Lately while watching Sky News and BBC News i noticed on a daily basis especially with Sky is that they have a split screen where they interview guests. Above the screen the location states "Live Westminister", "Live Canary Wharf", "Live Greater London" etc, with the backdrop being the same as the presenter/interviewer. If this wasn't enough to expose the fallacy of "Live" one of Sky news reporters could be seen clearly in the behind the guest in discussion with colleagues. Furthermore the interviewing voice of the presenter could be heard as she awaited a response to her question. Smoke and mirrors these news channels having professed the term location is unjust, and these measures of delusion promote confusion and that's their intention, so why ?
Live Contrived
Sometimes while watching the news especially international live broadcasts, how do you really know if it's live ? Unless there is a landmark clock such as Big Ben or something that can verify the time of broadcast then it's impossible. We assume the live international transmissions are live because we have no reason to doubt. Due to budgetary constraints and quality assurance measures that aim to reduce costs and maintain value, broadcasting organisations feel the need to cut corners. Some of these corners could possible be to mitigate potential unforseen issues that arise during international live recordings. News organisations such as the BBC state "Live in Baghdad" when they're really in the well secured green zone enclave, and the term live is dubious.
Location Falsification
Falsifying the location of guests or reporters especially those broadcasts conducted within the studio, (albeit in a different section of the studio) is becoming more prevalent. Could the desire to impress the naive viewers into thinking the enterprise is efficient and worthy be a reason ? I don't know, however people may misconstrue the misconception of the term live and the location. They may assume the term live meaning live, but actually it's the location that's either being prerecorded or recorded deliberately within the same studio. Money that's the crux of the matter and with the credit crunch expect more cost cutting measures of illusion to aid in your confusion.
Conniving management muppets will continue pull the wool over our eyes as long as we allow them. This grossly misleading term "Live in ?" will have an adverse affect on news being live and at the location stated. Self-opinionated, condescending, patronising and narcissistic presenters only exacerbate the issue for as actors they revel in the mirror.
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