Hospitals are in dire need of organ donation and no more so with the ever increasing organ donor waiting list that take up many beds. Imagine the psychological and emotional torture which these recipients endure on a daily basis the routine of medicines, appointments and procedures undertaken. Though this is more than enough for one to contend with there is the family that also suffers in being powerless to relieve their tormented loved ones. Coupled with the fact that the likelihood of obtaining a compatible organ that wouldn't be rejected by the body makes it circumstances fraught with despondency and melancholy. However once the patient has undergone a successful organ donation he/she is then probably subjected to undertaking a daily consumption of drugs. Uniquely designed to allow the recipients body to accept the organ as part of body, thus preventing rejection and organ failure.

Dirty cash......... dirty cash........... dirty cash i want you, dirty cash i need you.
Nowadays the influential, elite and especially the nobility prevent potential bodily frailties by ordering organs on the black market. Organ-trafficking may sound horrifyingly repugnant however buying organs is seen as no different to purchasing a product. Albeit the product is an organ and depriving another human of his organ to further the longevity of the nobility seems in their eyes, natural. Within this capitalist society unlike the hybrid form in China where the state enjoys a bounty of organs on an annual basis as a result of the deaths from prisoners. Western societies can't use such methods well not just yet because of the many hypocritical notions that already exist. Besides why allow such heinous practices to be seen and known by the public with private sector and dubious staff, middle men and consultants the trade can thrive.

Tanks commence operation "release the beasts" from the Basra jail.
Conflict The Tidings It Brings
Consider the advantages and disadvantages that result from conflicts which eventually become wars that engulf neighbouring states. Indeed this approach serves many needs especially those related to geopolitics, national interests and elements of statecraft. All derived from one the malevolent desires of an opportunist few that revel in jobbery and the robbery of sovereign state resources. Such is the proclivities of the camarilla throughout western societies, down the generations the atrophies have infected the dynasties. Not only do wars generate wealth by developing weapons of stealth, thus improving the instigators health but another by product is depopulation of a nation. Depending upon the duration of conflict that results in a war and then eventually becomes a way of life for the people(s) and region(s) consumed by the lord of war, it's all relative ask an civilian in a war torn region or citizen of the instigator.

Captured SAS hidden hand operatives (real insurgency) dressed in Arab garb with an arsenal of weapons in the vehicle they failed to stop at a checkpoint and killed an Iraqi policeman and wounded another.
Eventually released the MI6 operatives were arrested on charges of killing one Iraqi policemen and wounding another. They were also seen throwing grenades and planting bombs, so much for Iraqi sovereignty it doesn't exist, Basra governor Mohammed al-waili wailed and said "barbaric, savage and irresponsible behaviour". Over zealous attempts to release the agents of destruction consisted of 10 tanks, helicopters and many soldiers which attacked the jail. Not only did they manage to subvert any potential emergence of "blitz spirit" (that characterised how in the face of adversity under the guise of Hitlers bombers the British people won, irrespective of Nazi attempts to psychologically and physically bring the British people and its capital to heel) by the Iraqi people, but they managed to intentionally compound what little fractions there were between the many Iraqi sects to precisely destroy any "blitz spirit" from becoming reality. Fragile sovereignty of Iraq was again destroyed in this microcosmic event of what occurred during the illegal invasion of Iraq in 2003 which began world war three. During the operation at least 150 prisoners fled the jail after it was stormed by the British army to save the agents of the hidden hands. In the dead of night do they fight hiding from the Suns light, fighting in darkness is their game that resembles their hearts and minds. Iraqi police found bazookas, mines, grenades, detonators, machine guns and many magazines within the vehicle, promoting peace and democracy or merely maintaining the status quo in Iraq thus justifying their position within the region.

