Monday, 31 August 2009

Flying Pigs and Chemtrails - Swine Flu


Several months ago i began feeling strange and the symptoms were nothing that resembled flu or any other. They were something completely alien to me as I've never felt the excruciating pain lasting almost a week. Upset stomach in addition with high temperature, abdominal pain and diarrhea were the typical symptoms during my illness. I knew it was swine flu while listening to the radio and people began calling and talking about their symptoms. Fortunately i recovered and prudently avoided the Tamiflu vaccine, as scientists now believe it's detrimental in the longterm with little if any benefits. After this unfortunate episode faded away i began to ponder about pigs flying, swine flu, chemtrails and UFO's.

Population Control

Conspiracy theorist have suggested that methods of population control have been used in the past and at the present. Methods used range from fluoridated water, birth innoculations, junk food, deodorants, dental fillings, weather seeding chemicals, pesticides, genetically modified food, man made viruses etc.

Swine Flu

Engineered viruses is nothing new and many have under suspicious circumstances managed to escape from "secure" laboratories. Some people may recall the recent case of foot and mouth that managed to escape is secure environment and infect farms nearby. Almost triggering the mass culling of cattle in the mid 90's due to mad cow diseases. Could this swine flu a mutation of bird flu and human flu originally concocted within a laboratory ? Even the president of the United States of America Barak Obama suffered from flu symptoms (maybe swine flu) during the London G9 summit. You could tell he was taking medication to combat the symptoms as his eyes and appearance displayed all the hallmarks of someone suffering from the flu. Apparently he had shook hands with someone from Mexico and after several days later he died due to swine flu !


Early May learned professionals at the MET office stated categorically that we can expect a BBQ summer. Even with the latest IBM Supercomputer and all the previous forecast analysis reports they still managed to fail miserably. Should we invest in the native Indians of America and pay the witch doctors for guidance or stop the seeding the skies (weather manipulation) ? I think the latter is more realistic even with the witchdoctor he'd find it difficult to determine forecast due to the excessive seeding program within the U.K. Clear indications of weather seeding is when you fail to notice the transition of the seasons, and when a season fails to act in the way it should.

Our summer was no more than five days of hot weather and the rest was either muggy or overcast showers. Records were broken during the summer as July became the wettest month since records began (1800's ?). Whether the dramatic weather change is due to seeding, global warming, climate change, sun spot activity or the strength of the magnetic field i don't know. It may however be a result of a combination of these factors, Beijing Olympics managed to guarantee no rain during events (this was due to seeding the clouds with chemicals in order to manipulate the weather and relocate potential rain clouds).

Many nations use this seeding technology, for proof look and you should be able to differentiate between a chemtrail and a contrail. Contrails are condensation trails hence the abbreviation, and they last between 30 seconds and a minute (depending on altitude, weather, temperature etc.) once expelled by the plane during high altitudes. Chemtrails appear like contrails initially however they spread with the wind increasing in size, and remain for many hours and even a day (depending on weather, temperature, etc). Results have shown rain water collected during Chemtrail activity have identified dangerous chemicals within the rainwater. Barium was the most common chemical found in rainwater collected during Chemtrail activity. Another point of view is that all these chemtrailing being done is to exacerbate the greenhouse effect because the earth is cooling. In doing so irony is being carried out with the intention of heating the earth because the poles ice is increasing due to the reduction in sun spot activity. This doesn't affect the earth but the entire solar system, as space probes illustrate decreased planetary temperatures. Never believe the media for they are scribes of the elite and as paymasters they control the literature, again the ends justify the means. For more information on chemtrails visit carnicom click here another similar site called bariumblues click here.


As people we are on a need to know basis and the powers that be feel we don't need to know. This might be a depopulation method or governments trying to militarise the skies and eventually space. Who knows, i for one don't. and meanwhile parliament is littered with incompetent politicians reveling in rhetorics of sesquipedalia, oh what a failure.

Saturday, 29 August 2009

Numerology - Whats in a Name ?


Have you thought about your name ? Did you think about what affect it may have in your life ? Some people believe their name (maiden and surname) many identify particular aspects of their character and outlook. I'm talking about numerology, i know some might assume this is delving into the occult (occult meaning hidden and not sinister or evil), and I'd agree. There are thousands of sites offering services for individuals interested in numerology. Personally I've tried a free service offered by Paul Sadowski , in which you type in your name and a personal report is created. In my opinion anything that provides you with information that enables you to perform better as an individual and achieve more in life (without harming anyone) is worthy.


An ancient art practiced by many cultures throughout the world and still is today. Within each culture there are slight variations in analysis, however the final result is the same. In the past this art was only accessible to nobles and initiated individuals. Until recently its becoming popular with the common man as we all are searching.


Numerology as with many ancient techniques are slowly becoming available to the masses and only time will unearth more. If you know where you come from and who you really are then you'll go far just like a star, know thy self.

Friday, 28 August 2009

Iraq's Glorified Security Guards


Invading British and American troops first objective wasn't establishing security, redevelopment of the destroyed infrastructure or promoting peace, it was securing the Basra oil refinery in the south east. Meanwhile the American troops secured the Baiji refinery near Mosul in the north, it's the largest refinery in Iraq. Once these key objectives were secure and the oil continued without disruption to flow so did the dough. You'll may recall the voices of public relations departments within both governments pleading with the Iraqi people not to destroy these facilities or hinder their journey to them. It's your future that exudes from those pipes never mind your gripes here's a box of wipes.

Before Sanctions
  • Iraqi students were one of the most highly educated and liberal minded.
  • High level of health care and Iraq was a secular society.
  • Although state control was dictatorial people weren't worried about national security.
  • Law and order was present albeit it dictatorial and Bathist.
  • Subsidised gas, oil and electricity benefited the poor and maintained low prices.
  • Civil liberties were curtailed due to the imposed authoritarian regime (western endorsed).
  • Iraq was developing gradually due to the western dependence on its abundant resources.
  • Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein was the attack dog of the west preventing Iran geopolitical aspirations in the region.
  • There was peace as the diverse Iraqi society was held together by a fearful dictatorial fist.
  • Saddam was promoting a Bathist agenda uniting like minded Arab states working in union together (United States of Arabia ?) , may have seemed a threat to particular neighbours in the region.
After Sanctions and Invasion 1990/2003
  • Since attacking Israel with scuds Saddams aggressive and absurd acts provided his enemies carte blanche.
  • His invasion of Kuwait is yet another illogical act, it could be fate or was he used as bait ?
  • In the meantime the "oil for food" scam or should i say sham allowed western corporations to obtain cheap oil, and in doing so propped up the stock markets for decades.
  • Trillions of dollars wasted in Iraq but it's only a waste if nothing is gained, and in these circumstances cannon fodder is cheaper than a devalued dollar.
  • Sectarian violence with many factions of Iraqi society is fractured, and all the kings horses and all the kings men won't put humpty dumpty back together again (unless their is nothing to be gained).
  • Iraq's neighbours states spent more time sharing international escort models contact details instead of preventing western invasion (during Arab League meetings).
  • Generations are now ensnared with devices of hate, vengeance and religious zealotry, so the seeds are laid and the people fade, oh what have me made.
  • Extremism is rampant with vitriol from narrow-minded, misguided and subdivided old men.
  • Vulnerable and impressionable youths are being exploited by these sectarian and religious bigots, bribe the tribe just to stay alive.
  • Mesopotamian history and archaeological artifacts of national heritage looted and the original keepers booted.
  • To destroy a society you destroy their history and therefore their identity, doing so they walk the halls of illusion full of confusion.

