Wednesday, 30 September 2009

Midweek Cheek No. 6 - Live Contrived, Location Falsification, Prerecorded and Distorted


Lately while watching Sky News and BBC News i noticed on a daily basis especially with Sky is that they have a split screen where they interview guests. Above the screen the location states "Live Westminister", "Live Canary Wharf", "Live Greater London" etc, with the backdrop being the same as the presenter/interviewer. If this wasn't enough to expose the fallacy of "Live" one of Sky news reporters could be seen clearly in the behind the guest in discussion with colleagues. Furthermore the interviewing voice of the presenter could be heard as she awaited a response to her question. Smoke and mirrors these news channels having professed the term location is unjust, and these measures of delusion promote confusion and that's their intention, so why ?

Live Contrived

Sometimes while watching the news especially international live broadcasts, how do you really know if it's live ? Unless there is a landmark clock such as Big Ben or something that can verify the time of broadcast then it's impossible. We assume the live international transmissions are live because we have no reason to doubt. Due to budgetary constraints and quality assurance measures that aim to reduce costs and maintain value, broadcasting organisations feel the need to cut corners. Some of these corners could possible be to mitigate potential unforseen issues that arise during international live recordings. News organisations such as the BBC state "Live in Baghdad" when they're really in the well secured green zone enclave, and the term live is dubious.

Location Falsification

Falsifying the location of guests or reporters especially those broadcasts conducted within the studio, (albeit in a different section of the studio) is becoming more prevalent. Could the desire to impress the naive viewers into thinking the enterprise is efficient and worthy be a reason ? I don't know, however people may misconstrue the misconception of the term live and the location. They may assume the term live meaning live, but actually it's the location that's either being prerecorded or recorded deliberately within the same studio. Money that's the crux of the matter and with the credit crunch expect more cost cutting measures of illusion to aid in your confusion.


Conniving management muppets will continue pull the wool over our eyes as long as we allow them. This grossly misleading term "Live in ?" will have an adverse affect on news being live and at the location stated. Self-opinionated, condescending, patronising and narcissistic presenters only exacerbate the issue for as actors they revel in the mirror.

Saturday, 26 September 2009

Egotistical Deluded and Lobotomised (EDL)


EDL (English Defence League) , implies that England is under threat the likes of which cannot be left for the intelligence services, army, navy, air force and police. What of England is being threatened ? The claim of the EDL is that they're "peacefully protesting against militant Islam", can you see the obvious freudian slip and incongruent terms used ? Well nobody in their right mind would state "violently protesting" because a protest in itself is peaceful, if it weren't peaceful it would be phrased as a riot or "rioting against militant Islam. Enough symantec's lets address the latter "militant Islam" to understand where this form of militancy originates you'd need to go to Saudi Arabia. There you'll find the most extreme variation of Islam being practised by the state "Wahabisim". Therefore the EDL should be protesting outside the Saudi embassy in London not the streets or towns of Birmingham, Manchester or Cardiff. This clearly demonstrates the lack of thought into understand the issue of radicalisation, it has many facets the result of which provided the impetus for 911, lets discuss.

Ignorant, feckless, workshy layabouts, failures in life whilst trying to justify their pityful existence and inadequacies by pursuit of fallacies, the devil makes use of idle hands.

School Bully

I'm astonished that Indians and Afro-caribbeans are active members of the EDL, fortunately this demonstrates common sense isn't common. Furthermore it demonstrates ignorance doesn't discriminate over ones skin pigmentation or location of birth. Trying to comprehend and empathise with these deluded individuals reminds me of the school playground. Maybe they were bullied in school by an Asian(s), you can hear them saying "don't hit me, hit him" and feel relieved that they're not subjected to the racist vitriol. Meanwhile the poor housing, education and healthcare within these sink estates that are riddled with drugs, antisocial behaviour and plastic police (community wardens) waddling along the streets continues. Councillors, politicians and bankers are enjoying their expenses and laughing at the £16k every man woman and child has to pay for the bail out. Greedy bankers are habitual gamblers and will continue to reward themselves with bonuses for the foreseeable future.

Haha i bankrupt the U.K, sold you lies and bailed out the bankers, public services expenditure curtailed, tax and vat going up !

Don't you dare reflect on the serious issues that affects everyone everyday and for generations to come, but blame a specific group in society. You can even burden them even further as the root cause of your own inadequacies and lack of achievements. Blame them for not raising your children adequately, for your loss of employment, for your abysmal marriage, for your loss of hair and beer belly. It's simple to place all of your life's ills at the door of the Muslims, far easier than trying to turn your life around, and do something constructive and productive in your life. You'd rather collect the jobseekers benefit than work and set an example to your children, that you are in control of your destiny and not a sheep in a silent herd. Yes sit on the dole, drink lager and piss your money away, meanwhile tax on booze and cigarettes goes up each year and your cereals full of tears.

Yeah we scumbags concealing our faces like the other extremists, because we're cowards (and i need my dole money..... shut up its not mean't to be funny).

Government love diversion tactics it keeps the people busy like sheep quarrelling amongst themselves, accusing and sniping one another. For as long as sections of society are alienated then the people will remain in disunity, therefore easy to manage and control. Divide and conquer works as a strategy for conquering nations and natives. Citizens need to address the real issues that affect us all, don't fall for the gutter press redtop newspapers manipulated by hidden hands. Condemning Muslims or any other section of society is illogical and reminiscent of the dark ages. Except in the minds of the EDL members everything was fine before the Muslims arrived in the U.K. Yes they believe there were no wars, no hate, no one ever grew old or died of any illness, it was paradise. First it was the many Jews escaping Nazi Germany, then it was the Irish during the troubles in Northern Ireland, then it was the Afro-Caribbean's migrating to the U.K and finally now it's the Muslims.

Let us acknowledge that because Great Britain is an island and that these native inhabitants fought many invading peoples in the past. This aggression to new arrivals is typically intrinsic quality of an island people. Repercussions of such behaviour affects us today unbeknownst to the peoples of this island, due to invading Saxons, Normans and Vikings in the past. Raping and pillaging hordes of barbarians still reverberates within the subconsciousness of the Britons. Recently the migrating Polish labour force has clearly once again demonstrated this behaviour, however the eastern Europeans are white and catholic so they alright.

Fear Mongers

Obstinate and obstreperous EDL members are failures and these obnoxious group epitomise the negative aspects of Great Britain. These ex-football hooligans and BNP lite supporters are imbeciles trying to condone their racist rhetoric, that eventually insights hate and violence against minorities. If it weren't the Muslims today they'd find another enemy, these emasculated males fail to recognise the amount of money invested in the U.K by Muslim states. Population shall we deal with facts and not the usually diatribe from the EDL/BNP, Muslim population within Britain as of April 2001 is 1.58 million in comparison to the 41 million Christians, source Census UK 2001. To expose the real truths we need to know why these neutered males feel the way they do.

