Rocking granny pale, skinny and boney, we know she's phoney and loves giving corporate bloweys, enough of that hoey ! As you can gather from my gambit i'm no fan of mad on a however i must admit that i do enjoy holiday. Reason for posting an article on Madonna is she's been getting my goat literally, because of her on stage cavorting behaviour. It may be said that this is her alter ego the corporate avatar and the personification of fantasy.
You'd need to delude and use the youthful artists into believing in your ego because that sells records. In doing so she manages to use the impressionable youth into buying her records and adore her like worthy sycophants. If this desperate grasp of a materialistic soul isn't enough then why not try power. If Obama can literally come out of nowhere as a adopted child and become the president of the United States, then so can Madonna.
How To Create An Aristocracy
- Sell you soul to fame.
- Use your name and fame to endorse corporate endeavours.
- Obtain wealth and prestige.
- Adopt orphaned children from Africa or Asia.
- Provide them with a elite education/lifestyle.
- They become accustomed to the lavish life and begin to accept self indulgence.
- Ego is nurtured and the goats begin to rub horns, nods and shakes.
- After initiations and influential lifetime relationships are developed the manipulation of the masses begins.
- Doors begin to open and opportunities become available more than a hundred lives of men.
- Once the field (profession) is chosen the shepard begins his journey to herd his flock and guide them from the fields to the butcher.
- Marrying within the elite families this ensures commitment to the cause in an unwavering shoulder to shoulder stance, as they prod the plebs into submission and obedience.
- Corporate families recognising the shepard support him in his path with platitudes, employment, recognition and propaganda for the sheep to love.
- Leader is born and it's time for the shepard to reimburse his brothers devotion over the years with laying of hands on the sheep, time for sacrifice.
Time for the pensioner to cash in her pension and retire, if not for her sake then please for the sanity of your daughter. I hate to see her daughter wasting away because of psychosomatic afflictions due to her mothers deluded superiority complex. Some advice to Madonna why don't you do devote your time to your new found faith or charity instead of gyrating on pubescent boys. This is typical of egomaniacs they need to be in the limelight due to their inferiority complex, and like many before her fail to realise their demise. Just like the seasons we too must accept the stages in our lives, and you must recognise and accept the facts, that their ends justify their means.
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