The Iraq issue could be resolved tomorrow if we the west were so adamant in providing "memorandums of understanding" to its neighbours. Within these agreements we could simply ask those Iraq neighbours to provide 50,000 peace keeping troops. These troops would provide the much needed security and could have been done prior to invasion, if the Arab League was worthy of it's name. Unfortunately you have the western approach you destroy that which was and build anew dictator and regime disregarding the lives lost. As long as the oil flows then nobody really knows, for god has entrusted us with this prosperity for it is our duty to promote inequity because its our destiny is intertwined with clandestinity (the goats bleat).

The reason why Iraq was invaded was due to the following of factors;
  • Saddam changing from dollar to euro as the main currency for oil trading
  • Saddam trading a majority of the oil to Chinese and Indians
  • Consequently reducing the supply to U.S and U.K markets
  • Negatively affecting western oil corporations shares
  • Initiating volatility in the market and increasing U.K, U.S oil prices due to limited supply and increased demand
  • OPEC re-evaluating prices to meet with western insatiable demands
  • U.S, U.K pump prices increase 300% riots, businesses face bankruptcy
  • Western nations feel they're being blackmailed and need to justify the war as to prevent such negative consequences affecting their citizens
  • Hence the reason for war for this is one of the reasons the others are geopolitical, regime change, expressing military might on the world stage and for the military establishments to justify their existence after decades of research and development into new weapons, besides nothing beats a good war for rejuvenating the salivating warmongers.
Corporate fascism is their idealism the corporate phallic plunging into the depths of despair, plundering every orifice. It's time to bring the troops home this game is a shame to even give it a name, for they are glorified security guards of the western oil corporations. When a soldiers death is mentioned in the media the propagandist's will litter the news with issues of sophistry, for diversion purposes. Until the resources and purported reasons are exhausted, and the mountainous mounds of wasted innocents litter the horizon, then maybe we'll have peace.

On a lighter note the Iraqi expatriates now in power in Iraq along with sending their tributaries have put forward a few proposals to the American and British camarillas. At first the advisors thought this was somewhat comestible however the persistence of the puppets made the "coalition of the willing" seek further clarification. Apparently the puppets wanted to employ the jihadist, wahabist and other fanatical nutjobs so they didn't kill themselves along with innocent civilians and damaging buildings, instead pay them to restructure Iraq. Defence department and the foreign office mandarins couldn't believe their ears, "what on earth do these stooges think they're playing at ? After all things we did for them, again the Iraqi government wanted these nutjobs to work as demolishing squads and use car bombs to destroy unsafe buildings and clear ruined sections of the city since the invasion. Again the western landlords explained to the so called democratic government that the dog wags the tail.

Weave and Cleave

In the dead of night
The thieves unite
With concealed plight
To conquer and fight
With weapons of might
They deem as right
To spread blight
And promote fright
No end insight
No wielder of light

Swashbuckling adventure in the Oscar award winning blockbuster of a generation with the four horsemen of the apocalypse that will leave in you in awe and shock for decades. Most expensive story ever told, totaling to three trillion dollars and rising with many spin offs and merchandising bringing in even more sales. In 2003 the box office hit "The Thieves of Baghdad entertained the people of the world with its compelling sophistries and now in 2010 rumors of a sequel are beginning to circulate. Some people have suggested the sequel may be filmed in Tehran and be called "The Thieves of Tehran" who knows watch this space.

Think of the countless Iraqi lives extinguished in the blinking of an eye, and think of the potential future scientist, academics, artists, engineers, poets, philosophers and entertainers all lost. Machinations of future incarnations are the karmic actions of current generations, meanwhile the tributary states of Afghanistan and Iraq continue to send their rulers in the west oil and gas. Redevelopment will eventually come to fruition "in the alloted time" thats inconjunction with the scheduled plans, which means derisory development. negligible and gradual reconstruction since 2003 will continue its slow pace as the foreign armies justify their presence. Another unpropitious endeavor into the abyss, determined to stoke the fires of war as they step ever closer towards Iran.

Democracy and development is marketed by the foreign orifice as the new reasons for being, irrespective of intangible change on the ground. Many reports can be found that claim "thy will be done" with tainted blood bellowing from the barrel of a gun. Peace will never return in these oil cursed lands for how ironic and facile the reasons continuually being used for foreign bases in Japan and Germany. Even though the U.S/U.K bases there were aimed at preventing the communists and nation states from ever having a military presences again. Now they are supported by these foreign states to have an army again and to disregard their antiwar constitutions and join the coalition its imperial quests.

How pathetic it must seem for the ordinary peons of Germany and Japan thinking that they have no need for armies anymore. Military industrial complex has used effective PR to subvert the antiwar ideologies of generations and accept a peace force.... oxymoron indeed. Soldiers from both these nations can't be called armies for that would assume you have the right as defenders of the sovereign state, so why is it the need to have U.S and U.K forces there, reason being they are the nations army and the nationals being mercenaries hence the coalition of the "billing". Forces will do their work in Iraq and Afghanistan for a fee.... well you don't think its free, do you ?

Thursday, 27 August 2009

Stimulate Mind or Waste of Time ?


We have at some stage in our lives spent countless hours in front of the console, computer and hand held gaming devices, however does it stimulate the mind or just a waste of time ? Speaking from experience over the decades enjoying their entertainment value there's some surprising advantages and obvious disadvantages. Relative as with many aspects of life it depends on the individual, and some people are staunch supports of gaming while others suggest it has sinister motives. Several documented criminals in our recent past (our current perception) have either stated categorically that the violent computer game was the cause. Others dismissed these claims because the gaming industry were being used as scapegoats. They even hinted that troubled individuals originate from dysfunctional family environments. Blame the parents, blame their genetic makeup, blame the moon and stars but don't blame me. This seems to be the common thread in society today, no one is accountable and no one is responsible for their actions anymore. Our avaricious elected goats sneer and jeer us for we are the hoi polloi, and the duopolistic red and blue mock me and you.


So many genres encompass video games today, if you can imagine it they will produce it. Sophisticated graphics and physics enable developers to create virtual realities literally, the level of depth and realism today was unimaginable several years previous. Technology is the forerunner it enables software engineers to develop tomorrows hardware devices today. In doing so programmers (modern day scribes) are too creating the complex language in exploiting these devices of stimulating vices.

Titles such as the infamous Manhunt and soon to be released Manhunt 2, Grand Theft Auto series and other 18 certified games have stirred debate. The release of these titles over the years with and their continued franchise has made the media froth at the mouth. Approved by the BBFC with its policies and procedures aimed at governing this sector, and yet it too is tarnished with the same brush (the brush of blame and shame). Adult games are clearly for adults however many parents nowadays are oblivious to how graphic video games today can be. There is sexual and violent aspects that are part of many genres within gaming. Unfortunately parents can't hide these games from children as they'll obtain them from friends or directly via the Internet (illegally). Simply visiting their friends where older siblings will allow them to play these games without care, it was ever thus.

