Unfortunately the once world renowned broadcasting organisation the BBC has fallen from grace into a miserable place. Providing crucial information and news to the beleaguered populous of Britain during world war two, now it perpetuates misinformation and mediocrity. Distinguished actors embraced the BBC and entertained us with their memorable performances. Many of its reporters sought the truth and brought real news, however the jobbery politicians provide the "press" statements eloquently devised by the public relation pimps (scribes of spin). Today's reporters interview politicians, businessmen, war officials, intelligence personnel, and other mandarins with the premise of "predetermined outcome". What's most repugnant and despicable is the way BBC reporters and interviewers intentionally put words in the mouths of the interviewees. Contrived practice in ensuring either both parties reach the "predetermined outcome" or manipulate the interview towards a unilateral end (in favour of government agenda). Indeed it's depressing when these insidious practices are so blatantly used and contravenes one of the BBC's commandments "impartiality".
Unfortunately this will continue for the condescending BBC interviewer and presenter will continue to read from the script arranged masterfully by the camarilla. There are specific issues that reporters aren't permitted to inquire about, due to the potential consequences that may rise from in-depth investigations and discussions. The BBC tax will remain until its royal charter is renewed on 31 December 2016, yes seven years of increases (currently £142.50 for colour, in 2016 possible £280.50). More single mothers and elderly people with low incomes will enjoy the cold cells and incur additional charges.
Bloated Banal Claque (BBC)
How bloated is this goat ? Elven television channels, fifty-eight radio stations, thirty-seven magazines, several websites (extensive resources of information), unfathomable offices and personnel. Think of the cost of all of these items and their daily running costs, here are some figures to help you, the money from the license fee was £3.49 Billion 2008-9 (however the total income for that period was £5.14 Billion). We don't know the amount of personnel employed by the BBC (including part time avaricious megalomaniacal celebrities) throughout all its divisions. You can find departmental staffing costs but not total staff and their annual costs, I've tried. Why the need to compete with commercial counterparts ? It has no real benefit or purpose in competing with private sector (especially in relation to viewers ratings), however it has a duty to use other measures in evaluating quality, popularity and optimise its resources. This would ensure costs are minimised and quality is maximised, instead the improper BBC poaching ethos pursues celebrities and presenters on commercial television and radio stations. Headhunting methods are alien to the BBC, unfortunately they have employed commercial mandarins that are determined to give their commercial brethren a helping hand. As the BBC wanders aimlessly down the corporate path it undermines its very existence and integrity within the eyes of its stakeholders.
Over the decade BBC directors, producers and strategy heads were head hunted by the BBC from commercial avenues, and their lies the problem. These individuals are used to curtailing budgets and adhering to strict deadlines, efficiency is necessary within the commercial sector due to their limited resources. With little space to maneuver they'll have to do the best with what they have, and in doing so they adapt to such pressures and strains that promote ingenuity. Such characteristics brings forth new ideas and programming that are intended to generate maximum viewers and revenues to the commercial station and an incentive for advertisers. If they fail in the commercial sector they fall on their swords "metaphorically" and join the rest of the fallen queuing at their local job centre. On the other hand the public funded BBC strives to rekindle these burnt out flames of yesterday in maintaining their dated and dismal performances at whatever cost. Not only do these dinosaurs survive the graveyard of celebrity but they thrive with a new lease of life as if reborn again albeit with a decrepit appearance. Has beens egos are nurtured and these failures are tended to like nobility with reassurance by the sycophantic minions in the BBC. They're not to blame for they are being their vainglory selves its the people whom employed and revived them from their comatosed slumber.
Likewise with staff members these dinosaurs plague the BBC in all departments belligerently opposed to calls of retirement. Those whom under perform are not told to mend their ways but (depending upon their past nepotistic activities and popularity) transfered to another department and given menial tasks at the same pro rata. Something resembling musical chairs staff members are moved from department to department without anyone being reprimanded or held accountable for their actions. Despite this people responsible for curtailed programs due to their poor performance and reception are given other projects to meddle with. Because of this ethos no one is ever sacked from the BBC "not for long" the once declined returns in time to be wined and dined with the inclined. Just like the brotherly goat in parliament they lock horns and showboat in their absentminded and detestable way, masters of manipulation is the incarnation.
BBC worldwide another commercial arm of the BBC generates money which is supposedly and vaguely invested within the BBC. Looking at this behemoth enjoy its annual public feast there are some startling inedible remnants that remain, it was the formerly known BBC Publishing. Aptly named BBC Books is majority owned and managed by Random House, and they are owned by Bertelsmann media conglomerate. Its non-profit arm Bertelsmann Foundation which is the largest private operating foundation in Germany. Do you really want to go down this rabbit hole ? If so many questions will need to be answered as to why the BBC is involved in this organisation and why the government allowed this hostile takeover ? Even more questions arise as to why did the BBC allow this organisation not only to acquire an initial stake in BBC Books but also further its influence by allow it to purchase a majority stake ? Is it a matter of time before it takes full ownership of BBC Books ? Or is this irrelevant for Bertelsmann media has a majority stake and such influence within the organisation is in their hands, so the BBC stake is merely disingenuous and an affront to the royal charter. What right do these trustees and government imbeciles have in selling public assets as shares to a commercial behemoth without consent or royal authorisation from its stakeholders .....the people ? We fund the BBC we are its life giving force to which it exists, these reprehensible, supercilious and avaricious contraveners of morality need to be castigated and held accountable for high treason because they are slowly but surely dismembering the BBC.
