Partners dance together on the dance floor sometimes one takes the lead and on other occasions the other assumes the role. As with the tango it takes two to participate in such choreography and so do the United States and Iran in their long running tit for tat strategies. Recognising this pattern is crucial in understanding how the corporations instigate their notions upon nations, with thee aid from their servile political minions. Being an active participant in negotiations regarding the economic and geopolitical implications of a consequence from such agreements will determine the outcome of millions of lives. Obama has purportedly declared on numerous occasions that his administration will "extend a hand of friendship without any preconditions", congratulations Mr president your first lie. That hand of friendship was preloaded with conditions that was designed precisely to antagonise the Iran administration into providing a knee jerk reaction from the impertinent Mr president Ahmadinejad.

Another tool used to delude the fool and continue western misrule.
Mr Ahmadinejad reactions and actions over the years has only placed himself and the nation for which he represents in bad light. Indeed some of his speeches were intentionally mistranslated and misconstrued by specific media agencies in the west. Misleading and deceiving the millions of naive and ignorant citizens of the west isn't difficult a few headlines and sound bites taken out of context and splashed in the gutter press will suffice. Right wing shock jocks will ferment and torment the emotions of the bigot and the racist that pervade the many disaffected sink estates and opulent boroughs in the south of the U.K. Nevertheless the United States has failed to be just in its pathetic attempts to reconcile differences of the past, instead they have remained belligerent. Clearly this is an indication of the U.S foreign policy and it's vision for the middle eastern region, and this geopolitics is whats causing much injustices. However many have suggested that Iran is in the United States cross hairs as it perseveres the oil reserves which claims it deserves for the elite it serves.
Sincere or Unclear Nuclear ?
Iran is a signatory of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NNPT) which is aimed at restricting the proliferation of nuclear weapons that may bring forth unauthorised nuclear conflict, and the potential for extermination of human race. As signatory Iran legally bound to the following, non-proliferation,
disarmament, and the right to peacefully use nuclear technology, now the United States has always seen Iran as a threat to its dominion over the middle east. Unlike its gulf neighbours Iran isn't seen as a friend of the west even though the west helped arm, support, train and approve Saddam in the Iraq/Iran war which began in September 1980 and lasted for 8 years. Not forgetting the Iran–Contra affair as the U.S and her security guard of the middle east Israel both enjoyed great wealth as they supplied both regimes with arms to do harms by stealth.
Self esteem is an attribute which the Persians value and rightly so as a great people that developed and furthered many attributes of civilisation in the past. Since the establishment of the Iranian republic Iran has never interfered or initiated hostilities with anyone let alone its neighbours. Unfortunately the tenants of the middle east have to justify their privileged positions to their western landlords by pursuing the intentions of their masters. To the western corporations Iran is a very bad customer so bad they manufacture, research, develop, construct and generate their own solutions to economic issues. How dare they use their ingenuity, sagacity and intrepidity they should be like their gulf neighbours and enjoy the frivolity, trivialty remaining in servility. Eventually the defiant Iran will emerge as a economic and political powerhouse supporting the Chinese dragon, and it's fast becoming an example to the people of the middle east of how a state can exist without being jaded as a result of its immense natural resources.

Keep pumping away all night and day, keeping justice at bay as we make hay and squander our pay, be that as it may we are here to stay, no matter how much you pray for it is the corporate way.
As long as Iran continues to demonstrate itself as a beacon of independency for the region of the middle east then it will be a threat to the plans of the hidden hands and their demands over these lands. Another threat is if Iran manages to complete these nuclear reactors in providing more productive and cost effective energy for its people then it may provide this service for its neighbours. Western nuclear corporations cannot abide such potential stakes on their claims to keep the servile despotic tenants (presidents, bedouins, dictators and generals) in servile positions by purchasing western goods and services whilst sending tributes of oil and gas to the west. After the war crimes that were and still are being committed since the illegal invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq the intelligentsia have migrated to western nations. Along with the nations oil wealth and it's future health these thinkers, creators and administrators have now subjected their motherland to generations lost in the desolate sands. The same western strategy that has given the world "war on terror " and the innumerable conflits that has resulted from the illegal invasions, is being conducted on Iran.
It's not the nuclear threat far from it the Iranian administration aren't willing to jeopardise their efforts and image since the revolution in becoming a peaceful and powerful independent player in the world. Israel the attack dog of the United States and serving the needs of its master continues to bark over the servile states of the middle east, rendering them silent for they know who holds its leash. Besides these unelected, self opinionated, decadent and jaded western serving tenants remain in their towers of opulence at the expense of the populace. Persian public relations methods need to be improved in order to prevent further mis-communications from being misconstrued and used to delude their intended audiences. Notwithstanding the propaganda from many external sources that continue to present a potential threat to the sovereignty, integrity and the stability of Iran.