No you can't hide little tommy as the Internet, it's pervasive social networking sites and the school playground are environments of opportunity (for those adamant individuals). Sharing memory sticks is simple and how many parents check these devices or have bought them for their children.


Board games in the past such as chess, bacgammon, dominos etc have graced the virtual reality of the computer. Many scientific investigations were conducted in the past regarding the mental effects of playing these traditional games. Could these increase IQ, memory and response time ? most of which is clear they do to a certain degree, as it's relative. People inclined towards a logical frame of mind and enjoys all things mathematical would gravitate within strategic games.

First person shooters (FPS) individuals may display quicker eye movement and thus improve their reception of perception (especially peripheral vision). I'm no medical expert or neuron scientist however some of the results from these studies are obvious. As for aggression this is something that is prevalent with all adolescent boys as we were once like them believing that we're invincible. However it becomes serious when their behavior and attitude changes drastically when alcohol and toxic forms of skunk is introduced. Deluded in illusion their minds in confusion within an dysfunctional environment and time to waste, sitting in the chair without a care, are they really there ?


Moderation is the action of expiation, an hour or so a day is OK but three or more and you'll hear a knock at the door. Gaming can become a habit if you repeat it at regular times they often do, and if you recognise, understand this you'll be in control. Some people seem to play computer games most of the day, could this be the lack of focus within their lives ? Or merely an avenue in which the worthless sense of achievement obtained while completing a game or task is likened to real achievements within the physical world ? Lack of guidance, parental figure, meaningful past times and other social indicators may affect ones focus in life, however more children and young adults are spending too much time on video games. Transgressing from one virtual achievement to another in a modicum of satisfaction as the child goes through games like candy. Now with the insidious MMORPG (massive multiplayer online role playing gaming, or MMO) people can spend almost a day clicking away their lives in a virtual world on the monitor and forgetting the real world outside their window. Few cases from the far east highlighted the case of individuals having died after playing these MMO's for days at a time !

If the parents can't monitor the amount of time children spend on video games then maybe the manufacturers incorporate built cut off. Unfortunately in many cases in life the draconian legislation is introduced due to the behaviour of the minority which affects the majority. Do something else with your time spend an hour or so gaming and with the others take up other past times, reading, writing, swimming, walking, fixing, drawing and not dreaming and sleeping (unless its evening).

Virtual achievements are given virtual rewards and the opportunities of the day are wasted in a game of play.

Wednesday, 26 August 2009

Tuesday, 25 August 2009

Alex Jones in Skull & Bones ?


If you've heard of rants from the megalomaniac Alex "Skull & Bones" Jones you'd understand why he's so manic. Simply visit Youtube and type in his name and brace yourself for this is care in the community. Many of his conspiracy theories have some truth within them unfortunately his exterior is a facade, another vain attempt to connect with the (impressionable) youth. His contentious and obdurate approach albeit entertaining (at times) clouds his judgment in every investigation. As the years go by you can see (dated Youtube videos) Alex gradually transforming into the cantankerous individual today.

Bones & Jones

How can Alex Jones the self proclaimed info warrior, be a NWO (new world order) stooge ? Well if you've listened to his message the common thread is this;
  • Our civil liberties are being eroded by the global elite cabal.
  • These elite will use red flag methods to undermine the genuine and loyal authorities.
  • As a result they will introduce a one government, one police force, one army and one ruler.
  • Citizens will become slaves of the elite and subject to their mercy.
  • We will never relinquish our freedoms and rights underwritten within the constitution.
  • Be a real patriot and use force against the tyrannic government.
  • Stock pile food, weapons, and take other measures for self determination.
  • Patriots to use whatever means necessary and force to reclaim the republic from the elite.
  • Buy some of the "fear" products i sell within the website (don't forget the promo code).
  • We must fear the government, law enforcement, politicians, doctors, anyone other than me.
  • Anarchy is the
  • Inculcation of fear is all you HEAR !
Why So Obnoxious ?

Again either this is an attempt to connect with the disillusioned and impressionable youth or just another character flaw. Being unpleasant sometimes is acceptable but being so all the time must result from a mental disorder (inferiority complex) ?

After watching Alex videos you'll feel many psychological and respiratory effects they can seriously damage your health, i feel sorry for his wife and children (anger management course needed).


Many of Alex "Skull & Bones" Jones claque swallow every word without question, their eyes glued to Youtube, and their blood pressure rises with every maniacal minute. Building to a crescendo of rage and confusion in their credulity. These misguided youths run into the streets and cause havoc in peaceful protests as a result the police counteract this force with another. Alex wants the youth to fight for their rights, use force and as the piper plays his flute the mice follow him to their untimely deaths. As the stooge Alex perniciousness works its way into the youth culture and sows the seeds of hate, violence, anger and serves this on a silver plate to the cabal.

An controlled youth are easier to manipulate and in doing so Alex delivers the youth as sacraficial lambs to the slaughter. They provide the NWO the necessary measures to enforce marshal law due to the anarchic youth. Then you have the FEMA camps and meanwhile Alex "Skull & Bones" Jones is rewarded with his crafted work. Why is it that Alex never debates the catholic church ? their involvement in the NWO ? the pedophiles within the catholic church ? the Zionist issue ? Israel apartheid ? Because he's a loyal supporter of the Vatican as a catholic he would.

The youths cry out in pain as their voices once again are lost in vain.

Monday, 24 August 2009

Wynton Marsalis - Irrefutably Sublime


No need for an introduction Wynton Marsalis is undoubtedly blessed with an amazing gift, his classical trumpet concertos are truly inspirational. If you enjoy listening to classical music (my favourite being trumpet concertos) you'd appreciate the divine vibrations and mental sensations. Other than being present at a Wynton Marsalis concert the next best thing is to purchase a copy of he's classical performances, they're unforgettable. Not just any particular CD would do (although it's better than nothing) an enhanced version also known as FLAC abbreviation for free lossless audio codec (other alternatives available, click here for more info) the quality is as if you're in the audience listening !

King's March, Concerto for Two Trumpets in C Major, Entrada from "The Indian Queen" and Prince of Denmark's March are magnificent, thank you Wynton Marsalis. For more information about where you can obtain classical music in FLAC (lossless) format visit theclassicalshop .

Sunday, 23 August 2009

Radio Hosts, Corporate Whores and Truth Seekers


I detest the vile, patronising, arrogant, stultifying, pernicious and vitriolic wielders of the microphone. They're far removed from the real issues that affect the daily lives of people in the country. Bathing in the waters of insularity and the soap of expunction in order to remove any providence echoed by the experienced, and well informed members of the public. Yes, they're the epitome of the corporate whore (an individual that will allow themselves to be manipulated as to conform to the ideologies of their paymasters for financial, political or promotional gain) these credulous cretins have no dignity or morals to adhere, only the taste of fame and fortune is their aim in this wicked game.

Fortunately we have venerated host's, seeking truth from the darkest recesses of the political, economic and social avenues. They are identifiable by their tenacious and rigorous nature in investigating issues that affect humanity by dispelling the airwaves of insanity. Conformity is necessary for those that have relinquished their minds to those that use them, question everything and anything is the essence of the truth seeker. Thank the heavens we have these truth seekers and in time their voices will heard above the din of sin perpetuated by the marketers of illusion and delusion.

