How do we survive this recession and avoid further depression ? Consider the increasing food, fuel and taxes that have made life for the many residents of deprivation contemplate starvation as a form of self preservation ? Working people haven't the privileges which is bestowed upon the opulent classes for generations, as they try to manage their increasing expenses . An opportunity has arisen and may release us from this corporate prison, if we reduced our daily savoury, sweet and salty food it may limit waste and help our mood. Cheaper food alternatives from Lidl, Lidl or Aldi that is frequented regularly by frugal migrants as they laugh at our extravagance. Eating fewer meals a day may and being more active may keep heart disease at bay, besides it will increase your health and wealth. Such new approaches takes time to change the mindsets of staunch gluttons and sedentary lifestyles watching TV, playing on the games console or merely surfing the web. Some say that the banking charade and increase in food prices is a depopulation tool for if the people don't change their ways the state (father) will drag them kicking and screaming through this change. Could this be a time to make a mends to our decadent trends ?

Cigarettes, booze and junk food gives so much joy to the elite hordes as they sit in the house of lords.
However there is a problem that may scupper any attempts of change and that is the junk food special offers. Yes, they seem so economically sound but the consumption of processed foods are manufactured in mass quantities hence their viability and profitability. Another government initiative initiated by the petit bourgeois and bourgeois classes that enjoy salaries above the national average in their disposable income lifestyles. Out of touch is precisely the word for these civil servants have no idea what the common man, woman or child eat on a daily basis and how this limits the range of food consumed. This is based on income if you have a low income you're most likely to purchase foods of low costs and hence low health benefit. So they are trapped in a cycle of health poverty as their health diminish each passing year as they fear the rises in the coming year. It's understandable that the heightened consumption of processed foods is because of these special junk food offers and this bankers initiated recession. Meanwhile the health of the nation deteriorates in proportion to inflation and the politicians ignore such implication. Think about the amount of diseases and consequences from a lifestyle of indulgence, no more so than in parliament the longest running soap opera. Impacts on the NHS is clear as with each passing year obesity inflicts impecuniosity on society as the politicians, physicians and junk food manufacturers look on with levity.

We have our corporate cake and enjoy this stake for we can eat it, even though mind altering drugs are banned these mood altering foods are not.
Things to Consider
- Consume less processed foods.
- Consume more fruit and vegetables.
- More exercise, walking and cycling.
- Try cheaper alternative products from Lidl, Netto and Aldi.
- Buy less, eat less and save more.
- Create a weekly timetable to focus your intentions.
Five a day and being active during the day is what the government continues to say, nevertheless without adequate legislation all of this is fruitless action. Traffic light system supported by advice groups have failed to see the light of day because it they provide the customer with a quick, simple, and concise method in evaluating the nutritional value of such products. It's because the effectiveness of the traffic light system on food products that highlight the levels of salt, sugar and fat that it's being disregarded by the food manufacturers. These purveyors of pernicious foods that alter peoples moods enjoy their seats in the lords after profiteering from the hordes. Alongside their desultory hereditary peers they cannot dulcify public fears as the treacherous treasury profits from the sale of cigarettes, wines and beers. Contradictions from government officials is nothing new as they pursue the purported remedial charades fail to tackle the symptoms once the patient eventually reaches hospital. After convalesce at the tax payers expense as a result of the corporate malfeasance and government connivance, we continue this cycle of waste. People need to understand that any just measures being introduced to alleviate societal ills, will hinder the plans by the hidden hands for the ends justify the means. Our society has a propensity for obesity because of the profligacy of mass food production to justify this iniquitous capitalist philosophy.

Feed the birds this Chirstmas and start the new year without fear from the cigarettes, junk food and beer.
This should be a time of reflection and inspection not decadence and rapaciousness, if you visited any of the supermarkets you'd think we were on the verge of an impending apocalypse. Notwithstanding this and the rotund waists of the conceited hoi polloi giving directions to their children driving a convoy of overfilled trolleys. It' supposedly to be time to minimise as with nature and relate to the scarcity thats abound this time of year and especially with those less fortunate than ourselves.
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