Buy one get one free ! it's the deal of the week as we sneak a peek, that's the usual sights and sounds of the big stores allures. You rarely see amazing offers that are really worth the brightly labeled signs they're printed on, no i'm not referring to the junk food. It's the healthy food we want to see these BOGOF offers such as fruit and vegetables. Unfortunately we only see a two day offer on items that are clearly produced in huge quantities without regards to quality, the oranges during summer is a perfect example.
More Junk Offers More Store Coffers
Health practitioners, government and the media are telling people to eat more fruit and veg, 5 day will help you everyday. Yet the so called global recession, credit crunch, blah blah blah has managed to increase the cost of fruit and vegetables. Government initiatives are useless without the plan encompassing the wider aspects, indicators and factors. While stores increase their junk food offers and limit their healthy food promotions, you'll see people voting with their pockets.
- Supermarket to have an equal amount of junk food and healthy food offers (i.e 50% extra junk = 50% extra fruit).
- Once a week large supermarket stores have special offers on fruit, vegetables and junk (each initiative given a specific day of the week, Monday vegetables, Wednesday fruit and Sunday junk).
- Provide opportunities for customers to obtain information regarding eating, cooking and types of ingredients to beware.
If you have a limited income due to circumstances beyond your control then how are you expected to eat five portions of fruit and vegetables daily ? With children the problem is exacerbated and either the parents go without or the five day becomes two or one a day. Even now the obesity issue within the U.K is spiraling out of control things look very bleak especially if you're financially weak.
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