As the behemoth increasingly consumes the health and wealth of the nation with each passing year, the mother sheds a tear in the cell as she tells her children not to fear. BBC Trust are supposed to represent the people but to ensure the decisions taken on their behalf are just and accountable. More faceless untouchable and unaccountable bureaucrats fail to address the genuine public concerns about the BBC and it's vision. Do we want an organisation paid by the British tax payer to service the world in its pursuit for world domination ? Nevertheless it could be construed as a propagandist attempt harking back to world war two when the BBC knowingly withheld vital public information (under the guise of national security), with the enemy position taken up by terrorists and failing states. Specific services catered towards minorities within the U.K are foreign policy measures to misinform, misdivert and focus public sentiments towards hollow cul-de-sacs. Presenters continue their blather in equivocation as told by the foreign office and mandarins, meanwhile ignoring the real issues that affect our daily lives.
The ends justify the means is what were always told by these hidden hand minions and if such a gameplan exists then these additional services catering towards minority groups are being exploited. Understandably the BBC employs middle class gated community living vestal virgins, that have no inclination or experiences towards vast majority of BBC stakeholders that live within the inner cities. As stakeholders the peoples grievances must be listened to and where apparent recognised and resolved, instead valid public concerns are disregarded. Mandarins at the BBC have enjoyed decades of opulence at the expense of the tax payer with little to show, nepotism has ensured generations of leeches to survive and thrive. Infestation of these soul destroying leeches within the public sector has undermined their valued work, and become riddled with waste and nepotism unlike the dog eat dog private sector. Life is easy in such surroundings because audits and reviews are just for gratuitous plaudits. Nobody is dismissed from duty unless their actions involves an altercations with government propaganda and undermines an illegal invasion that consequently subvert the existence of a defense budget and the armed services. Remember the Richard Bacon Blue Peter presenter after allegedly admitted he used some mind altering drugs (90% of media people do use these drugs), and because of his actions he was dismissed ? Well i think you'll find he was moved sideways for a while and then let in from the cold, and now he enjoys public funds again as a radio presenter.
Who said BBC has any morales or ethics, and now its morally bankrupt the parts of its morale compass was sold decades ago. To think this nation can't nurture or employ someone to read from a teleprompter or initiate intellectual debate on a radio programme is typical of the bourgeois claque behaviour that plague the BBC. Sycophants employing sycophants and most of them are inept, out of sync with the world outside their offices. It's to no surprise the public are turning to SKY or Youtube it's because they're realised the petit bourgeois imbeciles have hijacked their beloved BBC and turned into some wishy washy banal commercial imitation. All the mediocre celebrities including the vainglory presenters adopted from the private sector can't fix this broken flagship, as it sinks to the bottom of the corporate sea into the bland abyss. Nevertheless these mandarins remain unaccountable and untouchable for they are in cahoots with the government of the day in their propagandist agenda. This was evidently demonstrated in the David Kelly debacle that resulted in his mysterious suicide (assassination by the secret services) no matter how many inquiries or reports are concluded the end result is always the same however lame. These quangos drew a line over the issue and appeased the government war drums, and the nepotistic mandarins eyes gleam for they see the United Kingdom as a fiefdom and we the serfdom. Meanwhile peoples consternation over BBC daily practices taxi fees, gifts, etc undisclosed salaries of employed presenters (as public funded organisation the public are entitled to see where and how every penny is accounted) that would embarrass the commercial sector executives as the BBC whores enjoy the privilege of privacy in regards to salaries and luxuries. You cant equate public sector salaries with that of the private sector its unfair, irresponsible and unjustified because the private sector has to justify their position (in regards to targets set by the corporations (corpirates) ) because they rely upon advertising as the key source of income and not subsidised by the tax. Disparity in salaries is reasonable, unfortunately this is clearly not the case so we must redress this imbalance by petitioning the BBC, politicians, quangos and the government.
This fact alone has tarnished the BBC and as a consequence of employing staff from the commercial sector they have perverted the BBC. Reason for these underhand tactics was to ensure they receive the same but more in such extravagant displays of avariciousness. Take take take is corporate method and such is the notion when you introduce a pack of wolves amongst the sheep. Salaries and expenses begin to increase exponentially in direct proportion to their own selfish desires. Before long fees, charges and salaries resemble that of despotic government consuming the wealth of the nation in their solipsistic rapacity. Its irresponsible to expect the tax payer to be burdened with extra unnecessary expenses, costs, and salaries to subsidise the banal and inept nepotistic middle class media graduate drop outs that plague the BBC. These malignant tumors is biocidal and will erode the vital organs of society until it has diminished the life giving force of originality, quality and humanity.