Saddam told the truth about his WMD capabilities and that failed to prevent his eviction by the western landlords, so expect a repetition of events with Iran.
These external siren voices originate from none other than the U.S and the U.K as these political asylum seekers have to demonstrate their new allegiance to the state in supporting mischievous methods against their motherland. History is repeating itself for these besetting serfs helped provide the ministries of lies and human cries (western intelligent services) with fallacious material in their complicit efforts of war in Iraq. After the camarilla and their the claque of defectors guaranteed the invasion of Iraq they now wish to adopt the same methods in regards to Iran. Now these defectors are rehoused with a new tenancy agreement in their prominent positions within the restructured Iraq government. Meanwhile the western governments backed by the corporations have already devised way to restructure these nations for Iran's assiduousness is a severe detriment to western scurrilousness.
However many voices from the west claim that Iran has vast untapped oil and gas reserves and that it should consume these natural resources before contemplating new greener technologies. Again the west peruses its paradoxical notions about C02 (fallacy of man made Co2 emission having a significant detrimental effect on the planet) whilst demanding Iran continue in generating more C02 by using more gas and oil. Instead the west should be congratulating Iran in pursuing a more greener and efficient method of generating energy. You can't have it both ways either we support Iran and help it build these nuclear power stations or we close the taps to our prosperity and cease trading in oil. Now you see the real crux of the matter it's this intrinsic relationship between oil and prosperity that determines whether you're a friend or foe. Those in the decadent gulf are no foe for they allow the tributes of oil and gas to flow. People forget that under the terms set within the NNPT agreement Iran is entitled to use nuclear technology for peaceful means. All the western propaganda will not focus on this issue only concentrating on illusions to confuse the public into accepting the military conduct a preemptive attack on Iran.

Whistle-blower Mordechai Vanunu alerts the world to the truth as the inept and biased IAEA continues to ignore Israel nuclear facilities aptly named Demona (even the CIA recognises Israel's stockpile of nuclear weaponry).
We're already in the beginning of world war three since 2003 and commencing another conflict in this chapter with Iran will make the world more unsafe. With many despotic and troubled states throughout the world generals and intelligent services enjoy brandishing the term "terrorist" for it suits their intentions. Subduing dissenting voices and genuine public concerns as merely terrorists, extremists, insurgents and secessionists is propaganda even Goebels would marvel of such rhetorical prowess. The people of the east would like this succession of feasting beasts to cease and to no longer be supported by the Vatican priests. What will come in 2010 the destruction of many men and the falling Yen ? What about those nations that haven't signed the NNPT, India, Israel, Pakistan and North Korea ? Obviously India is an ally and they provide many service to the west, besides we enjoy immense trade, for they have signed many bilateral agreements with Israel regarding spy satellites. Pakistan is another ally our friend in the "war on terror" that has conveniently taken the position once held by the "commies" USSR during the cold war.
History is repeating itself as the likes of Bush, Blair, Obama and now Brown doing their utmost to emulate Roman emperor Antoninus Caracalla in his attempt to imitate Alexander the greats plundering of Persia. Although it's not knowledge these depredators seek it's a fanatical ideology that which emulates the extremists within the east (not to mention the insurmountable profit available in beneath the soil of these lands). Even revelations from Mordechai Vanunu (an Israeli former nuclear technical assistant) to a British newspaper about Israel's nuclear weapons program didn't ring or bring forth the heralds of justice. After serving 18 years in prison including more than 11 years in solitary confinement upon his release in 2004 and now his return to imprisonment at the behest of the Israeli military. If Vanunu was an Iranian defector he'd be supported at every turn and used to browbeat the Persian government into accepting western corporate demands over their lands. However he's not so we'll ignore and keep him in a secluded place, thus reducing this disgrace whilst we maintain our pace as we chase the Iranian race.
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