Eye in the sky well in space, its called officially as the international space station (ISI) and unofficially as the international space information station (ISIS). ISIS matron of nature and magic as well as listening to the prayers of the wealthy, aristocrats and rulers. She's the goddess of motherhood and fertility, maybe genome projects are being conducted on the space station ISIS ? Maybe not but what is certainly known is the U.S vision for 2020 space command (Feb 1997) the weaponisation of space. Yes not only has man almost corrupted the soil he wishes to corrupt the shield that protects us.
Vision 2020
Vision for 2020 is the U.S military report outlining the strategic objectives to be undertaken. by the defensive (double speak for offensive) measures. Pre-emptive measures is the key, no need to await authorisation from the biased U.N to approve or disprove offensive maneuvers, as long as you quote intelligence reports (claim national security to deny states requesting evidence). Weaponising space is terrible indictment for future generations, emerging third world nations such as India, China and Israel will only initiate new formidable arms races within their spheres of influence.
Below are a few quotes and images from the Vision 2020 space command report.

The increasing reliance of US military forces upon space power combined with the explosive proliferation of global space capabilities make a sapce vision essential. As stewards for military space, we must be prepared ti exploit the advantages of the space medium. This vision servers as a bridge in the evolution of military space int othe 21st century and is th standard by which United States Space Command and its Components will measure progress into the future. General Howell M. Estes III

US Space command--dominatiing the space dimension of military operations to protect US interest and investment. Integrating Space Forces into warfighting capabilities across the full spectrum.

“Joint Vision 2010 provides an operationally based template for the evolution of the Armed Forces for a challenging and uncertain future. It must become a benchmark for Service and Unified Command visions.” GEN John M. Shalikashvili, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (Brother of Georgian President ? Mikheil Saakashvili aka Cheque Cash Really !

Future Trends Section
The globalization of the world economy will also continue, with a widening between “haves” and “have-nots.”

Increased weapons, lethality and precision will lead to new op-erational doctrine.

Is ISIS used purely for investigation and research purposes or the expensive offensive spy satellite ? Could it be a key component as stated within the Vision 2020 report, acting as a space command centre to rival the Russian Soyuz-TMA ? I don't know what alien experiments or communications are being conducted in these environments, speculation is the only manifestation. Only time will tell and maybe some guardians will prevent this calamity from becoming reality.

Laser targeting Baghdad, Iraq (Feb 1997)
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