Only way to remove this tumor is dissection, a surgical swipe of legislation and public support will banish this infectious and soul destroying commercial ethos. Return to the quality and programming with people employed from all walks of life with talent and vision in developing new programmes and presenting new ways of delivering information. Goodbye to the typical mundane pretty faced, mediocre, middle class sitcoms and brain numbing soap operas, depravity reality TV and propagandist news media. Talentless and banal radio presenters only reinforces the term "job for life" because Terry Wogan , Bruce Forsyth and Ronnie Corbett presenters the list goes on. Only the BBC manages to revive from these dead dinosaurs "has beens" and like a borugeou claque they encourage these one trick ponies is cringe worthy for these muppets attract our sympathy. We sympathise because of their inadequacies only to receive from them contempt and ridicule, as for the documentaries no longer provide hard hitting insight into taboo topics instead they tow the government agenda of the time. Appeasing board directors and mandarins for in their regular meetings in a quid pro quo the hidden hands continue to meddle for the ends justify the means.
Rarely do we see grass roots talent being sought, found and nurtured into future members of public organisation with public interests in mind, only tripe which gets on everyones gripe. More and more this beast continues to consume as the license fee is raised annually like a commercial organisation instead of a public funded one, the people have become servile in serving these despotic bureaucrats so they can enjoy their expenses in sustaining a life of opulence. Even during work time they're paid to enjoy these extravagant lifestyles, how far removed is this from their own empty lives ? When coming to work is seen as a way of feathering and furthering ones own selfish desires, climbing the greasy corporate pole. It's this what inspires these conceited hyenas scavenging from the arduous work of subordinate others. The longer you support this decaying and virulent tumor the more punitive its taxes become and lack of accountability persists. Wake up the BBC is a commercial venture the monies obtained by the sale of goods and services to the international audiences are reinvested into other commercial international ventures. They're not invested in best practice, quality assurance, local communities services projects akin to the U.S local cable services maintained by local communities. Such community initiatives would help alleviate some of these grievances and serve local communities nationwide in discussing local issues or whatever niche that will help in time generate new presenters, hosts and talented individuals for the future. Avenues like these will empower the youth in feeling their voices aren't ignored and there are opportunities even for the pitbull touting intemperate plebs.
There are laws in place to prevent these community broadcasting stations from being hijacked by extremest or racists because vetting and legislation ensures this. Serving the local needs and other than the Internet there is no other avenue that provides such empowerment which strengthens ones character and self esteem. Only now with the advent of youtube and other media networking sites has the BBC tentacles of world domination become the more pathetic. We can all now become directors, presenters, script writers in our own rights by uploading our talents on youtube and instead of the BBC facilitating such public initiatives to generate, locate and adopt new talent from the wider public by allowing them to submit their work or demonstrate their talent at local bbc regional radio, TV or online. How are we to come out of this economic crises ? Community initiatives and the timing of the engineered "credit crunch aka recession" is perfect timing for investing in these new ways of involving the unemployed and disaffected. This innovative way in working with local communities nationwide with the assistance from colleges, schools, universities and government in apprenticeship programs. As a result of such endeavors this will help to secure future employees for the BBC and give young people the necessary skills and experience to go it alone or seek employment within the private sector. develop apprentices of the future. for technical aspects of the media for the next generations instead of employing aged and experienced staff from the commercial sector. No longer can we accept this status quo to continue we need real change that is demonstrated by credible initiatives like the ones suggested,and people are sick of this job for the boys as the middle classes show contempt daily towards the public. They forget that they're not of nobility but a travesty for they are part of the public and work for their living, just like the working classes (only the nobility and dictatorships don't work for their living). Despite their minutes of fame in front of the tevelision screen if the status quo remains you can expect these to be tomorrows dinosaurs with the current ones on life support with their indexed linked pensions and bonuses. Is the BBC to be earmarked as the new world order broadcaster or will it become consumed by Bertelsmann conglomerate ? Already emerging as the worlds search engine Google may too become another tool of the new world order as these monopolistic behemoths consume one another for world supremacy, could this be aim after the staged apocalypse ?
Consider the amount of token female and male ethnic minorities working in the BBC, unsurprisingly majority of these "ethnic minorities" are from the petit bourgeois and bourgeois sections of society. Such is the ills of the BBC which is plagued with middle "crass" class gated community people, and their only contact with the public is when they visit their towns and cities. These inessential attributes perpetuate the decadent environment within the BBC. Frivolous programming, superfluous adornments and indulgences encourage the Machiavellian corporate philosophy between the BBC and the civil service. Castigatory blogs online detail genuine public concerns regarding the mismanagement and programming of the BBC despite their popularity they fail to achieve real change within the BBC. Reticent board directors are unwilling to address these valid concerns as this would result in them doing some genuine work for a change. Their positions weakened as a result of such obloquy, they continue to turn a blind eye as these sanctimonious impudent snobs ingurgitate the wealth and health of a nation. Celebrities given hampers and gifts as they arrive in the BBC studios and many more sycophantic displays of profligacy continues exponentially unsurprisingly. Cavalier attitude within the BBC signifies its out of touch with the stakeholders, and more concerned with its bourgeois champagne socialistic staff and clientèle.