Once they're outlived their usefulness the hand that fed them is now the hand which feeds them to the gutter press pigs. Salacious moments of impropriety are soon used to bide and guide the corporate whore, and indeed the bribe is well contrived.

Corporate Whores
  • Jon Gaunt King knob jockey (former Talksport and now Sun trash).
  • Petrie Hosken LBC Queen knob jockey.
  • Nick Ferrari LBC Baron knob jockey.
  • Ian Collins Talksport adviser knob jockey.
  • James Whale LBC court jester knob jockey.
  • Jeni Barnett LBC maid knob jockey.
  • Andrew Pierce LBC Secretarial knob jockey.
  • Adrian Durham LBC Bottom feeder knob jockey.
  • All BBC Radio Presenters corporatised, sodomised, propaganda whores.

Truth Seekers
  • Mike Dicken (R.I.P) King truth seeker.
  • George Galloway Talksport Duke truth seeker.
  • James O Brian LBC Prince truth seeker.
  • Nick Abbot LBC Baron truth seeker.
  • Steve Allen LBC Court jester truth seeker.
  • Ken Livingstone LBC Secretarial truth seeker.
  • Clive Bull LBC Court adviser truth seeker.
(Knob jockey humorous term used to identify a jockey riding a knob)


Although it may seem harsh to use the term "corporate whore" however it encapsulates the behavior of these individuals. If you listen to these individuals during their alloted times you'll find that the summirisation above is relative. Instead of emitting bile from their vile minds they should refrain from any disdain and engage their brain. The dubious circumstances which befell the late honorable Mike Dicken (former Talksport host) raise many questions, especially his views concerning the establishment. If his live was curtailed by agents of the dark arts i believe karma will return the scales to equilibrium swiftly (in this life or the next). Yes these are mere ramblings and don't necessarily convey or endorse my own opinions, litigation is a serious ramification.

Saturday, 22 August 2009

Lewis Hamilton Stalled


Since the introduction of Nicole Scherzinger (currently dating, Pussycat dolls lead vocalist) in Hamilton's life his track performance has declined. Whether conspiracies and rumors are true or not is entertaining, it doesn't address the overall picture. While Hamilton is stalled in the chicane the amount of resources invested within the sport continues to dictate the level of pressure burdening it's competitors. Rival teams have carried out in the past dubious espionage methods on each other, this is understandable and expected. Cheating, espionage and other dark art tricks always arise within high stake competitions, it's human nature. Let's entertain some of the particular theories, rumors and conspiracy theories.

  1. Nicole Scherzinger the femme fatale ? Could she be working with a rival formula one team to undermine Hamilton's performance (on the track), i don't know.
  2. Fernando Alonso resentment of Hamilton's performance or racial bias ? I don't know.
  3. Hamilton reprimanded (told to under perform for the next season or two) for his "misleading evidence" that resulted in his disqualification during the stewards hearing, i don't know.
  4. Continuation of point 3, Jenson Button given the chalice of opportunity resulting in energised performance, i don't know.
  5. It's all part of the predetermined Formula One game, where opportunities of success are granted and not achieved, i don't know.

Stimulating and entertaining are the conspiracy theories for the drearies, sometimes the truth is in plain sight and sometimes it needs to be unearthed from the depths of confusion and illusion.

Friday, 21 August 2009

If You Only Knew About 322


Skull and bones a secret brotherhood of like minded graduated fellows from influential families conspiring to rule the world ? You're heard or seen the video clips on Youtube regarding former president G.W.Bush junior and his John Kerry evasive answers to presenters about the society. With the death of Alexander the Great over short period of time resulted in the rule of Ptolemy a trusted general. They were guided by teachers the likes of Aristotle and Plutarch, these wise men bestowed great knowledge. Alexander died around 322BC the significance of the year is even more intriguing if this is what the skull and bones numbers are referring to, i don't know.


Below are some examples where the numbers 322 (as periods of time or the sum of 7) within the skull and bones logo might be referring to;

  • Year Alexander the Great died ?
  • Year Ptolemy ruled the ancient world named the Ptolemy Kingdom ?
  • Seven Pointed Star (understood by the ancients) ?
  • Orion Constellation (seven stars three belt, two above and two below)
  • Seven Days of Creation according to Genesis (third day + 2 days + 2 days = 7 days) ?
  • Stellar Objects in the solar system visible to the naked eye from Earth (Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn).
  • Daughters of Atlas in Pleiades star cluster (also called seven sisters).
  • Seven Emperors (period of Rome history, Augustus, Galba, Hadrian, Nerva, Sallust, Vespasian, and Julius Caesar).
  • Seven Hills of Rome (Aventine, Caelian, Capitoline, Esquiline, Palatine, Quirinal and Viminal Hill).
  • Seven Liberal Arts (Grammar, Rhetoric, Logic, Geometry, Arithmetic, Music and Astronomy).
  • Seven Sages of Greece (Thales of Miletus, Pittacus of Mytilene, Bias of Priene, Solon, Cleobulus of Lindus, Myson of Chen, and the seventh of them was said to be Chilon of Sparta).
  • Seven Wonders of the Ancient World (Great Pyramid of Giza, Statue of Zeus at Olympia, Temple of Artemis at Ephesus, Mausoleum at Halicarnassus, Colossus of Rhodes and Lighthouse of Alexandria.)
  • The Seven Attributes part of the Divine Sefirot in the Kabbalah (Attraction, Rejection, Synthesis, Competition, Devotion, Communication, and Reception).
  • The Seven Orifices within the human head, relating to the eyes, ears, nostrils and mouth, hence the skull meaning the death or renewal of old to new, reorder.

Are they the cause of strife that's rife within the world today ? Are they trying to depict the negative forces of the cosmos by keeping the world in balance ? Do these intelligence agencies a mere extension of the society ? Are they trying to teach or manage mankind with instruments of death ? Are they trying to reshape the world through the flames of destruction ?Are they trying to reestablish an old order set by Alexander the Great to dominate the world under one government with absolute power ? Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely, who knows for i don't and those that do their lips are sealed tight.

Enough rambling lets face it the cards were dealt at the time of our births and those given the opportunity to rule may look like a fool, only time will tell like the ringing of a bell.

Thursday, 20 August 2009

BOGOF - Buy One Get One Free


Buy one get one free ! it's the deal of the week as we sneak a peek, that's the usual sights and sounds of the big stores allures. You rarely see amazing offers that are really worth the brightly labeled signs they're printed on, no i'm not referring to the junk food. It's the healthy food we want to see these BOGOF offers such as fruit and vegetables. Unfortunately we only see a two day offer on items that are clearly produced in huge quantities without regards to quality, the oranges during summer is a perfect example.

More Junk Offers More Store Coffers

Health practitioners, government and the media are telling people to eat more fruit and veg, 5 day will help you everyday. Yet the so called global recession, credit crunch, blah blah blah has managed to increase the cost of fruit and vegetables. Government initiatives are useless without the plan encompassing the wider aspects, indicators and factors. While stores increase their junk food offers and limit their healthy food promotions, you'll see people voting with their pockets.