Rubble is what remains of the Basra jail which epitomises the Iraqi sovereignty and its democracy, superficial.
Depopulating a nation is simple enough with pestilence, war and famine however these old tools fail to serve the longterm aspirations of the western camarilla. What they prefer is a sustained longterm psychological conflict within each individual of a state so they are conflict with themselves. Once the tools of subversion and fear delude and elude the scythe of truth they can them work their poison into the hearts and minds it finds. Generations begin to be born in a war torn state not understanding or appreciating the benefits of peace and so the unnatural cycle remains in the realm governed by the lord of war. Conflict persist and the frivolous attempts to relieve the peoples suffering in bringing peace and democracy purported by the self-conceited politicians intentionally fails. Evidently so the persistent and systematic failures by the dilettantish minions within this endeavor justifies a longterm presence in the region.
Some state that it's Iraq's neighbours which are the real culprits and the instigators of the hostilities throughout the country, however this sounds too simplistic and belies the real underlying impression. Imagine you lived in a peaceful neighbourhood and an obnoxious family moved and began demonstrating antisocial behaviour, would you blame the peaceful neigbours along the street or these misfits ? What on earth can be gained by any of the peaceful neighbours in creating hostilities on an already hostile, belligerent and chaotic household ? The peaceful neighbours have much to loose for instability promotes economic insecurity, political and social strife which thrives and besets the antisocial neighbour. It is most likely that if something walks, talks and quacks like a duck then it probably is one so use your common sense and see through the facade propped by government propaganda. This is evidently so with the capture of the SAS agents of strife for they sustain the level of carnage and terror which continues the claims of "war on terror and alqadea" agenda of the west to rework the structures (governments) in the east.

Indeed their are malicious parties with vested interest on the possible outcomes of such enterprises especially if it succeeds or fails. Nevertheless don't underestimate the determination for the status quo within a failed state to remain for it serves the needs of the hidden hands in their plans. Some methods used by these corporatists could be to generate division within specific groups in particular vulnerable minorities in order to escalate violence. Participating in acts of terrorism with the full knowledge of the consequences of such actions will lead to an immeasurable loss of life in this cyclical man made events. Unquestionably the security services are participating in these acts of random bombings, kidnappings and acts of terrorism within these failed states purely to support their national interests and global agendas.

No this isn't candid camera and you really are busted, but i can deliver you a liver for just a palm full of silver!
Once you accept this possiblity the rest is elementary dear Watson, whether in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran or wherever these despicable acts conducted by the secret services is vital in ensuring the safety of the realm. Why do these agencies of good conduct acts of bad ? It's because the ends justify the means, so it seems. What does this have to do with organs ? Where you have conflict you have dead people and where you have dead people you have an abundant supply of organs. Some claim that wars over limited natural resources and geopolitics also provides a priceless commodity human organs. Imagine an influential family for generations have enjoyed an opulent history could be curtailed by an heir inflicted with an deficient organ. Do you think they'd wait years on the NHS donor organ waiting list ? Or would they use their influence to secure an organ at whatever cost by purchasing them from abroad or using the services of dubious organisations known to a few?
The Rabbi and the Organ Trafficker

How could you a man of high religious office plundering new depths of depravity in your wicked ways ?
Dodgy mayors, public officials, rabbis and an organ trafficker it all resembles something out of a Cohen brothers film, however its true. Apparently in this 10 year probe by FBI officials (that resembled an episode from the Sorpranos) in which the despicable "matchmaker" Levy-Izhak Rosenbaum purchased kidneys from people suffering from abject poverty abroad (probably India) by offering them $10k and then sold them to the well connected for an astonishing $160k. Political corruption, money laundering, imitation goods, organ trafficking the list goes on and it involved three mayors, public officials, five rabbis and many other people. Lucrative as it may seem this unethical capitalistic trait of wealth supersede health, another form of depopulation or just the honest truth of how life is valued on earth today. As result of an extravagant and rapacious lifestyle these privileged clans evidently suffer with organ failure.