True Behemoth Bertelsmann
RTL Group
Bertelsmann currently consists of five corporate divisions and a forthcoming music division
- RTL Group, Europe's biggest broadcaster
- Gruner + Jahr (a magazine publisher, the biggest in Europe)[4]
- Random House, the world's largest trade book publisher (popular literature)
- Direct Group, the world's largest book and music club group
- Arvato AG, an international media and communications service provider
- Bertelsmann Music Group (BMG) (now sold to Sony)
- During World War II, Bertelsmann was the biggest single producer of Nazi propaganda.
- At the end of World War II, the publishing house was closed for some time because of illegal paper-trading.
- During the Nazi period, it published books by Nazi authors such as Will Vesper (who did the commemorative speech at the 1933 book burning) and Hans Grimm.
- In 1947, the company was re-founded by Reinhard Mohn, fifth generation of the Bertelsmann family.
- In the 1950s, Bertelsmann expanded with the bookclub Bertelsmann Leserring (Book Club) and entered the music market with the founding of the LP label Ariola Records in 1958.
- It sold Ufa's cinema chain in the 1970s. In 1969
- Bertelsmann bought into the Gruner und Jahr publishing house (newspapers, magazines) and took majority ownership in 1973.
- 1979 it bought the American Arista label, in 1980 Bantam Books, in 1986 the label RCA Victor and the publishing house Doubleday.
- It has distributed Windham Hill Records since 1989
- In 1993, Reinhard Mohn as owner of Bertelsmann moved 68.8% of his Bertelsmann AG stock over to the Bertelsmann Foundation.
- As of 2006, the Mohn family still owns 74.9 of Bertelsman's capital, in addition of the Bertelsmann foundation.
- In 1998 Thomas Middelhoff become CEO of Bertelsmann. He bought the Random House publishing house and concentrated the group's worldwide book publishing operations under this label.
- In 1999, Bertelsmann launched bol.com, the internet book retailer.
- In 2000, Bookspan was created as a joint-venture between Time Warner and Bertelsmann until 2007 when Bertelsmann took over complete ownership.
- In February 2001, Groupe Bruxelles Lambert, headed by Albert Frère, purchased 25% of Bertelsmann AG
- In 2002 Bertelsmann admitted that they lied about their involvement with Adolf Hitler and the Nazi party, which included making profits from slave labour and publishing propaganda.
- The revelations came to light during their takeover of US book publisher Random House in 1998; Bertelsmann used a revised account of their Nazi past to smooth the deal.
- In 2003, the new CEO Gunter Thielen expanded the music branch BMG with the buying of Zomba Records.
- In 2004, BMG set up a joint-venture with Sony Music to create Sony BMG. BMG Music Publishing remained wholly owned by Bertelsmann, but was sold to Universal Music Publishing in 2006.
- In July 2006 Bertelsmann AG purchased 25% of own company from Groupe Bruxelles Lambert back.
- As of September 1, 2007, Bertelsmann agreed to pay music publishers $130 million to settle a copyright infringement lawsuit brought on by its deal with Napster.
- On January 1, 2008, Hartmut Ostrowski became the new Chairman and CEO of Bertelsmann, replacing Gunter Thielen.
The Commission's investigations showed that Bertelsmann did not resist Hitler and the Third Reich as previously reported by the company in its corporate reports, but instead thrived during World War II by producing anti-Semitic material and Nazi propaganda.
From 1945 on, the Christian-based company claimed it had been shut down by the Nazis for anti-government tendencies. But the Commission’s report indicates that this was a mere "legend" that had been invented by the company in order to receive a publishing license from the occupying forces as quickly as possible. In reality, Bertelsmann was closed in 1944 because it was found guilty of hoarding paper and could no longer turn a good profit.
"Bertelsmann AG unreservedly accepts the Independent Historical Commission's report as the official record of the company's history during the Third Reich," said Bertelsmann's Chief Operating Officer Günter Thielen in an official statement on the company's web site. "I would like to express our sincere regret for the inaccuracies the Commission has uncovered in our previous corporate history of the World War II era, as well as for the wartime activities that have been brought to light," Thielen said.
Mr. von Holtzbrinck declined to comment on existing reports about the firm's activities during the Nazi regime, although he confirmed that his father joined the Nazi Party in 1933. Georg von Holtzbrinck, who died in 1983, rebuilt his reputation after the war as a genteel publisher, who cultivated friendships with Jewish leaders and supported their causes, particularly in Jerusalem.
The company profited greatly from the German military build-up in the 1930's by expanding from a provincial Lutheran publisher into a mass-market company, supplying 19 million books to the German army.
An article in Vanity Fair magazine in 1998 reported that he did publish magazines approved by the Nazi party, with titles like "The Joy of Labor" and "The Beauty of Labor."
After the war he bought the venerable German-Jewish house S. Fischer Verlag, which is based in Frankfurt and has publishing rights to the works of Thomas Mann. Its owners had fled to Vienna and then New York during the Nazi regime.