Yeah we know who ate all the financial pies of the U.K, nevermind at least we have Netto and Lidl weekend savers.

The couples might be working (in most cases otherwise they couldn't afford SKY HD and the large telly) and in being career motivated and having to "keep up with the joneses" in this materialistic and capitalistic society of booms, busts and consumption, their children aren't loved, cared or nurtured adequately. Children are being to grow up quickly and without regard to their innocence, and the beginnings of dysfunction sprout its hideous roots. None of these parents truly love their children many feel as if they're an hindrance due to the circumstances under which they were conceived (one night stands, mistake, accident etc.). As a result of this it's no wonder the dogmatic approach of many Muslim families in an ordered family structure makes these EDL/BNP bigots green with envy. Maybe if they asked for assistance and learnt from the best methods used within these households they may turn back the tide of ignorance and hate. Child being brought up within these dysfunctional households and being reminded that they were a mistake, start early life with an inferiority complex that lasts a lifetime.

We didn't really hate the commies, besides that missile defence system well it was just a ploy.

Be that as it may EDL placards mirror that of the BNP stating "no more mosques ? no more sharia courts ?", firstly what the hell does arbitration process between two parties in order to resolve civil issues has to do with anyone other than them ? This court sanctioned by the government has the authority to rule over divorce, financial disputes and those involving domestic violence. Same process has existed for the people of the Jewish faith for many decades. As for the mosques if a dilapidated or closed church due to a dwindling congregation is sold to Muslims after approval by the church, council and local residents, then there is nothing further to say. Naive, ignorant and especially disillusioned youth are being manipulated once again to vent their frustration and release their hormones of sexual frustration towards the Muslims. Failing to recognise that the system itself has not alleviated their anxieties but only compound them due to deregulation of the banking system and continued conflicts abroad.

Meanwhile bankers enjoy their Christmas bonuses and selling the pension pots, nations gold reserves when gold was low not to mention Gordon Browns announcing the sale before it had taken place (reducing the value even further), don't blame the government for the euthanasia being conducted on a daily basis in our hospitals under the guise of MRSA, killing the elderly and vulnerable as a result of privatising the cleaning of hospitals, then the rail ways and bailing out bankrupt train firms with deficits of £5billion as the board take their bonuses and run it literally into the ground (failing to pay for redevelopment of the tracks), no don't blame the ministers, politicians, councillors, bankers, quango's, land owners, just be a serf and blame the Muslims its easy and simple too many mosques too many brown faces with weird clothes and speaking in foreign tongues.

Failures in Life

Asians, Muslims and blacks all fought shoulder to shoulder with the British against the fascists Nazis during world war 2 . They sacrificed themselves for the freedoms we enjoy today, these foreigners also helped rebuild Britain after the war as labourers in the steel mills, textiles, foundries and manufacturing processes. Sheffield, Midlands, Cardiff, Scotland and London all benefited by the influx of impetus that helped shape Britain today, into a multicultural rainbow nation in harmony. Today we have Asian and Muslim politicians, celebrities, newsreaders, writers, directors, actors, musicians, artists, cooks and many more in all manner of fields. Asian cuisine itself reshaped the Britons taste buds into a new world of spice and flavour Now curry has become the U.K national dish, evidence of this phenomena is along every high street. To the moronic buffoons don't forget Friday night is curry night you hypocritical wastes of semen. Maybe in the next life you'll return as an Asian and will see how it feels to be on the receiving end of hate and bigotry. Just because you were born on a piece of land called England does that define you ? I'm English ? Well I'm human then I'm male however even this is an illusion we are all spiritual beings with indestructible souls ever present and everlasting.

This synarchy is a mockery of democracy for all to see, the same hypnotic and illusionary words to delude the naive ignoramuses, it worked for Obama. As for "Change" what type of change do you mean ? Tory change ? no thanks.

Ready for Change Anagrams
  • Year For Change
  • Fear Or Hang
  • Fear Oh Anger
  • Fan Or Yah
  • Cheer Fog Yawn
  • Hear Fear Coy
  • Career Of Yah
Closed minds can't comprehend the incomprehensible for if we as a human race are to frequent the stars we need to emancipate ourselves from these labels of segregation. To deluded illusions of nationalism that are used as tools to empower the influential few by dividing and conquer the peoples of the world. We are all human beings with dreams and needs we did not choose to be born, or to be on a particular strip of land, or to be male or female, or to be born into wealth or poverty, or to be of a particular skin pigmentation, or to be disabled or mentally unstable, so what gives you stupid people from the EDL/BNP to tell me anything ? Why don't all you EDL/BNP members take a DNA test and lets all see from whence ye originated ? You won't do this because you are scared of the truth and if this truth was revealed your reality was self destruct, and so will your claims. Therefore you cannot allow this to be known for if the people of these people truly new their genetic origins they'd embrace the brown and black. Like moronic buffoons these caveman like to claim their territory by urinating and defecating in the street. Ugh ugh no one invade my land it's mine, this is me.... get a life the land was here before mankind and will be long after we are dust, why don't you imbeciles focus your energy on something profound instead of looking in the gutter, pissed like a nutter.

Don't Blame the Government

Never mind the drug infested street corners and the paedophiles being released early on good behaviour, never mind the prisons are bursting and meanwhile nutters are released on the street due to care in the community, never mind the non-domiciled rich in their tax havens while accept child benefit and have access to NHS healthcare in those affluent areas such as Chelsea, never mind them and the MP's children enjoying prestigious levels of education, healthcare and policing paid by the majority of poor people of the U.K. Never mind the life expectancy of these affluent areas is far greater than those in Edinburgh, Birmingham and Cardiff. Yes ignore all these real issues just blame the Muslims that live alongside you in those sink estates. Bladdered on cheap strong lager and spirits from Netto, Lidl and Aldi frolicking in the streets and being a nuisance to the community with your unmuzzled bitches and dreams of riches. Is this life being so asinine and antisocial ? Standing on street corners smoking skunk laced with crack and now you're hooked like a crook stealing junk and then ready to be booked into the cell full of hell. Running away from home whose is to blame ? it's the Muslims, the rich continued to get rich and the poor remained even poorer under Labour.

Yes i saved the rich retribution from the poor and yes i'll continue to haver and waiver until i'm bestowed with "quid pro quo" title in the lords.

Now the gory Tories are coming and they'll soon get you fuming and foaming at the mouth. Rich getting ever richer under a labour government and the poor ever poorer, what don't you understand ye of little faith, you're just a pawn in a rich man's game, they want you to understand the message. The message is clear for you to hear they want your obedience and comply to DIE, for there are too many scum breeding bigots around with no vision or aspirations just consumers and takers never giving always wanting. Large screen TV's, Skybox, pizzas and wii its all too much for them can't you see. This flawed model of society and faith has is beyond contempt it's failed you and your children and will continue to do so until you realise your place in this world. The place allocated to you by those that wills it, you have relinquished your power to these elites to control every aspect of your lives. Keep propping up the pyramidical structure with your backs at the bottom for at the pinnacle they will always determine your dreams and future because you allow it so, you're just another prick I mean brick in the wall.