  1. Supermarket to have an equal amount of junk food and healthy food offers (i.e 50% extra junk = 50% extra fruit).
  2. Once a week large supermarket stores have special offers on fruit, vegetables and junk (each initiative given a specific day of the week, Monday vegetables, Wednesday fruit and Sunday junk).
  3. Provide opportunities for customers to obtain information regarding eating, cooking and types of ingredients to beware.


If you have a limited income due to circumstances beyond your control then how are you expected to eat five portions of fruit and vegetables daily ? With children the problem is exacerbated and either the parents go without or the five day becomes two or one a day. Even now the obesity issue within the U.K is spiraling out of control things look very bleak especially if you're financially weak.

Wednesday, 19 August 2009

Midweek Cheek No.2 - Fearo Superhero

New Marvel Comics Superhero

What's that in the night sky ? Is it a plane ? Something is crawling up that building ! Don't make me angry ! Superhero's don't you just love em, well i do and that made me contemplate an amalgamation of a multitude of hero's to give rise to Fearo !

Fearo the Ultimate Superhero

Feast your eyes on this amazing superhero coming soon to Marvel comics. Imagine the terrorising mask of Batman and his cunning mind supported by the powerful green arms of the Hulk, strengthened by the indestructible body of Superman and his deflective powers, finally the agile legs of Spiderman to evade swift attacks, i present FEARO !

Btw during the night Fearo uses Batman's cape and during the day Superman's.

Tuesday, 18 August 2009

Mockery of Lockerbie ?


Twenty one years on since the tragic Pan Am Flight 103 disaster over the Scottish town of Lockerbie, still unsolved. However the only person to be convicted (in January 2001) of the terrorist act was Abdel Basset Ali al-Megrahi a former Libyan intelligence officer. At the time he was denied an appeal, surprisingly Dr Hans Köchler, one of the UN observers at the trial, expressed serious doubts about the fairness of the proceedings and spoke of a "spectacular miscarriage of justice".

He Didn't Talk So He Walk

Fast forward to September 2003 and the Scottish Criminal Cases Review Commission (SCCRC) investigate the case. Echoing Dr Hans Köchler comments two years earlier with the following statement ''The commission is of the view, based upon our lengthy investigations, new evidence we have found and other evidence which was not before the trial court, that the applicant may have suffered a miscarriage of justice,'' wrote the SCCRC.

A former Libyan intelligence agent sentenced to life for the bombing of Pan Am Flight 103 may have been wrongly convicted, concluded a Scottish panel today. In its 800-page report, the Scottish Criminal Cases Review Commission (SCCRC) stated that Abdel Basset Ali al-Megrahi may have "suffered a miscarriage of justice" during his 2001 trial, reports the Associated Press. The panel recommended that al-Megrahi be granted a new appeal.

Why would these reputable and distinguished individuals feel the need to impede justice ? If the SCCRC think Al-Megrahi has suffered due to a miscarriage of justice then why the delay in due process ? All these anomalies need to be rectified by the rule of law if we don't abide by the law then we have anarchy unless the ends justify the means ? What are the ends at are these means to imprison a innocent man because the part doesn't signify the whole ?


Trade with the eccentric and flamboyant dictator Gaddaffi has begun, after Tony Blair had shook hands with him in the Bedouin tent. Could this be blackmail open up for trade, military, intelligence and geopolitical agreements ? or was this carried out by a third party on the behest of another ? Who dares to look within the bottomless and barren void named intelligence spies, agents, double agents and super sleuths. Just like tar it get in under your fingernails and it gradually dissipates with time, but the memories remain. Could Al-Megrahis silence mean his obedience and compliance in the plot ? Now with the so called compassionate release within days as a bribe to prevent his appeal coming to fruition (coincidence as with the release of Ronnie Biggs and compassion shown to Gary McKinnon suffering from Asperger syndrome being extradited to the United States). If the appeal were to be granted who knows how many cans of worms it will release besides why stop at Al-Megrahi why not release serial rapists and pedophiles with months to live ?.

Before you start foaming at the mouth think about the lack of probity within this case, if there is any resentment it lies squarely on the government. Compassion is only viable when justice has been administered, unfortunately this is not the case. Twenty one years on with the waters of justice saturated with conspiracy theories and misinformation. Could earlier events of the time near Iran have played a role in Lockerbie ? Gaddafi raising the white flag to remove sanctions ? Who knows however what's clear is it makes a mockery of Lockerbie. Now its perfect timing maybe these endeavors in Iraq, Afghanistan and now Libya will help those influential people gain even more.

If the U.K government (using the Scottish executive as proxy) are giving Libya Al-Megrahi with one hand what are they taking with the other ? Some people want things to remain as they are because they truly feel the ends justify the means. Let them explain these ends to the families of the victims that need closure with justice and in doing so, continue their lives in peace, oh what japery of the judiciary.

Thursday, 13 August 2009

Do You Know UFO ?


Are they real ? are they figments of our fertile imaginations ? are they inter dimensional beings ? are they working with the governments of the world ? or are they just secretive ploy by governments to subdue, control, manipulate and manage the populous ? Is it celestial as the Sun travels through cycles of solar maximum and minimum ? Is this linked with revolutions in the past ? These are just a few questions that need to be answered. Trying to answer any of these questions is similar to opening a pandoras box.


  • Are they real ?
If they aren't real then there is nothing to worry about so carry on with your life. However If they are real then another question arises.
  • What are they ?
Could they be entities actual beings sharing this physical plane or are they engineered by the secretive agencies within government ? I don't know.
  • Who is likely to contact with these objects ?
The military, navy and air force alongside domestic surveillance agencies and airport personnel. Probably the most likely agency to have contact with these anomalies are the air force and there are accounts of ufo sightings (check Youtube Disclosure project and Exopolitics).

If you're a government agency how would you assess the UFO issue, manage them and if possible use them to your advantage ? Assistance from the media is paramount due to the virile nature of the Internet and new media technologies, cases can reach a global audience within hours.

Would the media via news reports and Hollywood movies provide snippets actual alien contact events, to raise public awareness ?


I truly don't know its a mystery and in time the truth will come out because you cant hide the truth only delay it. How far down the rabbit hole do you wish to go ? because if you try and answer these questions you'll create even more questions that need answers, and further down you go.

Pharmacutical Bags Not Body Bags


During the reign of the Taliban opium production within the country was reduced to a minimum. This resulted from the extreme variation of Islam and after their so called removal production is back to epic proportions. Afghanistan opium supports the international drug trade with a majority of the refined and concentrated variations being sold in western streets. Opium is the countries cash crop besides the untapped gas and oil reserves. Our military presence in the country has proved to be ineffective in tackling the illicit trade, so what are the options ?

Steps to Peace
  1. Allow neighboring countries to supply experienced military personnel as part of a peace task force.
  2. Afghan government to purchase poppy fields from the farmers for commercialisation.
  3. Mass production of government approved cultivation, extraction and processing of opium for the pharmaceutical industries (morphine, pain killers, anesthetics etc).
  4. Gulf Cooperation Council member states to provide interest free loans for initial development of facilities and logistics.
  5. Engage and empower the people by providing them key roles within the redevelopment process.
  6. Employment opportunities range from field workers, security personnel, reconstruction programs, transport networks and other civil projects.
  1. Carry on with the current strategy regardless of the amount of soldiers, innocent civilians and the potential of inflaming neighboring states.
  2. Provide no real economic improvements for the poverty stricken population.
  3. Continue to obtain the opium for free and use the military soldiers, Afghan civilians as pawns in a larger scheme.
  4. Propagate the creation of opium fields to supply and support corporations dealing with the international drug trade.
  5. Profits obtained from steps three and four used to support the bankrupt western economies, financial institutions and the shares within the stock exchange (CIA, drugs and the stock exchange video).