In the 1980's, Georg von Holtzbrink's elder son, Dieter, aggressively expanded into the United States, acquiring Farrar Straus and Giroux, Henry Holt, and St. Martin's Press. In 1995, the company bought Macmillan, one of the oldest and largest independent houses in Britain.Executives who work for Holtzbrinck in the United States say the company's past has had no effect on their ability to attract editors or sign authors, even Jewish ones. People at Random House, which has been owned by Bertelsmann since 1998, say much the same.
"There was cooperation on almost all levels by anyone who survived that period," said Mr. Straus, a descendent of Jewish immigrants from Germany and Switzerland. "I felt that they were as clean as one could be."
Mr. von Holtzbrinck declined to comment on existing reports about the firm's activities during the Nazi regime, although he confirmed that his father joined the Nazi Party in 1933. Georg von Holtzbrinck, who died in 1983, rebuilt his reputation after the war as a genteel publisher, who cultivated friendships with Jewish leaders and supported their causes, particularly in Jerusalem.
The company profited greatly from the German military build-up in the 1930's by expanding from a provincial Lutheran publisher into a mass-market company, supplying 19 million books to the German army.
The commission, a mix of German and American scholars, indicated that little research had been done on what they called the ''SS sponsors circle.'' But it said that the organization was made up of members who took no oath of allegiance to Hitler, were not required to serve on active duty in a unit and were not subject to the SS's physical and racial standards. The commission said it appeared their primary duty was to contribute money to the SS every month.
Bertelsmann's involvement in this form of publishing had been only sketchily known, the commission said. It noted yesterday that Bertelsmann's earnings increased by a factor of 11 in just a few years, from 284,191 marks in 1938 to 3,259,730 marks in 1941. The company probably manufactured and delivered more than a quarter of about 75 million copies of Wehrmacht-edition books, the commission said. ''This leading role on the part of a relatively small and politically less than prominent firm in the war economy's officially supervised book market appears remarkable,'' it noted in its report. ''No other press so extensively furnished the German soldiers with reading matter.''
The $5 billion euro ($4.86 billion) fund is being set up by the German government and industry in response to litigation by war time victims and their families. The fund focuses on victims of concentration camps and forced-work programs.
Surreptitious Bertelsmann Family
- Reinhard Mohn, Retired from media conglomerate Bertelsmann which his family owns
- He was the founder of the Bertelsmann Foundation in 1977.
- Reinhard Mohn is an honorary member of the Club of Rome. (elitist club)
- Bertelsmann Foundation is the largest private operating non-profit foundation in Germany.
- The Club of Rome is a global think tank that deals with a variety of international political issues.
- TT30 is a young think tank, an offshoot of the Club of Rome, composed of around 30 men and women ages 25-35.
Bertelsmann Foundation (wikipedia)
Its main aims are to promote reforms and democracy, especially in government, social and economic contexts. It is not a funding organisation (i.e., it does not provide grants, scholarships or project funding to others) but focuses on researching, publishing and stimulating public debate on its topics. It does this in a purely "operative" manner, i.e. only projects initiated by the foundation itself are funded. It is active worldwide and has since inception spent around €605 million on nonprofit projects. The total budget for the 2005 fiscal year has amounted to €56.7 million, according to the foundation.[2]The foundation funds itself by its 76.9% share in the Bertelsmann company.[3]
Neo-liberal ideas such as an increase of competition in education and research and for the introduction of tuition fees to the German university system. Echoes the same sentiments employed by Neo-labour and their vision of academies such was the mantra "education, education, education" that resulted in "illusions, delusions and fallacies". Education in the eyes of these elites is a privilege and not a right that is why they send their children to public schools and not the degenerating state alternatives.
RTL Group
- RTL group is Europe's largest TV, radio and production company
- Majority-owned by German media conglomerate Bertelsmann.
- Has 45 television and 32 radio stations in 11 countries.
- RTL TVI (66%)
- Club RTL (66%)
- Plug TV (66%)
- RTL Televizija (90%)
- RTL Plus (100%)
- Fun TV (100%)
- M6 (48.8%)
- M6 Boutique La Chaîne (100%)
- M6 Music Hits (100%)
- M6 Music Rock (100%)
- M6 Music Black (100%)
- Paris Première (100%)
- RTL 9 (35%)
- Série Club (50%)
- Téva (51%)
- TF6 (50%)
- W9 (100%)
- RTL Television (100%)
- RTL II (35.9%)
- Super RTL (50%)
- RTL Shop (89.76%)
- Vox (99.7%)
- n-tv (100%)
- K1010 (19.87%)
- Traumpartner TV (100%)
- Passion (50%, pay-TV)
- RTL Crime (100%, pay-TV)
- RTL Living (100%, pay-TV)
- Disney Channel Deutschland (59%)
- Alpha TV (66.6%)
- Kanali 9 Thessaloniki (66.6%)
- RTL Klub (49%)
- RTL Télé Lëtzebuerg (100%)
- Den 2. RTL (100%)
- RTL 4 (73,7 %) (started in 1989 as RTL Veronique, renamed in 1990 as RTL 4)
- RTL 5 (73,7 %)
- RTL 7 (formerly known as Yorin) (73,7 %)
- RTL 8 (formerly known as Talpa, Tien) (73,7 %)
- RTL 24 (73,7 %)(TV on your mobile)
- REN TV (30%)
- Antena 3 (18.6%)
- Antena.Nova (18.6%)
- Antena.Neox (18.6%)
- Five (100%)
- Five USA (100%)
- Fiver (100%)
Radio stations
Station followed by RTL's present share amount percentage.