This way and don't pull that antisemitism crap pal, the Semitic peoples are from a diverse region and ethnicities.
These decadent families do their utmost to ensure the lineage continues unabatedly by changing their faulty parts with that of new ones from impoverished souls from the east. Nothing epitomises the narcissistic capitalist ethos "everything has its price in this supply and demand society" has now become the "disposable society" no matter what destroy your liver and kidneys we'll buy you a new one.Another connection is that the IDF medical teams harvested organs from dead Palestinians in order to supply the global demands for organs. Whether you despise these henious acts you have to realise they exist and will do so until we can clone organs from stem cells from recipients.
Akmal Shaikh and the Foreign Orifice
Foreign office or better known as the foreign orifice for this is the hole which they plunder and thrust back and forth through the ages the foreign states. Now in a amazing act of wizardry the setting up of Peter Moore the kidnapped IT consultant from the U.K whilst working in Baghdad a few years ago, is the MO of the FO. Timing is everything so Peter's release comes as no surprise to trained eyes that realise the lies of spies. While members of the Akmal family initiated their own press conference in heathrow after their fruitless attempts at the Chinese government to review their relatives case failed to deliver. The voices from the Akmal family were being subdued by the timed televised live speech from Peter's family, indeed the BBC killed the story by purposefully colluding with the FO's mandarins. Short lived was the press conference as it was interjected by the FO (foreign office) endorsed and BBC government propagandists and prevented the messages from the Akmal family from being transmitted. To ensure it remains dead and buried like that of the unknown location of Akmal's burial the story was overshadowed with Peter's release and the rest of the BBC news programming was filled with trivial nonsense.

Akmal an unfortunate pawn in the illicit global trade in organs
So indeed the British government didn't really care about Akmal as noted by the Chinese authorities because if they did they would have used the diplomatic tools to do so. Indeed such tools were used in the past away from the TV screens for that is the procedure and not words from office deceivers. Instead they played it out in front of the screen in the full knowledge that Akmal was a dual national with a Pakistani passport. It is stated within the passport that if you are a passport holder of another country then the U.K is not liable to intervene in any overseas affairs regarding your civil circumstances. Akmal was an Asian with a mental disorder and without influence furthermore the Labour government wanted to look tough before the elections by adopting a BNP trait. They didn't want to help the BNP with extra ammunition so they wanted to look as tough as the BNP, besides even the Muslim council of Britain didn't want to get involved in this affair and demonstrate their inept and farcical attempts of establishing cohesion only division.

I can get rid of your children "Just like that".
Notwithstanding the relentless pillories the politicians are subjected by the public and especially the unaccountable and untouchable civil servants both are culpable and contemptible. They allowed him to die and used the occasion to smeared China for being ruthless and unsympathetic nation while they delayed the release of Peter until an opportune moment. Moment had arrived and as the Akmal family began to say their piece Peter was to be released and the media frenzy would gorge themselves on this topic in the days and weeks to come. Meanwhile the Akmal story would be forgotten in the hours and not days ahead, unfortunately the Chinese government wouldn't allow his body to be taken by the family. Now he's buried in a grave unknown to the family and they he'll remain probably missing several organs from being farmed and allocated to influential western recipients hence the reason for his death. He was part of a batch that had a match and became a rich mans catch, and now the family of Akmal that seemed to be out of contact with their loved ones for some considerable time fell victim to the global trade of organ trafficking.
Prime example of how money and influence can ensure hereditary lines during hard times, with this depression recession the lucrative trade will thrive. How many more people as a result of their financial situation will submit to the capitalist ethos and sell their guts for bucks ? Not long now until advertisements from corporations will entice the vulnerable in society by offering them financial inducements ? We in the west will never permit such practices no we'd rather go abroad and allow the foreign folk to plumb the depths of avariciousness. Disposable indeed in this western society for the seductive product that will answer all our needs, another inspection that deserves reflection.

Mentally and physically Scarred for life to satisfy and sustain the longevity of inequity for eternity, this is the world we wish to leave for our children where money and power are the pinnacles of human existence.
What was the British SAS doing in Basra?
SAS - Basra Rescue
Brooklyn man accused of buying, selling kidneys
Whistle-blowing prof played key role in trafficking case
A common greed
FBI Nabs over 40 N.J. Politicians, Rabbis
Alleged Kidney Dealer Described As "Thug"
Basra Jail Raid: 'No Apology, No Help'
TV shows captured soldiers and their 'arsenal'
NATO Newspaper
UK soldiers 'freed from militia'
British Soldiers Storm Iraqi Jail, Citing Torture
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