People full of cheer with families near to enjoy this festive time of the year, so merry Christmas to everyone here or gone you're not forgotten. This time the previous year a dubious lady in red, not sure if any symbolism is read for she was slightly disturbed in the head of what she did. It can be read a result of mental insanity she surreptitiously alarmed the papacy. Yes, apparently she dived on the pope as he walked down the aisle in St Peter's Basilica in procession during midnight mass. Even more peculiar is that she did the same last year in the same attire, such desire resembles a fire within a burning pyre. Obviously this repetition leads one to assume some association with the current administration to possible revive the ailing Catholic postulation ?

looking bold carrying all that gold how many stories it once foretold by the peoples of old. Once again paedo's are praised with a preconise regardless of being despised in people's eyes.
You'd think Bethlehem the birth of Jesus the Patriarch of Christianity would be of vital import to the Vaticlan. Surprisingly not, for they wish the people of the world to not visit Bethlehelm and see for themselves the subjugation that he would have experienced by the Romans. Today the same afflictions are being experienced by the orthodox Christians and Gnostics living their right now. Checkpoints and zealots of all persuasions especially the M16 trigger happy Russian settlers claiming their birthright, how about we get some facts right take a DNA test and lets see where you truly originate and then justify your claim.
No the Pope would much prefer the deluded and happy clapping evangelists with the gold chain, rings, sharp suited preachers to mock the flock by sending them on pilgrimage to the Vaticlan. Making loads of money in tourism and memorabilia as they watch the sycophants worship an old man in a cloak with a fishhead draped in silk and living in towers of gold, all to see thee for a fee. All this is because the Roman version of Christianity would have you believe that Jesus died in the Vatican and he too worshiped gold and glorified idols. Vaticlan divided the world into two halves one their dominion and the other for the royal clans and hidden hands. Heaven forbid the Vaticlan would ever sell all its stolen gold and feed the poor of the world with the revenue oh no they deal in stocks, shares, land acquisitions, properties and business venture even Jesus world marvel at how the church incorporated has rebranded it's image in 2000 years.
Holy Trinity
In pre-monotheistic days peoples of old worshiped the holy trinity, triune gods Venus, Saturn and the Sun, Mother, Father and Son, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Hence the holy days of the three faiths Islam, Judaism and Christianity all derived from these ancient beliefs albeit rebranded and offering you salvation for a fee, isn't it time we returned to worshiping the planets instead of these myths and fantasies ... i forgot we still do (without the sacrifices mind you). Enslaved by the depraved is the aim of religion which generates much division, awake for goodness sake.
Astrology has a key along with other ancient tools in setting you free, and finding the one which suits you is time consuming but an enjoyable journey, consider Astropyschology developed by Dr. Turi.
Initial nonchalance appearance before her actions of petualance that resulted in disturbance and the repeat performance of vengeance, hence the smell of connivance is of vital importance. Did the Vatican as part of a devious plan permit this deranged fan commit this misdeed again ? Nevertheless what is gained by this act of the defamed has resulted in an increase the herd, and the flock fails to take stock of the things that mock. Amazingly during sequel everyone was composed as if expecting the directing of events to occur as they did the previous year, could this be an annual event with the miscreant being the lady in red ? No matter what, it all looked contrived especially when the lady dived and she's still alive. Maybe she's a child of the elite complete with conceit demand people to fall at their feet ? There is no annoyance with such flamboyance, and the need for vigilance is an irrelevance for they are part of the theatrical performance.

"Oops she did it again" lady in red strikes again, indeed the purported claims from the Vatican in how they dread the lady in red.
Vatican hands are tainted with corruption, seduction and the perverted shenanigans of pedophile priests that continually hide behind veils and robes of deceit. As the paedo remains in his ex officio while enjoying some vino all is forgiven and for they are absolved, this fails to dissolve the paedo's resolve. Never mind if Jesus was to return today to the holy land he wouldn't be allowed into Bethlehem because he'd be labeled at best a dissident and refused entry because of not having the adequate papers, or at worst stereotyped as a terrorist and shot on site for being outside so defiant in leaving the "refugee camp aka concentration camps" during a curfew (in the most densely populated place in the world). Furthermore what is now the focus of Christianity during this meaningful time of the year is the St Peter's Basilica in Rome, Italy not Bethlehem, such great diversionary tactics. Heaven forbid the deluded flock of ignorant sheep were to realise this perverse travesty of the beleaguered birthplace of his majesty were to be televised or internationalised.
This month is special not only because of its religious connotations that hark back to pagan rituals in ancient times, but that the last day of the month 31st it will be a blue moon. We've heard of the term "once in a blue moon" meaning something rare or special would need to happen for something to occur, well usually a calendar month has one full moon. However the occurrence of two full moons within a month happens every two to three years for in our Gregorian calendar, for they are solar and not lunar. So if someone tells you mockingly "once in a blue moon", you can respond with this fact and then see how they react.
The Vatican
What a sham
It has ran
This unholy Vaticlan
Does all it can
With royal clans
And immoral bands
In foreign lands
Constructs devious plans
By hidden hands
Has ruined man
Harry Ferrari - Circa 25/12/2009
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