- RTL (100%)
- RTL 2 (100%)
- Fun Radio (100%)
- 104.6 RTL (100%)
- RTL Radio (100%)
- Antenne Bayern (16%)
- Radio Hamburg (29.17%)
- Radio NRW (16.96%)
- Radio 21 (17.3%)
- Big FM (7.74%)
- Radio Regenbogen (15.75%)
- Radio Dresden (31.9%)
- Radio Leipzig (31.9%)
- Radio Chemnitz (31.9%)
- Radio Lausitz (31.9%)
- Radio Zwickau (31.9%)
- Vogtland Radio (31.9%)
- Hit radio RTL (30.5%)
- Antenne Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (19.7%)
- Radio Brocken (53.5%)
- 89.0 RTL (53.5%)
- Antenne Thüringen (15%)
- Radio Ton (2%)
- BB Radio (unknown)
- 105'5 Spreeradio (33.8%)
- Radio Top 40 (unknown)
- Oldie 95 (4.78%)
- Rock Antenne (16%)
- Alpha Radio (66.6%)
- Palmos 96.5 fm (66.6%)
- RTL Radio Letzebuerg (100%)
- RTL Radio (100%)
- Radio 538 (73,7%)
- Bel RTL (44,2%)(but operational control)
- Radio Contact (Belgium) (44,2%)(but operational control)
- Mint (44,2%)(but operational control)
- Onda Cero (18.6%)
- Europa FM (18.6%)
- Romantic FM (~15%)
- News FM (~15%)
- Metropol FM (~15%)
- Radio Contact (1990-2003, now: Kiss FM)
- Radio Contact (1998-2003, now: Kiss FM, Chisinau branch)
- Radio Contact (1999-2002, now: Radio 1 (Bulgaria))
- Cash given away, prizes in rewarding trivia hysteria
- BBC Magazines Gardening, Top Gear, each programme usually given an unmerited glossy magazine.
- Obscene presenter salaries
- Too many radio stations
- Wasted digital channels (should be showing repeats i.e only fools/fawlty towers etc, instead sold to UKGOLD for cha ching £££)
- Billboard adverts BBC Three, One etc
- Phone in/competition charges/scams ?
- Presenters poached from other commercial stations
- Presenters exploiting the BBC and its stakeholders by pursuing commercial activities based upon the careers developed within the BBC.
- Many more you can suggest
Random House
Random house is the world's largest English-language general trade book publisher. It has been owned since 1998 by the large German private media corporation Bertelsmann and has become the umbrella brand for Bertelsmann book publishing. Random House also has a home video distribution arm, Random House Home Video. The Group comprises six publishing companies with over 40 diverse and highly respected imprints and brand-name publishers including, Century, BBC Books, Jonathan Cape, William Heinemann, Chatto & Windus, Vintage, Corgi, Doubleday, Bantam Press and Virgin Books.
- Magazine publishing arm (the third largest in the UK)
Amongst BBC Books' best known titles are cookery books by former TV cook Delia Smith, wildlife titles by Sir David Attenborough and gardening titles by Alan Titchmarsh. Unfortunately, in the BBC Publishing days, it turned down The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, a book which has now sold over 14,000,000 copies worldwide.Doctor Who, and now PDA ebooks (source wikipedia).
Such revenue in the hands of a corporate behemoth named Bertelsmann and their own ideologistic agenda will overtime harm public funded organisations. By products of broadcasting content created by public funds is being used to profit the pugnacious conglomerate shareholders. If Bertelsmann are allowed to continue in this way what else is sacred within the BBC, will they have a say regarding content to serve their own neo-liberalistic beliefs ? Besides is it ethical for the BBC to dispense public license payers money to employees, celebrities and guests that have commercial conflicts of interests ? If an employed staff member is commercially active as a result of their work at the BBC shouldn't this conflict of interest prevent them from working in a public funded organisation ? Nevertheless these profiteers enjoy an increase in popularity and opportunities to market their commercial products, you can't have it both ways either you declare these conflicts of interests and say goodbye or you stay and don't delve in the commercial sector. Remember we are paying for these avaricious solipsists in their desires for wealth at our expense.
Phallocentric interventionist cabal and their hypocritical minions have continued to demonstrate their proprietorial behaviour to Africa, Asia and the far East. Unfortunately the imperialistic practices of a by gone age haven't shown any signs of diminishing, on the contrary they're being remastered for the new century with the aid of the media and other pernicious tools of subjugation and mind control. Remastering these practices require architects of the highest order with assistance of scribes in the media that are proficient in the art of sophistry and rhetorical loquacity. Despite the inegalitarian NGO's such as the UN, WHO and astonishingly the IAEA have in their alogical approach to identify, prevent and bring to justice nations that have in the recent past been involved in the use of nuclear weapons. Since the indiscriminate and unjustifiable nuclear bombing of both Hiroshima and Nagasaki these NGO's done nothing to prevent the use of byproducts from nuclear energy process.
