Could you honestly believe a state owned and controlled news broadcasting channel would remain outside the sphere of western influence ? Based in Qatar and with a member of the royal family as chairman of the organisation, Hamad bin Thamer interviews staff for employment. Once approved they follow the script like programmed androids wound up and let lose. United states has the largest military base in the middle east based in Qatar, Doha. You may recall this was the nerve center for the illegal invasion of Iraq in 2003 that initiated world war three. With no justification for U.S military presence to remain in Saudi Arabia since the military castration of Saddam Hussein. Realising their limitations due to the outstayed welcome and reason for existing the U.S army decided to move next door into Qatar. Since then and the launch of Aljazeera channel not a single reference or story relating to this alien presence and their negative impact in the region. With a new base of operations, imperialistic endeavors renewed in this new American century with the assistance of the bedouin viceroy's.
Purveyors of Strife
If you've watched Aljazeera the Arabic channel not the diluted lite English version, you'd notice the barrage of negativity. They perpetuate terrorising stories that are detrimental to the majority of innocent peoples of the region. An endless conflict that infects the East with tales of uprising, slaughter, fear, terror, death, destruction that have originated in 2003. People's of the region are subjected to a drip effect of hysteria by the insidious media. There is a continued effort to depopulate the region with endless strife and conflict, forcing people to relocate. In relocating this reveals further issues social, economic and geopolitical all consuming each other, meanwhile brother killing brother and the children's world are torn asunder.
Lambasted during its early days Aljazeera was regarded as a terror endorsing and promoting channel, broadcasting the evil tripe of Osama Bin Laden. Some people suggest this is harsh i for one disagree for they have continued to be the mouth piece of any and every lunatic fringe. They create martyrs of these ignorant religious fanatics and promote their propaganda on the airwaves. You can't expect positive stories to exist in the east when you have such a well organised propaganda machine like Aljazeera beamed into every home. If Aljazeera were so detrimental to the U.S and European imperialist strategies in the region they'd be closed down within a heartbeat. The channel is part of the campaign to not "win hearts and minds" but to "destroy hearts and minds" with fear and terror, that's why the remain for they serve a means to an end. Do you think the channel would continue to undermine the efforts of the U.S and its partners in the region meanwhile the largest U.S military base outside the United States would watch idly by ?
In my mind it's clear that the channel is an effective tool part of many means used to change the realities of individuals in the region. They're are forcing their hearts and minds to undertake drastic changes in mind and spirit with generations growing up to adore fear and terror. Like lambs to the slaughter they're nurtured with media to a new way of perception and their lives predetermined. How many generations will never experience peace and freedom with these despotic and servile viceroys to the west trying to contrive famine, pestilence, drought and conflict. These four horsemen of the apocalypse will one day be held accountable for their sins in this life or the next. The Human race are resilient and valiant, whatever efforts made by these pernicious and sanctimonious few will be in vain so forsake this game forthwith.
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