Monday, 14 September 2009

Jaded and Decadent Bedouin


With all their wealth propping up the western stock markets and corporations of destructive nations, the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) this includes Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, are a jaded and decadent. Be that as it may the rapaciousness of these states is ever present, especially when you consider the labour force. Indian's, Pakistani's, Bengali's, Chinese, Afghani's are the backbones of these nations. They are the hammer and chisel, the tools of the nation for which it relies upon for prosperity in assisting the developers to transform the natures landscape into real estate.

Serfdom in a Tribal Fiefdom

The builder respects and protects his tools for without them he'd be confined to the smoldering wastes of the dunes. Battling the extreme temperatures of night and day to foray for sustenance in pitiful existence. Instead of welcoming, recognising, appreciating and rewarding these courageous souls they're shown impertinence, petulance and jingoistic behaviour by the bellicose natives. To treat these contributors of wealth, prosperity and daily functionality of the nation with such disdain infuriates the brain. These once nomadic tribes existing from one watering hole to another meanwhile slaughtering pilgrims to the holy land for their food, water and goods. These barbarians of the east resemble their place for within they're as deserted (in mind, body and spirit) as the sand covered dunes.

Now for generations the toll of decadence has affected the physical well being of the natives, obesity is rampant in young and old. Lifestyle of a nation of sloths moving from air conditioned home to air conditioned vehicle to air conditioned restaurant is too prevalent. Gulf states are merely a continuous line of malls separated by national demarcations, similar to the boundaries of stores on a street. Each corporation has its store (state) and these bloated moribund sloths are degenerating with each generation on this course to oblivion. Their only saviour are these immigrants for without them their demise would be imminent.


To sustain these superfluous nomadic families, their offspring and natives in luxury for eternity the wealth must remain in their possession. In doing so the wealth will remain with in the banks of western corporations used to support the bankrupt economies and corporations for generations. Enjoy the BigMac and Kentucky fried chicken, as the indigenous populations continue to remain indolent and bloated in their attitudes to life. Meanwhile the ever present slave labour continues in these nomadic states, for these dynastic bedouins have never worked and neither will they work, only consume like the spendthrifts they are. The bedouin has no home and only roams from water hole to water hole for that is their role. You can't expect a bedouin to sympathise with an immigrant, for a bedouin can't and will not comprehend home or place for he has none, always moving like the granules of sands blown by the wind.

Why work we appoint managers, CEO's to roles in the traditional nepotistic methods used for generations within corporations. Our children need jobs not jobs in the sense of committing ones time and effort in duties of responsibility, but a mere title of preference. This preferential approach is part of business in the gulf, bribes for the tribes is contrived and it what drives and divides their soul deprived minds. Western corporations are these bedouins masters for they have freed them from their timeless bondage to the sands of time. now with their oil wealth they can fritter away and not think of the day. Visit our whores, buy our cars and drink in our bars don't think just consume in our malls. These elites feel they're chosen by a divine order to rule over the sheep and steer them to whatever ends by whatever means for the greater good.

In order to rectify this unjust situation in the gulf and prevent any insurrection they should nationalise citizens that have worked for over fifteen years. This would demonstrate the commitment shown by these courageous mean and women in developing a future, a new vision without division. If you don't know the value of things and what it brings then like the bedouin you'll be blinded and misguided by the deeds of the avaricious. That reminds me of the playboy prince and the whore from Minsk, but thats another story.

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