Yes, the weaponization of depleted uranium, once regarded as nuclear waste material was used during the first and second gulf wars. Today remnants of its signature is found in Fallujah, Baghdad, its desserts, along the Euphrates, Golan heights, and recently southern Lebanon. Evidence ? Ask the gulf war veterans about "gulf war syndrome", and their severally mutated children, look at the Iraqi children being born with unprecedented high levels of abnormalities. Despite the indisputable physical evidences with radioactive shelled areas and child deformities these NGO's and the new Iraqi tenants, nothing is being done or will ever. Whilst the corpulent and sybaritic public funded broadcaster sends its insentient peons to distort and not report, so nothing will transpire from the pullulation of poltroons.
Despite the incestuous attitude of these NGO's with the Anglo/American imperialist both extol one another under the guise of "national interest" (i.e we need their resources to sustain our way of life, so they remain undeveloped and ravaged by disease and starvation while we enjoy our aisles full of food stuffs plundered from them). Ask these intellectual imbeciles if they want world population to decrease as to save the environment, they'd say YES ! Ask them if they'd would accept being a weak nation as the emerging East and awakening Africa demanding trade and no more aid, and they'd look puzzled, then ask them if they will accept higher food prices set by these developing and emerging nations and they'd say NO !
People of the United Kingdom are intrinsically linked with the organisation because its the people it serves and the people which they are accountable to, and not faceless imperious bureaucrats on the BBC Trust or board of directors. Optimism for the future of the BBC is lacking greatly for since the 9/11 attacks and that of the illegal Afghan and Iraq invasions the BBC has failed to report equitably. Since then the BBC has remained contentious over many articles and still does today with its unquestioning support to the foreign office, civil servants and the ministry of war. As the days, weeks and months go by the BBC is becoming more like a spokesman for the western propaganda and agenda for the "national interest" geopoliticising attempts around the world. During the Mark Thatcher incident he admitted to a South African court that he had played a part in the attempted coup in Equatorial Guinea, after which he paid $500,000 fine (not many people can escape such high treason by paying small fee, who you know not what you know). Once again the BBC failed to investigate the story adequately, we didn't see any documentary or undercover reporting to identify the real crux of the matter. Nevertheless this may be expected due to the cuts in overseas reporters as a politicised cost cutting measure with the intention of subverting the broadcaster. Another sinister means used to undermine the organisation and delude the public with its illusive and fatuous topics. Consider the potential ramifications in covering such articles like the Thatcher "snatcher" would have on the BBC (another David Kelly incident perhaps ?) Mark's impenitence is annoying however he's really chagrin about the incident.
Discussing the inadequacies of the BBC is very cathartic and therapeutic for they continue to renege the declarations stated within the royal charter. News articles are mainly one sided and based on conjecture instead of facts or addressing the multifaceted natures of convoluted issues, this would require time and thorough investigation. Chasing sound bytes and discussing issues that provoke public fulmination is the BBC strategy as it emulates the gutter press "red tops". Current climate in the U.K has originated in part by the BBC peddling government propaganda and ignoring the valid public concerns on serious issues that affect their daily lives. It takes two to tango so both the BBC and the government have danced together sometimes the BBC takes the lead at other times the government does. No more apparently so is this than during the 9/11, Iraq and Afghan illegal invasions, they are intertwine and continue to dine for they are one. Resembling something from the 1984 George Orwell novel, ministry of justice without justice, ministry of peace without peace and a brainwashing and numbing media driven by the puppet masters and hidden hands. Salvo after salvo will continue to bombard the frail BBC defenses until they appreciate, recognise, understand and act upon the valid grievances of the public. Jaded presenters and celebrities working in the BBC have such contempt for the public, an indication of this is expressed visually by the expressions on their faces. However there are many contraventions to the BBC charter being perpetrated daily within the BBC as its commercial ideologised staff pursue methods of subversion. Those traditional believers of the BBC are filled with melancholy and apprehension at the way the BBC has deformed itself over the decades. Purportedly the BBC is supposed to be impartial and serve the needs of the people in ensuring facts and information sourced is validated. Don't expect retractions because the BBC has knowingly peddled scurrilous articles, however they emulate the commercial networks by perpetuating hearsay and speculation as facts (we are now in the age of spin brought to you by Phoney Tony and is mischievous Labour crew).
BBC tentativeness has sullied the notion of impartiality however eloquently their presenters narrate. As we continue to shore up the fragmented and decaying BBC facade, the cumbersome red tape within the BBC fritters away vital resources. Memories of the moments before the illegal Iraq invasion plague the BBC mind because the BBC failed to report glaring anomalies within the "sexed up dossier". Indeed weapons inspectors weren't given unfettered access by the Iraqi regime but also the U.S and U.K administrations. This served a dual purpose because the camarilla continue to subvert the liberties of the people with misinformation presented as fact by the BBC. Blood is on the hands of the BBC for their disingenuous and biased reporting that lead to the illegal invasion, will they be held accountable ? Poppycock. The BBC is their to locate and nurture talent from the public, not to stifle it by headhunting commercial talent "off the shelf" (self inflated egos and fees) by contacting commercial agents from ITV, Sky, Channel 5, Channel 4 and international broadcasting organisations. BBC is beginning to resemble something out of the Triassic period where these primitive mammals "old has beens" you know who, reigned supreme and now they still litter the airwaves with their outmoded ways of communication and talent. Such dinosaurs deserve a respectable burial and not strewn like a half dead zombies where the BBC is becoming more like a cemetery than a old peoples home for has beens. Time is now, we are in a recession and its depression will bring forth much aggression from the uncouth youth.