Drugs come into a country via land, sea and air yet the U.K still suffers from increasing heroin, crack, skunk and other derivatives flooding our streets. To resolve an issue you need to locate its source and like cancers you remove the source. What you don't do is attack the fringes because this is obviously a temporary solution. Either we provide tangible economic solutions to this war torn and poverty stricken region or we bring our soldiers home. Destroying the crops is futile for they will reemerge elsewhere due to the vast topograhpy of the country. In this region three things speak louder than political rhetoric, thats clans, arms and money.

Give people jobs and money for real work in redeveloping their country, instead of being stereotyped as a Taliban sympathiser. How do we expect the poor and innocent majority of Afghans to feed their families ? there are no jobs, no social security, no law its the tribes that rule with chieftains and warlords. Most of the innocent civilians live in fear the fear of the drones for they bomb homes.

Wednesday, 12 August 2009

Midweek Cheek No.1 - Fabio "Jack" Capello

Bald old man "Jack Wright" Lives !

Yes you heard it here first before the red tops and the broadsheets, Fabio Capello is really Jack Wright yes you heard me right. The unfortunate bald old man that starred in the Benny Hill series being constantly mocked, ridiculed and slapped on his bald head. We have the latest forensic state of the art facial/cranium recognition technologies. After what seemed several months of arduous effort and a team of thirty professionals, we've managed to successfully determine the true identity of Fabio Capello.

Behold below the results of our research it's amazing what we can do today, the New Scientist magazine are interviewing the team in the following days. You can expect a 60 minute documentary by National Geographic channel we'll keep you posted.

Jack has come back in the guise of the new England manager all we need now is Benny Hill to slap him about and get his arse in gear for the world cup.

Tuesday, 11 August 2009

Master of the Universe


Barak Obama reassures the public with a thumbs up as he smiles to the camera uttering the words "trust in hope and things will change". After the spiel he's heard telling an aid "they might as well stick their thumbs in their ass" and the masters of the universe laugh out loud. Lets face it all the economist, bankers, regulators, politicians, financial institutions, professors, think tanks and the majority of the financially aware public didn't see this coming ? It's the sub-prime mortgages dummy, i hear you say, i disagree it all smells funny engineered to be precise, i know warning lights are flashing and sirens are wailing "nut job" no hear me out. Over the past decade and even further back regulation of the financial sector was being removed, and the gamblers came in and gambled in a game of high stakes.

Win everything (for the large corporations) and the public lose their homes and become bankrupt, meanwhile the bigger banks eat the smaller ones and become monopolies and get to gamble again. With every man, woman and child in the U.K having to pay £16,700 each this is the national debt, yes its £1.2 trillion here it is with zeros £1,200,000,000,000 one trillion and two hundred billion. The banks were given £200 billion thats £200,000,000,000 and imagine how many schools, hospitals, elderly care homes, nurses, policemen, leisure facilities, community projects etc, we should have had. Money for nothing literally bailed out bankers are carrying on banking (should be another episode in the carry on series) and like the milky bar kid its bonuses are on me and you.

Fat Cat Shat In My Hat

Yes it did a doo doo in mine and yours, by joe it reeks to high heaven. It will continue to stink for generations and the lingering odour penetrating every room in the home and mind. The corporate phallic will plunder our financial, emotional and spiritual wealth. We have this ever increase deficit why blundering bankers ? public services ? war i mean defense ? As a player you will be played by those that use and abuse the rules. We are mean pawns in life and at the whims of the powerful we either play by the rules or become extinguished. In this dimension it is the corporations which is the almighty and benevolent being welcome the life of servitude.


When all the ranting and raving is subdued and the crackling credit crunch a distant memory, the bankers will gamble again. You see whenever the common man can almost grasp the out of reach goal he will unceremoniously fall down in a hole, because its their goal. Stay down in the gutter from whence yee came you cretin, until you prove yourself you will never reach our heights. Goats enjoy the longterm goals and will manipulate and elucidate their vision with fellow schemers of reputable stock. Recognising these traits is key to life for if you know thy self you will know them all.

Monday, 10 August 2009

No Land for Food or Snooze only Booze


If we calculated the total global arable land used in the production of alcoholic beverages, what would that figure be ? Next time you visit the supermarket and check the alcohol aisles the range of beers, ales, bitters, lagers, spirits, red and white wines. In addition to the wide selection of alcohol on display, they originate from many parts of the world. Today we heard politicians talk about the price of fresh fruit and vegetables to increase and we shouldn't waste food. Shouldn't we look at the immense range of foods we have available the choice is bewildering, however is this our fault or the retailer ?

So much fresh meats, breads, fruit, vegetables and other short life products go to waste and the biggest culprits are the large retailers. Despite the diminishing corner shops nationwide and despite the fact they charge more than the supermarket, at least their limited selection helped limit the waste. Maybe we are to blame partly for the dwindling corner shops that helped the environment to a degree by stocking within their means, instead of the bulk buying power of the supermarkets. Buying direct from farmers markets is a good idea if you live near a farm for those living in the suburbs its the local metro store or supermarket. On the other hand you could grow your own if again you have a garden or access to an allotment.

Retake Booze Land

Governments should enact legislation that enforce alcohol producers to use a third of its arable land for the growing of edible fruits and vegetables. While the other two thirds for alcohol beverages, the law would prevent brewers from purchasing more land. If each alcohol producing nation implemented similar legislation it would aim to balance the food shortage issue. After a period of 5 years these brewers will have to relinquish another third of its arable land for food production. The reduction in supply will enable alcohol producers to increase prices to balance their profits and enable individuals to drink in moderation (improving health overall, and reducing alcohol induced crimes, hospital costs).

Some people may state the issue of over population I'd suggest if you think the world is overpopulated then jump off the nearest bridge or dive in front of the next bus in start with yourself. We have enough habitable land which is vacant throughout the world and owned by a minority of people with influence. It is these individuals that have everything to lose if a redistribution of land and affordable housing were being built on the vacant fields. If you own hectares of vacant land that could be used for farming or building affordable homes for a growing nation, the manipulative, influential and egocentric snob in you would resist.


Reducing alcohol consumption is obviously good for the body, mind and pocket. Even so the supermarket whores i mean stores will push every BOGOFF (buy one get one free) in order to tempt you. This strategy might be the simplest and produce the most effect result the mantra in moderation is the key, so don't get tanked up at least not tonight. Keep em busy playing games, watching TV, drinking booze that keeps them in a snooze, while we pilfer and make them suffer by eroding their rights and laughing at their plights.

Sunday, 9 August 2009

Will South Africa Ever Be Free ?


19 years on since the release of Nelson Mandela and after South Africas first black president leading the country for five years. His successor Thabo Mbeki remained president for almost ten years until the incumbent Jacob Zuma. Judging by the reign of his predecessor we can estimate Zumas to remain for about ten years. The black majority (79.5%) in South Africa and the white minority (9.2%) expected some dramatic change from Nelson, however as with Obama the allure of hope and change cloud the mind. The 2006 midyear estimated figures for the other categories were Black African at 79.5%, White at 9.2%, Coloured at 8.9%, and Indian or Asian at 2.5% source CIA website.

