North and south brothers separated by the aspirations of others, with the U.S manipulating the south and the Chinese controlling the north, I can't see peace insight. Consider the ramifications if the brothers were to unite under one flag a contiguous state, would the Chinese allow the Americans to have potential access along its border ? outside its backyard ? Imagine the potential havoc the American military industrial complex could do, echoes of the fragmenting USSR come to mind. Another approach is to outlaw Chinese and U.S involvement within the new state unfortunately this is unrealistic and impractical for many reasons. The south is drenched in capitalism and the north in communism how can these brothers forsake their pasts and unite as one in a new state, will it be communist, capitalist or a combinations of the two ?
Echoes of the Past
So many factors need to be addressed before unification as things may seem well in theory however in practice much different. Both the Chinese and united states have vested interests in Korea be they geopolitical or economical. They can't afford to relinquish their control over either brother. Korea has remained divided due to a stalemate between the two opposing forces, meanwhile the Chinese have bases in the north and the Americans likewise in the south. Is this the fate since 1948 ?

Separated at birth and now by earth.
Echoes of a split German nation remind me of Korea the affluent west supported by the western powers and the poor Stasi controlled east behind the iron curtain. As the passage of eastern Berlin citizens crossing into the western side in 1989, the brothers were united once again. No longer were they separated by the means of others, however the paradigm shift for eastern Berliners was unprecedented. Entering a world full of tantalising products available satisfying the customers consuming habit, they'd could never forget it. Fighting over the remaining potatoes in stores managed by a communist member is all they remember. Trying to adapt in a world that was so alien to them brought many challenges and issues that would take generations to resolve.
Unification of Korea may never come to fruition when considering the many facets of unknown, unknowns. Gradual process is needed to unify the brothers in stages by agreeing to move the Korean demilitarized zone (DMZ) back 10 miles each year. In doing so inhabitants are to be given new documentations recognising a unified Korean state. After several years the process will result in the elimination of the two political and idealogical spheres into one unified reality. Bringing about a new era in Korea with the influence from others to never again separate the brothers.
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