It's imperative to reduce U.K unemployment figures, and we should adopt a more austere approach in-line with the current depressive and recessive climate. To achieve this goal the government needs to restructure BBC employment contracts from the current "job for life" to a short term 3 years. During this 3 year period the employee will have gained many skills within their chosen field and motivate them to secure employment in the private sector. BBC shouldn't be used as an establishment "job for the boys" where nepotism and incompetence is rewarded with lifetime employment resembling dictatorships. By employing new people from the unemployed the BBC can train and maintain low salaries and quality, additionally providing them with the benefit of skills, opportunity and income. Incendiary debates about presenters, celebrities and agency staff paid exorbitant salaries, fees and expenses that are undisclosed will fade away. New real talent will be found from the dole queues and job centres nationwide, and even a new programme with the elements of Xfactor for presenters, actors, reporters, writers and directors the lists are endless. Technical staff will enjoy the apprenticeship schemes offered by the BBC that generate the next generation of sound, camera, wardrobe, etc staff, young people need to be given the opportunity. Unfortunately the middle class, bourgeois champagne socialists and mandarins at the intelligence services (nestled agent provocateurs and spies that spin lies) will do their utmost to resist such necessary change.
What a travesty to her majesty this public funded broadcaster which employees more self aggrandising celebrities, non-entities, banal buffoons, decrepit has beens, commercial management hyenas and conspicuous abuse of public trust this unjust and self-inflicted fiasco. Don't expect the BBC to be austere or shed any a tear throughout this recessive year, as the sycophants cheer without any fear for they have the governments sympathetic ear. How can that be the BBC has continued to show thought provoking and anti-war documentaries, indeed it has and will however these programmes are shown after 10pm during a weekday. Perfect time and day to ensure the messages are ignored due to people being asleep and having to arise early morning for work. Notwithstanding the daily effluence of effluvium emanating from the BBC as the determined android reporters and presenters tenuous and fallacious stories appease their paymasters. Indeed the unbridled hegemonic endeavors of a few megalomaniacal elite desperately holding onto the crumbling facade of their ivory towers, as they use whatever means to justify them remaining as key players in this global game. Yet still they continue to rapine the developing nations and agitate the plebby ignoramuses with the aid of a divisive media placing brother against another, whilst patricians greed is the only deed the elite breed. Irrespective of this the BBC continues to use sophistry when terrorist groups in Northern Ireland use car bombs and other terror methods to obtain media coverage, these aren't terrorists using terrorism to obtain power NO they're "DISSIDENTS". For everything is fine because of the lasting peace between Sinn Fein, Loyalist and other "paramilitary" (paramilitary, dissidents a perversion of language and another method of thought control to desensitise the masses) terror groups are now in parliament. Except those despicable TERRORIST undermining our imposed perversion of democracy and freedom (especially our vital national interest = oil, contracts, brain drain, drones, military and MI6/CIA bases to infiltrate Iran using Iraqi spies etc.) on the Iraqi and Afghan people, are using the same methods as the Continuity IRA. BBC double speak dissidents = naughty people, terrorist = evil people, yet both groups use the same methods. However the mind numbing by the entertainment corps and the scribes at the foreign orifice help weave and deceive the people. Terrorism is terrorism unless its politically sensitive and having the potential to clearly demonstrate the hypocrisy and double standards of our actions.
Inculcation attempts by the biased BBC to promote the hidden agendas of a third party be they the government of the day, foreign office or hidden hands will fail in the end. Furtiveness of the mandarins, government advisors and ministers that prepensely dragged the U.K into two illegal invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq have enjoyed the BBC's lackadaisical approach in such matters of vital importance. Notwithstanding the sly manner of such supercilious civil servants the acquiescent BBC supports these means to whatever ends, as they continue to champion the unnecessary deaths of British soldiers and civilians in illegal and unwarranted wars (only to serve the agenda of the hidden hands). BBC continues its obfuscation of facts on serious issues such as wars, public services, education, health, employment, crime, etc such attempts in the longterm is detrimental to society. It may result in further unknown consequences that may create further unnecessary resentment and disdain of minorities and vulnerable groups within society. BBC are obliged to provide a service of good quality and impartiality however nothing can be more further from the truth. Public condemnation will rise as the BBC continues to demise in front of their eyes, as the once venerated broadcaster provokes and stokes the people into becoming more exasperated. When can we expect such BBC prevarication to cease ? Maybe when we stop propping up a failing bureaucratic and pernicious system against real freedom, democracy and truth which aren't given or taken away for these are within.
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- Bertelsmann Admits to Nazi Past
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