Vocal Minorities

Adorning themselves with colourful football shirts, red and blue teams the bitter rivalries forever entwined in vengeance and disorder. Consequently because these sycophants utter the words Asian, do they even know the meaning of the word ? Asia isn't a religion it's a large geographical area, besides Asia is a big place with diverse peoples, countries, cultures, languages and beliefs. EDL members are so abhorrent in their demeanour with protuberant stomachs and shaved heads. They fail to comprehend the term Asian and its significance, instead of address the real issues in their own personal lives they prefer to spout their vile bile on the streets. Asians are of many hues and faiths, as with library books they're not segregated by the colour of their covers but by subject matter. So to the ignorant, become enlightened and come away from the dark learn about a subject before you sling your derogatory comments. Whether they're the EDL, BNP or Hisubtarrir these insignificant cantankerous minority groups are mirrors of each other. All of them contrived by hidden hands with ulterior and sinister motives that are detrimental to the majority of law abiding citizens. Some of the media cabal embellish these sycophants of ignorance even more by providing them many outlets to promote their ignorance and hostility.

We own you and we'll take whatever we want, your money, home, family, identity and freedom.

Political Moles

escaping the dole
climbing that pole
needing a role
is their goal
money they stole
taken its toll
just a mole
digging a hole

Instead of recognising the silent law abiding majority the media generalises them by promoting the minority fringes of society as spokespersons or representatives of the majority. Amjam chadiry's of this world is a perfect example of another narrow minded ignorant imbecile, part of another insignificant minority of deluded ignoramuses. Disparity between the law abiding and integrated majority of Muslims and these vocal minority of antisocial and insidious parasites in society is extremely significant. Extremism is in many sections of society sometimes seen above the surface like these groups, and sometimes below the surface which is difficult to prove and remove. Liminal steps undertaken by both the conservatives and labour parties is revealed by their determined attempts to smear the other with fallacious arguments. This provides a convenient shepherding distraction of the herd as they are continually misheard by their discredited shephards in public office. Meanwhile party aligned shock jocks proselytise themselves each morning as the read the scripted piffle within the red tops by the many tribes of scribes that write lies. Sycophantically they spout their vitriolic bile against as the victimised minorities in societies all the while, whilst they mock the deluded flock (useful tool to delude the fool, especially prior to upcoming elections besides it fills the airwaves and TV screens with piffling tosh, it's amazing what your dosh can do). Receiving the nod from the mod to plod and hurl their puerile words like a rod, such a facile claque. Shock jocks and tabloid hacks that revel in snorting crack, which sharpens their verbal attacks in an attempt to deflect public flak, oh what a hypocritical pack.

Brown will go down on schedule like a seesaw with a well coordinated RIGHT hook by the CONservatives.

British soldiers aren't given adequate equipment or support and when they're maimed they're given pittance while loved ones remain in hostiles. If that wasn't enough they return home with mental issues and are not support just dumped on the streets like beggars, drunks and addicts. Many of these naive youths within all these extreme groups of society are being exploited and manipulated by the hidden hands and the puppet masters. Food prices continue to rise every quarter, fuel remains over £1 a litre as protests outside parliament is curtailed due to anti-terror legislation. Groups of 3 or more people are now considered a risk to national security and are told to disperse as the ethos of prevention is pursued where one is assumed guilty. Goodbye magna carta, adieu impartiality adios liberty and all of this makes a mockery of democracy. Remember Tony Blair and his comments after 911 "we will not allow the terrorists to change our way of life", hypocrite you've created precisely the world the terrorists wanted.

Diversion, ignorance, fear and hate pervades the neglected recesses of society like a virus. From within these confines sprouts the preachers of intolerance and bigotry the likes of EDL, BNP and Hisbutahrir emanate. What mockery of democracy you've adopted these mental prisons for which you've accepted as the silent sheep are subdued and prepared for slaughter. Ignoramuses thrive and strive in causing racial tension between vulnerable groups in society. They've outlived any real and constructive purpose in life and now can only live to hate and create hostility instead of humility. Red the chosen colour of Labour signifying the sacrificial blood of the soldiers and proletariat ready to be give themselves to the "cause(s)" put forward by the elite. Blue the colour of the aristocracy and their illegitimate minions that form the basis of the mandarins and political/economic families, blue blooded and divine. Yellow the bile within the body a necessary but unpleasant condition of the current process albeit in adherence with the other two.

Another scaremonger promoting ignorance and strife in life, his retort is with the full support of hidden hands that have many demands.

Anjam Chadury is given full access to the media to promote his insignificant, deluded and extreme ideology, why doesn't he go to Saudi Arabia. Why does he continue to lambast Britain and its diverse culture ? Unless he's being permitted to do so by those that know, maybe he's the shepherd of the disaffected and radical youths corralling them like herds so the security services can monitor. What's clear is he's no Muslim because his wahabist ideology originates in Saudi Arabia that land of fanatical bedouins. He's methods are clearly counterproductive to his faith, its followers and the majority of law abiding Muslims in Britain. As agent provocateurs these meddlesome instigators of discord are like a pipers playing whatever tune to entice the ignorant, deluded and hate infested souls. They disregard the cohesive society we have today because that's not their game plan, for they won't address the real issues that affect us all at the local level. No they'll try and divert attentions to global issues in which they have no way of affecting for they aren't diplomats or reasonable people to discuss matters amicably as their intentions and previous examples clearly demonstrate.

Wahabi clerics like these are instigators of ignorance that mirror the EDL both are delusional and misguided fools lost in a quagmire of their own deception.


You can't fight fire with fire so the anti fascist protesting against the EDL only exacerbate the situation. By providing them more impetus that perpetuates messages of ignorance and hostility even further than before. If there were a debated between all these preachers of hate, televised nationwide on a daily basis over a period of time, the people of this land would see their true colours. No longer will they be able to hide behind tabloids or news snippets encapsulating their ignorance and hate within a minute or two. Now we'll see them for what they are for in live televised studio with an audience over an hour long session over a week, they'd be unmasked. All the media would no longer need to return to these ignoramuses for sound bites to fill an empty portion of the page or news, deflecting attention from the real issues of the day. Within a televised forum these houses of cards will crumble when the air of truth goes through their hollowness centres. You define a purpose by their words, expression and actions these EDL (egotistical deluded and lobotomised) , Second and third generations will not tolerate racism and abuse that was tolerated by their fathers. As equal citizens they demand to be treated as human beings not victimised or used as a scapegoat for the ills that blight this land.