Sometimes theories are called theories because in most cases they can't or not allowed to be developed into practice, for fear of resulting in dramatic change or success for the majority. In other instances the status quo potentially being undermined. This could be due to the influential minority parties with vested interests at stake. Utopia is what most people would love to come to fruition, (utopia being relative) however the influential minority will always prevent this with illusions and delusions of hope and change, in order to maintain the current climate.

Wealth, poverty, disease and crime

It's no wonder Mandela gave up the leadership so soon he realised that during his incarceration expectations of him were too high. Expectations resembled mountains of hope and change with the terrain of poverty, disease and crime. Looking at these mountainous piles of despair Mandela realised then it would take time and effort to make any real change. At his age time was against him however he did have the power to rectify aged discrimination and balance of power. He could have undertaken many measures to alleviate the problems of the majority and elevate them to a new level. Such measures would have given the people real hope as change was being done, instead the status quo continued except with different faces.

Much to laugh about when you have a roof over your head and free food in addition to accolades for guiding the sheep in circles, religion has many material benefits.

I'm talking about the mining industries throughout South Africa, gold, diamonds, platinum and other precious metals and minerals are still operating as they were during apartheid. If Mandela nationalised the mines in South Africa this first step although difficult but acceptable. However these privitised industries continued with their beneficiaries enjoying profits at the expense of the nation.Throughout South Africa do the majority black people feel truly that Mandela has change their lives ? can they envision their children having the same opportunities as their fellow white counterparts ? During the 19 years since Mandelas release HIV Aids has continued to rise, shanty towns have increased, crime has increased life expectancy is 49 years male and 48 years female. The growth rate as of 2009 is 0.281% ranked 173 in the world. An estimated 20, 000 British migrants moved to South Africa in 2007, bloody immigrants taking our jobs and housing.

Equitable governance should provide a tangible vision to the people in balancing the scales of justice that have for so long were skewed as viewed from the black majority. Creation of a new mandate stating succinctly this vision;
  • To compensate white farmers that have businesses in the fields of agriculture, minerals, precious stones and metals, banking, national reserves, media and governance.
  • Transition period prior to leaving the post is implemented as to allow the black applicant to shadow the white worker.
  • Obtaining experience in this way over a period of time will allow the smooth transition and mitigate any issues that may have arisen from action taken abruptly.
  • Foreign governments would need to support such measures and participate in the process of repatriation (Colonialists U.K, Netherlands and Belgium).
  • Once the transition period is reached the white colonialist is reimbursed in part with subvention (unlike the lucre obtained in the colonial past) by their ancestral homeland and the South African government.
  • Period of transition, repatriation and nationalisation of industries, commercial sectors is over a 5 to 10 year period.


Worldcup 2010 baffles the mind and seems as if FIFA wanted to prevent the African continent from hosting another global event for some considerable time. Another farce it reminds me of the Sydney Olympics in 2000 in Australia as the inveiglement of the world governments looked on and its people oblivious to the plights of the Aborigines. Still third class citizens in their ancestral homeland with the lineage of criminals around them sent out as guinea pigs to evaluate the feasibility of such a journey. Now we have the wined and dined champagne tribalist from the ghettos of South Africa enticed by the allure of sybaritism. No more so than the effigy of Mandela in London a true servant of the colonialists worthy of admiration and deification, for he has allowed their work to continue unmolested and attested.

Endogamous behaviour throughout the ages of these false sages that we appoint to be representatives of the people, for they continue to conspire up there in the spire. An surprising analogy can be found when comparing both the World Cup in 2010 South Africa and the London Olympics in 2012, how you discovered it ? Yes it's the disaffected black youth in South London that are unlikely to benefit from such a grand enterprise, nevertheless the land owners, property developers and corporations will enjoy a cornucopia of wealth at the determent of black health over the decades. Like their kindred in South Africa the black youths living in squalor, plagued by disease, HIV, Aids, STDs, poverty, poor education, insanitary conditions, poor health, limited clean water, and high levels of unemployment as they gaze at the newly constructed white elephants from their shanty town of corrugated steel.

The only real winners are the children from affluent backgrounds that have the means, facilities and support to pursue a career in sports (even though they are average at best within their chosen field). Meanwhile the underprivileged black, white and ethnic minorities in the ghettos have little or no chance of attaining such goals because everything is against them. Their location, class, means, opportunities, discrimination and institutionally racist sport boards that recognise the abilities of these less fortunate souls but fear the backlash from the snobs. For they wish their children to obtain fame with an embellished name even though they perform lame. Time and time again the playing fields, community centres and sports facilities are curtailed especially now with this recession, so much for national lottery the pot thats continually ransacked by Labour as it fails and the purpose of the lottery as it supports the Olympics......... you literally couldn't make it up. It's just a rich man's game so their children can make themselves a name even though they're lame, for they seek fame oh what a shame.

The hysteria over Mandela in the media is explained by their positive portrayal, and this is the real betrayal of his people. Mandela symbolically is still in the cell where he yielded as much power as the man in the adjacent cell. So have the leaders that have came after him they have continually failed to deliver real change or any progress for their people. Maybe the black south Africans should immigrate to the Netherlands, Belgium and United Kingdom because there is nothing left for them in their own land. Maybe if he remained in his cell the black people might have seen some real change as the world community pressured the racist government to deliver real goals for all.

In a perverse swing the once unrestrained institutional racist intelligentsia that have escaped justice due to the extreme leftist ideology of the post apartheid government, are now enjoying a comeback. With new suits and public relation teams these insidious folk will return to power as the black majority feel disillusioned with their own kinsman in government. Alas tis the case of South Africa where the white minority may this time prove to be their saviors if they have truly changed, then the black majority shouldn't throw away another decade to the likes of Zuma (a man full of impropriety). As the youths in Soweto chant the ghost of Stephen Bantu Biko is seen leading the protesters to parliament. Mandela hearing the chants looks out of his balcony and sees the ethereal figure coming towards him. Suddenly Mandela awakes in a cold sweat another weary dream another burden he must endure. Meanwhile his statue adorns London parliament square do the people of Soweto care ? As long as South Africa has mines of gold, diamonds, platinum, precious minerals and metals the black majority will remain in poverty, never free.

New UN War Engagement Rules


The Iraq war has shown those states with the veto (get out of jail card) power wield such influence in economic, military and political spheres globally. This dominant hold over the rest of the states in the world all those with the veto to subject their will (foreign policies) onto those without. We need new rules or the current rules to be updated and parts of it removed especially those relating to the veto. Unless the veto is removed and all states are respected equally within the UN with each vote having the same power as another, then unfortunately expect future conflict. Those states without veto power will be subjected to the whims of those with the veto, as sheep veto less states will be manipulated and culled by the wolves.

