Why are we still debating this issue ? it seems playing for time is the only game in this debacle. If both sides really exhausted all avenues to peace in cooperation and deliberation we wouldn't see such escalation in devastation. The real issue with the Israeli and Palestinian affair is that their are silent partners involved, this situation is obviously convoluted. Especially when the interested parties have vested interests in the region either geopolitically or economically.
There are many reason why peace is the last thing on the mind of both the Israeli and Palestinian governments. Some of which will be discussed other alluded to as mere conspiracy theories or flights of fancy. One state fractured in two by views of a vile few is what they're trying to do, the ferocity of their bellicosity is due to the insularity and inequities of the authorities.
Reasons For Peace
- Because it's the right thing to do.
- Both peoples want peace only the politicians want it on their specific and individualistic terms.
- No more war, hate, fear and bigotry, enough is enough.
- Promote harmony and unity between the peoples of the region.
- Provide recognition as states by neighbours.
- Improve dialogue, acceptance, trade and partnerships in the region.
- Dissuade the purveyors of hate in the region.
- Unified state with both peoples having equal rights.
- Prevent escalation of violence affecting the citizens of the region.
- For the children of the present and tomorrow living without fear or prejudice.
- For the memories of the innocent people and their loved ones that they didn't die in vain.
- Prosperous future with immeasurable opportunities available to mankind.
- To hear the children of both peoples laughing, eating, dancing and singing together.
- End the tears and fears that have perpetuated endless cycles of hate and violence.
- Middle east designated as a peace zone, free of military weapons and armies with multilateralist approach as defined by a treaty.
- By relinquishing these armies Arab states can demonstrate to the world that they are committed to peace and prosperity, this would refocus the spotlight on the fanatical dinosaurs in the Israeli government.
- In doing so they must demonstrate their commitments to peace and no longer use excuses of victimization or the threat of annihilation.
- Final obstruction to peace is the remaining weapons of destruction in the region, especially Israels nuclear arsenal.
- Because either side is not willing to accept or compromise for peace.
- Because money and power are held by these politicians higher than the peace and prosperity.
- Dinosaurs on both sides aren't willing to sacrifice, compromise or acknowledge justified views of the other.
- Children and youths from each side can't be trusted to take the reins of power and compromise for the sake of peace.
- These children and youths may also fritter away lucrative opportunities such as the gravy train of expenses, and a job for life.
- Populations from both sides can't be relied to accept peace with their neighbours and share, due to generations of hate and fear.
- Peoples of these regions only understand subjugation for like sheep they'd be lost without the guidance of a shepard.
- Apartheid is acceptable for these peoples as they believe in their books what is written must be true and we must forsake peace.
- Reconciliation will only delude both peoples as they're so adamant in their beliefs, and in doing so will gladly die for them.
- The ADL would be deprived of so much opportunities to bash people for being anti-semitic even though the point raised is fair and is from a person of Semitic origin.
- Because i would have to relinquish my holiday homes and i can't afford to do that especially under the current global economic downturn.
- We don't have space for ourselves how can we accommodate them ? besides they enjoy living in their camps.
- They can't be trusted and therefore we'll forswear any avenues to peace.
- It's complicated and there are a myriad of factors that are so convoluted, and this is why it takes time.
- If innocent people die so be it because the ends justify the means.
n noun an Afro-Asiatic subfamily of languages that includes Hebrew, Arabic, and Aramaic and certain ancient languages such as Phoenician and Akkadian.
n adjective relating to these languages or their speakers.
I could lambaste both sides on their disregard for the sanctity of human life, and the countless innocent lives lost. However I'd like the points raised earlier for and against peace should suffice for they indicate the crux of the matter succinctly. The fallacious dogma of both peoples are like the pillars of their edifices, except they're reinforced by the bones of the innocent. As long as the peoples are willing to die for their beliefs so too will the shedding of innocent blood continue. Unfortunately the issue becomes convoluted due to the vested interests of the silent partners or bedfellows (United States, United Kingdom and Saudi Arabia).
Key that will set the middle east free is simple to thee, if only one could see what could be. Imagine 50 years into the future where Europe is one state (including Great Britain), North and South America are one, Africa another unified state, East Asia (From China to New Zealand) one state and what remains in the middle east. Yes, people have prevented the Arabian states from being one as they were prior to the fall of the ottoman empire, nevertheless the current climate cannot continue. Economic and geopolitical interests of third parties with longterm vested interest in the region have meddled in the affairs of the cursed oil rich states. Irrespective of this fact, diplomats of the region have failed to prevent conflicts from engulfing neigbouring states and tackle the concerns of their peoples. Economic and social factors to one side lets consider the potential for regional peace for future that will sow the seeds of cooperation, development and prosperity for generations. To achieve this peace some dramatic and rapid measures must be taken to break free from this realm of hell fire and brimstone, where fanatics roam.
- All middle eastern states (including Israel) form a unified state
- Israel given the role of defense, intelligence services for the region based in Qatar
- One foreign, economic, development, educational, reconciliation policies
- Separation of religion and state in the affairs of government
- Extreme parties are excluded from candidature as stated in the new constitution
- Just and factual histories of member states included within the curriculum of the union
- More effective reconciliation initiatives used throughout the region to promote cohesion, stability and prosperity by investing in the children today.
- Restructuring of governments, organisations and religious institutions.
- Reformation of social and political practices, focusing on accountability, legitimacy and equitability.
Yes the fanatical bigoted warhawks in the Israeli government, military and secret services are plagued by demons of the past, lost loved ones due to crimes that have gone unpunished. Even with this in mind somehow they've tried to justify the unjustifiably by subjugating an entire Palestinian population to (of which the majority are innocent) a concentration camp in subhuman conditions is a shame on the government(s), region and the United Nations. These misguided and influential few try to fill the void of the past with cycles of fear, anger and ignorance a state of mind the state at large has become a schizophrenic tormented by their own thoughts. Trying their utmost in transferring the void of the past that still resides in western Europe to the refugee camps in Palestine, thus justifying their deplorable actions as some perverse cathartic attempt to appease the demons that inhabit this void.
Furthermore a "process" means a system in which the end result is peace, unfortunately this process signifies the many middle men that form the chain within the process that insist their palms be filled with silver. Process is the term meaning wealth in territories, land, agriculture, security implications, water, vegetation, arable land etc all of which makes the "process" for peace even more convoluted. One state unified by both peoples as one and the law recognising both cultural and religious traditions equally. Maybe if either side had some of King Solomon's wisdom they'd not divide the baby in two but seek that which is true.
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