That's what we think of the uninitiated, zero...nothing, not only has he broke his covenant with party and the people but with god (alas karma will demand payment in this life or the next, you can't escape Saturn).

Trying to convince these EDL members is futile, they will not listen to reason because of their ignorant, narrow minded and hateful hearts. Lets discuss the foreign policy of the United Kingdom prior September 11th 2001 the U.K wasn't a target for terror by the fanatical bigots from Saudi Arabia. Since the coalition of the willing and George Bush's comments "crusade" the nutjobs in Saudi have been willing to die for their perverted beliefs. Because Saudi Arabia being an influential customer of the United Kingdom of which trade over the next two decades will amount in the trillions of dollars, don't expect them to be targeted in the war on terror. Yes lets ignore the fact that the salafis aka wahabis sect of Sunni Muslims is the most perverted and extreme theological brand of Islam. Lets ignore that nearly all of the 911 hijackers were of Saudi origin, lets ignore the facts that many of these nutters are being sent to Afghanistan and Iraq and the root of terror in Alqaeda. We can't continue to ignore these glaring facts, because its business and money helps prop up the falling economy, currency and secures employment. If Saudi Arabia weren't such a good customer and their main export were pasticcio nuts or dates, we'd have obliterated them long ago.

Get ya burka lad's the boys are back in town, thanks for the cannon fodder Gordon and CIA for your unwavering support in Afghan narcotics (rather ironic over there they wear poppies that are pinned to remember dead soldiers, whilst here your soldiers are dying for the poppy production as supported by the western opiate pharmaceutical industry).

We make these enemies like manufactured dolls on a production line, CIA supported and armed the Mujahadeen with financial assistance from the Saudi's. The Saudi's even provided the enthusiastic Osama bin Laden to manage the project after which he outlived his purpose and a new bogeyman was created. Since these Mujahadeen returned to the native lands they probably considered toppling their despotic rulers, oh we can't have that these despots are our best customers. So a new term was phrased the Taliban "students" ironically the troops initially sent to destroy them will eventually aid them. Now the coalition wishes to help the taliban be part of the democratic process, how absurd. As for Alqadea the name refers to "database" which was listed the members of the Mujahadeen on the CIA payroll. Talking about database don't forget the missing child benefit database of 25 million individuals and 7.25 million families. Not to mention the thousands of NHS patient records stored on computers that were unrecoverable after being dumped in skips. Nevertheless don't blame the minority of unscrupulous and ignominious civil servants, politicians, councillors, bankers and public sector workers that have brought about this recession.

It's all part of this grand plan to manipulate and subjugate the peoples of this world, into thinking and doing exactly what the perverted gardeners aim to do. The ends justify the means. If these groups aren't confronted and exposed for what they truly are then the stability and cohesive society in which we all enjoy will be in jeopardy. If the authorities really care about the well being of our society it should investigate and bring to justice these infectious and pernicious groups. Instead of them being given unfettered access to the city centres in order to create chaos, confusions and delusions that are merely illusions. If the real histories of the ethnic minorities contributions to civilisation and societies were taught in schools as part of the curriculum, maybe then we'd see more decorum and less vitriolum on our streets. Nevertheless we'd still have ignoramuses like the EDL victimising minorities in order to mitigate their insecurities. Feckless workshy layabouts accepting their uselessness, their insignificance, the incontrovertible lack of engagement to improve society and mankind. How can we expect these people to benefit society when they can't even helpful to their children, they merely see them as cash cows. Incompetence of the government and dire opposition are allowed the BNP to grow in sink estates with white majorities. Not long now before these dinosaurs are erased from our memories and banished to the gutters of history like the miseries they are. Just useless beings living in a useless time manipulated by useless people for useless aims.

Ipsos-mori ploy is another convieneint method used to delude the fool into accepting the unacceptable. Indeed these statistics are so manipulative that depending upon the demographics, questions, time and the amount of people you ask can determine the intended outcome you seek. Furthermore a glaring anomally is the knight of the British empire and lieutenant Sir Sir Robert Milton Worcester, KBE, DL and from working for the Opinion Research Corporation in the U.S to creating Market & Opinion Research International in the U.K a joint venture between ORC and National Opinion Polls. If you can't recognise this farcical and insidious attempt to mislead you into believing the pulse of the nation or the majority of the heard is going in a particular direction (which is precisely the opposite of the reality of the situation) then you can vote for the same blue or red tie wearing twat, just like those before you baaa baaaaa.

Preaching from his pulpit the fanatical Brown in his false gown continues to frown like a firebrand cleric.

Keep working, paying taxes, living in squalor and eating into your life savings, its your duty sheep, keep propping up the pyramid. We help the rich to CONserve their reserves and the plebs to know their place in society and stay there. We CONsume your health and wealth by stealth.

Baa, baa the sheep will always be manipulated with hypnotic words to entice the mice as the pied piper leads them by their hearts and minds with words of hope and change. Party scribes write spin and they are the masters of illusion as these erudite cabal weave and deceive the public. How they write to mock and subdue the deluded flock with extraneous stupefaction, yes they wish to play upon your emotions to divert your attention from the failed policies with rhetorical guff. Perceive the ways they deceive unless yee grieve for the unlamented and demented. Factions in society are consumed by their devotion to facile tabloids with truth destroyed, in the commotion they manipulate their emotion resulting in a knee jerk reaction, resulting in a convenient detraction and it helps quell any insurrection to the camarillas satisfaction.

Think of economic environment in 1997 as a clear spring day the Sun was shinning in support (and the glowing orb in the sky) as the surfer (Tony Blair) rode the wave of boom. His board symbolised his word, as long as he remained true and just he was kept afloat in perfect equilibrium using his w0rd to pave real change thats fair for all. Surfers need to ride the optimum wave and pursue it relentlessly whilst selecting the most opportune moment progressing from still through to choppy waters. An attempt of man to for a brief moment to experience the ride of the tide, possible the thrill of the race and a form of behaviorally control of nature. As with Labour they rode the economic boom times and instead of looking at the path before them and identifying the potential hazards such as rocks, change in surf, wind direction and other obstacles from the sides they ignored calls for proper regulation. Meanwhile as the surfer (Labour) was bellowing egoistical remarks of self aggrandizement with comments of "no more boom and bust" they failed to see the impending doom as the surfer became consumed by the illusionary boom.

Now the surfer (British Economy) is fallen from the crest of the wave during that gloriously sunny spring day, and now is drowning as he falls ever deeper into the abyss towards the seabed with fears of dread as the broken surfboard floats past his head. Failing to resolve the issues of inequality, unemployment, education, health, crime, deprivation then when the money was available has aggravated them to an acute status. Complacent politicians once again playing the same game of fame with the words "5 more years", yes go on trust the charismatic sharp suited grinning goat on your doorstep by giving them your vote......... go on vote the goat. Whatever happens in May the people will remain in davy jones locker for at least a generation straddled with debt.... and thats a bet...... Thanks Labour !

