfuge in pursuing by stealth the green tax potential wealth it will bring to the ring of the rich and how they'll sing. Unattainable agreed targets fail to deliver real change to the lives of people on the receiving end of planetary warming, but they do bring many changes to the lives of those in the west. Diverting people from the real issues that affect them every day and the increase of punitive taxes, the nationalisation of corporations with the power remaining in the hands of the elite while the poor endure the harsh realities of such malicious practices ignored by the mandarins ensconce in their quango seats, is in peoples minds.
Most events participated by multi-bureaucracies lead to protracted discussions that somehow arise at convenient moments especially during public scrutiny of mockeries within these bureaucracies. Nationalising of the elite controlled banks, and enslaving generations with the unjustified and immoral burden with increased taxes and punitive charges. So enjoy this farce like the Kyoto protocol and the many that preceded it and no doubt the countless more that will eventually supersede it. Undoubtedly these gatherings are conjured up by the camarillas in the west at the behest of the influential rest. Cajolery of the African and Asian leaders into accepting their place in this westernised order is a typical ploy by the hidden hands to maintain the unchanged plans. Going round and round like a roundabout thats without doubt what people jeer and shout at the politicians flout the laws of justice and thats what its about. As the camarilla meet in their clandestine mannner so they can formulate their devious plans designed by the hidden hands. Don't fret is what we hear from the government and their mantra of "we have everything under control" even though "we're entering unchartered territory" anything to bamboozle you into accepting the unacceptable and contemptible.
Today the belligerent is leading the ignorant and in doing so will guarantee their demise as they fail to realise to approaching calamity will soon be a reality. Politicians acting coy about the ploy, is another decoy to subdue the furore from the proles and bumpkins. Subservience to this level of existence is the providence of the poor to support the rich at the base of the pyramid and know thy place. Prevalence of all this decadence is a result of the diligence of ignorance working hard to deceive and misconceive efforts to resolve societal imbalance. Unsurprisingly the blatant disregard of such resolutive measures has resulted in the culmination of fulmination and condemnation from the proletariat supported nation.
Just like Gaius Aelius Gallus, the new consortium of western corporations will fail in their depredation attempts around the world for the celestial order of things will intervene. And again the avaricious plutocrats insatiable desires are disguised by their purported attempts to sustain the fallacy of freedom and democracy. Yes they've undeniable failed and instead of being accountable they prefer to focus the nations resources by inculpating a foreign subordinated. Furthermore they chase these foreigners like hound hunts a fox and blame them for all their woes as they were (knowingly) ill advised, by the sly fox as an accomplice they claim their innocence. Very convenient are such professed claims by the government especially in declaring and admitting such culpability. As with Gaius Aelius Gallus, a coward that wouldn't accept accountability for his actions so do today's politicians with an example is of the green propaganda blaming the oil producing nations in the middle east for the ills of mother earth. In doing so they fail to recognise that these oil corporations are the Dutch, U.K and American elite families that are responsible for the reliance and continuance of many injustices throughout the world. Middle eastern oil families are nothing more than viceroys of the western oil corporations created to maintain the elitist agenda and status quo. Landlords in the west determine who resides within these protectorates and as appointed tenants the sheiks in their regalia signifies their failure. Apprehensive as it may seem these tenants realise that if they don't adhere to the protocols set by the west or stand by their own convictions then they'll soon receive an eviction.
In the meantime the flow of tributes from these oil rich guff states continues to be controlled for generations, and satisfy the insatiable appetite and future prosperity is dependant upon the price of oil. Petro-economies is what these Eurocentric and Anglo-american societies are for these gulf states are merely caretakers, allowed to indulge in decadence as jaded Bedouins they've never win. Look at the top ranking consumers of oil and natural resources the top is still the United States and in the future China and India may overtake it. Except now the western world feels the need to address the balance for their fast modernisation and a western civilisation with all its benefits and ills, prefers the east to stagnate and wait.
Another tomorrow the west expects the east to wait until tomorrow however tomorrow never comes and only the present is a present for you to do with it what you will. Think of the amount of oil consumed by the first world nations and consider the amount of resources needed to fuel and power these behemoth states such as New York, Los Angeles, Washington, London, Paris, Berlin etc. Consider the electricity they use annually trillions and trillions combined and then tally this the African and Asian states. Meanwhile the Chicago mafia (Barack Obama's learning ground) with their green offsetting scams trying to use another ploy that will result in another decoy making the select elect rich before they scarper into the night in delight. Public concerns are at the whim of politicians that use spin in the aim to win as they grin in front of the TV scrin. Iteration is necessary to people can recognise the patterns of illusion used by the politicians of confusion. This whole green agenda is another ploy by the hidden hands to exploit the gathering of leaders in discussing their ulterior motives, what gives this statement credit is that decades of discussions, gatherings and initiatives have intentionally failed to achieve any of the objectives agreed upon at such events.
