Films, books, essays and forums have discussed and still do the mysterious 2012, some people feel a sense of foreboding when discussing the topic. Fear of the unknown seems to energise the topic with countless theories proposed on the Internet. Discussing such subjects is cathartic and if we forsake them to the conjecture of weridos. Could this simple be another mass hysteria as with the millennium bug ? Maybe so however looking back in history may provide clues on how significant the times we're living. Heeding the words of our ancient ancestors is providential to say the least especially if their claims are supported by evidence.
9 steps to 2012

Mayan calendar, the 2012 movie on Youtube presents a myriad of viewpoints from many investigators. They instigate stimulating and enlightening debate by presenting facts with open minded theories (some of which i agree with), none of this gloom and doom. Ian Xel Lungold explains in great detail how the Mayan calendar functioned and its purpose. Astrology was part of Mayan society as with other ancient civilisations, with great precision they managed to calculate precession and predicted eclipses of the Sun. Recognising the unfortunate sacrificial rituals that were undertaken by a few tribes in the region, lets not discredited their wisdom within other areas. We shouldn't allow these negative aspects cloud our minds, they like many civilisations during the period possessed frailties. Evolution of consciousness, its acceleration over the ages "the quickening", until the Universal Co-creation period beginning Thursday February 10th 2011 (waxing moon) and until Monday 7th November 2011 (waxing moon).

As an intrepid fellow and i began to investigate any correlation between these dates and their astrological significance. Surprisingly so there were specific astrological influences that may affect these specific dates especially during the period and after. The Draco constellation (never sets) was a revered celestially by the Mayans and earlier Olmecs, both recognised it as the serpent. With this in mind i've noted these influences below. Serpents have heads and tails so does Draco, now lets talk about the Chinese understanding of the constellation. Within Chinese culture Draco was also revered even more as it revolved in the night sky, its head and tail represented dualistic aspects, for example the head promoted that which is positive and the tail the opposite. Karmically these representations in the form of the head and tail of the serpent (Draco constellation), dictated particular aspects of present consciousness (depending upon what constellation the head and tail were residing). You can find more detailed discussion from Dr Louis Turi within a book he wrote about the dragon head and tail, its astrological and karmic significance on the individual and consciousness.

Always keep an open mind and you will find the divine.
- Meteor collides with the Earth.
- Pole shifts literally North becomes South and vice versa.
- Aliens reveal themselves to the world during an event televised throughout the world.
- Unknown virus infects the human race which results in the deaths of millions.
- Nuclear war is initiated and nations radiated the Earth and atmosphere, extinguishing life.
- Nanobots invade the human genetic structure and destroys selective groups of the population.
- Biogenetic warfare begins with nations eliminating specific peoples of the world.
- New world order is instigated with nations within continents forming super states.
- Excessive increase in natural disasters including floods, droughts, cyclones etc.
- Increased weather war systems using seeding technologies to manipulate weather and damage state economies.
- New planet emerges and enters the solar system, therefore affecting the Earth.
- National governments use the awareness of UFO's and Alien's to deceive and manipulate the people by creating fictitious Alien threat against mankind.
- Mankind begins to experience a new level of consciousness and finally relinquish selfish ideals.
- All 64 DNA codes become operational instead of the presently enabled 20.
- Corporations alongside military establishments develop even more insidious methods of manipulating the human race (food, clothing and technology).
- Governments promote more draconian legislation to control and subdue legitimate people and protests.

Astrological Significance
Without doubt the ancient civilisations of Latin America possessed such advance mathematical and celestial knowledge, arguable the most advanced in the world (at the time). Epistemically the origins of this wisdom are unknown, irrespective of the biased westernised version of history (history is written by the invaders). That which is true and remains as evidence is the Mayan calendar the Tolkin knowledgeable facts are tau
On Thursday Feb 10th 2011 during a waxing moon period the date given by the Mayans for the beginning of the Universal Co-creation period. Three days later on the Sunday 13th February 2011 @ 17:50 GMT Draco (Serpent) tail will enter the constellation of Gemini (duality), and its head will enter the constellation Sagittarius (seer). My interpretation albeit unprofessional is that the Maya were aware of the astrological ramifications of this auspicious time, these celestial positioning may mean that literally the heavens will provide answers to that which was unknown.
Other astrological position on the 13th are as follows;
- Draco head enters the sign of Sagittarius.
- Draco tail enters the sign of Gemini.
- Moon in the sign of Gemini.
- Sun, Mars, Mercury and Neptune in the sign of Aquarius.
- Saturn in the sign Libra.
- Pluto and Venus in the sign of Capricorn.
- Uranus in the sign of Pisces.
- Jupiter in the sign of Aires.
Another interpretation of mine is on the Monday 7th November 2011 the following celestial arrangements are present;
- Draco head halfway through the sign of Sagittarius.
- Draco tail halfway through the sign of Gemini.
- Neptune in the sign of Aquarius.
- Moon & Uranus in the sign of Aires.
- Jupiter in the sign of Taurus.
- Mars in the sign of Leo.
- Saturn in the sign of Libra.
- Sun in the sign of Scorpio.
- Venus & Mercury in the sign of Sagittarius.
- Pluto in the sign of Capricorn.
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