Indeed the revolution will not be televised as told by Public Enemy, don't expect any real change because whether the conservatives or labour win the next election the status quo will remain. Change is a powerful word meaning many things to everyone, if we want real change then how about a new electoral system.... proportional representation where the votes equal seats. This was precisely what the late great Mike Dicken was saying about how the current political framework is outdated and unjust. Either a new party was needed to provide a real change in comparison to the three stooges blues, reds and yellows or the system itself needed to be changed. The final "get out of jail free" card is still available to the camarilla for the polls will conceive and deceive the people into believing and accepting a hung parliament, as they remain life will still be the same.

Sunday, 20 September 2009

Zombie Apocalypse


Films, books and video games have entertained the zombie apocalypse scenario, lets entertain a conspiracy theory. Over the decades the frequency of zombie genre has increased significantly and especially in the last five years. Today there are many global issues such as global warming (aka climate change), swine flu, bird flu and the self inflicted western recession. Whether natural or man made these matters whatever transpires we'll have little affect on the outcome. Consider a virus manipulated to attack particular sections of society such as the vulnerable infirm and susceptible newborns. Many conspiracy theories are widespread online and some refer to sinister motives, population reduction could this be true ? I don't know and all this zombie politics is driving me madddddddd.

  • Night of the Living Dead (1968)
  • Dawn of the Dead (1978)
  • Day of the Dead (1985)
  • Land of the Dead (2005)
  • Diary of the Dead (2008)
  • Zombi 2 (1979
  • 28 Days Later (2002
  • 28 Weeks Later (2007)
  • Undead (2003)
  • Dawn of the Dead (2004
  • The Zombie Diaries (2006)
  • Fido (2006)
  • Resident Evil: Extinction (2007)
  • Planet Terror (2007)
  • Colin (2008)
  • Zombieland (2009)
Many more here.

Video Games
  • Dead Rising (2006)
  • The Last Guy (2008)
  • Left 4 Dead (2008)
  • Left 4 Dead 2 (2009)
  • Zombie Apocalypse (2009)
  • OneChanbara Bikini Samurai Squad (2009)
Many more here.


Think about these systematic methods used to deliver a unified message to the intended audience, an apocalyptic vision of the future. Such grooming methods seem to establish specific intentional ideas within the subjects, and in doing so accept the inevitable. As the daylight decreases day by day and the inflicted kiss of death diminishes the Suns power now is the hour. Whether forthcoming or not we can speculate and not spifflicate the matter entirely, until the occurrence of such an event, if any.

Thursday, 17 September 2009

Brothers Separated by Others


North and south brothers separated by the aspirations of others, with the U.S manipulating the south and the Chinese controlling the north, I can't see peace insight. Consider the ramifications if the brothers were to unite under one flag a contiguous state, would the Chinese allow the Americans to have potential access along its border ? outside its backyard ? Imagine the potential havoc the American military industrial complex could do, echoes of the fragmenting USSR come to mind. Another approach is to outlaw Chinese and U.S involvement within the new state unfortunately this is unrealistic and impractical for many reasons. The south is drenched in capitalism and the north in communism how can these brothers forsake their pasts and unite as one in a new state, will it be communist, capitalist or a combinations of the two ?

Echoes of the Past

So many factors need to be addressed before unification as things may seem well in theory however in practice much different. Both the Chinese and united states have vested interests in Korea be they geopolitical or economical. They can't afford to relinquish their control over either brother. Korea has remained divided due to a stalemate between the two opposing forces, meanwhile the Chinese have bases in the north and the Americans likewise in the south. Is this the fate since 1948 ?

Separated at birth and now by earth.

Echoes of a split German nation remind me of Korea the affluent west supported by the western powers and the poor Stasi controlled east behind the iron curtain. As the passage of eastern Berlin citizens crossing into the western side in 1989, the brothers were united once again. No longer were they separated by the means of others, however the paradigm shift for eastern Berliners was unprecedented. Entering a world full of tantalising products available satisfying the customers consuming habit, they'd could never forget it. Fighting over the remaining potatoes in stores managed by a communist member is all they remember. Trying to adapt in a world that was so alien to them brought many challenges and issues that would take generations to resolve.


Unification of Korea may never come to fruition when considering the many facets of unknown, unknowns. Gradual process is needed to unify the brothers in stages by agreeing to move the Korean demilitarized zone (DMZ) back 10 miles each year. In doing so inhabitants are to be given new documentations recognising a unified Korean state. After several years the process will result in the elimination of the two political and idealogical spheres into one unified reality. Bringing about a new era in Korea with the influence from others to never again separate the brothers.

Wednesday, 16 September 2009

Midweek Cheek - No. 5 Fake Frown Chris Brown


We've seen the fake frown of Chris Brown in court while he awaits the decision from the judge. He beat his wife Rihanna face until it was black and blue and a photograph of her injuries is available online. Some people suggest she may have deserved it, i don't yes she seems at first glance rather egotistical but that's the archetypal celebrity. Corporate whores with vacuous personalities which pervades their deluded realities and full of banalities. Be that as it may Chris has anger issues, what could they be ? Hidden childhood demons or simply envy of his partners success that in his eyes undermines his manhood ? I don't know however shall we ponder these intriguing synopses.

Can't you see my frown I'm Chris Brown.

  • Chris Brown is a homosexual and Rihanna realised this when he wouldn't consummate the marriage ?
  • Chris Brown was angered by the illusion of celebrity because his wife surpassed him as a corporatised whore "singer" ?
  • Chris Brown record sales were diminishing and tried to revitalise his career and persona by emulating the rappers "bad boy" imagine, by doing something bad ?
  • Two young people foolishly thought they could commit to one another within an environment of sex, lies and egos ?
  • Both were strained by their corporation paymasters commitments that resulted in no time for one another ?
  • Ploy to rejuvenate their careers and create publicity to sell more records ?
  • Chris Brown was manipulated by unseen forces in order to divert attention from current affairs in the media ?

Come on can't we hurry this up, i wanna go pee.


Although their is no proof to support any of these alleged allegations I'd choose the first point. Call it intuition because if you respect and love someone, enough to marry them the last thing you'd do is hurt them.

Tuesday, 15 September 2009

Ta-ta Qatar and Seeya Aljazeera


Could you honestly believe a state owned and controlled news broadcasting channel would remain outside the sphere of western influence ? Based in Qatar and with a member of the royal family as chairman of the organisation, Hamad bin Thamer interviews staff for employment. Once approved they follow the script like programmed androids wound up and let lose. United states has the largest military base in the middle east based in Qatar, Doha. You may recall this was the nerve center for the illegal invasion of Iraq in 2003 that initiated world war three. With no justification for U.S military presence to remain in Saudi Arabia since the military castration of Saddam Hussein. Realising their limitations due to the outstayed welcome and reason for existing the U.S army decided to move next door into Qatar. Since then and the launch of Aljazeera channel not a single reference or story relating to this alien presence and their negative impact in the region. With a new base of operations, imperialistic endeavors renewed in this new American century with the assistance of the bedouin viceroy's.