However the 30 trillion liters of frozen methane gas called "hydrates" that has settled for millions of years at the bottom of the atlantic oceans are the real threat to climate change. If ocean temperatures rise then these hydrates will liquify and the gas bubbles will rise to the surface releasing their noxious gas into the atmosphere. Methane in the atmosphere will inevitable increase air temperatures and thus perpetuate this apocalyptic cycle of inescapable heating of the planet to many degrees. Utterances from national leaders and terms such as "the utmost urgency" is contrived and aimed to pander towards the public and vocal visible minorities within society for their own specific and misguided agendas. Current levels of food production, consumption and waste in the west is unsustainable and to expect the third world that live on grain and water without the modernities to curtail their future modernisation plans is unjust and immoral.
Today's disposable society people buy clothes, furnitures, household goods and food and without repairing them or well before their usefulness or finishing of the remainder of last nights meal, people just throw it away. People do this without much consideration, of course people donate to charities which is helpful to the needy in society, however the food aspect is irrefutable. Even foxes, rats, feral cats and dogs enjoy the Friday night binger littering the nations high streets and roads with their half eaten kebab meat and chips. Fines administered by the plastic police PCSO's have deterred most of these intemperate plebs and generated a new income stream for local councils. Nevertheless eating less is far more beneficial to the environment, the individuals health, and society as a whole, for less consumption leads to less production and less waste. Besides all these safeguard practices will reduce the NHS deficit for patients suffering from illnesses as a result of being overweight are less likely to need medical treatment or medicines, thus reducing the tax burden.
Maybe these special offers on junk food and ready meals in stores such as Tesco, Asda, Morrisons etc are part of the problem or are they a by product of today's 24hr disposable society ? It is clear at this rate the U.K population will continue to be afflicted by generations of obese citizens that will result in many detrimental consequences. An unproductive workforce can only result in employing immigrant labour to service the ever increasing service sectors within the U.K. After which we'll here the bigoted egotistical deluded and lobotamised members of the EDL foaming at the mouth over increases in immigration quotas to service their feckless, work-shy and state funded lifestyles. Governments prefer to look incompetent in hindsight instead of being so before or during an ill-fated campaign, because if its apparent in the outset then this would undermine their untenable position as government officials, and bring the whole facade of governance crashing down. So the ends do justify the means. Even if it means looking like fools at a later stage, even though whistle blowers may have alerted the public of this fact during the initial stages of such endeavors they still continue in their belligerent and misguided manner.
Politicians deceive and the bankers reprieve has earned them both annuity for eternity, this is because they serve the hidden hands. No matter how many initiatives such as cap and trade, carbon offsetting, carbon trading etc is introduced, they will eventually fail the purpose for which they were created for. It's just another constructed illusion to deter the valid issues of society so an influential elite minority can enjoy their lifestyles and newly owned industries at the betterment of their future generations. Perception of deception is nothing new especially with political sound bites "education, education, education" and "24hrs to save the NHS", it's no wonder people are skeptical about new government initiatives whatever they are even "green ones".
One of the main reasons why they are pursuing these multinational conferences and new government initiatives is because it serves many purposes diversionary purposes. Bailed bankers, degrading societal life, increase crime, poor education all to the benefit of generating new cash economies by taking your wealth and reducing your health. More stealth charges and emotional ethical blackmail tactics are being used by the government so they can willingly deduct from your wages a Co2 levy. Man made co2 emissions does effect the earth to the extent purported by the government funded scientists, this is just a ploy and a decoy to endorse these punitive and unjust levies on the people. After 911 the airlines worldwide stopped flying and during that 24hr period world temperatures increased, due to the penetration of sun through the atomosphere that was initially being diffused and weakened by the fumes emitted by the airplanes. It's no wonder the governments carry out the chemtrailing policies to alleviate the impact of the sun on the solar system by increasing temperatures. Maybe the chemtrailing effect is so effective that its cooling the temperature of specific areas on the planet and thus safeguarding any more increases, it would be counterproductive to the pretext agenda for instigating carbon levies ?
Maybe the world powers are using this weather warfare between one another from China, Europe and the United States diverting the natural path of moisture intended for the Africa and Asia to their own regions ? Conspiracy nonetheless these weather warfare between Europe and China may be negated as they collide with each other and disperse along the Bangladeshi regions and hence the floods ? Resistance from the public over these new initiatives is unsurprising as its due to the deception from government that has persistently undermined parliament and public belief in justice. Corporations and their minions in governance are becoming green with envy over who'll be the first to usurp such financial devastation on the poor by creating more green legislation. They think about the financial benefits and grades of taxation to re-balance the scoundrelism and profiteering by real bank robbers by the unrepentant stock brokers and men in suits, an estimated £1 trillion pounds they managed to steal from the people. Undoubtedly the largest ever bank robbery in history and they managed to do all this without going to jail or incurring any fines, and whats even more astonishing is that they're unwilling to give our money back to us as credit (just another strategy to fill the corporate black hole with our money, never mind we're inured to this type of corporate reavers and life stealers).
