Man has longed to create a concoction that will improve his well being and enhance the senses making him godlike. However with the advent of genetic engineering and mapping of the human genome man can redesign himself into a new man. For some considerable time now we have enjoyed the benefits of vitamins and minerals with huge investments into research and development within this field. Newly emerging products come to market in months instead of years and becoming widely accessible via the Internet. Although these new developments and practices are beneficial their are some fruits that have lasted the test of time. These fruits are the prune, date, fig and olive, such fruits are still highly regarded throughout the world. Many cultures have recognised the benefits they bring to the health and wealth of its people. So much so that they iconised them with embroidered clothing, decorated monuments and identified them with nationhood.
Overtime stories and myths were embelished over the centuries as if to immortalise them as foods of the goods. And so these fruits were once the luxuries of dynasties over the centuries and of the peasant farmers that toiled the land. Indeed the farmer enjoyed some of the fruits of his labour and coincidental the family benefited from a healthier life. Now these fruits are considered to be the appetites of the elderly and eccentric, nevertheless the manage to find their ways into many delectable dishes. Traditional cuisines that incorporated these ingredients have continued to be the mainstay of festivities during the Christmas period. Unfortunately the marketing team behind these fruits have failed to relay the messages of their health benefits and versatility. Information is the key and if more people are aware of;
- What are they ?
- Where are they from ?
- What are the health benefits ?
- What cooking possibilities ?
- What variations are available ?
- What applications are applicable ?
The Prune

The Date

The Fig

The Olive

Having enjoyed these fruits for decades they have so many uses combined or individually. People rebuke any notions of making them apart of their weekly diet, irrespective of their health benefits. Alas many people nowadays prefer the simplicity of ready meals and other high processed foods that suit the needs of the instant gratification disposable society (IGDS).
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