Purveyors of Strife

If you've watched Aljazeera the Arabic channel not the diluted lite English version, you'd notice the barrage of negativity. They perpetuate terrorising stories that are detrimental to the majority of innocent peoples of the region. An endless conflict that infects the East with tales of uprising, slaughter, fear, terror, death, destruction that have originated in 2003. People's of the region are subjected to a drip effect of hysteria by the insidious media. There is a continued effort to depopulate the region with endless strife and conflict, forcing people to relocate. In relocating this reveals further issues social, economic and geopolitical all consuming each other, meanwhile brother killing brother and the children's world are torn asunder.

Lambasted during its early days Aljazeera was regarded as a terror endorsing and promoting channel, broadcasting the evil tripe of Osama Bin Laden. Some people suggest this is harsh i for one disagree for they have continued to be the mouth piece of any and every lunatic fringe. They create martyrs of these ignorant religious fanatics and promote their propaganda on the airwaves. You can't expect positive stories to exist in the east when you have such a well organised propaganda machine like Aljazeera beamed into every home. If Aljazeera were so detrimental to the U.S and European imperialist strategies in the region they'd be closed down within a heartbeat. The channel is part of the campaign to not "win hearts and minds" but to "destroy hearts and minds" with fear and terror, that's why the remain for they serve a means to an end. Do you think the channel would continue to undermine the efforts of the U.S and its partners in the region meanwhile the largest U.S military base outside the United States would watch idly by ?


In my mind it's clear that the channel is an effective tool part of many means used to change the realities of individuals in the region. They're are forcing their hearts and minds to undertake drastic changes in mind and spirit with generations growing up to adore fear and terror. Like lambs to the slaughter they're nurtured with media to a new way of perception and their lives predetermined. How many generations will never experience peace and freedom with these despotic and servile viceroys to the west trying to contrive famine, pestilence, drought and conflict. These four horsemen of the apocalypse will one day be held accountable for their sins in this life or the next. The Human race are resilient and valiant, whatever efforts made by these pernicious and sanctimonious few will be in vain so forsake this game forthwith.

Monday, 14 September 2009

Jaded and Decadent Bedouin


With all their wealth propping up the western stock markets and corporations of destructive nations, the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) this includes Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, are a jaded and decadent. Be that as it may the rapaciousness of these states is ever present, especially when you consider the labour force. Indian's, Pakistani's, Bengali's, Chinese, Afghani's are the backbones of these nations. They are the hammer and chisel, the tools of the nation for which it relies upon for prosperity in assisting the developers to transform the natures landscape into real estate.

Serfdom in a Tribal Fiefdom

The builder respects and protects his tools for without them he'd be confined to the smoldering wastes of the dunes. Battling the extreme temperatures of night and day to foray for sustenance in pitiful existence. Instead of welcoming, recognising, appreciating and rewarding these courageous souls they're shown impertinence, petulance and jingoistic behaviour by the bellicose natives. To treat these contributors of wealth, prosperity and daily functionality of the nation with such disdain infuriates the brain. These once nomadic tribes existing from one watering hole to another meanwhile slaughtering pilgrims to the holy land for their food, water and goods. These barbarians of the east resemble their place for within they're as deserted (in mind, body and spirit) as the sand covered dunes.

Now for generations the toll of decadence has affected the physical well being of the natives, obesity is rampant in young and old. Lifestyle of a nation of sloths moving from air conditioned home to air conditioned vehicle to air conditioned restaurant is too prevalent. Gulf states are merely a continuous line of malls separated by national demarcations, similar to the boundaries of stores on a street. Each corporation has its store (state) and these bloated moribund sloths are degenerating with each generation on this course to oblivion. Their only saviour are these immigrants for without them their demise would be imminent.


To sustain these superfluous nomadic families, their offspring and natives in luxury for eternity the wealth must remain in their possession. In doing so the wealth will remain with in the banks of western corporations used to support the bankrupt economies and corporations for generations. Enjoy the BigMac and Kentucky fried chicken, as the indigenous populations continue to remain indolent and bloated in their attitudes to life. Meanwhile the ever present slave labour continues in these nomadic states, for these dynastic bedouins have never worked and neither will they work, only consume like the spendthrifts they are. The bedouin has no home and only roams from water hole to water hole for that is their role. You can't expect a bedouin to sympathise with an immigrant, for a bedouin can't and will not comprehend home or place for he has none, always moving like the granules of sands blown by the wind.

Why work we appoint managers, CEO's to roles in the traditional nepotistic methods used for generations within corporations. Our children need jobs not jobs in the sense of committing ones time and effort in duties of responsibility, but a mere title of preference. This preferential approach is part of business in the gulf, bribes for the tribes is contrived and it what drives and divides their soul deprived minds. Western corporations are these bedouins masters for they have freed them from their timeless bondage to the sands of time. now with their oil wealth they can fritter away and not think of the day. Visit our whores, buy our cars and drink in our bars don't think just consume in our malls. These elites feel they're chosen by a divine order to rule over the sheep and steer them to whatever ends by whatever means for the greater good.

In order to rectify this unjust situation in the gulf and prevent any insurrection they should nationalise citizens that have worked for over fifteen years. This would demonstrate the commitment shown by these courageous mean and women in developing a future, a new vision without division. If you don't know the value of things and what it brings then like the bedouin you'll be blinded and misguided by the deeds of the avaricious. That reminds me of the playboy prince and the whore from Minsk, but thats another story.

Saturday, 12 September 2009

Star Wars Blu-ray Delay


Why is there such a delay with Star Wars Blu-ray ? this question has vexed many sci-fi connoisseurs. I'd like to propose a theory of which includes incompetence, greed and feasibility, lets begin with a few below.


George Lucas and his team may have failed to strategise a system that will enable the Star Wars series being revitalised into HD (high definition). Difficult to prove without having working within the organisation and whether high levels of bureaucracy reside. Where you find bureaucracy you'll find incompetence in its shadow. Pyramidal organisational structures inherit various degrees of incompetence whether private or public sectors, with the latter being more prevalent naturally.


$4,279,632,749 thats four billion dollars +

Star Wars: The Clone Wars
August 15, 2008
$35,161,554 U.S
$33,121,290 Foreign
$68,282,844 Total


Consider the amount of resources it would require to transfer the previously remastered DVD format into Blu-Ray. Time, money, equipment and professionals is needed to devote years of dedication into producing a product worthy of the Blu-ray title. This is the realpolitik behind the reason why George Lucas won't affirm his decision, the practicalities of the situation is like an ominous cloud of thunder over his head. He can't commit himself to the needs of the expectant fans, no he'd rather use the excuse of poor technology not his methodology. George probably realised that even with the yearly advancements in technology, it won't improve the already remastered star wars series.


