Children of the elite, gentry or the corporate assisted minions in parliament who knows. What is certain is that they evaded justice which demonstrates some collusion with the intelligence services. Another tool of the hidden hands to continue its plans to ruin these lands.

Despite all those cameras and the extensive evidence documented these agents provocateurs manage to elude the law in the most watched city in the world (square mile is the heart of the nations wealth).

Even Scorsese would have marveled at the well scripted performance supported by the diversionary hysteria media. Another pretext for subduing the justly voices by kettling, infuriating and provoking reactions from peoples dissatisfactions such is the role of these calumniators brothers in arms of the agents provocateurs.

You can identify an agent provocateur by their attire, dressed in black wearing stereotypical hoods, veils, bandannas and peon clothing to dissociate themselves from their parents associates in the city.

Not one attempt by a citizen to conduct a citizens arrest and bring these malicious hijackers of justice and genuine grievances of the public to justice. Meanwhile the complicit police watched on as these crimes were being committed, apparently it was due to safety....... it seems these sanctimonious cretins contradict themselves by allowing the photographers to work within a environment that was publicly unsafe.

As with sheep one follows the other to the abattoir and so this pleb in his herd mentality demonstrates this futility.

Another pleb carrying out his role, living a life on the dole such an inept prole.

Such is the nexus of brokers, bankers, nobility, gentry and political pygmies. So do the government endorsed media with all its hysteria provide the backdrop for the agents provocateurs to subvert, divert and pervert those valid voices from the public, this is the rubric of this despotic and fascistic corporate elites.

The epitome of all things caring, loving and nurturing the female.

Enjoying another hearty meal for which they deal and steal, they don't feel only bring the prole and bumpkin to heel by making them kneel.

Why conceal ? Please reveal your hideous guise, for people despise those lies and especially your unseen eyes.

Below more insidious demonstrations of vindictive resistance to corporate existence.

Are we to expect these same pernicious methods to be used in future demonstrations ? Indeed this is the new strategy in the war on your heart and mind like a plundered mine it will define the rest of time.
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