The Rules of Engagement

Before a sovereign state can submit its troops in a war against another sovereign state it must comply with the following conditions;
  1. States with the power of the veto is relinquished.
  2. Have 99% approval of all UN member states.
  3. Statesmen, security, intelligence and military personnel supporting war against a sovereign state, group of people within a state are ordered to satisfy certain conditions.
  4. These conditions are to engage the enemy in the front lines with their families beside them.
  5. To continue the combat until they either succeed or fail in battle without the support of the army, air force, navy and intelligence services.
  6. The result of the battle will determine the success or failure of either side.
  7. Unless a sovereign state with its war ministries act in aggression towards another sovereign state by invasion or clearly identifiable hostile attacks, the defending state can engage in retaliation for a limited period (after which it would need to provide evidence to support its continued defensive measures alongside 99% UN member state support).
  8. If statesmen are found guilty by a majority of the UN member states they will be convicted for war crimes and spend the rest of their lives in maximum security prisons.
  9. Their assets including those of family relations will be seized by the state and distributed evenly to charities.
  10. In a final act of shame those parties that played specific roles in the illegal acts of aggression, will have their names recorded in a register of evil (lesson for future warmongering, manipulative, corporate, megalomaniac, corrupt individuals). They can't avoid retribution, even if they commit suicide their families and relations will suffer, this aims to prevent potential illegal wars.

As in the Pharaoh times leaders names were removed from history as if they had never existed in order to punish them for eternity for their actions against the people. So will statesmen their names, families and relations will be removed from history so they no longer exist. Although they live in reality the cease to live in the peoples reality, all their records within the state and all their assets will be controlled by the people.

These measures albeit extreme will provide adequate measures in order to prevent future statesmen from plunging state(s) and regions into longterm generation conflicts, affecting generations mentally, physically and spiritually negatively. On a less serious note has anyone actually seen a veto ? is it a special card ? is it a special sign ? is it a special chair ? or is it just a private members club in which each state pays an annual subscription to ? any suggestions ?

Friday, 7 August 2009

Fig for Ronnie Biggs


The law is the law however as i've explained in a previous post there are those above and below the eyes of the law. We all wished in some utopia that sentences fit the crimes perpretrated by these criminals, unfortunately we don't so rapist, murderers, pedophiles and racists are released early. Some serve less than a quarter of their sentences due to good behavior or adhering to government schemes.

As for Ronnie Biggs he played a role in a crime in the early 60's during which a person died of his injuries a year or so later. Now he was caught and then escaped prison and ranaway to Brazil, Rio to be precise. Although he mocked the government and enjoyed a period of his life as a celebrity he knew the party will end. Now crippled having difficulty breathing in a prison bed flanked on both sides by prison guards, suffering from severe pneumonia and strokes it's clear he's on his last legs.

Compassion or Punishment

Civilised societies have the authority to bestow punishment and compassion in extreme cases, however. If you were bestowed with the wisdom of King Solomon do you think he'd allow Ronnie Biggs complete his sentence ? or would he have weighed the both good and bad and allowed him to be released on compassionate grounds ? We'll never know however i can't fathom why people feel he should continue to serve his sentence as he robbed money which was being sent for incineration. Meanwhile the bankers are enjoying bonuses and our soldiers are being maimed and killed in bogus wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Don't these imbeciles understand that due to the bankers illegal gambling we all and our children's children will be paying for their incompetence for generations with taxes and more stealth taxes. So before you knob jockies start ranting, raving and foaming at the mouth look at the bonuses being paid to bankers while you eat your Tesco value beans and sausages.


Until the judiciary are allowing judges to give full sentences and the government build more prisons then expect rapists, murderers and pedophiles released early. Don't worry those in affluent areas as these scumbags are always sent to deprived areas. Meanwhile propaganda machines give the gutter press naive egomaniacs to be sacrificed at the TV and Newspaper altar to divert attention from the real issues. If something in the media gets you angry then you should look within and realise its you thats at fault, these illusionist are masters of the dark arts, wake up don't be a sheep.

I feel sorry for Biggs after all that high life it caught up to him in the end. He missed out on the most crucial time of his life the latter years where he could (if he served his sentenced earlier) have enjoyed the support from his wife and son. Now withering away in prison near death not being able to walk, talk or feed himself he must realise that he made a serious mistake and exacerbated the mistake by going awol. For all those religious individuals next time you go to church on Sunday think about turning the other cheek and forgiveness. Who would you prefer in your area Ronnie Biggs, a rapist, a murderer or paedhapiles ?

Thursday, 6 August 2009

It's who you know not what you know


How many times do we have to see this unjustified and blatant abuse of the law ? Just because you come from a privileged background and your father knows a few secret handshakes doesn't necessarily mean you have a "get out of jail free" card or does it ? Countless times female criminals abroad caught with drugs, money and other despicable affairs play the media with sob stories with the aim of getting back home. In my opinion you do the crime then you do the time, why is it that when many white females do crimes abroad are either given lenient sentences or deported home ? When black females are made to spend at least a year or so in jail abroad ?

Discrepancies in Law (Literally Black and White)

Black Females Case
  • Two young British women were arrested in Jamaica on suspicion of trying to smuggle £170,000 worth of cocaine hidden in wigs on to a London-bound plane.
  • The women, aged 17 and 20 and from the Derby area, were detained on Sunday after the drugs, weighing around 2.3kg.
  • Two teenage girls from north London spent a year in prison in Ghana for attempting to smuggle 6kg of cocaine hidden in laptop bags.
  • Click here for the full story Daily Telegraph.
White Females Case
  • Two British backpackers are to plead guilty to faking a robbery in Brazil, their lawyer said last night.
  • He spoke after Shanti Andrews and Rebecca Turner, both 23, made their first appearance in a Brazilian court.
  • The law graduates, who spent almost a week in jail after being arrested, were formally charged with attempted insurance fraud.
  • Although the charge carries a maximum sentence of five years, the judge has already indicated it is unlikely they would get a custodial sentence when they next appear on August 17.
  • Their lawyer Renato Tonini said there were a number of other possible punishments.
  • He said: 'It could be a fine, it could be social service in England or social service in Brazil.'
  • Now for the pull of the heart strings propaganda below from the foreign office to the sheeple in accepting the decision ?
  • They were held in the grim Poliner prison on the outskirts of Rio where they were forced to sleep in a corridor, due to overcrowding, before being transferred to a bigger prison.
  • Click here for the full story Daily Mail.
Heed the tears of the forsaken

Daddy daddy get us out of here ! not to worry with a handshake here a phone call there and a nod or two will do. This is a clearly an abuse of justice with the new ministry of justice you can expect no justice it reminds me of something out of George Orwell 1984 novel. Crime does pay for these two so called law graduates with the politicians expenses fiasco and the bankers casino credit i'm not surprised. What do we conclude from both cases ? if you're white from a privileged background or know a few people then you are right. However as in the case above if you're black and common without influence then you get jack no foreign office public relations support or early get out of jail free card. Unfortunately its another case of if you're white you have the right and if you're black you don't come back, justice is blind, deaf and dumb.

There is only one rule and thats the law once you start bending and twisting the law where will it end, apartheid ?


In a smoke filled office somewhere in the foreign office the murmur of civil servants phoning ambassadors and foreign secretaries continues. Next door in the offices of justice the daily papers are passed around the office and a civil servant tuts and says "another knife victim, where is the justice in that" ? meanwhile he looks at the t.v screen where live coverage of the deported law graduates arrive at heathrow airport. Justice secretary standing beside the foreign secretary both look to one another break a smile and say great job done.