Maybe he's waiting for revenue from the clone wars to emulate that of the previous titles ? I don't know however claiming that the present technology (Blu-ray) is slightly better than the previous DVD releases is preposterous. Excuses excuses is all he uses when will George just tell the truth ? he's no politician so i don't expect a politician's answer. With all those billions in banks, George should consider the fans unlike sheep will weep if you don't keep to the truth.

German Bombers Echoes of WW2


Everything seems alles klar to Mutti as smiles vacuously while swaggering pretentiously in the corridors of the Bundestag, and can someone remind me the last chancellor of Germany that sent bombers (now drones) to bomb homes ? Except this time the orders are from a unified Europe of many Christian nations, one of many visions of the infamous and despicable Adolf Hitler. Religion another blight on humanity that can only exacerbate our insanity of this deluded reality. Whatever next, the Japanese ordered by the United States to kamikaze Afghan homes in the mountainous regions with armies of drones ?

Kunduz, Afghanistan destroyed tanker, large hole.

Blitz, London terrorised innocent civilians contemplate.

History will repeat itself like a fractal of life, the more you ignore the pattern the likelihood of events repeating themselves. Angela Merkel the mother of the nation the term is similar to the previous father of the nation, except this time instead being the embodiment of nurture, love and care for the people she nurtures, loves and cares for the corporations, and the military industrial complex of other nations.

Saved child during Blitz in London.

Survived and maimed Afghan civilian.

Yes the troops march in their vanguard like a herd of rams serving their lord Mars, while their shepard Mutti c00rdinates the rams and sheep. Corporate fascism is the new look and like the fasces the bundle of Christian nations and the axe of Rome, will continue to plunder the nations of brown faces.

Echoes of history as the west looked on while the genocide of millions of innocent Jews continued.

Memorandums of Understanding

Over 100 Afghans killed with around 70 civilians was a result of a German colonel breaching procedures and overstepped his authority, stated within a leaked NATO report. Two fuel tankers remained stuck in the sand and didn't pose any significant threat, however Col Klein assumed they'd may be used as truck bombs. Pre-emptive strikes is the future no law or order just the mere assumption of the judge, jury and executioner will suffice, exported from the fascist Israeli military to the U.S and no Europe. Could Col Klein have be sympathetic to the methods used by his genealogical brothers in the paranoid, schizophrenic, corporate fascistic and apartheid society of Israel ? or merely a Mossad agent he is only reflecting the behaviour and morales of those around him ? i don't know.

Naive, gullible German Sol..diers (youths) sacrifice themselves like ceremonial rams at the altar of Lord of War, Mars. “He alone, who owns the youth, gains the future.” Adolf Hitler.

What is clear is he acted illegally and while accusations from leaked reports blaming Col Klein litter the news what does Mutti say ? did she remain silent and await the report no she hit out like a child caught with her hand in the cookie jar. She didn't want to listen to prejudged statements from so called prejudged leaked NATO report, because he didn't act alone and they wont condone his actions. If he acted alone then he'd be thrown but he remains because of his iniquitous actions are supported by paymasters. Merkel lambasted the media with her the quote "I won't tolerate that either here at home or abroad," just like the fuhrer, next with the endorsement from Rome she'll make them persona non grata and excommunicated (from all of life's trinkets and baubles).

Klein Name Origins

in the eyes of Merkel, Klein is beyond reproach, because the ends justify the means.

(Definition: A descriptive surname often bestowed on someone of short or petite stature, from the German "klein" or Yiddish "kleyn," meaning little.

Surname Origin: German, Jewish

Alternate Surname Spellings: CLEIN, KLINE

History Repeats - Patterns in Quotes

“Any alliance whose purpose is not the intention to wage war is senseless and useless.”
Adolf Hitler , NATO true to form.

“As a Christian I have no duty to allow myself to be cheated, but I have the duty to be a fighter for truth and justice”
Adolf Hitler quote

" The mission in Afghanistan is our reaction to terror"
Angela Merkel

You can't fight terror with terror for violence will beget violence, silly woman.

" I view the shift as a hopeful signal for overcoming difficulties with Russia when it comes to a uniform strategy to combat the threat of Iran together" Angela Merkel

Nothing like a corporate war whore ! Who said mutti can't be a slayer of innocents, because the ends justify the means, just don't ask me or any of my fellows to fight in the front lines. That is why we have cannon fodder, the sheep and rams to do our bidding for they need direction and a reason for living.... our reasons.

" We stand alongside Israel against the Iranian threat. However, I reject any analogy between the two things" Angela Merkel

Corporate fascist machine is ever searching for an enemy so they can plunder the souls and minds of a nation with product, our products. The marriage of the military industrial complex and the elite families is the union of future governance. You are defined as an enemy and we will repeat this until it is accepted as truth, in unison we will chant this propaganda. To condemn a people for the ravings of a madman, is systematic of western leadership behaviour, unfortunately this form of collective punishment works as history is evidence. Our sheep and rams versus their sheep and rams the sheep being the people and the rams being the soldiers.

Like our forefathers we'll gladly serve our masters, we don't think therefore we shan't exist.

German Bombers (Drones) Fly and Bomb Again

German colonel 'breached procedure' The Independent
Germany asks NATO allies to stay silent on Afghanistan airstrike Deutsch Welle
Rift widens between US and Germany over botched Afghanistan air strike The Guardian

1933 * The National Government will regard it as its first and foremost duty to revive in the nation the spirit of unity and cooperation. It will preserve and defend those basic principles on which our nation has been built. It regards Christianity as the foundation of our national morality, and the family as the basis of national life.
o proclamation to the German nation at Berlin, 1 February 1933 Adolf Hitler

Soldier meaning Sol and dier


Definition from Wiktionary, a free dictionary



dier n. (plural dieren, diminutive diertje, diminutive plural diertjes)

1. animal

Sol = Sun
dier = Animal
Sol + dier = Sun Animal

Sun animal, an animal of the sun needing guidance like a sheep or ram herd the cattle into groups of division to divide and conquer them after which you can use and slaughter them for your own means and ends.

you will obey our vision of your future.


Hitler would be so proud of the United States, Europe, Germany and Angela Merkel his vision is becoming a reality as a soldier of Rome. Marriage of fascism, corporations, socialistic values and perverted view of Christianity where white might is right therefore we'll fight like a blight everything in sight. We need to justify the existence of our corporations of our elite families of our military industrial complex of our reason for being by destroying the living. world war three began in 2003. Endless war chasing shadows and illusions bringing confusions, order out of chaos. They think about the blonde and blue eyed as if they're the only ones that died.