Devalued society, currency and thousands of jobs lost, how many more destructive efforts will it take before the U.K is bankrupted and blackmailed into adopting the Euro ? After relinquishing its demand on sovereignty the nobility will continue their frivolity it's their chosen destiny. Besides its how politics is conducted in the western world the outgoing government must introduce by hook or crook negative legislation before the opposition party takes the reigns and begins to accept the shames. Hence the complicity of the parties and the farcical notion of any difference between them that ferments antagonism from the people. Even the liberal democrats are adopting this clonality of Blair's with their Cameron light Clegg. The future economic climate will change even more with the poor even poorer for paying Co2 levies of goods and services whilst the gentry and the nobility enjoy more change in their pockets.
Political parties and companies are salivating at the thought of exploiting the legitimate causes of climate change aka global warming aka sun spot activity, the environmental disasters desertification, lack of clean drinking water, rampant malaria, decreasing rainforest, etc into guilt trip blackmailing and profiteering racket. Making new industries and income streams from the levies burdening the poor to subside the rich and the failing economies in the west. Service sector is the key goodbye to the manufacturing and now the service industries will thrive on the fines, charges and levies imposed on services, food and drink at the checkout. As in the wise words of Michael Jackson "They don't really care about us", or the planet, they know it's unjust yet they persist their hidden agenda.
Recession, what recession say the bankers, politicians and elites. It only effects the people at the base of the pyramid and not those at the top where the minds begin to rot from all that trot that means not a jot. Are we going to allow these imperious rogue reavers to devour the nations wealth and enjoy their decadent lifestyles ? Are we going to allow them to misappropriate our taxes, profiteer from the stock market horde of vampires on the national health and wealth ? All of which is funded by as a result of the misruling labour arty farty party, and the public indignation has almost reached the pinnacle. No matter how many times they kick us down the precipice with diversionary tactics and hollow stories we'll get up and climb this infested sewer and impale their heads on skewers. Western governments are far from becoming civilised non-belligerent nations, because they continue their imperialistic endeavours to sustain their national interests of commodities and natural resources to sustain their forces as they ride on horses. As for the conflicts in the east the western armies are their to maintain their claim, and sustain their gain for that is the name of the game, as they reign in every domain.
So the first world nations wish the third world and developing nations to remain as they are at the cost of farcically biased science in favor of the west. Thanks to the green frenzy envy the government and burgeios classes prefer fuel prices to increase and the elderly to die of cold this winter. In doing so it could be used as a government target in offsetting its carbon footprint, i jest not for they think in this way. Increase food prices and hospitals plagued with MRSA, CDIFF and bacterial infections all this is supported by the governments aim to reduce it's carbon footprint. All of this is irrelevant when you consider the amount of civil servant offices nationwide remain well lit overnight, what a fruitless plight. Bankrupt your way to the Euro the U.K way with "quantative easing" and nobility pleasing. As wolves the corporate sector will devour the monies of the sheeple and enjoy a new decade of decadence at the peoples expense, there will be no consensus only contentious and a waste of time to entertain the naive mind. Broken promises and the art of sophistry is no mystery to the avaricious gentry. Don't expect any redistribution of wealth from these new green levies for even with a Labour government that is supposed to represent the working man has continually failed to alleviate social issues or rebalance injustices of the past.
Non-committal of the United States and Europe will inevitably render any real change to the current economic and development impacts on the worlds climate redundant. Such is the case in these affairs that have shown the emergence of China become an equal superpower that counterbalances the United States presence on the world stage. Consensus over a non-binding agreement that fails to affirm the necessary changes and conditions that need to be made is not worth the paper it was written on. Obama cant reach a consensus with the senators in the house of representatives for they wield the power of veto, and will nullify the impotent president's demands that may negatively impinge on their corporate constituents. So any claims to limit c02 in the future is superficial and farcical charade, for such efforts are intended to subjugate the developing nations. Nevertheless if this outcome was to be the case then why didn't the leaders stay and home and allow their U.N representatives reach this decision at the U.N ? Think of all that C02 emissions that was generated during this farce and think of the many more tonnes of C02 that will result of another farce in the year(s) ahead, for they not dread, yee hypocrites. The subversion of the green discussion will result in indecision, devision, suppression and economic oppression of vulnerable people in the world. Now finally consider the carbon footprint of the military industrial complex its daily functioning and the amount of carbon released during the manufacture of all those bundles of destruction that western corporations sanction.
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