Saturday, 12 September 2009

German Bombers Echoes of WW2


Everything seems alles klar to Mutti as smiles vacuously while swaggering pretentiously in the corridors of the Bundestag, and can someone remind me the last chancellor of Germany that sent bombers (now drones) to bomb homes ? Except this time the orders are from a unified Europe of many Christian nations, one of many visions of the infamous and despicable Adolf Hitler. Religion another blight on humanity that can only exacerbate our insanity of this deluded reality. Whatever next, the Japanese ordered by the United States to kamikaze Afghan homes in the mountainous regions with armies of drones ?

Kunduz, Afghanistan destroyed tanker, large hole.

Blitz, London terrorised innocent civilians contemplate.

History will repeat itself like a fractal of life, the more you ignore the pattern the likelihood of events repeating themselves. Angela Merkel the mother of the nation the term is similar to the previous father of the nation, except this time instead being the embodiment of nurture, love and care for the people she nurtures, loves and cares for the corporations, and the military industrial complex of other nations.

Saved child during Blitz in London.

Survived and maimed Afghan civilian.

Yes the troops march in their vanguard like a herd of rams serving their lord Mars, while their shepard Mutti c00rdinates the rams and sheep. Corporate fascism is the new look and like the fasces the bundle of Christian nations and the axe of Rome, will continue to plunder the nations of brown faces.

Echoes of history as the west looked on while the genocide of millions of innocent Jews continued.

Memorandums of Understanding

Over 100 Afghans killed with around 70 civilians was a result of a German colonel breaching procedures and overstepped his authority, stated within a leaked NATO report. Two fuel tankers remained stuck in the sand and didn't pose any significant threat, however Col Klein assumed they'd may be used as truck bombs. Pre-emptive strikes is the future no law or order just the mere assumption of the judge, jury and executioner will suffice, exported from the fascist Israeli military to the U.S and no Europe. Could Col Klein have be sympathetic to the methods used by his genealogical brothers in the paranoid, schizophrenic, corporate fascistic and apartheid society of Israel ? or merely a Mossad agent he is only reflecting the behaviour and morales of those around him ? i don't know.

Naive, gullible German Sol..diers (youths) sacrifice themselves like ceremonial rams at the altar of Lord of War, Mars. “He alone, who owns the youth, gains the future.” Adolf Hitler.

What is clear is he acted illegally and while accusations from leaked reports blaming Col Klein litter the news what does Mutti say ? did she remain silent and await the report no she hit out like a child caught with her hand in the cookie jar. She didn't want to listen to prejudged statements from so called prejudged leaked NATO report, because he didn't act alone and they wont condone his actions. If he acted alone then he'd be thrown but he remains because of his iniquitous actions are supported by paymasters. Merkel lambasted the media with her the quote "I won't tolerate that either here at home or abroad," just like the fuhrer, next with the endorsement from Rome she'll make them persona non grata and excommunicated (from all of life's trinkets and baubles).

Klein Name Origins

in the eyes of Merkel, Klein is beyond reproach, because the ends justify the means.

(Definition: A descriptive surname often bestowed on someone of short or petite stature, from the German "klein" or Yiddish "kleyn," meaning little.

Surname Origin: German, Jewish

Alternate Surname Spellings: CLEIN, KLINE

History Repeats - Patterns in Quotes

“Any alliance whose purpose is not the intention to wage war is senseless and useless.”
Adolf Hitler , NATO true to form.

“As a Christian I have no duty to allow myself to be cheated, but I have the duty to be a fighter for truth and justice”
Adolf Hitler quote

" The mission in Afghanistan is our reaction to terror"
Angela Merkel

You can't fight terror with terror for violence will beget violence, silly woman.

" I view the shift as a hopeful signal for overcoming difficulties with Russia when it comes to a uniform strategy to combat the threat of Iran together" Angela Merkel

Nothing like a corporate war whore ! Who said mutti can't be a slayer of innocents, because the ends justify the means, just don't ask me or any of my fellows to fight in the front lines. That is why we have cannon fodder, the sheep and rams to do our bidding for they need direction and a reason for living.... our reasons.

" We stand alongside Israel against the Iranian threat. However, I reject any analogy between the two things" Angela Merkel

Corporate fascist machine is ever searching for an enemy so they can plunder the souls and minds of a nation with product, our products. The marriage of the military industrial complex and the elite families is the union of future governance. You are defined as an enemy and we will repeat this until it is accepted as truth, in unison we will chant this propaganda. To condemn a people for the ravings of a madman, is systematic of western leadership behaviour, unfortunately this form of collective punishment works as history is evidence. Our sheep and rams versus their sheep and rams the sheep being the people and the rams being the soldiers.

Like our forefathers we'll gladly serve our masters, we don't think therefore we shan't exist.

German Bombers (Drones) Fly and Bomb Again

German colonel 'breached procedure' The Independent
Germany asks NATO allies to stay silent on Afghanistan airstrike Deutsch Welle
Rift widens between US and Germany over botched Afghanistan air strike The Guardian

1933 * The National Government will regard it as its first and foremost duty to revive in the nation the spirit of unity and cooperation. It will preserve and defend those basic principles on which our nation has been built. It regards Christianity as the foundation of our national morality, and the family as the basis of national life.
o proclamation to the German nation at Berlin, 1 February 1933 Adolf Hitler

Soldier meaning Sol and dier


Definition from Wiktionary, a free dictionary



dier n. (plural dieren, diminutive diertje, diminutive plural diertjes)

1. animal

Sol = Sun
dier = Animal
Sol + dier = Sun Animal

Sun animal, an animal of the sun needing guidance like a sheep or ram herd the cattle into groups of division to divide and conquer them after which you can use and slaughter them for your own means and ends.

you will obey our vision of your future.


Hitler would be so proud of the United States, Europe, Germany and Angela Merkel his vision is becoming a reality as a soldier of Rome. Marriage of fascism, corporations, socialistic values and perverted view of Christianity where white might is right therefore we'll fight like a blight everything in sight. We need to justify the existence of our corporations of our elite families of our military industrial complex of our reason for being by destroying the living. world war three began in 2003. Endless war chasing shadows and illusions bringing confusions, order out of chaos. They think about the blonde and blue eyed as if they're the only ones that died.

1 comment:

  1. The human been is not a God and mireclle can happens because Merkel is a child of her dad and mum who are two nations (Germany and Poland). But if she will do it she will kill her on people in Poland. Because a lots of polish single mum are mum of another national but not polish. Why she should be so stupid to kill her own people?