Thursday, 10 September 2009

Kraft a Life Raft or Should Cadbury Worry ?


Should Cadbury worry about the hostile takeover attempts by Kraft ? That depends upon whether Cadbury's are affected by the recession (aka depression or double speak credit crunch), i doubt as their balance sheet seems fine. In today's world corporations have rapaciously consumed emerging competitors in order to sustain their dominancy. As globalisation becomes ever more prevalent and evermore invasive in our daily lives these behemoths will merge. This merger will create super corporations and will monopolise every service sector and aspects of life from cradle to grave. One only needs to investigate Kraft influential significance within it's subsidiaries in many nations, these tentacles grasps at every branch of society.


Progressives would say this is evolutionary and that you can't hide in today's globalised world, besides as a plc it's susceptible to takeovers. Imagine what the quaker John Cadbury would think of his beloved family business today, being subject to the continued barrage of salvoes from capitalist pirates of the globalised seas. Nevertheless the increased share price has mesmerised shareholders, as they salivate and elucidate their intentions are expressed vividly upon their eager faces.


As a visitor to the Cadbury chocolate factory many years ago i marveled at the processes in creating such a tantalising product. Within the store there is a wide array of products some exotic and others exclusive to the factory and international markets. Once in possession of the unobtainable products you can enjoy the tastes and sounds of how chocolate was made and how it is today. Can we expect jobs to be lost and production relocated to eastern Europe ? Unfortunately this is the price to pay for the takeovers as is the case with HP the manufacturers of the renowned brown sauce. Another British manufacturer forsworn their responsibilities and obligation to its stakeholders the workers and the customers. I fear the inevitable takeover will over time undermine the quality of Cadbury products, we all know what American chocolate taste like.


Don't expect government intervention especially during these engineered global financial crises that will remain with us for years to come. Labour continues to implement cost effective measures in reducing the public purse, some resemble car boot sales. Bargain basement offers for the profitable sections of RBS, Lloyds TSB, Norther Rock and now Student Loans. Meanwhile the likes of Tesco, Virgin, Barclays and HSBC will enjoy continued profits as a result of our bailout. Nevermind the herd will continue to baaaa like sheep and baaaaail the shephards as they prod us into line with their police dogs and totalitarian fines, just another corporate manifestation. Paving the way for a new dawn of the CONservatives to conserve and preserve their reserves. Ponder these issues the next time you're enjoying a Cadbury's dairy milk, the new name for Cadburys will be called Shaftburys, HF will undoubtedly be boycotting the brand forevermore. Never shall i purchase or indulge in a Cadburys product no thanks you can stick up Georges bum and lick it.

Project Camelot Interviews


Project Camelot are a husband and wife team investigating conspiracies, interviewing authors and participants. Courageous as it may seem, their endeavors to seek truth is recognised and appreciated by fellow seekers. Many of their interviews are intriguing, enthralling and liberating, unfortunately the passion for the truth sometimes blinds the quality of interviewees. Most of the interviewees seem reputable and have real truths in their stories, however others purport contentious theories and stories as fact without evidence. Evidence by means of academic qualifications, employment history in specific fields, detailed explanations using current scientific knowledge to explain and justify expressed statements and physical examples available for debate and investigation. Some of the interviewees provide little if any of these pieces of evidence that would enable the interviewer to cross-examine.

Glaring Anomaly

Dr Pete Peterson a recent contributor to Project Camelot alludes to many hypothesis's some of which he purports as fact. Stating facts without evidence to support them is just talk albeit entertaining in those dark lonely nights but misleading. We've know of people with an over stimulated imagination that can't differentiate between fantasy, dimensional reality and eternal consciousness. I'm not saying Pete is a nut, however his bouts of fractious behaviour during questioning seems incongruous. The irrefutable Dr. Pete Peterson should raise alarm for all of us are refutable as no one is perfect, what is his aim ? why speak now ? where is the evidence ? where are the detailed documentation ? Another theorist amalgamating numerous popular ideas into a super conspiracy theory with the aim to sound credible.


I enjoy listening to Project Camelot interviews and respect their determination and resolve in their quest for the truth. As with many of these "grass roots" organisations they are susceptible to infiltration and misinformation because it relies on the interviewee to be sound of mind. If Project Camelot continues to pursue similar "Dr Pete Peterson" type guests without the suggested evidence presented, then they might as well visit a local mental asylum, it might be more fun and drum (rhythmical and not satirical). As for guests like Pete i'll remain ambivalent it's better that way and avoid the foray.

Wednesday, 9 September 2009

Midweek Cheek - No. 4 Mad On Her Madonna


Rocking granny pale, skinny and boney, we know she's phoney and loves giving corporate bloweys, enough of that hoey ! As you can gather from my gambit i'm no fan of mad on a however i must admit that i do enjoy holiday. Reason for posting an article on Madonna is she's been getting my goat literally, because of her on stage cavorting behaviour. It may be said that this is her alter ego the corporate avatar and the personification of fantasy.

You'd need to delude and use the youthful artists into believing in your ego because that sells records. In doing so she manages to use the impressionable youth into buying her records and adore her like worthy sycophants. If this desperate grasp of a materialistic soul isn't enough then why not try power. If Obama can literally come out of nowhere as a adopted child and become the president of the United States, then so can Madonna.

How To Create An Aristocracy
  1. Sell you soul to fame.
  2. Use your name and fame to endorse corporate endeavours.
  3. Obtain wealth and prestige.
  4. Adopt orphaned children from Africa or Asia.
  5. Provide them with a elite education/lifestyle.
  6. They become accustomed to the lavish life and begin to accept self indulgence.
  7. Ego is nurtured and the goats begin to rub horns, nods and shakes.
  8. After initiations and influential lifetime relationships are developed the manipulation of the masses begins.
  9. Doors begin to open and opportunities become available more than a hundred lives of men.
  10. Once the field (profession) is chosen the shepard begins his journey to herd his flock and guide them from the fields to the butcher.
  11. Marrying within the elite families this ensures commitment to the cause in an unwavering shoulder to shoulder stance, as they prod the plebs into submission and obedience.
  12. Corporate families recognising the shepard support him in his path with platitudes, employment, recognition and propaganda for the sheep to love.
  13. Leader is born and it's time for the shepard to reimburse his brothers devotion over the years with laying of hands on the sheep, time for sacrifice.

Time for the pensioner to cash in her pension and retire, if not for her sake then please for the sanity of your daughter. I hate to see her daughter wasting away because of psychosomatic afflictions due to her mothers deluded superiority complex. Some advice to Madonna why don't you do devote your time to your new found faith or charity instead of gyrating on pubescent boys. This is typical of egomaniacs they need to be in the limelight due to their inferiority complex, and like many before her fail to realise their demise. Just like the seasons we too must accept the stages in our lives, and you must recognise and accept the facts, that their ends justify their means.